The entire venue seemed to be enthusiastic, and it seemed that many people had not noticed that the military and police units had begun to take action.

I saw that Lu Yuan stretched out his hand and pressed it down. After a long time, the venue finally calmed down.

Then everyone in Lu Yuanzhong said, "Then vote for election, from now on."

A total of one thousand and one people at the scene were able to vote.

The people who have the right to vote are basically people who have held official positions in and outside the dimensional space.

Then everyone applauded one after another, and voting machines were distributed to everyone's hands.

The voting device was specially customized for this land division in the dimensional space. There were a total of one thousand and one, and Lu Yuan also had one in his hand.

After all the voting devices were distributed, Lu Yuan asked everyone to debug, and then said to everyone: "The voting begins, please choose the regional administrator who can lead you to a better life!"

As soon as Lu Yuan's words fell, everyone on the scene turned their eyes to the big screen behind him.

There are a total of fifteen people on the big screen. Everyone has a number bar behind them. Every time someone presses a voting button, the number bar behind them will increase accordingly.

With the passage of time, many people are still waiting and watching, but some people can’t wait to elect a regional manager who can lead them to a better life in their hearts.

There was a trace of excitement on Jin Shu's face, his eyes fixed on the number bar behind his name on the big screen.

Soon Jin Shu's votes fell behind a person named Ye Hua. He had heard of Ye Hua. It is said that he was solely responsible for the construction of new cities in the dimension space before.

He has also investigated this person a lot. It is said that Ye Hua has some connections with Lu Yuan. Lu Yuan had some conflicts with him before, but after the conflict was resolved, Ye Hua joined Lu Yuan. In his camp, he became the chief urban planning officer under him.

Seeing Ye Hua's votes surpass him little by little, the smile on Jin Shu's face gradually solidified.

He took out the calculator in his hand and calculated the total number of votes above. Now more than 500 people have voted, and the gap between the number of votes between himself and Ye Hua is getting bigger and bigger. The vote has now fallen to fifty votes.

Jin Shu's face suddenly showed a dignified expression. He simply calculated the number of votes he could stably obtain, and then looked at the number of votes he had obtained. Basically, as long as it was someone standing on his side, it would be early. The voting button has already been pressed.

The rest are other people, so his chances are not very high, after all, there are more than 400 people who have not voted.

Jin Shu's face was full of gloom at the moment. He could not help launching his own riots, but he gritted his teeth and stopped the idea of ​​owning. After all, when the vote was not to the last step, no one would die.

At this moment, many electors have begun canvassing for themselves, but the effect does not seem to be very obvious.

Ye Hua sat in the distance and looked at the big screen blankly. There was no fluctuation in his heart, because he was able to become the voter this time, completely arranged by Lu Yuan.

In fact, Lu Yuan intended to let other people in his core to vote, but then he gave up this idea, because the people in his core want to vote, if the number of votes is lower than Jin Shu, then it is very likely that there will be a scene. There was a commotion.

After all, everyone at the core level knows it, especially if someone like Zhou Tong Shenhu is asked to run for the election, then the number of votes will definitely overwhelm Jin Shu, which may cause Jin Shu to riot in advance. .

Therefore, Lu Yuan specifically found a well-known but not very popular Ye Hua to serve in this voting. In this way, he can match the other party in the number of votes, and he can also control it well. .Jin Shu sat under the stage and gritted his teeth, the buttons in his hand were almost crushed by himself.

Then he turned his head and looked around, then whispered to the assistant in his ear, "Are you ready for the second plan?"

The assistant looked around, and then whispered in his ear: "Mr. Jin Shu, we are all ready. Once the voting result is not the same as we imagined, then we will instantly surround this place! "

When Jin Shu gently nodded and looked at the big screen again, he found that the number of own votes began to slowly increase.

A look of excitement suddenly appeared on his face. He didn't know why this happened, but the increase in the number of votes gave him great confidence.

"Great, it seems that someone still supports me, it should be because our publicity was in place before!"

A hint of joy finally appeared on Jin Shu's face, and the assistant beside him nodded slightly.

Seeing that the gap between own votes and Ye Hua began to narrow, Jin Shu's expression changed from solemn to relaxed, and now there was a hint of joy.

"Ten votes, there are still ten votes left, come again, go on!"

At this moment, Jin Shu kept staring at the big screen like a gambler, and the number behind his name slowly increased. Although Ye Hua's votes were still increasing, it was much worse than his own increase.

Soon, the gap of ten votes has been reduced to two votes.

At this moment, there are less than a hundred people who have not voted.

Jin Shu clenched his teeth and waved his own fist desperately, shouting to the front: "Choose me! Choose me!"

Lu Yuan, who was sitting on the stage, seemed to hear the other party's words, his mouth raised a sneer, and then he whispered to Wang Mingming beside him: "How is the situation outside?"

"The selected area has already been arranged, and it is estimated that they are already ready to enter that piece of land!"

"Well, that's good. Give them a little more pressure and let people give Ye Hua a few more votes!"

Wang Mingming nodded, then secretly stretched his hand under the table, then edited a text message and sent it out.

As for the people sitting in the audience, many people bowed their heads and received the message, then took a look in Jin Shu's direction, and secretly pressed the own voting button.

Just when the votes of Jin Shu and Ye Hua were equal, a few people suddenly pressed the voting period, and there was a commotion on the scene.

I originally thought that I was about to become the regional manager elected this time.

Ye Hua suddenly added ten more votes. Suddenly, Jin Shu's face changed from ecstasy to panic, and then was mixed with anger.

He was surprised, and said to his assistant ferociously: "Get ready for me, and do it for me as soon as the last vote comes out!"

The assistant nodded and secretly sent a text message with the phone.

Soon people in the tent outside began to rush, and they looked hurriedly, with a watchful look in their eyes.

Although they didn't see anyone watching nearby, there were still people staring here.

After all, most of the military and police forces are now involved in this election, but there are still a small number of people in the vicinity to maintain law and order.

However, what they didn't know was that someone was secretly adding these people to the list.

Jin Shu sat down on the Own chair with a frustrated expression, because he still had the last ten votes at the scene, he already felt Own had failed.

And the gap between himself and Ye Hua is only nine votes, this is the key to determining the outcome.

Only when he gets the last ten votes can he be successfully elected as the regional manager of this core land.

Lu Yuan raised a smile at the corner of his mouth, then nodded at Wang Mingming.

The other party immediately sent a message, and then the last ten people left pressed the voting machine in their hands.

Jin Shudu, who had thought he was hopeless, was already ready to leave the venue and start taking action.

But suddenly there was a burst of excited cheers on the scene.

Then he heard someone calling own's name, and Jin Shu looked at the big screen in disbelief.

I saw the number of own votes is still slowly increasing.

320 votes, 323 votes, 325 votes, 330 votes.

When the number of votes was fixed at 330 votes, Jin Shu's face suddenly changed from loss to ecstasy.

He couldn't believe his own eyes, rubbing his own eyes vigorously, he looked at the big screen again.

330 votes, one vote is not less, and he has one more vote than Ye Hua.

And because of this difference in votes, he became the owner of the core land this time.

He stood on the chair excitedly, shouting desperately at the crowd.

The people at the scene were also encouraged by him and began to call his name.

It seemed that this man named Jin Shu caught fire in Lu Yuan's camp overnight.

Lu Yuan was sitting on the stage with a fierce look in his eyes.

"Hmph, I didn't expect that it was really you. Bring me this person's information. I want to see who this Jin Shu is!"

Wang Mingming nodded immediately, picked up the tablet and pressed the search button.

Soon all Jin Shu's files were transferred, and Lu Yuan took the tablet and looked at it a little.

Only then can I understand why the other party can become the organizer this time.

It turns out that this person's background is not simple. Although he has always been mediocre in the dimensional space, he is the leading person involved in this satellite launch and the number one person under Xiao Pinghai's hands.Moreover, his academic qualifications are very high, especially after getting a master's degree at Harvard, he studied in Beacon for more than ten years, and returning to China again gave him a lot of points.

After all, being able to return to China with a variety of high-tech products shows that this person still has a little patriotism, but this is definitely a wolf in sheep’s clothing. He is not helping China, but for Able to steal data from China.

"This person hides so deeply, it seems that he must be in touch with the people from Lighthouse Nation!"

Wang Mingming nodded today and asked in a low voice, "Look, what do we do next? Just catch all these people?"

Lu Yuan shook his head: "Don't move, draw out all the forces behind him, especially if I want to see if the person behind him is from the lighthouse country!

And then take them down in one fell swoop, I want to see what these people do, is it just for our land? "

Then, Lu Yuan sorted out his own clothes, stood up, and said to everyone: "Okay, the voting time is over here. There were a total of 1,001 votes on the scene. All of them have been voted out. I didn't expect that we would have voted out this time. Dark horse, congratulations, Jin Shu!"

Jin Shu stood up with a smile on his face and walked to Lu Yuan's, stretched out his hand and shook hands with him.

"It's everyone's support, and I would like to thank Mr. Lu for his great help! I want to bring the watch and people thank you!"

Lu Yuan calmly said, "Sorry, you can't represent the people, and you don't have to thank me. You deserve it. Okay, I hope you will manage the land after you get it!"

Jin Shu was patronizing and happy now, and he didn't see the cold light flashing in Lu Yuan's eyes, so he thought that Lu Yuan was just an encouragement to the winners.

So he nodded, took the golden certificate and waved at the people in the audience before returning to his seat.

In the evening, Jin Shu began to relocate with everyone. Now that the entire camp has been assigned to the sphere of influence, all the producers except the industrial zone have begun to relocate to their respective life locations in the future.

He started his new life, and now Lu Yuan finally completed his own task, which was to release the rights in his hands.

Seeing how busy the entire camp was, Lu Yuan couldn't help but sigh with emotion: "Oh, it's finally done, I have a big problem, the next step is to kill this group of people, right, what's the situation with Jin Shu? Didn't find any changes?"

"They are patronizing the move now, and they haven't noticed anything yet!"

"Okay, stare at them to death for me, and, remember, don't let him worry about the people next to us, we must watch them well, and report it in time if there is any change!"

Wang Mingming nodded immediately, turned and left Lu Yuan's office.

Lu Yuan stood at the door quietly looking at the busy crowd, with a relaxed look in his eyes, looking at the wider and wider gap in the sky.

"The super storm is finally coming!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Lu Yuan felt a hint of coldness in the nearby air, and it seemed that the corner where the storm had arrived was approaching them.

So Lu Yuan tidyed up his clothes and returned to own office.

That night, the entire camp was in a mess. Because there were so many things to move, the entire moving process took two days.

When all the people moved out, Lu Yuan was finally relieved, ready to devote himself to dealing with this food.

Now, in the core area where Lu Yuan is located, apart from the location where Jinshu is located, there is only the own industrial zone.

Now the population of the entire core city area has been reduced by 80%.

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