I planted a sacred tree in Tokyo

Chapter 148 Cat Sa Neng Hu

"General Kafka, here are the information you want."

In a 'V-22 tilt-rotor aircraft' heading towards Osaka, a female lieutenant of the Self-Defense Force respectfully handed the tablet in her hand to Kafka standing in the cabin.

The V-22 tilt-rotor aircraft is a vertical take-off and landing tilt-rotor aircraft commonly known as the 'Osprey'. It is similar to a fixed-wing aircraft in appearance, but the two rotatable engines on the wingtips drive the two rotors, which can take off and land in place like a helicopter, and can move at high speed like a fixed-wing aircraft.

It is precisely because of this convenient means of transportation with a speed of 647 kilometers per hour that Kafka, who was reporting on his work in Tokyo, was able to rush back to Osaka in more than half an hour.

"These bureaucrats."

After reading the information sent, Kafka couldn't help but be speechless.

Although a native extraordinary was involved, the Takahashi family was also working for the island country, which led to the death of the extraordinary 'Nakomata'.

The Osaka government not only failed to make proper arrangements, but also acquiesced to the suppression of the Takahashi family: Although it sounds bad to say this, Kafka, the initiator, knows that the government promised extraordinary potions as rewards before the war. Where did these potions go?

Could it be that if someone's extraordinary died in the war, they would not be given out? !

".Embezzling pensions and secretly trading are indeed what they can do."

The middle-aged man lowered his eyes. He was not a child, so he naturally knew the "unspoken rules" of these societies.


"When this matter is over, I will personally review the transactions behind it!"

He wants to be a hero, not a reckless man who can only rush in without thinking.

Now that he has this power, those guys who do not act will be sent to where they should go.

"Yes, General Lu!"

The female lieutenant saluted,

"The Joint Staff Office sent instructions, and the three "Chiefs of Staff" all support your decision!"

The Chief of Staff is equivalent to the Chief of Staff of other countries; above the three Chiefs of Staff of the Army, Navy, and Air Force are the Minister of Defense and the Prime Minister: that is, the Prime Minister.

The Chiefs of Staff of the three armed forces all support him, which is almost equivalent to the Prime Minister of the island country hinting that he can investigate whatever he wants.

"I understand, then-"

Kafka turned his head to look at the front of the plane, and at the same time an electronic sound sounded in the cabin:

"General Lu, we have entered the Konohana District of Osaka City. Do we need to slow down and land? Please instruct!"

"No need,"

"Keep going at full speed and open the cabin door."

Handing the tablet in his hand to the female lieutenant, the other party immediately walked back to the seat quickly, pulled up the restraints, and fixed himself. And Kafka, wearing a white military coat, walked to the door of the cabin.


The cabin door opened,

Woo woo woo~~

The air in the cabin immediately rushed out, blowing Kafka's coat fiercely.

However, this air pressure was just a breeze for Kafka now. He locked onto the battlefield in the distance by feeling and stepped on it.


The whole person flew away,

and fell towards the densely built city under inertia.


"A strong man is coming,"

The paper dance folding fan that had been watching the show closed and looked up at the sky.

"Strong man?"

Gaoqiao Ai Ling heard this and also looked up at the sky.

A black dot drew an arc and fell from the distant sky to this side.


No, that's... a person? !

That's right, it was actually a middle-aged man wearing a white military coat and a white suit.

He didn't carry any signs of deceleration equipment on his body, and he fell to the ground under the action of gravity!

Boom! ! !

With a loud bang, the man who fell from the sky hit a deserted street heavily, as if he was not a flesh and blood body, but a falling meteorite: the body that should have been smashed into a meat pie strode out, but the solid concrete road surface exploded and sank into a big pit.


The man took a step and was dozens of meters away.

With his speed, he arrived in front of the "Stray Animal Treatment Center" in just a few seconds, and jumped up with a kick of his feet.


The next second,

This man stood on the edge of the roof of the "Stray Animal Treatment Center".

Oh, not bad.

Sudden acquisition of powerful strength and being able to use it freely is also a talent: even at this time, Kafka has not "transformed".


The "Nekomata" Photon, who had been guarding Gaoqiao Ai Ling, screamed, and his whole body fell forward, his hair stood up as if electrified, and his pupils shrank into a vertical line, obviously entering a fighting or intimidation state!

"Uncle, who are you?"

Seeing the attitude of 'Photon', Takahashi Ai Ling also became alert.


Kafka looked at the little girl in front of him: the other party didn't know him, but he remembered the other party.

Because of him, the other party's extraordinary pet was killed, and the family fell from the clouds to the bottom of the valley; the parents who couldn't accept the reality, one stayed at home, and the other struggled madly. In the end, they pushed the little girl to the opposite side.

"I am Kafka, a first-class general of the Self-Defense Forces."

After saying that, the serious middle-aged man with a scar on his face stepped forward.


Just as 'Nekomata' Photon grinned and 'Mr. Takahashi' raised his arms and posed, the other party:

knelt down on one knee.

Then the other foot, and then both hands were raised and put down.

Finally, the forehead was lowered and pressed against the concrete rooftop.

? ? ?

Prostrating himself, a standard form of dougeza.

In the Edo period of the island nation, once someone apologized in the form of dougeza, he would generally be forgiven by the recipient.

But from another perspective, dougeza was also a real shame!

For people of that era, it was worse than beheading.

Even in modern times, island politicians bow and apologize every other day, but few of them do dougeza.

Those who would use this kind of etiquette were either shameless people who had no face at all, or people who truly expressed the deepest apology or sincere request.

When the other party knelt, the entire battlefield was instantly silent: not to mention Gaoqiao Ai Ling who was stunned, even all the people who were watching the battlefield through drones were stunned.

How could it be possible? He is the first extraordinary person in the island nation!

"Really. I'm very sorry."

The middle-aged man who bowed his head and knelt apologized sincerely, and his handsome military coat dragged on the ground, without any domineering momentum that had descended from the sky before.

"I am the one who was possessed by 'Ibaraki'; your 'Nekomata' Mitsuko died in my hands."

"I have an unshirkable responsibility for what happened to you!"

? !

"No, Ai Ling knows."

At this moment, the little girl shook her head instead.

"That's not your fault, you were just controlled by the demon."

"I heard that it was you, uncle, who suppressed the demon's soul and sealed him. I don't know what happened later."

Later, the Takahashi family, who lost their supernatural power, were kicked out of the supernatural circle. Even Kafka didn't recognize them, but judging from the roar of 'Nekomata' Mitsuko, it was indeed the power of the demon.

"Not only that,"

The middle-aged man maintained his posture of sitting on the ground,

"I am going to personally apologize to the victims of the disaster and take care of their relatives."

"But because I went to Tokyo to report on my work, I almost killed you. This is my fault."

After that, the middle-aged man raised his head and looked at the little girl sincerely.

"Please give me a chance to make up for this mistake."

"I will thoroughly investigate the inside story of this incident and bring the relevant personnel to justice: I swear in the name of a hero!"

What is a hero?

When Kafka was a child, he thought that as long as he could "defeat monsters", he would be a hero.

But as he grew up, he understood that "monsters" are not just those with fangs and claws, but there are more lurking among humans.

He didn't have the power or the determination to face these "monsters" before; now that he has this power, he will definitely live up to the name of "hero".

"Tsk tsk tsk~~"

"As soon as you open your mouth, you want my "child" to go with you?"

While Gaoqiao Ai Ling was stunned, Zhiwu flew over and interrupted the man's mouth-to-mouth.

He is indeed a person who wants to be a "hero".

Let alone other things, this "mouth-to-mouth" skill is really amazing, the most troublesome thing is:

"I'm serious."

Facing the middle-aged man kneeling on the roof, Zhiwu curled her lips.

It's troublesome to be serious!

If he were a little girl, he would not be able to help but believe her once, right?


"You just don't want to fight, so you make this gesture."

With a cold look in her eyes, Zhiwu slapped the folding fan in her hand.

"Human beings are social creatures, always full of struggle, compromise, hatred, and calculation."

"You are a poor guy possessed by a big demon. Why do you think you can "uphold justice"? "

After saying that, Zhiwu tilted her head towards the little girl Gaoqiao Ai Ling.

"Ailing, don't talk nonsense with him."

"Yes, Lord Zhiwu."

Although the uncle was very sincere, Gaoqiao Ai Ling did not forget that it was 'Sister Zhiwu' who brought back the photon and gave her the power to reunite with her 'family', so--

"Sorry, uncle."

As Gaoqiao Ai Ling raised her hand and pointed, the cats that rushed back leaped up along the wall and pounced on Kafka from all directions!

"Kafka is a man."

In the command room of Gojo City, Wakayama Prefecture, Iori Ichika, who was hanging one arm, sighed.

If she had the power of "ghost level", why would she talk so much nonsense? Beat the other party first. ——No, even when she didn't have extraordinary power, she would beat the other party first before handling the case!

But it doesn't mean that she doesn't respect such people.

People with power are certainly worthy of respect, but people who have power but can still be so respectful are more worthy of respect!

"Senior Ichika, can Kafka win?"

The policewoman Kawawa and Mai with a bob haircut asked in a low voice,

Don't let them go in the middle of the fight.

"What are you worried about?"

Iori Ichika grinned.

"Guaranteed to win!"




Faced with a large number of extraordinary cats rushing towards him, Kafka didn't even raise his hands, but just burst out his "demon power".

In an instant, his entire body turned into a blazing torch, and the rising blue "demon power" was like a real flame: making the extraordinary cats that came into contact scream, and they subconsciously twisted their waists and jumped back, away from this terrifying existence.

For these extraordinary cats who are only "wolf-level", the "ghost-level" demon power or chakra is like fire to them!

Once they are hit by it, they can't even maintain their form: don't forget, they are just Gaoqiao Ai Ling's bloody creations.

If they lose their bodies, they will become ‘lonely ghosts’ again.

Moreover, Kafka’s demonic power is enough to shock their souls into smoke.

“Cats, retreat!”

After one contact, Takahashi Ailing also saw that it was impossible to defeat the opponent with these cats alone.


“Dad, Kojiro, please.”

“Leave it to me!”

“Hahaha, watch me show my skills——”

The little boy rushed forward with a wild laugh, and the next second his eyes blurred.


A big hand covered his face.

Twisting ‘Hayakawa Kojiro’ like grabbing a chicken, Kafka strode towards Takahashi Ailing.

“Don’t even think about getting close!”

‘Mr. Takahashi’ roared, crossed his arms, and blocked Kafka.


The metallic luster flashed, and ‘Mr. Takahashi’s’ defense increased greatly!

This is the ninjutsu that Kakuzu is good at:

Earth escape·Earth spear.

That's right, this ninjutsu sounds like an offensive ninjutsu, but it's actually a defensive ninjutsu: use the earth attribute chakra flowing in the body to harden any part of the body; the hardened part will turn black, with both offense and defense, and powerful.

It is quite similar to the "armament color domineering" in the world of One Piece, but without the domineering of the armament color, it is more like an "iron block".



After resisting Kafka's punch, Mr. Takahashi's arms immediately burst into countless cracks like porcelain.

This is the state where Kafka has not transformed, otherwise this "Mr. Takahashi" will be smashed by a punch like a guy called "Ghost Gate"!

The figures intertwined, passing the injured and kneeling "Mr. Takahashi", carrying the struggling "Hayakawa Kojiro", Kafka was already standing in front of Takahashi Ailing who was protected by the "triangle barrier".

"Please give me a chance, please."

? ? ?

What to do, what to do?

Facing the man so close, Takahashi Ai Ling panicked.

Use your ability to make this uncle in front of you become a "family member" to help you?

No, this uncle is too strong! The uncle you "called" can't beat him

The "illusion of life" of the Kurama clan is indeed terrifying, but any ability has its limits. Limited by Takahashi Ai Ling's own strength, she can't copy objects that are far beyond her. And when she starts to "waver", her ability will be disturbed.

Just like the sentence "Don't think about the elephant", when it is said, the image of an elephant has already appeared in her mind.

When the little girl subconsciously thinks that the "family" is not as powerful as the other party, she has already lost half.

The reason why it is half is because:


Countless papers flew in, blocking Kafka's sight.

When he waved his hand to blow away the papers, the little girl was no longer in front of him:

"I personally picked this 'child'. If you take her down like this, wouldn't I be very embarrassed?"

He held Takahashi Ai Ling in one hand and flew back, and Zhiwu placed his other hand on her head.

"Ailing, I'll lend you my strength."

"Let 'Photon' do the fighting, you should take a nap first."

"Okay, Zhiwu. Big."

As Zhiwu gently stroked her head, Takahashi Ai Ling closed her eyes and fell asleep.

The art of dozing!


The 'Nekomata' Photon, who was blocking Kafka, let out a long whistle and pulled back to Takahashi Ai Ling.

And Zhiwu also threw Takahashi Ai Ling in her hand, and the two collided!

There was no sound of collision, and Takahashi Ai Ling was directly integrated into the body of 'Nekomata' Photon: she could be seen curled up with her knees hugged, like a baby sleeping in her mother's body.

Brush, brush, brush, brush,

Other beings on the roof: a large number of extraordinary cats, Mr. Takahashi, Mrs. Takahashi, and Kojiro Hayakawa

All turned into streams of light and gathered together to protect Takahashi Ailing; forming a real substance similar to blue translucent jelly, but after condensing into shape, it showed a steel-like extremely solid and heavy property.


In the blink of an eye, these blue energies formed a giant cat-like existence with a height of more than five meters with Takahashi Ailing as the core!

It's not over yet, this huge cat monster is still growing bigger, and the building under its feet is under heavy pressure, making a harsh cracking sound and sinking continuously, and finally collapsed; then, a giant cat head stretched out from the smoke and dust, looking at Kafka on the top of the ruined building.


This enemy who killed himself has become so small.

Can win!

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