I planted a sacred tree in Tokyo

Chapter 155: Koyasan Counterattack Technological Assault

Chapter 155 Koyasan Counterattack·Technology Raid


This is not a mountain, but a continuous mountain range.

The sky is more than 3,000 meters high, covered by thick extraordinary dark clouds, forming a canopy that blocks the sun and prying eyes.

But if it is just such a means, it will not be difficult for human technology: fighters and bombers of various models fly above 10,000 meters. There is no need to worry about the interference of the "demon", nor the cover of dark clouds, because they do not need to carry out precision strikes.

"The first bombing squad is in place."

"The second bombing squad is in place"

"The third bombing squad is in place"

"The fourth."

As the formations entered the designated area, the three "chiefs of staff" of the Self-Defense Forces gathered in the command room of Gojo City, as well as a large number of air, sea and land officials. They all stared at the huge electronic simulation sand table on the screen, and the green dots representing the Self-Defense Forces, mercenaries, and super police, and...

"General Kafka is in place."


A middle-aged man's face appeared on the huge screen.

It was the Prime Minister of the Cabinet of the island country, and the commander-in-chief of the three armed forces: the Prime Minister!

"The rise and fall of the island country depends on this battle: I wish you all a prosperous military fortune and victory over the enemy."


Everyone in the command room saluted. This battle was indeed very critical. If they win, the island country has the fifth largest technological and military strength on the planet, plus the first supernatural power. Not to mention replacing America, it is no problem to be on equal footing.

But if they lose.

No one will think about this possibility, because they can't lose, and they can't afford to lose!

Osaka is only an hour away from Wakayama. If they lose. The island country will immediately lose one-third of its national strength. What else can we say? Let's just commit seppuku together.


With the order of the three chiefs of staff, the navy, air force, and army all went out.

The Self-Defense Forces of 200,000 people were operating at full speed, with hundreds of warships, more than 500 aircraft, and 100,000 ground troops pouring into Wakayama Prefecture from all directions, plus America's two aircraft carrier formations and fighter jets that kept taking off.

Since World War II, the largest-scale "war" has begun.


"Bombing squadron, start dropping bombs!"

"The first bombing squadron received the order and executed it immediately."

"The second bombing squadron received the order and executed it immediately."

"The third bombing squadron received the order."

At an altitude of 10,000 meters, one after another huge B-52 bombers opened their bellies and dropped bloated bombs like "laying eggs".

In order to mobilize so many bombers in a short period of time, America dragged out a large number of antiques stored in warehouses waiting to be "scrapped": looking at the paint, some still retain the style of the last century: perhaps among them, there may even be predecessors who participated in "Lee Mei BBQ".

This time they were put on the battlefield, and they were also "old acquaintances".

Anyway, the pilot is an islander, and the bomber is also an islander. If there is a problem, there is no need to worry, because there are ejection parachutes.

As for the survival rate of parachuting on this battlefield


Anyway, these new and old strategic bombers, from B-52A, B, C, D, E, F, G, to H8 models, have returned to their old business.


Since the end of World War II,

bombers as a weapon have increasingly lost their meaning of existence.

In front of advanced air defense systems, slow bombers are simply moving targets; America has spent a lot of money to get a large number of B-52s that are in service and have not been disassembled, and the scene is also very spectacular:

A bloated bomb fell to an altitude of two kilometers, and then exploded: hundreds of small fireballs with a diameter of several meters were formed in the air, which looked like gorgeous fireworks, but within the kilometer range covered by the explosion, a large number of beetles fell like rain.

Boom boom boom boom~~

Boom boom boom boom boom~~

Boom boom boom boom boom boom~~

Such explosions are not one or two, but hundreds, thousands, and even tens of thousands!

The fireballs that rise and fall cover the entire sky, like a golden and red ocean, which makes anyone who looks up amazed.

The power of the explosion is not great, but the coverage is very wide. Each one is enough to form a death zone of one kilometer in radius: it is just a "weak dog" level of the yakuza, and it suffered heavy losses under such a large-scale explosion.

Cluster munitions!

These bloated bombs are stuffed with more than 600 small bombs the size of a fist.

Each small bomb is enough to blow a person to pieces: this is why the use of "cluster bombs" is prohibited by international conventions.

Not all cluster bombs can be detonated. Those small bombs that have not yet detonated will be inserted into the soil, becoming a safety hazard, and they will explode at any time: for example, when a civilian steps on it.

Of course, America doesn't care, and international conventions cannot constrain it.

As for the post-war cleanup, that was also the island nation's business.

Under the carpet bombing of cluster bombs, the sky of half of Wakayama Prefecture was dyed red. Such attacks were nothing more than fireworks for the "masters", but for the huge number of monsters whose strength was not strong, it was a disaster!

So, when the ‘blood hakama’ moved his mind slightly, the ‘queen bees’ hiding under the mountains raised their heads and emitted infrasound waves that could not be captured by the naked ear.

In the sky covered by the bombing, a large number of bastards began to merge and reorganize with each other, turning into synthetic beasts that were flying or running!

Synthetic beasts with wolf-level strength can already withstand the explosion of ‘cluster bombs’.

After all, cluster bombs are a weapon that focuses on ‘area killing’. For units with high defense: it is completely a scratch.

But the island country and America dared to launch a counterattack, and naturally they were fully prepared:

Buzz buzz buzz buzz buzz,

Taking advantage of the explosion to clear the dense bastards, a large number of drones rushed into the sky of Koyasan; infrared cameras constantly locked on to the huge synthetic beasts that exuded eye-catching heat and ‘psychic energy’.

"Coordinates XXX, XXX, XXX"

"Target flying synthetic beast, fighter No. 2-53-1, destroy it!"

"Zizi. No. 2-53-1 received."

Under the coverage of cluster bombs, a large number of bastards chose to merge into synthetic beasts; at this time, it was the turn of the fighters: these technological creations flying thousands of meters high in the sky, as long as they locked the coordinates transmitted by the drone, they would immediately launch missiles one by one.

Missiles that emerged from the "dark clouds" covering the sky flew towards the synthetic beasts, and exploded into gorgeous fireworks in the blink of an eye!

If locked by these missiles with a general speed of 1~2 Mach, even a "wolf-level" synthetic beast would be blown to pieces on the spot.

Of course, the bastards did not just take the beating without fighting back: soon, a large number of long strips of creations only the size of arms flew out of these synthetic beasts. These creations looked like "sausages" with more than a dozen pairs of wings on them, just like;

Small flying sticks!

When these creatures flapped their wings, their speeds soared immediately.

It reached a level that was difficult for the human eye to capture, and they drew arcs in the air and crashed head-on into the missiles.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

Expensive missiles exploded into violent fireballs in midair.

The essence of war is to fight for consumption.

Buzz buzz buzz buzz buzz,

A large number of low-flying "Falcon" drones were responsible for the area of ​​hundreds to thousands of meters, and they advanced forward with many armed helicopters. The 20mm machine guns kept roaring, and the steel whips composed of bullets repeatedly swept everything, destroying a large number of demons hundreds and kilometers away.

On the ground:

A large number of armored vehicles advanced along the foot of the mountain, and the vehicle-mounted machine guns kept shooting at the sky.

Every few miles, a troop carrier stopped and put down a large number of Self-Defense Forces army soldiers to establish positions.

All directions, in the sky and on the ground, all the conventional weapons that can be used have been used. The Combined Fleet docked in the Pacific Ocean is constantly launching high-powered fuel-air bombs; they draw long white arcs, fall from the sky, and continuously bomb the areas that the Self-Defense Forces have not yet arrived.

As for what was bombed specifically?

Don't worry, anyway, there is only the "enemy" in the entire Koyasan!

Boom boom boom boom!

"The power of high-tech weapons to wash the ground is really good."

There are only explosions in my ears. I look up at the red sky that stretches due to the continuous dropping of cluster bombs; I look at the small mushroom clouds rising above the earth; I sense the decreasing number of bastards, and the "blood hakama" floating several meters above the ground can't help but admire.

"In terms of destructive power, it is not inferior to the ninjutsu of the jonin."


it is only destructive power.

Not to mention the well-prepared ‘Queen Bee’ hiding a hundred meters underground;

Even if ‘Blood Hakama’ and ‘Sea Ninja’ stood here to be blown up by the other side, ordinary weapons could not do anything to them.

Come on, it is not the right way to always rely on bragging; You has sent out two other clones, let’s see if he can be called ‘invincible’ in this world.


“Dog, dog, dog!”


“ @¥ # ”

Amid the charge slogans of various languages, the island country’s 100,000 army self-defense forces and a mixed force of elite police, plus the same number of ‘foreign mercenaries’, formed several fronts together and charged towards Koyasan at the same time.

Da da da da da,

The bullets whizzed out, forming a storm of death intertwined with metal.

Under the dense firepower network, the Koyasan demon tide was repeatedly ravaged by cluster bombs and thermobaric bombs; after the integration, it was "named" by fighter jets and long-range artillery fire. It was hard to suppress its fatigue. It retreated step by step in front of the army that surrounded it from all sides and was constantly compressed.

This is also a matter of course. Modern armies do not have any extraordinary means, but they are at the pinnacle of "killing".

Missiles and heavy artillery wash the ground; armored vehicles lead the way and charge, and then infantry follows up to kill the standard World War II style.

If it is a big country against a big country, this kind of group charge is "giving heads".

Before destroying the opponent's air force and long-range artillery; because of the existence of satellites, radars, and drones, any large-scale assembly will attract missiles and heavy artillery bombardment: leading to a real "modern" war, only the weapons of both sides fight in the air, and small-scale infantry dispersed assaults, advancing forward one trench after another.

It is also a scene where drones show their skills.

Fortunately, Bi Yao existed a thousand years ago after all.

It has not demonstrated satellite positioning or long-range precision strike capabilities, allowing the human side to confidently and boldly assemble troops to charge!

In front of the all-out army, the huge number of Bi demons seemed to be retreating steadily, as if victory was within reach.

But how is it possible?

Although the army and the Bi Yaomen were fighting fiercely, they were never the ones who really decided the outcome.

Soldier against soldier, general against general, king against king!


"The habits of these bees are very similar to those of bees."

On the command ship of America, an old professor in the field of biology was explaining to the senior officials of America who were sitting in a circle:

"So, there is a high probability that there is an incubator similar to a 'queen bee'."

"If the 'Queen Bee' cannot be killed, the number of slave demons will soon be replenished."

The current advantage is based on missiles and artillery bombardments regardless of cost, as well as fierce raids launched by the human army.

If time passes, a reversal is likely to occur, especially:

"Blood hakama, sea ninja."

The white lieutenant general spoke slowly,

As long as these two 'big demons' are safe and sound, no matter how many monsters are killed, it will be in vain.

"Thomas, are the anti-paranormal warfare teams in place?"

"Yes, everything is ready!"

Brigadier General Thomas gave a military salute,

"The shadowless lights in all ship cabins have been turned on, the large-scale infrasonic jammer is activated, the extraordinary lieutenant team is fully armed, and the fringe system has been released from restrictions."

In order to cope with the "sea ninja"'s raid, America also used all the available technologies: these newly installed weapons are no longer to defend against missiles flying from the outside, but to defend against being raided by a single person from within: even being killed together. The 'limbic system' is already turned on.

Of course, there are some weapons that ordinary soldiers will definitely not know about.

"Okay, let's see next"

The extraordinary troops of the island nation!


Gunfire roared, roars and shouts.

The melee between the army and the monsters has officially begun.

Among the beauties, synthetic beasts, missiles, and aircraft flying all over the sky, there are some "beyonces" flying towards the interior of the Koya Mountains.

On the surface, they are indeed 'Bi demons': huge eyes, bony wings, and long tail-like organs. However, if you look closely, you will find that these 'Bi demons' have dull eyes and slow flying movements. It's very weird, and it doesn't have the flexibility of extraordinary creatures at all.

Because they are not living creatures in the first place!

The exterior is spliced ​​together from the corpse of a demon, but the interior is actually a technological creation.

If it were normal, this "weird" flying posture would be easily detected and intercepted by the real Biyou.

But now everything is a mess, and there are all kinds of monsters struggling in the air due to damage, or simply falling to the ground. Only these small numbers of "weird" monsters are able to penetrate deep into the Koya Mountains.

After scanning with a large number of electronic eyes, I finally found this on a mountain peak:


Covering his face with a white scarf with the word "三" written on it, "Xue Hakama" dressed as an onmyoji raised his head and looked at the obviously abnormal Bi Yao.

With a flash of lightning, only patches of black screen remained in front of the technicians controlling Taiwan's technological creations.


"Find the target, find the target!"

"Coordinates XXX, XXX,"

"Repeat that."

As the coordinates were passed to the front line, General Kafka Lu pressed the headset in a CH-47 transport helicopter above the battlefield under heavy artillery fire.

"This is the assault team, coordinates received."

After saying that, he looked around: the cabin was full of extraordinary beings from the island country, including Monk Shixiong from Buddhist Tantric Buddhism, Mrs. Tanimura from the Metropolitan Police Department, the Ikariya siblings from the Onmyoji family, and the Yagyu father and son from the swordsman family.

There are also Toru Yamayama, Saitosuke, and dozens of extraordinary special police officers.

Except for the 'Ashiya Lineage' of Onmyodo who didn't come, almost all the other 'masters' are here.

That Yujun provided everyone with some onmyoji props, and if it weren't for the other party's treatment, they wouldn't be able to recover so quickly; the whole island country had nothing to say.

After all, Onmyoji is not a profession that charges into battle. If it wasn't for the Kainin involved, the Ikariya siblings would definitely not have come!

"Everyone, for those ordinary people who can't fight!"

Kafka, who was the strongest combatant, spoke slowly.

"Please give me a helping hand."

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