I Plant A Field In The Last Days

Chapter 96 Interrogation of Robbers

Looking at the wounded people on the floor, the two police officers and a few drivers who were dying, they hurriedly carried the people back to the No. 3 area to prepare for some simple wound treatment.

Although the tires of the grain truck and waterwheel were punctured, Chen Ke, who had been running long distances for many years, was unable to hold it. He brought some tools and drove the tires back to Area 3.

No. 3 area is not particularly large, only the spacious cement road is relatively spacious, so everyone parked their cars on the cement road and began to move the grain to the supermarket for weighing.

On the other side, several subdued robbers had already taken off their masks to reveal their true colors. Lu Yuan recognized several people among them.

When the man who sold pork was tried on the second district last time, these people all appeared on the scene. Obviously, these robbers were all nearby people.

And this time, more than a dozen people who participated in the battle with the robbers suffered injuries of varying degrees. Two of them were Death, the father and son. The father was shot in the head and died on the spot, and the son was on the side of the brick. The horn smashed his head, and when he brought it back, he died on the road.

The rest of the more than ten people were not seriously injured, just some knife wounds. They were completely fine after a disinfection bandage and suture. As for Sun Zhe, he was lucky. The robber used a cement brick and hit him on his head. Although it caused some damage to him, it was hit by a brick face, and it didn't take long for him to wake up, but his scalp was a little broken.

Fortunately, there is a girl in District 3 who has not graduated from university. Some simple minor operations to care for and stitch the wound are not a problem. She immediately took out some things she brought back from school and bandaged everyone.

The drivers were also injured in varying degrees. Two drivers died on the spot. The two policemen were trained well on weekdays and had great physical strength. The wounds no longer bleed after the girl’s meticulous treatment. .

This battle can be described as the most serious accident in the history of Area 3, but everyone's food was saved under the concerted efforts of everyone, and the wounded were respected by everyone.

After all the work was done, the people in Area 3 agreed that if they didn’t have them this time, the food would definitely be swept away by these robbers, so they discussed with the police and decided that the food was from Area 3. As for how to allocate it, let everyone agree on it.

All the things were negotiated and negotiated, and the result was finally reached.

All the people who participated in the battle this time 30 catties of food, and the injured in the battle 50 catties each. As for the father and son who died, there is also a middle-aged woman in their family, without the child and her husband. The source of income is also completely interrupted. Although money is of no use at this time, there are still some things that need money to buy, such as some daily necessities, so everyone has always decided to give each other two hundred at a time. For a catty of grain, Lu Yuan also decided to arrange for her as a female worker in the rat trap factory in order to take care of her.

The rest of the food will be shared equally among all the people. This is the spoils of the No. 3 district. Without them this time, it is estimated that these policemen and drivers will die, while the people in the other four districts will not be saved. These things It has nothing to do with them.

Soon, the food was cleaned by everyone, and the water was the same. Every household brought the food and water.

The next step is the trial of these subdued robbers, but the people here do not have the right to decide their life and death. They can only give this right to the police.

The two policemen clasped their arms and saluted everyone, expressing their truest gratitude.

The next step is the trial. Although a few people were injured in the battle, they got a lot of food because of a blessing in disguise, so their hatred against the robbers was not very heavy, while the rest of the people It was cursed at a few robbers who were kneeling on the ground, and some people took stones to throw them, but they were stopped.

They are not the cold-blooded animals in the second area. They can't do that kind of thing. Although some people participated in the brutality of Zhu Minghan last time, but in that situation, everyone could not control their own emotions, especially in so many cases. In the case of humans, if one person incites the emotions of some people, it will immediately cause great riots.

"Say! Which district are you from!" a policeman yelled angrily while sitting on a chair, watching the seven robbers kneeling in front of him.

However, a few people are quite domineering, and they don't even intend to cooperate with the neck.

"What's the matter! If you want to kill or slash, just come! Grandpa's brows are your grandson!" said one of the men arrogantly.

There was a scolding among the crowd.

"Kill him! His mouth is so hard! Comrade police officer, don't the robbers are all popular now! If you can't do it, give it to us!"

"Yes! He's all a prisoner, and he's so arrogant! Give him some color and see!"

"Since he asks so, why don't we satisfy him!"

The appearance of a few people reminded Lu Yuan of some ancient righteous men. When they were dragged to the guillotine, they would raise their arms and say some rhetoric, but the other party seemed to have made a mistake. Now everyone is treating them. The hate penetrates the bone, no one would like to worship them.

"Okay! Since it is so arrogant, let you suffer a bit!"

As the police officer stood up and muttered a few words to everyone, the few people next to him immediately ran away with a smile on their faces.

Not long after, a few people found some ropes, tied up the feet of the robbers, and then hung them from the tree.

"When are you willing to speak, when will you let you go, or you will be hanging like this forever! You guys can do it yourself!"

After the two police officers had finished speaking, they ignored the robbers.

So in order to express their gratitude, the two police officers also specifically dialed the above phone number to explain the matter, and said that the people in District 3 kept the police and the people in mind, helped them catch a few robbers, and then rescued them, demanding Recognition.

Some of the robbers soon couldn't hold on, and immediately expressed their willingness to cooperate with the work.

It's just that how can this kind of cooperation be that you can cooperate if you say it cooperates! So, under the supervision of everyone, a group of people smelled the scent of the rice in the No. 3 area and begged for mercy, but no one paid any attention.

"I said! I'm all confessed, we are in the second area, and we are in the fifth area together. They have a total of more than 100 people who have joined the robbery gang, planning to unite with the robbers in the city to defend. The main roads for transportation of grain."

As soon as this remark came out, everyone was in an uproar.

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