I planted a sacred tree in Tokyo

Chapter 141 Extraordinary People (1)


The door to the ward was pushed open, and Yagyu Yuao, with a samurai sword hanging on his waist, walked in quickly. He breathed a sigh of relief after seeing the young monk lying on the hospital bed.

"I heard that you had a battle with a ghost-level supernatural being,"

"Are you okay?"

"Thank you for your concern, the benefactor. Everything is well with this poor monk."

The monk on the hospital bed raised one hand in front of him and glanced at several government people at the door.

"You two are welcome. If you need anything, please ring the bell and call the medical staff."

The government personnel stepped back and closed the door.

As soon as I returned to the base, I heard that most of the extraordinary people in the island country were almost "annihilated" and they were all lying in the hospital recuperating.

As the only person who could be called a 'friend' between each other, Yagyu Yuao immediately rushed to Shixiong's ward and breathed a sigh of relief after confirming that the young monk was intact.

Pulling up a stool and sitting down, Yagyu Yuao was a little scared, but also a little excited to try.

"Is that Ibaraki very strong?"


"Super strong."

In this regard, the young monk Zhixiong has the most say.

"The 'Fudo Myooh Statue' that I activated with the help of a magic weapon was forcibly broken by him."

"so smart?!"

Yagyu Yongo was shocked. The Buddhist statue of his friend on the hospital bed, with the Buddhist magical power of punching a synthetic beast, was actually broken by that 'Ibaraki'? Fortunately, he was dragged deep into Mount Koya by his father to kill the enemy, and the communicators were all on his father. Otherwise:

"It's okay, it's okay, otherwise I would have gone up to fight 'Ibaraki'."

He had heard about the brutality of this battle. Even four original supernatural beings died, and the casualties of man-made supernatural beings reached double digits.

With his strength, it would only take one second for him to fight against 'Ibaraki', and he would kill him with his sword cut off.

"Yes, poor monk, my practice is not enough."

"It's still too weak."

With this strength, he faced the same ghost-level ‘blood hakama’.

Not to mention expelling the monsters and retaking Mount Koya, it is difficult to even protect themselves.

At Shixiong's emotion, Yagyu Yuao rolled his eyes.

"You are already strong,"

"How many days have it been since you became extraordinary?"

"The other party is a great demon from a thousand years ago. We have plenty of time."

"No, the other party is also getting stronger."

Zhixiong shook his head and revealed the inside story to his only friend:

"The current situation of Wakayama's stalemate is a situation deliberately created by the 'blood hakama'."

"He didn't dare to massacre, lest he would attract the 'Inari God' to take action; so he set up a trap in Mount Koya to lure the army to come and continue to harvest souls."

"Although I don't know what he is planning specifically, when it is launched, it will definitely be earth-shattering: we must not relax."

? ? ?

"Then why doesn't the government...could it be for the extraordinary potion?"

Although he was a playboy before, Yagyu Yuao was not stupid and he reacted immediately.


The young monk Zhixiong nodded slightly,

"The government covets extraordinary power and is unwilling to ruthlessly destroy the demons in Wakayama."

"Furthermore, there are sea ninjas who are proficient in assassination beside Xue Hakama. America's two aircraft carriers withdrew from the battlefield and claimed to be damaged for repairs. In fact, five thousand people were slaughtered by sea ninjas, resulting in heavy losses."

As the only Buddhist ‘master’, the government naturally did not hide these information from Zhixiong.

Now is not the time for internal fighting. If we still can't cooperate sincerely, will we wait for Xue Hakama to come up with some shocking means to push everyone to hell?

"So that's how it is,"

Yagyu Yuao suddenly realized that no wonder he felt that Wakayama was like a 'game copy'.

Every day, a large number of monsters and a certain amount of "synthetic beasts" attack the defense line; the human army resists, and then sends out mercenaries and extraordinary teams to hunt and kill in a daily cycle. If there were no casualties on each other, people would doubt whether it was an act.

Now it seems,

It turned out to be a tacit understanding between the top management of both parties.

"No wonder my father always says that my strength is not good enough. Is that so?"

The real enemies are not these 'soft' monsters and synthetic beasts now.

"Zhixiong, since you are fine."

Standing up, Yagyu Yuao prepared to leave.

"Then I went to train. Although my strength is far behind yours, I believe that one day we can fight side by side!"

After speaking, he stretched out his hand.


Facing the fist stretched out by the young samurai,

The young monk on the hospital bed was stunned for a moment. The single palm on his chest finally clenched into a fist and stretched out.

"I'm waiting for you,"

Two fists bumped together.


The young warrior turned around gracefully, and his face immediately fell.

Ah, my blood was boiling just now, and I took advantage of the situation to say such arrogant words.

How could I, a 'dog-level' person, intervene in a 'ghost-level' battlefield~~

As soon as he pushed the door open and walked out, Yagyu Yuao was stunned.


The middle-aged man outside the door raised his hand and told Yagyu Yongo to shut up.

"follow me."

"You want to become stronger?"

After killing monsters as a 'mortal', accumulating military merits and becoming 'extraordinary', and redeeming extraordinary potions for his son, the Yagyu family is no longer the down-and-out martial arts family that could be easily dismissed, but is once again prosperous. 'Family Extraordinary'.

Although there is no secret skill, it is under the blessing of 'demon power' or 'spiritual power'.

The "Yagyu Shininryu" passed down from the family has turned decay into magic, and it has truly become possible to make a sword faster than a gun within seven steps!

In a kendo gym in Gojo City with a plaque of 'Yagyu', Isamu Yagyu nodded without hesitation when his father 'Yagyu Harashige' asked.


Looking at the young man in front of him who is full of fighting spirit under his own ‘tempering’,

‘Yagyu Harashige’’s eyes were slightly dazed, as if he saw his former self.

"Very good, very energetic."

"My Yagyu family is not without secret skills."


In Yagyu Yuao's shock, 'Yagyu Harashige' slowly said.

"The Yagyu Family's 'Yagyu Three-Day Dog' once dominated the Warring States Period. Although the spiritual energy was already thin at that time, they still left behind unique techniques for utilizing spiritual power."

"It's called 'breathing'."

Of course these words are nonsense!

The real situation is that I entered "Onoda" in Mount Koya alone.

I met the owner ‘Xue Hakama’ and reported to him the government’s movements during this period.

The ‘blood hakama’ gave samurai breathing techniques as a reward: Maybe the Yagyu family did have such a record back then, but after hundreds of years, it has long since disappeared.

"Breathing method?!"

Yagyu Yong's eyes shined,

"Watch it!"

Yagyu Harashige drew his sword out of its sheath and stood still.

Taking a deep breath, streams of wind escaped from the corners of his mouth.

The wind that overflowed from the corner of his mouth seemed subtle, but it continued to expand and spread, making a roaring sound. It echoed repeatedly throughout the dojo, making people feel as if they were on top of the mountains, being blown by the strong wind.

"Wind Breathing Technique——"

'Yagyu Harashige', who was wrapped in the strong wind, seemed to have turned into a roaring wind, causing Yagyu Yuao who was kneeling next to him to grit his teeth and open his eyes wide.


Showing the alloy katana in his hand,

A ten-foot-long, green and misty sword light actually extended from the blade!

The suffocating wind and murderous aura spread, filling the entire large dojo that could accommodate hundreds of people practicing at the same time.

As 'Yagyu Harashige' slashed out with his sword, accompanied by the thunderous roar of the blade piercing the air, Yagyu Yunan seemed to see a vicious wolf leaping out of his father's sword and roaring out, and even saw the cold wolf fangs. The sharp sword light roared out.

The green sword slashed forward, leaving a deep mark on the floor instantly.

"Ape wandering!"

Immediately afterwards, the long sword of 'Yagyu Harashige' was raised diagonally upward, and the light of the flying sword turned and cut off the calligraphy and painting with the word 'nin' hanging on the wall at the end of the dojo.

As the 'heart' fell to the ground, only half of the 'blade' was left hanging on the wall, causing Yagyu Yuao to straighten up his upper body suddenly!

Is this the Yagyu family’s breathing method?


Taking a long breath, 'Yagyu Harashige' turned his head.

"Want to learn?"

Nod like crazy!

"Be prepared to die, I will not show mercy."

Faced with his 'father's' cold words, Yagyu Yuao, who was already used to it, stood up and picked up the katana beside him with a snap.

Drawing his sword out of its sheath and pointing the sharp blade at the opponent, the young warrior took a stance.

"Father, please advise!"


More than ten kilometers away from Gojo City,

In a circle of mountains surrounded by mountains, a large number of high-tech weapons are densely scattered around the military base.

But these weapons are not aimed at the outside world, but are aimed at the base: because there are existences here that are more terrifying than any foreign enemies!

"Mr. Kafka, are you ready?"

A crisp electronic sound sounded, and countless weapons were faintly aimed at the middle-aged man in the center of the base square.


After getting the answer from the middle-aged man, all the senior officials in the command room on the hilltop a few hundred meters away turned to look at Yu who was holding a mobile phone and texting and chatting with the girl.


"Don't worry,"

Yuu didn't look up and continued typing with one hand while waving the other hand.

"If the seal was so fragile, I wouldn't be in this place; instead of worrying about the seal, you should worry about Mr. Kafka's mental state."

Since this Onmyoji has said this, then:

"The experiment begins!"

With one order,

Kafka, standing in the middle of the empty square of the base, took a deep breath.


The next second,

As a huge amount of 'demon power' poured into his body, he immediately roared in pain.

His hair began to extend, and his original short black hair turned into loose white hair in the blink of an eye; his body also expanded from a normal height of 1.7 meters to a height of two meters.

Not only that, but dense black 'cloud patterns' began to appear on his body, which looked both gorgeous and weird.

In addition to these external changes, in Kafka’s mental space:

Countless confusing information flooded into my mind: the vast ocean, the blazing sunshine, the dazzling thunder and lightning, the restless atmosphere, the vast wilderness, the gushing volcanoes, the huge creatures, but more importantly, some completely indescribable feelings: survival, Respiration, eating, excretion, reproduction, confrontation, phagocytosis, coexistence, and genetic exchange.

Thousands of shapes, grotesques, and layers of images, sounds, and smells. It was like a stormy sea. Kafka could not distinguish the meaning at all, and could not even remember what he felt. However, this huge shock was deeply felt. It was deeply engraved in his soul; this huge impact almost caused his consciousness to collapse!

This is the impact of natural energy, and the terrifying information accumulated by the entire planet over hundreds of millions of years:

Even if it is only one in a billion, it is not something an individual can bear.

Fortunately, this energy did not "actively" attack him.


Gritting his teeth, carrying the complex information in his mind, Kafka tried to control this power.

Perhaps Yujun's "seal" was good enough, or perhaps "Ibaraki" was too disdainful to communicate with him and did not appear to "take advantage of the opportunity to seize the body".

"Roar, roar, roar!!"

While roaring to the sky, circles of sound waves spread out.

Kafka's body continued to change, his skin was covered with black exoskeleton "armor", his face was covered with a white bone mask, and two white ghost horns soared into the sky.


With a kick of his feet, the transformed Kafka rose from the ground and flew straight to a height of 100 meters.


A mutated roar came out of Kafka's mouth, whose image had changed drastically.

He raised his upper body high and clenched his fists.


Before those senior officials finished their shocked words, Kafka, who had transformed, had already fallen straight down.


Accompanied by a thunderous sound, Kafka's fists fell down, and circles of terrifying shock waves visible to the naked eye penetrated into the ground layer by layer. Within a radius of hundreds of meters, it was like a drumhead being violently beaten, shaking and trembling.

Large pieces of concrete in the base were blown away by the unparalleled force, and shattered into a billowing smoke with thousands of tons of gravel!

A nearby mountain exploded with cracks all over, and mud and rock flow rolled down, crashing into the military base like a waterfall, causing tens of millions of shock waves.

With one punch, half of the military base was almost smashed into ruins!

This is a modern military base.


? ? ?

The senior officials reacted at this time, and they didn't know when countless ink-colored liquids covered the entire command room.

At the same time, there were black spiders flying down, fixing them on the black liquid: otherwise, the aftermath of the "ground pounding" just now would be enough to cause them non-combat casualties.

"Thank you,"

"Thank you very much."

After being put down by the black spider web, the senior officials thanked You who was still sitting and playing with his mobile phone.

Fortunately, this person was invited here, otherwise just a casual blow from "Kafka" could have wiped them out.

Then, the next is the most critical problem:

"Communication is interrupted,"

"The equipment installed in the training ground is destroyed."

Immediately, a technician reported: This is also a very normal thing. With Kafka's destructive power, how could ordinary equipment survive?

But they were prepared--

"Kafka, please answer if you hear me."

A drone flew over the deep pit in the center of the huge ruins.

"Kafka, are you still conscious? Are you a human now, or"


The armored figure in the deep pit stood up,

"I am a human!"

"I am Kafka."

It's done! ! !

The high-ranking officials in the command room clenched their fists subconsciously.

After using Ibaraki's "demon power" to transform, if Kafka can still stay awake, it means:


"From now on, you are the land general of the Self-Defense Forces!"

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