I planted a sacred tree in Tokyo

Chapter 21 Earthquake Catfish

the next day,

"Akihiro-san, come with me."


The teacher came over to call for help in person, which surprised Yuu Qiu, who was about to eat a lunch, but he already had a guess in his heart.

"Akihi-san, don't be nervous."

"Whatever the other party asks, you answer."

When the teacher opened the door of the small conference room,

Sure enough, there were two policewomen in police uniforms sitting inside.

One policewoman with short hair looked like she had just graduated, with a student's bookish look on her face, and a bit of anxiety hidden in her eyes; the other mature policewoman was much more capable, with a calm demeanor, and the two of them were obviously talking about her. headed by.


With an appropriately 'surprised' expression, Qiu Riyou stood stunned at the door until the mature policewoman stood up with a smile and raised her hand to signal.

"Akihi Yuu-san?"

"Please come and sit."

"Ah okay. Okay,"

Like a normal student suddenly encountering the police, Qiu Riyu sat cautiously in front of the two policemen and glanced at the teacher subconsciously.

"Teacher Yuanzhu, please rest assured that we will not embarrass this classmate."

"Can you give us some space?"

The two female police officers could tell at a glance that the teacher was very concerned about the student.

This is not surprising: the student named 'Akihi Yu' in front of me has a handsome appearance, neat school uniform, and exudes the aura of a 'good student'. In addition, I have known him before, and his grades are also very good. For any normal teacher, Everyone will like this kind of student.

Especially in public schools where gangsters are everywhere.

"All right."

The policeman spoke, and the teacher could only nod his head, leave the small conference room and close the door.

"So, let's get started."

The two policewomen took out recording pens, as well as writing pens and paper.

"Akihiro Yuu-san, do you know Yamamoto Nogi?"


"Ah, Yamamoto-san?"

"Yes, I know you."

Qiu Riyu was stunned for a moment, then nodded, and then spoke hesitantly.

"But Yamamoto-san hasn't come to school for three days."

"That's exactly what we're looking into,"

The mature policewoman interrupted Qiu Riyu's words and firmly took the initiative.

"Akihi-san, when was the last time you saw Yamamoto-san."

"It's in the men's room on the third floor."

"It's like this. Due to family reasons, I have recently become the target of bullying by some classmates."

There is nothing to hide in these things. Qiu Riyu slowly recounted the previous encounters with a calm tone. There was no resentment or anger, just a touch of helplessness.

What's there to argue with the dead?

On the contrary, the problem left by Yamamoto is more or less a trouble.

".That's it. I pushed them away and ran out of the toilet. I happened to meet the monitor, Nao Eai-san."

After briefly describing what happened that day, Qiu Riyu asked hesitantly again:

"Yamamoto-san, did something happen?"

Such behavior is normal. It is certainly not an easy thing to alert the police to your door.

You know, the island police station handles more than 30,000 'disappearance cases' every year, 80% of which will turn up within a week.

The rest can be found in Aokigahara, Tojinbo, tram tracks and other places a long time later; or they may fall into the hands of the Yakuza and disappear. It had only been three days. Given the speed at which the island police opened the case, the investigation should not have been so quick.

The two policewomen looked at each other and did not answer Qiu Riyu's doubts.

"Qiuri-san, thank you for your cooperation."

The mature policewoman stood up and reached out her right hand.

"Ah, that's so polite."

Shaking hands with the other party also marked the end of the conversation.

Yamamoto is just a nobody, and the problem should be those three people in society.

Standing in the corridor, watching the two policemen below leave, Qiu Riyu touched his chin.

Those three members of society were peripheral members of the 'Remnant Tooth Group', which was why the police were so active in investigating: In fact, it was precisely because of them that Akira Yuu decided to use the 'Resident Tooth Group' to operate.

It seems that the police manpower is still too sufficient.

Lowering his eyes, Qiu Riyou walked towards the classroom; at the same time, two crows spread their wings and flew out quietly from the top of the building.



"Why do we need to investigate this bad guy who has only been missing for three days?"

In the leaving police car, the young policewoman couldn't help but speak.

Her name is Kawai Mayi. She just joined the Adachi District Police Station this year and belongs to the lowest level of 'inspection'.

It is normal to disappear in an island country!

Especially for a delinquent like the target ‘Yamamoto’, it’s normal for him to go to his friends’ house to play for ten and a half days without contacting his parents.


The mature policewoman driving the car shook her head slightly.

"The target 'Yamamoto' is involved in the 'Remnant Tooth Group'. It is said that behind the 'Remnant Tooth Group' is involved in a major case that shocked the island nation."

Although she is called a 'senpai', the mature female police officer 'Fuji Seiko' is just a patrol director and has no idea of ​​the inside story: she is different from the top students like Iori Kazuka who directly passed the civil service class I examination and parachuted into the police department. . After graduating from high school, she worked for five years to become the "Inspection Minister", which is exactly the promotion route for ordinary people.

"Next, we have to go to Huangying School to learn about the situation from Qiu Riyu's sister."

? !

The crow that landed on the police car tilted its neck, and a red light flashed in its eyes.

"Huangying School, I'm so envious."

The young policewoman Mayi Kawai crossed her arms with a look of longing.

"Students who graduate from somewhere can directly take the National Civil Servant Class II Examination——"


? ? ?

Violent tremors suddenly came from below, and the police car, no, all the vehicles moving forward on the road lost their direction.

A car left twisted and scorched marks on the cement road! Brakes, collisions, sirens and sirens rang out!

"Ah, senior! This is-"


Earthquakes are normal for island countries and Tokyo.

Tokyo suffers 40 felt earthquakes every year. Although magnitude 4 and 5 are not commonplace, they are by no means uncommon.


While loudly reminding her juniors, the mature policewoman turned the steering wheel and hit the fire hydrant on the roadside.

Bang! !

With a muffled sound, the police car hit the fire hydrant.

The deformed fire hydrant blocked the police car, and a trickle of water flowed out.


A few seconds later, the car door was pushed open, and the two female police officers who unbuckled their seat belts and deployed the air bags climbed out of the deformed police car.

"What is the Meteorological Agency doing? Such an obvious earthquake has not been detected?"

The young policewoman's hat disappeared and she complained while rubbing her shoulders.

The emergency brake just now managed to prevent her neck from breaking.

"It's not that easy to have an earthquake——"

The mature female policewoman was just halfway through her words when she froze.


Boom! !

Amid the violent tremors, a nearby house suddenly 'bulged' upwards, with cracks in the wall sealed like a spider web.

In the next second, this human building fell apart like a biscuit!

"what is that?!"

Smoke and dust poured down like a waterfall, and a huge monster emerged from the ruins amidst the splash of earth and rocks.

This is a black fish-shaped monster with a huge, flat head. Two rows of sharp teeth are exposed in the open mouth. Two long 'beards' sway like a giant python. It carries a mountain on its back. It is wrapped with white strings. Rope vermilion torii gate?

"Get away from—"

Just after recovering from the shock, the mature policewoman loudly reminded her juniors, but it was already too late.


A piece of flying building debris hit the young policewoman on the head.

Amid blood splattering, the young policewoman fell silently.

? ? ?

"Mai. Damn monster!"

Seeing the lovely junior lying in a pool of blood,

Anger rushed into her brain, and the mature policewoman drew the pistol from her waist without thinking.

What censorship, what rules, what consequences.

boom! boom! boom! boom! boom! boom!

Go to hell!

The bullets roared out and all hit their targets.

However, the monster that emerged from the ground didn't even look at her.

The body like a hill fell forward, crushing a house like a biscuit with a roar, and then:

The fish-shaped monster twisted its body as if it were in water, and its entire huge body began to 'sink' in the ruins.

"Monster! Monster, monster."

The sharpest weapon in her hand was useless. The mature policewoman held her anger in her chest and lowered her gun tremblingly.

Do you want her to pull out her baton and go up to fight this mountain-like monster?


At this moment, the sound of air leakage came from the ruins.

Invisible gas stirred up the smoke and dust, forming a turbulent trail.

Natural Gas Pipeline?

Before the mature policewoman could react, her eyes suddenly lit up.


A little spark expands suddenly,

Sparks ignited the leaked natural gas and turned into flaming skulls?


Amidst the harsh laughter, the huge flaming skull stretched its 'body' and transformed into skeletal hands and feet.

"What kind of monster is it this time?"

She subconsciously raised the pistol in her hand again, and the heat wave that hit her face made the mature policewoman's mouth dry and her hair quickly dry and burnt. Although her identity as a 'policeman' allows her to still stand here, what can she do?

The bullet had no effect on the 'big fish', so could it still be effective on the skeleton which was obviously made of 'flame'?

Just when the mature policewoman felt desperate, white mist surged in.

This is?

The fog came so suddenly, like a rolling curtain, swallowing up the city, roads, and buildings.

Immediately afterwards, a 'figure' came over.

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