I Plant A Field In The Last Days

Chapter 878: Transformation of Underground Passage

Then, Lu Yuan left the armored car, leaving a group of people wailing in the car.

Back at home, Xiaoshan breathed a sigh of relief when she saw Lu Yuan.

"Thank God, you finally came back! What happened outside?"

Xiaoshan just finished speaking, she smelled the strong bloody smell on Lu Yuan's body: "What's wrong with you? Are you injured? Why is there such a strong bloody smell on your body?"

Lu Yuan was also a little bit astonished. After experiencing the rainstorm when he was outside, how could there be a smell of blood on his body?

So Lu Yuan looked down at own clothes, only to find that there were blood stains all over the pants that he had just been sprayed with blood in the carriage.

"Oh! There are a few little thieves who want to hit our attention, but I have already taught them a bit, and they probably won't come again!"

Hearing Lu Yuan's words, Xiaoshan's face suddenly flashed with worry.

"Someone wants to hit our idea? It seems that our goal is still too big! They can't provoke the people in the core fortress, so they started to attack us!"

"Yeah! But don't worry too much, our side is still very safe now! But there is something wrong with the underground passage!"

Then, Lu Yuan briefly talked to Xiaoshan about what had just happened.

"You mean, Guo Jialiang got the drawing of our underground passage?"

"It should be, because the place they just drove was above our underground passage, and the place they chose was the place where the underground passage was closest to the ground. Obviously, they should have the drawings on our side."

After Xiaoshan listened, a dignified expression appeared on her face suddenly: "It seems that we have to find a way, otherwise we will definitely have it after the wave is over, and we will continue to hit our idea in the next wave! "

Lu Yuan also sighed, "Yes, I didn't expect that these people would start beating us if they couldn't manage their own food. We have to find a way!"

As a result, the two sat in the room and fell into contemplation.

After a while, Lu Yuan suddenly thought of an idea.

"How about that? We are now laying some traps in the underground passages, so that when they get down, we can know in advance and catch some people through the traps, which will play a deterrent effect. Let these people dare not make us anymore!"

"Well, good idea, let's start preparing now. It happens that there is nothing to do right now, but what about our underground passage? We will have to pass by ourselves in the future?"

"Hey, the underground passage cannot be digging forward for the time being, because these days we may take the initiative to take people to deal with the flood plain here. Once we choose to continue digging the passage forward at this time, it is very likely to follow them. If you encounter it, if someone encounters some trouble and gets dug through the ground, that would be terrible!"Xiaoshan thought for a moment, and then a look of helplessness appeared on her face: "Then the ground we dug before will be wasted if it freezes to the point of freezing? It's a pity, right? You have been busy with these underground passages for a long time. Time!"

"Who said no, but safety is the most important now, we still have to set up some traps for these underground passages as soon as possible!"

After that, Lu Yuan came to own study and brought the blueprints and computers planned at the time.

Then he took a paper and pen to make a few marked locations in the underground passage.

"These places are the places closest to the ground. Let's set up traps in these places!"

Xiaoshan nodded, then took these drawings in her hand and looked at it lightly.

There are a total of five locations targeted by Lu Yuan, and these locations are basically only a dozen meters above the ground.

Because when they dig underground passages, they needed to take into account the problems of geological rocks, so in the face of some relatively hard rocks underground, Lu Yuan would adjust the position of the passage, divert it or dig up. In this case, digging is also possible. Go smoothly.

After all, if you want to dig through the solid rock underground, you can't dig through it without large-scale machinery.

Moreover, it is time-consuming and laborious, and it is easy to cause structural changes in the underground rock layer and cause collapse.

After the two discussed these things, Lu Yuan led Xiaoshan to the first location of the underground passage.

The first location is only twelve meters above the ground. At this location, it is basically easy to dig through.

Above the head is some gravel rock composition, the geological structure here is very unstable.

But after all, it is easy to dig, and there is basically no danger of penetration here, and Lu Yuan will use steel and concrete for reinforcement.

However, it now appears that these reinforced concrete basically cannot play a protective role under these people's excavation. Lu Yuan looked at the passage in front of him for a moment of contemplation.

"This place is basically their favorite place to dig. They dug here just now, so they should have obtained detailed drawings and saw that this place is the shallowest place from the surface, so they will choose here!"

Xiaoshan looked around quietly and saw that the upper part had been reinforced with concrete and steel.

Since the time for pouring the concrete is not very long, the concrete here looks a bit dark and moist. Although it has dried up, it can be easily broken.

"Then let's start with this place first?"

"Yes, start with this place first, find some understanding first, make a tunnel here, I will dig it below, when they come down from the top, they will definitely pass through the bottom too, in this case, I will sit down for a while A big pit a few meters long, so if they want to come over, they basically have to walk on the ground first.

And I plan to place some spikes in the big pit under the ground. Once these people dig through the underground passage, they will pass through here. With these spikes, their speed of action will be slower. Make some obstacles! "

Xiao Shan nodded immediately, and then quickly ran to the outside of the tunnel, and found a small cart to load some nearby steel bars onto the car and pushed it into the tunnel.

Lu Yuan had already picked up a hoe and various tools at this moment, and began to transform the ground.

These spikes alone are not enough. After all, the enemy has tools in his hand, and may even use ropes to descend below. It will definitely not just jump directly from the top of the tunnel. If you do so, it is nothing more than It's too stupid.

So Lu Yuan made some glass shards on the nearby wall to prevent them from climbing, and embedded these glass shards on the wall through concrete. In this way, their speed of action will be reduced and they are likely to be cut. hurt.

After working for a few hours, the two of them finally settled the defense of the first place.

Lu Yuan knew that it was far from simple. What he needed to do was not only had traps in the tunnels, but also needed to deal with the exit points.

Now there is no protection outside the tunnel. The tunnel leads directly to Lu Yuan’s basement. Although the basement has a gate, if someone finds the gate here, they will definitely start to destroy their basement. After all, Lu Yuan designed the own basement. It's still very rigorous and safe, and the things stored inside are really important.

Then Lu Yuan came to the second location. The method used for the second location was basically the same as the first location. Lu Yuan also installed a sensing device on the wall.

The persistence on the ground and the broken glass on the wall are just some ways to slow down the enemy’s movement speed. These are not Lu Yuan’s main countermeasures. What he has to do is to be able to know the enemy is the first time When did it come, and then make adjustments accordingly.

When the traps in several locations were all transformed, Lu Yuan again installed monitoring equipment and detection equipment in each location. Once someone enters, an alarm will be triggered immediately, and they will be able to know the owner’s home as soon as possible. Has been invaded.

After getting everything done, Lu Yuan took Xiaoshan to the basement.

At home, Lu Yuan rarely releases weapons. After all, these weapons are very dangerous things. If someone accidentally comes in and shoots himself with the contents inside, the situation will be very bad.

The only place where Lu Yuan put the gun was his own study and a storage table behind the lobby on the first floor.

These two levels are very conspicuous places. If there is any danger, you can get guns in these two places as soon as possible.

However, most of Lu Yuan's weapons were stored in the lower warehouse. Various mechanical equipment and various materials in the underground warehouse were neatly stacked.

And Lu Yuan also placed an ammunition depot here, from pistols to large anti-material sniper rifles, and even some heavy weapons.

Lu Yuan picked up a pen, then came to the side of the tunnel and drew a circle here.

"I plan to build only one iron gate here, and one iron gate is set up on both sides of each trap, and it is controlled by electric induction devices.

If these people dig in secretly, then we only need to press this button to block all the doors and trap people inside.

He has only two choices, either to leave the tunnel, or to be wiped out by us a little bit, or to ensure our safety. After all, the rain cut by the super storm outside is really too much!

If rainwater is really pouring in in the direction of underground tunnels, we only need to close them to stop these floods! "

Xiaoshan admired his head more and more, and then looked at the places where Lu Yuan was involved in installing the gates.

"You are trying to separate the places where these people dig pits back and forth, so that if they want to enter, they must first open these doors!""Yes, do you remember the situations we encountered when we experienced the first and second year disasters in this old house?"

Xiaoshan would immediately remember the previous managers.

"Yes, it's like closing a door and hitting a dog, lock them in this place, and then destroy them one by one!"

"Yes, this is definitely a very good way. After all, we only have a family of four in this house, as well as Aunt Liu and the child. The two are basically not too powerful, so we protect our own family. I can rely on us!"

"Well, ok, that's okay, what do we need to do next?"

A smile was raised at the corner of Lu Yuan's mouth, and then he pointed to the place where guns and ammunition were stored.

"Let's go, take you to a good place!"

Xiaoshan was a little surprised, because she had basically seen everything in the basement, but there were too many rooms at the time, and Lu Yuan did not mention it to her specifically. Obviously Lu Yuan has other things here. Secret location.

"Ah, is there any secret?"

"Of course, do you think this house was only used for living when it was originally designed? It must be impossible. In order to allow us to have a place for activities in our leisure time, I have specially opened up a larger area here. A vast place!"

As Lu Yuan said, he took Xiao Zhan to the third floor of the basement.

The third floor of the basement is basically used to grow food crops. There is a large area of ​​thick soil. The aroma of the soil fills the room with a hint of green grass.

Lu Yuan led Xiaoshan through the plantation, then came to a closed room and gently opened the door.

When the door opened, Xiao Shan was shocked by the sight in front of her and her mouth opened wide.

"Wow, didn't you expect you to have a special place here for shooting training?"

I saw that this time the location was a large lawn, and in front of the lawn, there were rows of shooting targets.

And there is a long table just in front of the room. On the table are a few pistols and some rifles.

Xiaoshan was shocked by the scene in front of her and she was a little speechless. She didn't expect that Lu Yuan was so comprehensive in his considerations at the time, and even such a place was already prepared.

"In this place, I originally planned to come here for shooting training by myself. Basically, I would spend half an hour every day for design training.

After all, in this apocalyptic situation, the gun is still a very important thing for us, but due to the lack of bullets, we must improve our own shooting accuracy to reduce the waste of bullets and better protect us! "

After that, Lu Yuan took Xiaoshan to a small compartment next to the shooting range.

I saw the door of the compartment opened, and there were a few large display cabinets inside. Above the display cabinets were a dazzling array of pistols, rifles and various individual weapons.

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