Along the way, Lu Yuan was like playing a game, driving the car to avoid various obstacles.

Fortunately, they went downwind when they went back, and the speed of the car increased without any problems.

After finally arriving at his hometown, Lu Yuan suddenly felt nervous as he looked at the stagnant water on the ground.

"Damn it, how long has passed since there is already so much water on the ground! It seems that we have to finish the remaining work as soon as possible!"

Xiaoshan looked at the ground that had become a small river, and she was also a little worried.

"Lu Yuan, let me do it with you!"

Lu Yuan shook his head, and stretched out his hand to squeeze Xiaoshan's cheek.

"You hurry back to see the baby! Although there is Aunt Liu in the house to help us look after the baby, but the baby hasn't seen us for so long, he should be crying! You go back quickly! I'll go back when I'm done!"

Xiaoshan looked at Lu Yuan for a long time before finally nodding, "Hmm! Be careful! Be careful!"

"Hmm! Don't worry! I know what to do!"

So Xiaoshan returned home and closed the door.

Lu Yuan looked at the swirling rain continuously pouring on his own house, feeling helpless.

"Damn it! It seems that this can only be done as soon as possible! Otherwise, it will be even more troublesome then!"

After speaking, Lu Yuan found a rope and fixed his body to the car.

Then stared at the wind and walked towards the distance step by step.

Like being pushed by someone, Lu Yuan had to pay a great price for every step he took.

The rain hit his face and it hurt. Although Lu Yuan was wearing a protective mask, he still couldn't see the ground far away because of the rain.

He could only wipe off the water on the mask while continuing to move forward, every step as if he was stepping in a puddle.

Lu Yuan gasped slightly, then found a spot, and then directly moved the concrete in the dimensional space outside.


The rain poured into the concrete, causing the cement in the concrete to continuously lose.

Lu Yuan suddenly felt worried when he saw this scene.

"Damn it, if all the cement in the concrete is washed away, then the concrete will lose its effect! No! It must be done like a solution!"

Thinking of this, Lu Yuan looked around.

Then he lowered his head and saw the water in the puddle on the ground constantly flowing in one direction, and suddenly he had an idea in his mind.

"By the way! If I pour the concrete from a distance now, even if the cement in it is washed away, it will all pile up behind the house!"

Then Lu Yuan hurriedly tried it, and as expected, placing the concrete in a place far away from the house, the effect was much better than the previous effect of directly adhering to the house.

As a result, Lu Yuan began to pour concrete in large quantities.

Since Lu Yuan's irrigation method is different from that of a tanker truck, he can completely control the irrigation speed of these concretes.

It is even possible to put all these concretes in at once.

However, if you put it in at once, there will definitely be a lot of empty drums in it, and Lu Yuan needs a little watering.

In this way, Lu Yuan poured the concrete little by little.

The strong wind blows the concrete and keeps moving in the direction of the house.But fortunately, the height of the house is not bad, and there are a lot of concrete columns blocking the path of the concrete.

So soon a small hill appeared in front of Lu Yuan.

"Haha! Great! It's finally done! The next step is to wait for the concrete to dry up! But the rain is too big! It must be covered!"

Then Lu Yuan immediately thought of the huge dome guards floating in the sky.

"If I cover these protective plates directly on the hillside, there should be no problem! In order to prevent these protective plates from being blown away by the wind, I can directly use some huge stones to hold down these protective plates!"

Therefore, Lu Yuan hurriedly found some previously unqualified protective panels from the Dimensional Space, and then directly covered them on top of the concrete, and then covered them with a layer of concrete.

In this way, no matter how heavy the rain is, it will only wash away the concrete above, and will not wash away the concrete under the guard plate.

Then, Lu Yuan found a lot of big rocks from the dimensional space, and then covered these big rocks on the guard plates.

Lu Yuan, who had finished all this, only felt that all his strength had been taken away.

But fortunately, these guards play a good role, and with the boulders and concrete on it, they will no longer be blown away by the wind.

Since the concrete used by Lu Yuan is high-grade quick-setting concrete, it only takes a few hours for it to solidify.

But since it is a stormy day, the freezing time may be a little longer, but it can also withstand part of the time.

But Lu Yuan still didn't dare to leave. After all, these things hadn't solidified yet, so he had to wait until they solidified completely before he could feel relieved.

Therefore, Lu Yuan first returned to the house.

When he saw Lu Yuan coming back, Lu Yuan immediately handed the Qiqi in his arms to Aunt Liu, and then stepped forward to save it.

"You've worked hard!"

Lu Yuan smiled slightly, and then gently pushed Xiaoshan away: "I'm already soaked! I'm getting you wet again!"

Xiaoshan shook her head: "It's okay! I'll be changing clothes in a while! How's going on outside?"

"Fortunately! It is done! The next step is to wait for the concrete to dry up!"

"Yeah! Then you go back and take a shower! I have already prepared the bath water for you! On this kind of day, you should change your clothes quickly! Beware of colds!"

Lu Yuan bends his arm indifferently: "Haha! How can I catch a cold when I am so strong! It's okay! I'll go out soon!"

Xiaoshan insisted on letting Lu Yuan take a bath and then changed clothes.

Lu Yuan had no choice but to follow her orders and went to the bathroom. Lu Yuan took a hot bath in the hot water.

Then he stood in front of the mirror and looked at own body.

After so many years of apocalypse, Lu Yuan's body has been forced to pretend not to look good.

Although I haven't deliberately been to training, but if this body participates in a bodybuilding competition, it is estimated that it can also get a good ranking.

Lu Yuan wiped his hair while blowing a whistle.

Suddenly a cold wind blew over, and Lu Yuan couldn't help but sneezed.

"I'm going! It's been a long time since I sneezed!"

Lu Yuan suddenly felt a little bit cold all over his body, thinking it was because the door was not closed properly.

So after closing the door, Lu Yuan wiped off the water on his body, and then put on comfortable clothes.

But on the way, Lu Yuan sneezed a few more times.

"What's the situation? My body doesn't feel right today!"

Lu Yuan rubbed his nose, feeling a little weird.

But it's good to be cautious, if you really catch a cold, it will be troublesome.

So Lu Yuan took out a golden fruit and ate it.

Lu Yuan doesn't like taking medicine, because medicines contain many side effects. Lu Yuan, who is used to eating fruits, basically doesn't take medicine anymore.

After all, the ability of golden fruit is very strong.

After eating the golden fruit, Lu Yuan felt that his whole body regained his strength, and the hunger in his stomach disappeared.

But Xiaoshan still boiled a bowl of chicken soup and brought it to Lu Yuan.

"Just got caught in the rain, hurry up and warm yourself up with some chicken soup!"

Lu Yuan took the hot chicken soup and blew it slightly, then took a sip.

The taste of the chicken soup is very pure, and the taste is also very good, Xiaoshan's recent craftsmanship is very good.

"Yeah! It's delicious!"

"It's good! If you want to drink in the future, I will make it for you every day!"

"Forget it! I just said it casually! Let Aunt Liu do what you want to eat in the future!"

Aunt Liu couldn't help showing a smile while holding Qiqi and looking at the happy two.

"Mr. Lu, Miss Wei, if you want to eat something, just tell me directly!"

"Haha! Aunt Liu, I was just kidding!"

After that, Lu Yuan came to Aunt Liu and gently hugged Qiqi in his arms.

"Oh! My dear girl! I haven't seen you in the past few days, and it's a lot heavier!"

Then, Lu Yuan scratched Qiqi's itching, and the amused little girl kept giggling.

Then when Lu Yuan was about to pick Qiqi up and go around in circles, his nose suddenly itch.


Another sneeze came out, but fortunately, Lu Yuan was still far away from Qiqi when he sneezed.

It was the sneeze that shocked Qiqi first, and then began to giggle again.

Xiaoshan came over and looked at Lu Yuan lightly and asked, "You just sneezed a few times! Let me say, you should take a good rest in a while! I'll call you when the time is up! "

Lu Yuan waved his hand: "It's okay! I'm in good health! Don't worry! I ate golden fruit just now!"

"Okay, it's not a big mistake to be careful, go and rest! I'll look at the child!"

Lu Yuan had no choice but to hand Qiqi to Xiaoshan, and then returned to the room to lie down.

When he lay down, Lu Yuan was still thinking about how to manage his own small house in the future.

Thinking about it, Lu Yuan fell asleep in a daze.

What Lu Yuan didn't know was that his body started to get hot and the sweat on his face kept falling.

The pillow was wet.

Xiaoshan was playing outside with Qiqi, when suddenly the phone alarm clock remembered.

So she hurriedly handed Qiqi to Aunt Liu, and then came to the room.

Just when she opened the door, she suddenly heard Lu Yuan talking in sleep.

"No! No!"

Xiaoshan was also a little surprised when she heard Lu Yuan's dream talk.

Because the time that I have been with Lu Yuan is not short, the other party rarely dreams.And let alone talking in sleep, but now Lu Yuan is talking in sleep.

At this moment, Lu Yuan was already in deep sleep.

Just like the plot in Inception, his sleep has entered the unknown dream state.

And where he is now is in a jungle, the jungle is very luxuriant, and the vegetation nearby is also very tall, basically all scenes he hasn't seen before.

He was chased by giant beasts just now, and these giant beasts reminded him of prehistoric dinosaurs.

That's right, it's the dinosaurs. These dinosaurs are very huge, each with a height of about five meters.

Although he was wearing heavy armor, when facing these giant beasts, he didn't even know if he could withstand one of their attacks.

Hiding in a lush forest, Lu Yuan was finally able to breathe.

He cursed secretly.

"What's the situation? Was it a dream before? Didn't I just fend off a super storm, why have I come to this place now? Is it possible that the things before are all my dreams?"

But Lu Yuan felt a little weird when he thought of this.

"No! No one would make dreams so long! If there were such long dreams! I would have starved to death long ago!"

Lu Yuan laughed mockingly, and then looked around to make sure that there was no one behemoth tracking him, and he was immediately relieved.

"It's time to go home soon!"

After speaking, Lu Yuan took the long knife from his waist and walked in the direction he came with helplessly.

Lu Yuan suddenly felt a bit strange when he arrived at a thatched cottage.

"Huh? Why does this place feel a bit strange? But from the inside, it seems to be very familiar with it!"

At this time, the door of the thatched house opened, and a person walked out of it.

This is a woman. The woman is tall, about 1.75 meters tall, and the other person's skin is wheat-colored, and she looks very healthy.

The woman is very delicate, although the clothes on her body look tattered, just some simple animal skins, but a cosplay feeling spread by the other party.

"What are you doing in a daze! Come back quickly! I was scared to death! I thought you were gone!"

The woman stepped forward and pulled Lu Yuan's arm up, but she couldn't help laughing at Lu Yuan's face of loss.

"Hey hey hey! Lu Yuan, what do you think! You won't be scared by the dinosaurs!"

Lu Yuan was stunned when he heard the woman's words.

"Dinosaur? Is it really a dinosaur?"

"Yeah! You won't be stupid with your head! You won't remember that this is the fifth year of the resurrection of the dinosaurs, right!"

Lu Yuan was stunned.

"The fifth year of the resurrection of dinosaurs? Can this thing be resurrected? And who are you?"

The other party covered his mouth and smiled: "You bad guy! You don't even know me? You wouldn't pretend to me on purpose? I'm Qiaoya!"

"Qiaoya? I...Do I know you?"

"Slap" slapped.

Qiao Ya reached out and put her hand on the back of her hand.

"Does it hurt?"

Lu Yuan was stunned for a moment, it was indeed painful.

"Could it be... Did I cross again?"

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