I planted a sacred tree in Tokyo

Chapter 164 The Ancestor Arrives

Great demon, cough cough, the descendant of the god, Hyuga Toneri, is flying to Tokyo.

Estimated arrival time is less than half an hour!

This news made the bigwigs in Tokyo unable to sit still, and they kept urging the Extraordinary Countermeasures Department and the Self-Defense Forces to "go to Beijing to serve the king".

"Director, the higher-ups are asking about General Kafka's situation."

"Tell them not to panic."

Director Takeya glanced at the phone in the secretary's hand with displeasure. He personally went to the front line to command the battle, but he didn't have such a dilemma. Those who hid in the rear were scared out of their wits? Don't think about what Tokyo has -

the sacred tree,

and the main shrine of the Inari god!

The Inari god 'Ozan' is the descendant of Susanoo in mythology.

Of course, there are a lot of gods in the island country, and the three noble sons have many descendants: as gods, they certainly don't have to be pregnant for ten months like humans.

Just use your own divine power to create new gods: just like the famous Sanguizi, whose left eye was cleaned by the father god of the island country, Izanagi, and turned into Amaterasu; his right eye was cleaned and turned into Tsukuyomi; his nose was cleaned and turned into Susanoo.

The Inari god, Ooten, has become the god with the most believers in the entire island country with his authority of "abundance".


It is definitely not comparable to the mere "descendants of God".

Apart from anything else, Hakuzou can repel Haiming, so would he be afraid of Toneri?

So in the eyes of Director Takeya, those guys in Tokyo are simply cowards!

"General Kafka, how do you feel?"

"I'm fine,"

Sitting on the chair next to him, Kafka, who was covered with talismans on his body, shook his head. These talismans were all written by "Yu" and could suppress the "Ibaraki" in his body, although-

Ibaraki did not take the opportunity to seize control of his body and did not seem to care about his current situation.


But it's okay this way.

Clenching his fists, Kafka's eyes flashed with determination.

The world is becoming more and more chaotic. No matter what the future holds, he wants to use this power to save and help more people.



A girl rushed into the ward.

After seeing the boy on the bed, she subconsciously wanted to rush over, but stopped abruptly at the end.

Because the person on the bed was wrapped in bandages all over his body; if the girl rushed over like this, she might make the other person more injured.

"I heard from the doctor that you have passed the critical period."

"It's good to be back, it's good to be back."

The girl tried hard to make a 'smile' face, but tears could not be suppressed.


She covered her face with the back of her hand and wiped her tears, and apologized.

"I am so happy."

She was just an ordinary girl. Although her father, the company's section chief, had some status, there was a world of difference between her and the extraordinary.

If she had not been kidnapped by a superhuman and rescued by Saito Jie, she would not have appeared here at all, and would not have had any intersection with the boy on the bed.

"Don't cry, I'm not worth your sadness."

The boy on the bed spoke,


"You saved me and stood up for the people. You are undoubtedly a great hero!"

The girl wiped away her tears and looked at the boy on the bed seriously.

"Jie, I don't care about your past."

"I only care about you now."

"Sorry, I made you worry."

After hesitating for a few seconds, Saito Jie still reached out and helped the girl wipe away the tears.

"If possible, can you please date me?"

? !

Facing Saito Jie's hand in front of her, the girl was stunned, then covered her mouth, and tears flowed again.

"I do!"


Just when Gojo City was full of wounded soldiers and a bunch of superhumans were recovering again.

'Hyuga Toneri' had already flown to Tokyo.

"The target enters the 'Setagaya District'!"

"If you don't change direction, the target will reach the 'God Tree District'!"

In Chiyoda District, many high-ranking officials of the island country heard the news, and they all breathed a sigh of relief, but also felt an inexplicable loss.

In their speculation, the other party should go straight to the 'Prime Minister's Residence' in Nagatacho to establish their authority; or go to the 'Imperial Palace' to meet the bloodline a thousand years later; but in fact, the other party did not even look at Chiyoda District, but went straight to the God Tree District.

That's right,

That person is a descendant of the God who has the 'Eye of God',

And from his tone, it seems that the 'Eye of God' is not necessarily awakened, so naturally he looks down on them, the 'mortals'.

Next, it is the collision between him and the 'Inari God'.

I hope there won’t be a fight in Tokyo.


Shinshu District,

“Due to an emergency, all visitors please stay where you are and do not run around. Thank you for your cooperation.”

“Repeat, due to an emergency, all visitors please stay where you are.”

The announcements were repeated throughout the Shinshu District. Today, the Shinshu District receives millions of visitors every day. It can be said that it has formed an extremely large industrial chain. Any delay of one minute will cause huge economic losses.

But now, the entire Shinshu District has been shut down for an hour.

Although the staff are doing their best to guide the evacuation, the flow of people gathered here has not decreased at all.

“What’s going on?”

“Is there another idiot from abroad trying to take pictures?”

"These non-nationals have no rules at all. They think this is where they are!"

The crowds waiting to worship began to complain. This was their only free opportunity to worship once a year: many of them were islanders who came from other areas. In this island nation where extraordinary disasters occur frequently every three days, although everyone knows The Sacred Tree will only protect Tokyo, but it is always good to seek psychological comfort.

If the visit to the shrine is delayed or even canceled because of the various unruly behaviors of those foreigners, even the islanders who pay attention to 'etiquette' will curse!

While the crowd on the steps of giant tree roots were waiting patiently, a child suddenly raised his hand and pointed to the sky.

"Mom, look, there is something extraordinary flying in the sky~~"

"Don't talk nonsense,"

The woman patted her child gently.

This is the Sacred Tree District. Who dares to fly here?

Not to mention the various human aircraft, even if they were extraordinary beings, it was rumored that people from all over the world only came to pay homage once on the day the sacred tree came.

Even those extraordinary beings walked far away to show respect, and did not even dare to step into the shrine.

Since the arrival of the sacred tree, there has been no extraordinary disaster in Tokyo!

Tens of millions of people living in Tokyo are all honored.

Of course, in the eyes of the residents of the 'Sacred Tree District' today, even Chiyoda, Minato, and Chuo are just the countryside!

What kind of being dares to fly here?


Subconsciously, I looked in the direction my son was pointing.

The woman opened her mouth for a moment, but could not utter a complete sentence.

"What's the matter, ma'am?"

"Oh, that's——"

Someone noticed something unusual about the mother and son, followed their gaze, and immediately exclaimed.

Because in the sky, a huge white crane spreads its wings and floats over. On its back stands a young man with wide robes, long sleeves, white clothes and white hair?

? !

Is there really a supernatural being who dares to challenge the majesty of Inari God?

Like huge tree roots undulating on hills, the crowds of people gathered like snakes raised their heads one after another, looking at the graceful young man who floated towards him with the appearance of an 'immortal'.

not good!

Whoever this extraordinary being is,

Since he dares to fly with such big thorns, he must have a few brushes.

If he had a conflict with the shrine, the hundreds of thousands of people present would not be worried about the Inari Shrine suffering a loss, but——

I am afraid that they will become the "fish in the pond" that will be affected.

The good thing is:

"Hyuga Toner, pay homage to the 'Uga no Soul Controlling God'."

In the loud voice of the young man in white, he was carried by the white crane and flew halfway up the mountainside of the sacred tree, which also made the people who were staying on the steps of the tree roots breathe a sigh of relief.

It turns out that he is also here to pay homage to Inari God. No, he is a supernatural being!

After saying that,

The boy in white didn't take a second glance at the hundreds of thousands of people below, and landed directly in front of the huge vermilion torii gate of the shrine.


Two beautiful, dignified and elegant shrine maidens wearing red and white shrine maiden costumes were already waiting in front of the torii with their heads bowed.

"this way please."

With a slight nod, the boy in white clothes, white hair and white eyes said nothing. Under the leadership of the two shrine maidens, he walked towards the shrine. The senior officials of the island country who were paying attention to all this through satellites and a large number of drones also breathed a sigh of relief.


The Minister of Defense wiped the hot sweat from his forehead.

"Even that 'Hyuuga Toneri' must behave in front of Inari God."

"Otherwise if there is a fight"

Not to mention whether the fight can be won or not, once the majesty of ‘god’ is challenged, two situations will occur:

His prestige plummeted, and the divine punishment of annihilation!

"Humph, it's just a waste of time."

The Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology glanced at the sweaty Defense Minister.

"Your Majesty Inari God is also known as 'Goshujin', which is homophonic to 'Three Fox Gods'. He is the only one who uses foxes as his messengers. We have a harmonious relationship with him."

"Even if you are Hinata Toneri, you should still call her aunt."

As she spoke, she quietly loosened her clamped legs.

"How can we fight against each other?"

Since 'Hyuuga Toneri' is of Amaterasu bloodline and has awakened the 'Eye of God', he is a genuine 'descendant of God'.

After arriving in the human world, it is also reasonable to go and visit the ‘relatives’ first.

As for what happens next?

Of course, it depends on how well the discussion with Inari Shrine goes before making any plans.

Ten minutes later, Hyuga Toneri appeared at the door of the shrine; beside him were the envoy of Inari God, Hakuzo Lord, and the Godly Son, Ame Ei.

"In the fight between your family and the Great Sun God, my family will remain neutral."

The white fox speaks the truth and speaks the truth.

"Of course, in principle, my lord is on Takamagahara's side."

"Stop committing murderous crimes and don't make it difficult for my family."

"I don't have time to argue with ants,"

The boy in white, 'Hyuuga Toneri', waved his sleeves, floated up, and landed on the white crane waiting outside the torii.


Amidst the long roar of cranes, the white crane spreads its wings and takes off, heading southeast.

And the worshipers who witnessed all this began to speculate about the identity of this 'Hyuga Toneri': he could fly directly into the sacred tree area, and let the 'godly son' and the 'godly messenger' see each other off. Could it be that the other party is also a 'god' '?

Moreover, he is a noble one among the gods. How could an ordinary little god have such treatment and pomp?

Because without KYG's "Extraordinary Live Broadcast", ordinary people have no idea what happened in Mount Koya, and naturally they have no way of knowing. What flies overhead is the notorious "Big Demon"!

Countless eyes followed Hinata Toneri until he disappeared from the end of sight:

If you can get a glance from the other party, you will immediately rise to the top, but it's just a matter of time!

What a pity, what a pity~~

"This Hinata Toneri,"

Tiannu Ying tilted her head, as if thinking about how to describe it.

".Give me a familiar feeling?"

"Of course,"

Hakuzoshu, who had a lot of 'settings' thrown into his mind by someone, answered naturally.

"You met each other a thousand years ago: you were by your side at that time; he followed the man who attacked Gao Tianyuan. Even I was slapped a few times by him."

Is that so?

Shaking her head, Xiaoying, dressed in fine clothes, threw the inexplicable familiarity behind her.

"I heard that there has been a lot of commotion in other places recently, hey~~"

"Don't be overly sympathetic again,"

Hearing Xiaoying's words, the fox "Bai Zangzhu" immediately spoke to dissuade him.

"Everything in the world will naturally grow old, sick, and die. Gods, humans, ghosts, and demons all have their own destiny."

"It is our duty to take good care of your Lord's sacred tree and protect the other side."

Bai Zangzhu is naturally aware of the chaos near Kyoto, but he doesn't want to meddle in other people's business: not to mention the fighting skills of the 'big men' involved behind this, just with his current 'Advent' body, Only then returned to the level of an ordinary 'big demon'.

In the sacred tree area, he can still exert his "original" strength; if he leaves the sacred tree and is accidentally ambushed by a hostile "big demon", he is asking for trouble!

Wouldn't it be nice to play leisurely with your wives and concubines every day and teach them skills at the same time?

"I know~~"


"Target enters Chiyoda Ward."

"Target enters the Imperial Palace!"

"Target. Landing"

Chiyoda Ward, the core area:

The ‘Imperial Palace’, which covers an area of ​​about 17 hectares and is surrounded by a moat, is divided into two major sections.

The largest piece is naturally the place where the emperor's family and the emperor live; and to the east across the river is the Higashi Gyoen Garden: the Tokugawa family's shogunate castle still remains there, and the layers of ancient white castle towers still remain. tower.

On the other hand, at the Imperial Palace, although the buildings are considered antique, if you look closely, you will find that these buildings are all 'new' antique products.

That's because the former center of power of the island country has always been Heian Kyo, the 'Thousand-Year Kyoto'.

It was not until the Meiji Movement in modern times that the area was moved here.

Completely integrate power and administration into one.

Coupled with the fact that Li Mei BBQ decades ago, this place has also been affected;

After renovation, even the completely antique buildings are full of modern neatness and straightness.


When the white crane Hyuga Toneri was riding on landed in the square in front of the main hall, a group of people in gray and black suits were already standing with their heads lowered and hands down.

"Who is the palace official?"

Hinata Toneri's gray pupils were not looking at anyone, but seemed to be looking at everyone present.


"I'm here. The younger one is the official in the palace."

A middle-aged man immediately came out of the queue, fell to the ground facing Hinata Toneri, and answered respectfully.

"Let the person in the royal family who has awakened the Eye of God come out."

Hinata Toneri stood with his hands behind his back, no expression on his indifferent face.

"Fight with me!"

? !


The middle-aged man, who was dripping with cold sweat, didn't dare to raise his head, kept his posture of prostrating himself, and answered hesitantly.

"There is no one in the current royal family who has awakened the 'Eye of God'."

If it had, it would have been publicized long ago!


Hinata Toneri, who had always been indifferent, finally showed his first emotion:

Surprise mixed with anger.

"Huh, what a bunch of trash!"

"Forget it, let them use the three artifacts."

"I want to prove that my bloodline is the best——"

"Why don't you go quickly?"

Facing Hinata Toneri's scolding, the palace minister's face was filled with bitterness as he knelt on the ground and did not dare to move.

"Sir, three artifacts."

"It's lost too."

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