The atmosphere at the scene became tense for a while, but Chen Zhong was not worried about the opponent's hands.

Although he knew that Guo Jialiang had an army of 800,000, he knew exactly how much water his 800,000 army contained.

After all, the daily consumption of an 800,000 army, food, drink, and various expenses is a very staggering figure. Even in such a wealthy location at their core, they dare not recruit so many troops at once. .

After all, it is very difficult to feed the army. They have to conduct training on weekdays and the problems of accommodation need to be solved.

If you come and go, even if it is an 800,000 army before the end of the world, the daily food supply and various expenses like this are a headache.

However, Guo Jialiang recruited 800,000 troops in one go. Of course, Chen Zhongzheng knew what the other party did for what.

Because they have a large number of people in these fortresses, if you want to manage all of these people, an army of 800,000 is actually normal.

However, what everyone did not expect was that the on-site food collection activities were carried out relatively hotly, and it soon became that Guo Jialiang raised nearly 50,000 tons of food.

Guo Jialiang looked at the food stamp receipt in his hand, and a look of shock suddenly appeared on his face.

He obviously didn't expect the other camps to be so wealthy, and the high-level personnel alone could get 50,000 tons of food, which just made him feel a little unbelievable.

"Guo Jialiang, do you have anything else to say? Now that I have raised 50,000 tons of food for you, this should be enough for you to consume for a while."

A look of dissatisfaction appeared on Chen Zhongzheng's face. Guo Jialiang's previous behavior was already very unsatisfactory.

But after all, it was in the meeting. Guo Jialiang didn't wanting face. The main points he returned. After all, as the leader of the entire region, everyone was watching their attitude.

Therefore, Chen Zhongzheng cannot directly deal with the other party in public, otherwise it will chill the hearts of other camps.

Guo Jialiang just nodded slightly, indeed he had begun to ponder continuously in his heart.

"These people are so rich one by one, if they can snatch their camp, then it will definitely be a very big benefit for us!"

Then, Guo Jialiang had a plan in his mind, but the plan is not very complete now, he must polish the plan little by little, and then take it out to implement it.

After waiting for a few hours, the team of experts who went outside for exploration finally came back.

All of them looked like chickens. Although they were wearing heavy raincoats, they still couldn't escape the rain of this super storm.

These raindrops do not fall directly from above, but fly sideways. Even if your raincoat is very tight, these huge winds can tear open a hole in your raincoat and pour a lot of rain on your body.

"How things had been?"

The headed person touched the sweat and rain on his face, and then passed a crumpled piece of paper in his hand.

"The investigation is over! The most important place in the alluvial plain is here. As long as this is blasted open, we will be able to drain all the water here!"After listening to Chen Zhongzheng, a hint of joy suddenly appeared on his face: "Great, can this matter be confirmed?"

"It has been confirmed. Several of our expert groups went to the site to conduct a field visit. Here is the data sheet for exploration!"

The other party once again took out a stack of data sheets from his pocket and handed them to Chen Zhongzheng.

Chen Zhongzheng was a person who was specially responsible for geology.

After the other party glanced at it, he nodded at Chen Zhongzheng, indicating that these investigations were okay.

"Well, if that's the case, then this matter is left to you! Blast the flood plain as soon as possible! Drain the water!"

Chen Zhongzheng had just finished speaking, only to discover how the head of the expert group had a solemn expression on his face.

"Huh? What's wrong? Anything else to say?"

The other party pondered for a long time. After looking at the people at the scene, Chen Zhongzheng immediately realized that he must have other more important things to tell himself.

So he became a person on the scene and said: "Everyone, I will solve a little personal problem. Don't panic, I will be there soon!"

Speaking of Chen Zhongzheng leading the person to the small room next door, the people on the scene immediately began to whisper.

"What did the investigator just say? Why did he just leave without telling us the question of time?"

"Yeah, isn't it possible that this time the problem is not easy to solve? If this is the case, then what should we do in the future?"

"No, the expression on his face seems a bit wrong. Is it possible that I can't finish the task this time?"

Everyone began to speculate one after another, and the more things passed on, the more serious things became.

Even some people in the crowd have begun to say that the fortress can't be defended, and they must immediately move to the side.

Suddenly the atmosphere in the entire conference room became more depressing.

Chen Zhongzheng took the other party to a small room, before closing the door, nodded to the assistant, and signaled the other party not to guard outside or let anyone in.

Then, he pointed to the seat beside this, and said to the investigator of the expert group: "What else do you have to say quickly!"

"Um... we investigated and found that the location of the blasting was very close to where Mr. Lu and the others were. If we blasted from there, the flood should be resolved, but the tunnel under Mr. Lu's house might be blown up. Open it, and water will pour into their homes all at once!"

When listening to his words, Chen Zhong's face suddenly showed a dignified look.

"Then if the blasting is not carried out there, is there any better place? Haven't this matter been told to others?"

"Not yet, because this matter involves the safety of Mr. Lu and his family, so we dare not care, but if we want to carry out blasting from other places, it will be more difficult, and it is very likely that it will not be cleaned up at once!"

"Well, don't tell the story for the time being, don't tell anyone alone, do you understand?"

"No problem, I promise no one will say it. By the way, Chief Chen, then what do we do with these flood plains next?"

Chen Zhong was walking back and forth in the room a few times: "If you don't use blasting, and then help Luyuan to strengthen the ground on the ground, can you solve these problems?"

"This is of course possible, but now the actual quantity of alluvial plains is as high as one million tons, and it will be impossible to clear the rubble in it for a while!

Moreover, the problem we are facing is very serious. If we use mechanical and manual methods to dig it, it is likely to cause great casualties. Now the super storm outside is not something ordinary people can withstand! "

"Okay, I know, so let's wait for a while after the meeting is over, we will discuss the decision and deal with it first, as for the blasting matter, don't spread it out for the time being!"

Then Chen Zhongzheng got up and left the room, returned to the meeting room, and briefly told everyone about the matter.

However, he didn't talk about blasting, because once the hole was torn open, the flood would really be dealt with at that time, and if something went wrong, the responsibility would fall on him, so he didn't dare to care about this matter.

After pondering for a long time, Chen Zhongzheng decided to send someone to talk to Lu Yuan about the situation.

During the meeting, Chen Zhongzheng discussed with the personnel of the fortresses, and after confirming the construction situation outside, he came to a meeting to discuss how to deal with the problem of the flood plain outside.

After the meeting, Chen Zhongzheng returned to his own residence.

He felt that since he became the district administrator of this core area fortress, his own time has become less and less.

It was very late to come back every day, and he would need to be busy for a while when he got home.

Fortunately, the problems are basically in the processing stage. The people Xiao Pinghai has taken have begun to lay telephone lines, and the people in various fortresses have also begun to deploy their own personnel to start construction.

That night, Zhou Tong drove into an armored vehicle and left the fortress.

The wind and rain outside were very heavy, and a huge turbofan-like cloud layer in the sky was just above the head, as if standing up straight, you could reach out to the clouds.

On the road, Zhou Quan did not notice that the huge fortress guard was blown down. For Guo Jialiang, although he didn't like it, he was surprised by the ability of these people after being forced.

The huge wheels of the armored vehicle ran over the puddles and drove all the way, but the two huge rut marks were quickly washed away by the heavy rain.

At this moment, Lu Yuan is planning to re-plan the excavation route, because there is already water seepage ahead. If you continue to excavate, it is likely to cause floods to flood in at once. If you want to remedy it by then, it is almost impossible. of.

Just when Lu Yuan was about to continue digging, a beam of flashlight shined through the entrance of the tunnel.

I saw Aunt Liu standing in front of the tunnel and shouting loudly.

"Mr. Lu, Mr. Lu, Zhou Tong is here for you!"

After hearing Aunt Liu's words, Lu Yuan suddenly showed a look of shock on his face.

"I'm going, isn't Lao Zhou going crazy, come to me in this kind of weather? Don't kill me!"

So Lu Yuan put down the things in his hands, wiped his hands on the stained clothes and walked out.

I saw a person standing outside the tunnel, officially Zhoutong.Zhou Tong hugged his arms and looked at Lu Yuan's dirty look, suddenly couldn't help laughing.

"Boy, this should be the most embarrassing time I have ever seen you!"

Lu Yuan waved his hand helplessly: "No way, digging is such a problem. By the way, how do you think of calling me today? The super storm outside has reached about tenth-level, so come out at this time. Too risky!"

Then Zhou Tong waved his hand indifferently: "It's okay. The armored car I drove came over today. No matter how strong the wind is, it is impossible to blow the armored car away directly. I am looking for you today mainly because of a little I want to tell you something!"

"Oh? Talk to me about something, go to the Three Treasures Palace, talk about it!"

Lu Yuan took the other person to the lounge and pointed to the sofa on the side: "Just sit down, I won't greet you, you should be familiar with it here!"

Zhou Tong was not polite, and sat on the sofa softly and said, "That's it, I came to you today mainly because I have something to tell you.

Now the upper alluvial plain has formed a large amount of drowning and debris accumulation outside, forming an alluvial fan plain. Now with the passage of time, the flood depth above has also begun to gradually increase! "

Then Zhou Tong said that there might be some danger.

After Lu Yuan listened to it, a sudden realization appeared on his face.

"Unexpectedly, I actually encountered a problem!"

"Who said no? If the alluvial fan plain is allowed to continue to expand, it is likely to form a dam, and the blocked water will slowly start to increase. If the water is not discharged as soon as possible, it is likely to cause The situation of the underground fortress channel being submerged by water!"

Lu Yuan looked at Zhou Tong and continued to ask: "By the way, you asked me about this matter, wouldn't it be me to solve these troubles?"

"Of course not, because I came to you this time mainly to tell you, because the road at your current location is under the alluvial fan plain.

Originally, we wanted to blow up the structure of this alluvial fan plain, but we were worried that it would blow up you, so come over and talk to you! "

After Zhou Tong finished speaking, he explained the specific situation to Lu Yuan.

After Lu Yuan listened, a solemn expression suddenly appeared on his face.

"It seems that the water seepage problem encountered last time is related to this alluvial plain. I said that the stone above is relatively solid, and there is no water seepage problem.

But when I was digging a hole a few days ago, I saw signs of water seepage on the surface! Sure enough, it is dangerous above! "

"Huh? No, water has started to seep where you are, so are you still digging now?"

"No, I dare not continue to dig forward, because the equipment in my hand is not very sufficient. If you continue to dig in, it is very likely that the water will be drawn over. I did not expect it to be under the flood plain. !"

"Well, I discussed with Lao Chen and other people, and I plan to use manual and mechanical methods, but since you have already discovered the problem of water seepage, then we will just take care of it for you by the way!"

Lu Yuan suddenly smiled after listening.

"Haha! That's not good! Let you do the work for me again for nothing!"

"Come on! Thank you so much! By the way! I am going to have a wedding next month! You should be able to dig through it all the time!"

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