Bunkyo District,

University of Tokyo.

This is the famous ‘Eastern University’, the undisputed number one comprehensive university in the island country.

Any student who considers himself to have the best academic performance will set his goal here. And graduates of Dongda University are almost labeled as the ‘elite’ among the ‘elite’.

A black car drove out of the school gate silently, attracting the attention of passing students.

It’s not that they haven’t seen luxury cars: many TU students were born into wealthy families. The mere luxury car didn't surprise them, what really surprised them was the people in the car.

"Professor Ohsumi?"

As a student of Dongda University, how could I not recognize the old man with white hair and white beard in the car.

This professor is a leading figure in molecular and cell biology. His research is too advanced and confusing for ordinary people. So in a simple sentence, to prove his level is: winner of the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine.

"I remember, didn't I have Professor Ohsumi's class today?"

A college student majoring in biology scratched his head in confusion.

"Maybe there's something urgent?"

Another student answered, taking out his cell phone.

"Look, Professor Ohsumi's class is cancelled."


"I have been looking forward to this class for a long time."

The students who heard the news sighed in disappointment.

"This is the first time in my 30 years of teaching that I have canceled a course without any reason."

In the bulletproof car, an old man with a white beard spoke slowly.

"Now, can you tell me what's urgent?"

Even a Nobel Prize winner was confused when he suddenly received an emergency transfer order directly from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, a central agency like this.

"Mr. Ohsumi, please be patient."

The man in the passenger seat had a straight face and was sitting upright, as if he was ready to deal with any accident at any time.

"When you get to your destination, you will know it."




When he arrived at his destination, he opened the door and got out of the car. Professor Ohsumi was even more confused.

This is a warehouse located in Setagaya Ward, which is a 'traditional' rich area.

Almost all the people living here are 'old-school' nobles with 'family origins' whose ancestors can be traced back to the shogunate.

There were already other black cars parked in the warehouse, and the people on them were almost all old faces, including old acquaintances who had worked with Professor Ohsumi in bad ways.

Professor Ohsumi originally thought that the emergency transfer order from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology was just for him; but looking at the current situation, it was like calling all the reputable biology professors in Tokyo.

What is it that is worthy of such an effort?

The scene in front of him has aroused Professor Ohsumi's curiosity: without curiosity, you cannot become an excellent researcher.


A familiar voice sounded next to him.

"Are you here too?"

The other party was also a gray-haired old scholar, but unlike the bearded Professor Ohsumi, the old man walking towards him had his silver hair neatly combed back, with a gentle smile on his face. The famous teacher who cultivates peaches and plums all over the world.

It is indeed true. This person has been a professor for fifty years and has taught countless top students.

"My concubine?"

Professor Ohsumi glanced at the other person unexpectedly. The other person was also the winner of the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine, specializing in cancer immunology.

The two are of the same age and are at the top of their respective fields, so they can be said to be true old acquaintances.

"Were you also called here in an emergency?"

"Well, it seems you are too,"

"I also want to ask you if you know what it means."

The two gray-haired old scholars chatted, and others greeted each other: they were all top professors in the field of biology. If it weren't for the order from above, it would have been very difficult to bring them together.

After all, if you have friends, you will naturally have opponents!

"Everyone, I've been waiting for a long time."

A few minutes after the meeting, a government employee in formal attire walked out of the warehouse.

He raised his hand politely to these old scholars.

"What does it mean?"

Professor Osumi frowned and raised his hand to point behind the other person.

In addition to this government worker, he was followed by several soldiers armed to the teeth with live ammunition.

"Do not worry,"

"You are all the treasures of the country, no one dares to hurt you."

Government staff patiently explained,

"The duty of these soldiers is to protect this base. Please follow me."



It stands to reason that several Nobel Prize winners present are truly top scientists from the island country.

In theory, there would never be a personal safety problem, but the situation in front of him was too weird. It's not like they haven't been exposed to national-level experiments before, but they are not as mysterious as this time, and they have gathered so many people.

"Let's go, Osumi."

Professor Honjo, with his silver hair slicked back, took the lead.

At their age, what kind of storms and waves have they not seen? Even death is only a matter of time.

"Let's go and see what the government is doing."


"Extraordinary creature?"

"Are you sure there is no problem here?"

Professor Ohsumi tapped his temple and spoke bluntly.

Unlike other polite scholars, he has loved fitness since he was a child. When he was young, he also earned the name of "Fukuoka's Crazy Lion" on the court.

"Yes, everyone."

In the elevator that was constantly sinking, the government staff explained to these biological giants seriously.

"We have captured an extraordinary creature,"

"Please come this way if you need your wisdom."

The elevator stopped, and many old scholars followed the staff member into the underground base and came to a room with a glass curtain wall. They looked inside:

"Shiba Inu?"

"It is indeed a Shiba Inu"

Many scholars looked at each other. The creature in the room in front was covered with yellow hair, with a wide forehead, a pointed and protruding snout, and small upright ears that were slightly triangular. The eyes were also small triangles, and the tail was thick and curled up to the back with a smiling look. If it wasn't a Shiba Inu, what else could it be?

That's it? !

A group of biology professors,

The priceless brain almost crashed on the spot. If it wasn't for good self-cultivation, they would have cursed!

"Be patient, everyone--"

The government staff pressed the headset, and the thick metal wall in the room slid open silently.

"Roar! Roar!!"

Amidst the soul-stirring roar, a tiger jumped out.


With just a glance,

many biology professors have already seen that the tiger has been injected with drugs.

As soon as the crazy tiger appeared, it pounced on the Shiba Inu!

One side is estimated to be three meters long and weighs about 200 kilograms. It is called the king of beasts;

The other side is only half a meter in size and weighs no more than 10 kilograms. It is a question whether this Shiba Inu is big enough for the tiger to bite.


The next second,

two figures of different sizes collided with each other.

? ? ? ?

The chief biology professor behind the glass curtain wall opened his eyes wide instantly.


The Shiba Inu stretched out its two short legs and actually withstood the tiger's attack!

The scene in front of him was as ridiculous as someone raising his hand to stop a speeding dump truck.


With a "roar" without any momentum, the petite Shiba Inu "held" the tiger's head with his paws and swung it.


The tiger, which weighed 20 times as much as it, was actually flipped over.

? ? ?


The tiger turned over and roared, opened its bloody mouth, and pounced on the Shiba Inu again; driven by drugs and hunger, it only had the desire to kill.


Facing the attack of the king of beasts, the Shiba Inu pawed with its short legs.

Dodge this attack at a terrifying speed, leaving a yellow track on the retinas of many biology professors.

"This is it."

Pointing at the "battle" behind the glass curtain wall, Professor Osumi trembled all over and couldn't say a complete sentence.


"Everyone, this is the extraordinary creature we captured."

The government staff nodded. Although it looks like a Shiba Inu, after becoming "extraordinary", it can fight a tiger on par!

Of course, in front of modern firepower, a tiger is just a "big orange cat".

On the entire planet, the only people who are qualified to be opponents of humans are humans.

But what this Shiba Inu represents is:


"There is no doubt that this is a dog demon."

"And your job is to find out the source of the other party's "demon power."

"This is for the country. No, it is for the evolution of mankind. Please do your best--"

After speaking, the government staff bowed 90 degrees.


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