I planted a sacred tree in Tokyo

Chapter 139 Jinchūriki

Gojo City,

The wheel battle was fierce.

"Spider Bondage!"

A supernatural being with six arms dodged behind Ibaraki and clamped him in a bear hug.

The muscles of the shoulders, ribs, and two normal arms, each of which could lift a car, bulged and hugged Ibaraki tightly, trying to prevent him from moving.

At the same time, the ground under Ibaraki's feet suddenly turned into a soft liquid, and the whole person was pulled downwards. It was the 'Nekomata' lurking underground who activated his ability to drag 'Ibaraki' into the earth.


"Little tricks,"

Ibaraki didn't even bother to take action;

It's just the violent natural energy, it's the evil energy that bursts out!

A series of crisp bones bursting, and the six arms of the 'Spider-Man' that was holding Ibaraki were all shattered and even flew away from the body. The skin and bones of the chest and abdomen exploded on the spot, and were bruised and bloody by the violent 'demon energy'. The body split into many pieces and flew out in all directions.

? !


"Didn't you have time to use the 'paper substitute'?"

In the command room, Director Zhuya's pupils shrank and he couldn't help but curse angrily.

The 'paper substitute' of the Ikariya siblings is indeed very sharp, but it has two shortcomings. First, you need to activate the paper man yourself to complete the 'flash'; second, the range of the flash is only a dozen meters away, which for a strong person is the distance of raising your hand.

Obviously, 'Spider-Man' overestimated his restraint power and did not have time to escape as a substitute.

There are a large number of ink-colored flying "Shikigami" hovering in the sky. As long as someone is knocked out of the "Stand", they will be taken back immediately for treatment.

Therefore, most extraordinary people can remain injured and not die, but only most of them:

If Ibaraki couldn't withstand even one move, it would be normal for him to be beaten to death on the spot.

In addition to the unlucky 'Spider-Man', there are also——


Under the violent explosion of Ibaraki's 'demon power', the earth fled in all directions like an ebbing tide. There was a small cat mixed in the countless sand.

Before the 'Nekomata' could react, Ibaraki's curled fingers were aimed at it.


With a flick of his fingers,

Invisible blank bullets whizzed past and instantly passed by Nekomata's upper body.


A little girl's cry of sorrow came from the sky,

The black and white cow cat, which had lost half of its body, fell into the rubble. It twitched a few times and then stopped moving.

It was obvious that despite becoming extraordinary, this cat obviously did not know how to use the 'paper substitute' and became another victim in this battle.

"How can it be repaired?"

Watching the battle through the screen, I feel that 'Ibaraki' is nothing more than that: most people can be carried back for treatment.

But when he actually went to the battlefield, he saw 'Ibaraki' killing everyone, blood and limbs flying everywhere, and the yellow-haired young man was trembling all over. He was supposed to go up and cooperate with 'Spider-Man' and 'Nekomata' in the battle, but he couldn't take a step. .

"I am an extraordinary person, how could I die here?"

Suddenly lying on the ground, making a "sprint to exert force" posture, the yellow-haired young man kicked hard with his feet.

call out----

In an instant, he burst out at a high speed several times normal and turned into an afterimage.

Shadow dancing leaves!

This move is the starting point of Konoha's fluid technique: burst out at extremely fast speed, rush in front of the enemy before he can react, kick him into the air, and then hit the opponent hard.

You can follow up with 'Omote Lotus' or 'Ur Lotus', or you can use moves like 'Lion Continuous Bomb' to seal the victory.

But the yellow-haired young man who burst out at high speed did not attack Ibaraki, but:

Run away towards the outside of the battlefield!


He raised his hand and flicked Huang Mao, who was escaping, and the invisible missiles whizzed out.


It has to be said that although this Huangmao has no courage, he has a strong sense of survival and even ducked out of the way at the last moment.


Practicing blank ammunition and "passing by\

,"Although this guy's arm was torn into pieces, he still escaped with his life.

'Ibaraki' frowned, this body had reached its limit.

This is not acting. In essence, this body was just an ordinary uncle an hour ago.

Being given Jugo's physique by Yu, and constantly absorbing natural energy, the fact that he didn't collapse on the spot and go berserk was already the result of Yu's secret suppression.

Then, it's time to end.

"Hurry up!"

"'Ibaraki' is no longer good!"

Director Zhuya's urging sounded in the headset, and the last batch of extraordinary special police officers bravely jumped off the ink-colored giant bird.

There was no way, almost all the extraordinary people were lying down, it was their turn to beat Ibaraki.

If they too fall, let ordinary soldiers fill in—

It really doesn't work.

Please America take action and use nuclear weapons!

The death of an individual in a peaceful country will make news, but the death of tens of thousands of women and children in a war zone is just a frivolous statement.

And now the island country can be completely regarded as a 'war' area.

Wakayama Demon Tide Defense Front, a real meat grinding ground.

"Up up up up!!"

how so.?

Behind the charging extraordinary SWAT team, young Mayi Kawai looked like she was about to cry.

She really didn't want to be a hero, and she didn't have any lofty ambitions: just because the island country's economy was not good, and she didn't want to enter the workplace, so after graduating from high school, she took all the civil service exams, and only the police passed.

Just make a living from this and make a living.

He was originally planning to resign, but he encountered a supernatural being on the way to the police with his senior, and was hit by a stone and became paralyzed.

In order to ask the "Miscellaneous God" to treat him, Senior Fuji Seiko voluntarily joined the "Supernatural" project and became the first man-made Supernatural.

"Retreat, ah~~~~"

Under such circumstances, how could Mayi Kawai have the nerve to leave her seniors and resign?

As a result, he accidentally changed from a policeman to a special police officer, and now he has to face the big demon "Ibaraki"——


A shadow was cast, causing the distracted Mayi Kawai to raise her head.

The tall figure was covered with broken armor, with a scar on his cold face, a ferocious and gorgeous ghost horn on his forehead, and his long white hair flying like a flag behind him.

"Woman, do you want to fight me too?"

After being stunned for a few seconds, other colleagues were already lying on the ground.

And Ibaraki, the target, stood in front of him.


Facing the other party's cold gaze,

The 1.6-meter policewoman huddled up, her eyes blurred with tears, and she was trembling like a frightened deer.

"It seems not,"

"Women with such weak 'spiritual power' are sent to the battlefield."

Walking past Mayi Kawai with disdain, Ibaraki crossed his arms and looked around:

"Don't you humans have any strong people?"


However, just when he was seeking defeat alone, a soft sound came from behind.

Turn your head slightly,

What I saw was the trembling little policewoman,

Put a talisman on the waist of the two-meter-tall 'him'.


"Woman, you."

Without hesitation, he turned around and grabbed the opponent with his giant claws!

With Ibaraki's strength, one claw can crush the policewoman's head like a watermelon——


At the critical moment, a roar sounded from his throat, and Ibaraki's right hand suddenly grabbed his left hand, saving the policewoman who was holding her head and squatting in defense.

? !

"Human, how dare you stop me?"

The big demon looked shocked and angry, and different words came from his mouth.

"This is my body, how long do you want to use it to do evil!!"

His right hand tightly grasped his left hand, half of his face was squirming, the ghost horns and white hair had faded, and his face had regained some human features and shouted.

"Let's go!"

"I can't suppress him for long-"

"Huh? Oh~~"

Policewoman Kawai Mayi, who subconsciously held her head and crouched in defense, reacted and immediately rolled and crawled away from the big demon who was in an abnormal state.

"Human, don't think that relying on the onmyoji's spells makes you qualified to resist me."

Half of the body degenerates into a human being,

Annoyance appeared on the face of 'Ibaraki', who had the other half of his body as a demon.


The policewoman actually had Onmyoji's talisman hidden on her body.

"Despicable mystery chicken——"

But it’s not over yet:

Just when 'Ibaraki' was fighting for control of his body with 'Kafka', three huge black birds swooped down from the sky.

Bah chirp, bah chirp, bah chirp,

These giant birds did not attack Ibaraki, but fell to the ground around them.

The ink exploded and turned into three huge black magatama patterns!

"This is."

His eyes scanned the magatama pattern on the ground,

'Ibaraki's face changed drastically, and a purple demonic aura appeared on half of his body.

"Don't even think about it!"

'Kafka', who had been forced to watch the battle, could also feel Ibaraki's first 'anxious' mood, and immediately went all out to fight for control of his body! Not only to suppress this big demon, but at least to interfere with his actions.

"Damn human, you-"

Just as the two were fighting for control of their bodies, three huge black magatama swung around on the ground.

Countless black words spread out from the magatama and gathered towards the 'Ibaraki' in the center.

In the angry and surprised eyes of 'Ibaraki', these words crawled up his body:

"The evil seal?!"

"Onmyoji hiding in the dark, come out!"

"Come and fight with me. You rely on yin and yang magic to plot, you are not worthy of being a hero——"

The words climbed up his legs and soon covered his whole body, then gathered around his neck.

Wherever the words go, the ghosts continue to disappear and return to human form.

"Damn it, damn it, damn it!!"

The great demon roared up to the sky unwillingly, and then was unable to stop it. Finally, as three small black magatama symbols appeared on his neck, the demon's body disappeared, and he completely returned to the human form of a middle-aged man, holding his knees and taking a big mouthful of food. panting.

"Have I regained control of my body?"

Raising his hands and moving his fingers, Kafka, who regained control of his body, raised his head and looked around:

As far as the eye can see, there are only buildings with broken eaves and broken walls, the earth torn apart by violence, huge potholes everywhere and:

"Senior Saint Son, are you okay?"

The young policewoman Mayi Kawai with a younger sister’s head,

He trotted to the corner of a broken wall and helped the long-haired mature policewoman up.


Teng Shengzi, who lay down as soon as they met him, coughed up blood and shook his head.

"I'm fine, the most important thing now is"

The other extraordinary people who remained on the battlefield, as well as the scorpion-shaped "sentinels" that gathered around, the drones in the sky, etc. All weapons were aimed at the middle-aged man with an ordinary face and a scar on his face.

"Uh, I surrender?"



"It's finally over,"

"If we continue fighting, it will be our turn to fight Ibaraki."

Outside Gojo City, in the command room of the military base, a group of clerks breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, fortunately~~

Things did not develop to the point where even they had to go to the battlefield.

"Yu Jun,"

"You are indeed worthy of being a descendant of a famous family."

Even Director Takeya was happy and pushed his plain glasses.

"Everything is under your control."

"Director, you are too kind."

You waved his hand modestly,

"It was everyone who consumed the power of 'Ibaraki',"

"Policewoman Kawai pasted the 'Awakening Talisman' to awaken the soul of the citizen in his body."

"I was able to take this opportunity to cast the 'Evil Sealing Seal' to seal Ibaraki's soul in his body. It's all thanks to everyone."

Facing You who did not take credit, Director Takeya couldn't help but feel good about him.

He had seen many guys who became arrogant immediately after gaining extraordinary power. The young man in front of him was gentle, handsome and modest. If he didn't have a daughter, he would have wanted to marry them on the spot and become a family.


The eyes swept over You's 'support group', the childhood sweetheart with big breasts and glasses, the delicate and cute twin-tailed sister, the energetic genius disciple.

He was also ambiguous with the 'Goddess' of the Inari Shrine. Tsk tsk tsk~~

He is simply a standard winner in life!


Such an existence, at least we don't have to worry about him suddenly thinking about dominating the world or killing people indiscriminately one day.

"Son, Mai."

Director Takeya ordered after pressing the earphone.

"Bring that Kafka to the base."


"It's all my fault,"

The middle-aged man who was taken back to the military base had a face full of regret.

"It caused great damage to Gojo City, and there were also those who died and were injured."

"I am willing to die to atone for my sins!"

Hearing the middle-aged man's resolute words, the Self-Defense Force soldiers who were escorting him but actually protecting him were full of entanglements.

Please, big brother, who dares to hold you accountable for your status?

"That won't do,"

"Mr. Kafka."

Just at this moment, a group of people came towards them.

The person who spoke was a handsome high school student, and he said:

"Mr. You!"

"Do you know me?"

Hearing You's question, the middle-aged man Kafka was stunned for a moment, and explained with a wry smile:

"When the monster tide broke out, our convoy was stuck on the road and was rescued by a few people."

Not only You, but also his girlfriend, sister, and disciples were all there: This made Kafka feel relieved. Fortunately, these benefactors did not confront "himself". If they were hurt, he would really be blamed for his death.

"I remember,"

"You are the hero who organized the personnel to stop the monster tide."

You was "suddenly aware" at first, and then stepped forward and patted the other person on the shoulder.

"You are very good,"

"I am not a hero, I am just a criminal."

However, Kafka's face became more bitter, because of him, the entire Gojo City suffered losses and casualties.

"No, you are a hero."

You's face straightened,

"I know you feel guilty, but everything that happened just now is not your fault."

"Without you, the great demon 'Ibaraki' would also possess other people and kill people: thanks to your firm will, I was able to temporarily seal it."

After speaking, You looked at the middle-aged man in front of him seriously.

"Are you willing to become a cage and seal 'Ibaraki' in your body?"

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