I Plant A Field In The Last Days

Chapter 27 Seeing Father-in-Law

Moments of friends shows such a message

"Xiaoxin's house, it's not bad! My pickle dream has finally come true! Thank you husband! Oh!"

There was a sigh in his heart, Lu Yuan's heart was not good, if this Wang Deng is really from the village, then the villa of own will surely spread the storm, and then the seven aunts and eight aunts will not worry about it anymore.

"Xiaoshan, delete what you just posted in Moments!"

"Huh? Why?" Xiaoshan didn't understand.

"Um... the wealth is not revealed, you shouldn't want us to be missed!"

"Oh oh! Oh, don't you remind me soon! Almost done something wrong, I will delete it!" After that, I began to delete the circle of friends.

It’s said that good things don’t go out and bad things are spread thousands of miles away. Although buying a house is a good thing for Lu Yuan, it’s really not a good thing because it’s been remembered, especially at this moment of the end of the world. The more low-key, the safer it is. .

Early the next morning, Lu Yuan received a call from his father.

"Xiao Yuan, when did you buy the villa! Where did you get the money to buy the villa! Did you do something illegal?" Dad was a little anxious and asked a series of questions.

"Ahem, dad, listen to me explain it to you! This is the villa I built by myself with money, and it is the demolition money from our house!"

"Smelly boy, don't fool me. Daddy has been doing renovations all his life, don’t you know the house price of your place! Honestly! Did you do something bad?" Lu Yuan’s father didn’t believe it at all. It’s hard to make money these days. , Even if a villa of this size is built, it would cost more than one million yuan, not to mention the oversized open kitchen that Xiaoshan showed in the circle of friends.

"Um...I did some seafood business with my friends some time ago and made a lot of money. This is how this house came from. Dad, don't worry about it. How can your son have that ability!"

"Oh! Well, I forgive you for not being able to do it either. Alright, the people in the village recently said that the emergency water plan was released on it. Don't spend money on it, buy more water and food!"

It seems that this incident has already aroused the public's response. People who don't use mobile phones like Dad and Mom know how to tune food and water.

The end of the world is about to begin, Lu Yuan must find a way to let his family move over, otherwise, it will be bad if it is really affected, so he hurried to call his mother.

To be honest, the family finally agreed to come to Lu Yuan for the Chinese New Year, but the grandfather was still thinking about the more than a dozen sheep and chickens in the family. Grandma was very positive. The last time I saw Xiaoshan, she liked it so much, saying that she wanted to Come take a good look at the grandson-in-law.

As the Chinese New Year approached, the tickets were particularly difficult to determine. Originally, he planned to go back to pick up his family that night, but the ticket-grabbing system was temporarily paralyzed. Lu Yuan stared at his mobile phone until late and bought a high-priced ticket three days later from the scalper.

The next night, Xiaoshan came to the villa with two bags full of mineral water.

"Oh! Don't mention it, the supermarket is crowded, and you have to line up to buy water. I got 30 bottles of mineral water in an hour." When she got home, Xiaoshan put the mineral water in the kitchen. The storage room of his cupboard slumped on the sofa and complained.

"It's okay, we don't lack water, there is no need to get so much water!" Lu Yuan looked at the thirty bottles of mineral water in the kitchen and shook his head.

Two huge water tanks were built next to the basement, which were filled with water long ago, a full two hundred tons of water, enough for a family to spend a long time.

Xiaoshan said with a bit of pain: "Everyone is rushing for water now. I heard that there may be a limited supply for a while, so prepare early! You should also prepare more water here. It depends on what you do!"

After dinner, Lu Yuan brought 30 bottles of mineral water to Xiaoshan's home. She should also be storing water at home now. There is no shortage of water at her house for the time being. After finally moving, Xiaoshan sent the water back. The bus What I heard in the upper ear was about the topic of water.

"Oh! I knew I would buy some early. The water is so expensive now. The previous C'estbon cost two yuan a bottle, but now it has risen to five yuan, which is comparable to that in the scenic spot! Too cheating!"

"You're content! I just lined up in the supermarket to buy water for an hour and a half. When I arrived, there was no water and I was so angry!"

"It's okay, come back tomorrow, go to the meeting early, and I'll send you a few bottles of water later."

The two young lovers on the bus were whispering.

"Have you seen it! It's hard to find water now! After a while, you will go back to the supermarket and check if there is any water. Buy more. Our house is a big place, and more decoration will do no harm."

Lu Yuan nodded, and when he returned, he planned to see what was going on in the supermarket.

After getting out of the car, I walked for about ten minutes to Xiaoshan's house.

"Huh? It's almost nine o'clock, why haven't my parents come yet?" Xiaoshan muttered as she opened the door. Ordinarily, her parents should have been at home at this time, but there was no light at home.

"Maybe Uncle Aunt is also going to buy water! Haha, go in first and close the door." Lu Yuan secretly patted Xiaoshan's butt, causing him to roll his eyes.


There was a coughing sound suddenly behind him, Lu Yuan turned his head in fright and saw a middle-aged man alight in a black car.

Xiaoshan greeted her with a nervous face and said dissatisfied: "Dad! What are you doing in the car at night! It's scary!"

dad? It's broken, this is the father-in-law. The slap of own just now must have been seen clearly.

Sure enough, Xiaoshan's father glared at Lu Yuan with a gloomy expression, as if to warn Lu Yuan.

"My mother and I ordered two water storage buckets at the factory in the afternoon. The factory is delivering goods. I'm waiting here. Is this kid your boyfriend?" He looked at Lu Yuan fiercely.

Xiao Shan hurriedly pulled Lu Yuan over and said softly, "Dad~Don't scare people, Lu Yuan also kindly brought water! Lu Yuan, this is my dad!"

"Uncle good!" Lu Yuan lowered his head and dared not look at Xiaoshan's father. The pressure was too great. This was the first time he saw the old man, and he patted his daughter's ass in front of him without being beaten. It's all Xiaoshan's father Giving face.

The old man snorted in his nostrils and said coldly: "Go in!"

But what Lu Yuan saw clearly was that he would wait to turn around and settle accounts with you, and dare to bully my daughter!

Lu Yuan had been here before, but they all came in secretly when Xiaoshan's parents were away. This time he was "invited" by the fair and honest.

When he arrived in the living room, Lu Yuan sat straight and waited to be told, Xiaoshan's father glanced at the door secretly, and then pulled out half of China from behind the sofa.

Boy, hide so mysterious? Lu Yuan wanted to laugh a little, but he abruptly held back.

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