For a while, there was chaos in the entire camp.

And Jin Shu finally realized in the panic that the situation was not as simple as he had thought before.

"Damn, why did he discover our secrets in advance? Who told them?"

Several assistants looked at each other, and no one knew who had leaked the secret.

After all, this matter seemed to be executed very secretly in their understanding, and basically they were looking for the most basic-level personnel. As for the middle-level and top-level bigwigs, they did not provoke it.

After a while, Jin Shu suddenly reacted, and he immediately thought of someone who might leak the secret.

"No, right? I remember. The person who disclosed the news to us before was Liu Qian, and it seemed that she was the one who had the most contact with Zhou Quan, damn it! It must be her!"

Jin Shu immediately stretched his brows, with a crazy smile in his eyes: "Lu Yuan, don't you want to kill me? Humph, then I will see if it is you or me."

After speaking, he immediately rushed to the assistant and said, "Where is Liu Qian's son? Take me there now."

After listening, the assistant quickly nodded and took Jin Shu towards the place where Liu Qian's son was imprisoned.

After arriving at the place, before opening the door, Jin Shu smelled a strong smell of blood.

Jin Shu immediately realized that something was wrong, he quickly grabbed the flashlight in his left hand, shone it in the direction of the room, and kicked the door open.

The moment the door kicked open, there were a few corpses on the floor in the room, and the blood had already dried up.

A stinking smell came from the room, and people couldn't help but take a few steps to retreated.

"Where are the people? Children?"

Everyone shook their heads, Jin Shu was furious at the moment.

When I came to the room, I covered my nose and stepped on the sticky blood. After looking around for a while, I didn't find anything.

He squatted down and checked the deceased's situation, and saw that these were fatal injuries from the outside, basically there was only one place, either the neck or the heart.

Then he checked for traces of fighting nearby. Unfortunately, there were no traces of fighting at all. Obviously these guards were killed when they didn't react.

"Why? Why? I feel like I'm being played around like a fool? Why is Lu Yuan able to understand every step of my plan so clearly? There must be a rape within us, there must be a rape!"

After Jin Shu wrote, he roared hysterically, and suddenly he turned his head to look at several assistants.

The assistants immediately realized that there was something wrong with the situation, and waved their hands desperately to remove their own suspicions.

"Mr. Jin Shu, it's not us, we haven't leaked secrets!"

"Yeah, how could it be ours? We have been following you for so long and we are absolutely loyal!"

"Mr. Jin Shu, you have misunderstood it, it must be Liu Qian, it must be the woman Liu Qian who betrayed us!"A cold light flashed in Jin Shu's eyes: "Give you a chance to catch Liu Qian back to me. I want to kill her in front of everyone. I want her to know and betray me!"

By now, Jin Shu also knew that he was powerless, he could only pray to seize Lu Yuan's weakness.

Suddenly a dangerous thought flashed in his mind, and then he found the assistant he was closest to and called the other person over.

"How long have you been with me?"

A nervous look flashed across the assistant's face, and he tremblingly said, "I have been following you for three years and seven months!"

"Okay, you have been following me for three years, and you should be considered a person who knows the bottom line. Now I let you do something for me!"

The assistant felt that the other party must make himself do something very dangerous, but he didn't dare to resist. He knew Jin Shu's ability, and he couldn't produce any sense of resistance in his heart.

He nodded and looked at Jin Shu quietly, only to see Jin Shu take out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket.

He knew that Jin Shu didn't smoke at all and didn't have the habit of smoking, but the situation at the moment has exceeded everyone's expectations. He is now trying to smoke to ease his mood.

"Now you go and call everyone who has ammunition and weapons!"

After the assistant heard his order, he was relieved immediately. He thought that Jin Shu was going to do something dangerous for himself, but he didn't expect that the other party just gave this simple order, so he nodded immediately.

"Okay, Mr. Jin Shu, I will go over now!"

Although the assistant turned and left, while Jin Shu stood in front of the window and looked into the distance, not only the bullet light in the sky passed.

"If I die, everyone will be buried with me, Lu Yuan, I will see if it is you or me!"

At this moment, Lu Yuan was waiting quietly in own temporary office.

There are constant news coming, basically it is good news. Every time someone tries to break through the barrier, they are caught back. Now they have slowly closed the formation and forced these people to the most core location.

Lu Yuan planned to separate all these people, and then settle with them bit by bit.

"Brother Lu, the crowd advanced a few hundred meters, and now as many as 300,000 people have been captured!"

While talking, Wang Mingming handed over the report in his hand. Lu Yuan accepted the report and nodded slightly.

"Be optimistic about these people, don't let them mess up!"

Wang Mingming nodded, as if there was still something to report, but now after seeing Lu Yuan's expression, he faintly felt that the matter seemed to be under pressure.

But when he walked to the gate, in the end he still didn't hold back.

"Brother Lu, the letter sent by Luo Xuan just now says that he wants to see you, do you want to see him?"

Lu Yuan did not directly answer the other party's question, but instead asked, "Do you know why Luo Xuan is looking for me?"

After thinking about it for a while, Wang Mingming guessed: "It is estimated that it is for these people to intercede, after all, we are going to kill more than one million people!"

Lu Yuan nodded softly: "Yes, although Luo Xuan has experienced the last days for so many years, his heart is still a little soft.

But I am different. I have witnessed how these people betrayed me, so I can't swallow this breath. These people have to pay the price! "

Wang Mingming sighed, "Brother Lu, are we really going to kill all these people?"

"Killing this one million people is very simple, but if I kill it, it will be the sinners of the whole China. Of course I cannot kill them. I just want them to understand my determination. I Those who want to kill are the rebels at the core level. I will not let any of these people go!"

After hearing what Lu Yuan said, Wang Mingming was relieved. He originally thought that Lu Yuan really wanted to be a sinner in this history.

But after hearing what he said, he understood what Lu Yuan meant. In fact, he also hated these insurgents very much.

As time went by, the battle in the distance continued.

When the gunfire stopped, Wang Mingming returned again, but Zhou Tong and Shen Hu were also with him this time.

"Brother Lu, everything has been done! Now only the most concentrated part of the core area is left, but they are already surrounded by us!"

"Why didn't all these people be taken down?"

Wang Mingming opened his mouth to say something, but didn't know how to say it.

Shen Hu on the side had nothing to worry about. He directly said, "Asshole Jin Shu, they kidnapped all the owners and said they would die with us. If we go in again, they claim to kill all these people. Lose!"

Zhou Tong also nodded again and again: "Yes, they kidnapped nearly 100,000 people. If all of these people are killed by them, we will be the one who will bear the blame at that time. This Jin Shu is a complete lunatic!"

Lu Yuan's brows frowned slightly, he obviously didn't expect that Jin Shu would even hold his own as a shield.

He just wanted to try whether he was cruel and dragged himself into the water.

But Lu Yuan stood up in the next second: "Go, I want to talk to Jin Shu face to face, I want to see if he dares to kill these people in front of me!"

After speaking, Lu Yuan immediately led a few people towards the distance.

When I arrived at the core area, I saw that it was surrounded by groups of military and police forces.

Tanks and armored vehicles surround this area. Once the people inside intend to rush out, then the tanks and armored vehicles will absolutely ruthlessly crush these people to death.

Before he approached, Lu Yuan could hear the clamor from inside.

Lu Yuan pushed aside the crowd and walked inside, Shen Hu and Zhou Tong with nervous expressions on their faces, for fear that they would be shot by these people inside Lu Yuandao.

However, Lu Yuan didn't care at all at the time. There were tens of thousands of people from the military and police forces nearby, and they aimed their guns at the people inside with anger in their eyes.

If the people inside dared to shoot, they would definitely shoot and kill these people without hesitation.

When he reached the innermost point, Lu Yuan saw a person behind the opposite crowd yelling constantly with a loudspeaker.

"Don't get close anymore. If you get closer, we will kill these people. Now let Lu Yuan come over and talk to me. I want to see Lu Yuan!"

Lu Yuan turned his head and asked, "Is the person speaking Jin Shu?"

Shen Hu immediately nodded: "Yes, this is the grandson. This guy is as slippery as a loach. He hides in here and dare not come out. Our sniper is already ready, just wait for the moment he shows up!""Don't kill him, I will catch him alive!"

Shen Hu immediately nodded and spoke to the team members beside him, and they immediately conveyed the order.

Lu Yuan took the big loudspeaker from the soldier captain who was talking to the insider.

"I heard that I am Lu Yuan, don't you want to see me? Come out and meet if you have the ability!"

Hearing Lu Yuan's words, Jin Shu, who was clamoring, suddenly stopped his own voice.

He quickly took out the telescope and glanced in the direction of Lu Yuan.

Sure enough, Lu Yuan stood directly in front of the crowd, holding a trumpet in his hand and looking angrily in Own's direction.

"I won't go there, there is something for you to come over!"

"Counsel! I will give you ten seconds now, and you will come out immediately. Don't worry, I promise not to let people kill you!"

Jin Shu is not a fool, he just relies on these people to escape this predicament, how can he easily get out.

"The beauty you think about, I won't go out at all, you have to die!"

"Then what are you calling me to do? Do you want me to see you shivering in here hiding behind the crowd?"

Jin Shu's eyes were flushed with irritation. He took the trumpet and shouted desperately: "No, I'm not a coward, you don't talk nonsense here! I just want to tell you how embarrassed a person like you is. How about being a leader in this place?"

"Haha, do you? You think I don't have the ability to be a leader, do you think you have this ability?"

"Of course I have. Once I take over this place, I will give people enough freedom and let them live a free life. It's not like you exploit the people at the bottom of us every day, except that work is work. We are like machines. , We want to be free!"

Lu Yuan sneered: "Freedom? Huh, life is gone, but freedom, I bah, do you know what you are doing now? Daddy gave you something to eat and gave you something to drink, but you were holding something from daddy Are you here to make my antipathy?

Oh, you really have the face to say it, what would you eat without me? What to drink? Do you really treat yourself as if Life is before the end of the world?

Now the super storm is coming soon, and one by one is shamelessly messing up in it for me! Now I order you to come out with me immediately, otherwise I will let the sniper kill you right away! "

"Dare you, if you dare to shoot, these people will be buried with me!"

After speaking, Jin Shu immediately said to the people next to him: "Listen to my order, as long as they dare to shoot, immediately kill all the people in front of them! We can't blame us for this thing, Lu Yuan forced us!"

A cold light flashed in Lu Yuan’s eyes. He turned his head and said to Wang Mingming, who was on the side: "You immediately call me Xiao Pinghai and let him restore the communication to me. I want to broadcast on all channels in the entire camp. !"

Wang Mingming didn't know what Lu Yuan was going to do, but he took Lu Yuan's order to find Xiao Pinghai.

But just as he was about to leave, he heard a voice coming from behind.

"Mr. Lu, I am here, I have been waiting for you!"

After speaking, Xiao Pinghai squeezed into the crowd, coming to Lu Yuan with a trace of apology on his face.

"Mr. Lu, I'm sorry, it's the person I confessed to. He found such a white-eyed wolf to work under my hand and caused such a big mess. I am guilty of this!"

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