I Plant A Field In The Last Days

Chapter VIII Oxygen Crisis

Lu Yuan suddenly understood the reason why the child was crying.

So he plugged an oxygen cylinder to Dad Lu.

"It's caused by the difference in air pressure inside and outside! The oxygen content in the air here is constantly decreasing! This is causing the chest tightness! The child is probably crying because of this!"

After hearing what Lu Yuan said, something on Lu's face showed a look of shock.

He didn't expect things to turn out to be so bad.

"What? You mean there is no oxygen in the room?"

"Yes, the outside atmospheric pressure has fallen below the normal threshold. An oxygen supply crisis may occur in our room at any time. Now the oxygen supply concentration has fallen below the normal value. There is a reason why the child is crying. I will go now. "

When talking about this, Lu Yuan stopped again, and then handed the two bottles to Dad Lu.

"Grandpa and grandma may also feel a little uncomfortable over there, you immediately take the oxygen cylinders, each of you take one, then I will come to think of ways to solve the problem of insufficient oxygen supply."

Dad Lu immediately nodded and patted Lu Yuan on the shoulder.

"Hurry up. The old man and the old lady will have to go and watch over there. You can go and see the child quickly. The child is the most important thing!"

Lu Yuan immediately turned around and walked over. When he arrived in the room, as soon as he opened the door, he heard Qiqi's crying voice.

This voice sounded very painful, and tears kept falling beside Xiaoshan, Lu's mother, and Xiaoshan's mother.

Lu Yuan hurriedly opened an oxygen cylinder, and then covered Qiqi's mouth and nose.

The moment I clicked the button, the pure oxygen was absorbed in the moment of Qiqi, the small face suddenly turned red from the hold back, and the crying finally stopped.

The family members were relieved after seeing that the child was not crying.

"What the hell is going on? Why do you take this little bottle and give the child a sip and it's all right?"

Lu Ma looked at the small bottle in Lu Yuan's hand, a little surprised.

Only then did it become clear that what Lu Yuan was holding was an emergency oxygen cylinder for the plateau.

So after Lu Yuan briefly talked to them, everyone realized the seriousness of the matter after listening.

Fortunately, Lu Yuan found out the problem in time and found the oxygen cylinder. Otherwise, if Qiqi kept crying like this, it was very likely that he would suffer from hypoxia. Even eating golden fruits would have no effect in this situation.

"Then what should we do next? The lack of support in the house allows us to live on this kind of oxygen cylinder during this time?"

After Xiaoshan took a breath from the oxygen cylinder, she felt a lot more comfortable in her chest.

She still looked at Lu Yuan and asked with some worry.

"It's okay. I will go to the oxygen concentrator right now to see if I can give oxygen to the house, so that we can be more comfortable.

But our house is a bit too big, so we can only call one in each room, and limit the oxygen supply in the future, otherwise our electricity may not be insufficient! "

After speaking, Lu Yuan left the room and came to the central control room.

Because the oxygen generator has not been used, the protective film on it has not been torn off.

Lu Yuan checked that the condition of the oxygen concentrator was intact, so he quickly turned on the oxygen concentrator.

However, what he didn't expect was that after the oxygen generator was turned on, it only worked for a few minutes before it stopped working.

Lu Yuan suddenly became nervous. After working for a while, he finally realized that without air, the oxygen generator would not be able to extract the oxygen from it.

Fortunately, Lu Yuan still has some spare equipment for electrolyzing water to decompose oxygen.

The electrolyzed water device can produce oxygen and hydrogen by electrolyzing pure water. The function of hydrogen is mainly for combustion, while oxygen is used for breathing.

Lu Yuan quickly turned on the electrolysis machine, and the voltage in the entire room began to appear unstable in an instant.

Even the air conditioner and various electrical appliances started to stop running, and Lu Yuan suddenly showed a trace of worry after seeing it.

"Damn, I forgot that if the electrolyte is running, it needs a lot of current to electrolyze the water into oxygen and hydrogen! And my electricity is basically household electricity, which can't provide enough electricity to break down a lot of oxygen! "

Thinking of this, Lu Yuan's heart suddenly became cold.

Next, there will definitely be a shortage of oxygen supply, and oxygen is an important element for all living things to breathe. Without oxygen, their survival will not continue.

"Is it possible that you really have to open the hole so that the air pressure in these two places returns to a positive number? But once the hole is opened, the house will probably be destroyed by the hurricane by then!"

There are now two roads in Lu Yuan.

Either the whole family uses an electrolyzed water device to control electricity consumption, but the consequence of doing so is that other organisms basically cannot survive.

The other way is to open a passage to return the air pressure at the place of residence and the outside to normal. Then the bullying from the outside will definitely increase. In this case, the super storm may even overturn the own house directly.

For a while, Lu Yuan didn't know how to choose. He went back to the room silently, watching the family members holding oxygen cylinders one by one, his complexion finally returned to normal, and there was nothing to do.

After thinking about it for a long time, Lu Yuan decided to let everyone discuss it together.

Qiqi has fallen asleep smoothly. In order to ensure sufficient oxygen in Qiqi’s room, Lu Yuan specially got a small oxygen generator and placed it in the room. This room is very small and can ensure full oxygen use. In this case, the normal supply of oxygen can be guaranteed.

But it is impossible to fill all rooms with oxygen.

After all, only large-scale industrial-grade oxygen generators can supply oxygen normally.

There is almost no way for Lu Yuan to do it here. He has only a few small industrial equipment here.

Therefore, Lu Yuan planned to use these small oxygen generators to let the people in the family overdo it.

As for other creatures, such as the poultry, livestock, and river fish, it can only be temporarily ignored.

Seeing that Lu Yuan's expression was not right, Xiao Shan walked over gently and touched his forehead.

"What's the matter? You look wrong. Did you not use oxygen for yourself? Is there not enough oxygen on our side?"

Hearing Xiaoshan's worry, Lu Yuan suddenly sighed, and he squeezed Xiaoshan's cheek.

"How is it possible, don't worry, my oxygen supply is very sufficient, look!"

As Lu Yuan spoke, he took out a small oxygen tank from his pocket.

This oxygen tank can last a whole day.

There are a total of hundreds of bottles stored in the home like this small oxygen tank, which can guarantee that they will be used for a long time.

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