"You-kun, this is your potion."

When You left the Metropolitan Police Department, the young policewoman Mai trotted over and handed over a suitcase full of technology.


Raised her hand to draw a giant black bird,

The giant bird like an owl turned its head and swallowed the suitcase into its stomach.

"Please go slowly."

As the other party said goodbye,

Jumped on the giant black bird and soared into the sky.

Although You can give others chakra and ninjutsu with just a thought.

But this little vest of "Onmyoji" You still needs "super potion".

Even Iori Ichika pulled her good sister to build power, and the Gotani siblings openly claimed that "Sea Ninja Village" was their family territory. If You didn't do anything, it would be in vain to arouse suspicion: in order for everyone to have fun "playing", You naturally had to build your own power.

"Greetings, Lord You," X3

When You returned home, there were already three people waiting respectfully in the living room.

The middle-aged man in the lead always habitually narrowed his eyes, giving people a feeling of "smiling", which was Yuura's father: Hanakaiin Hidemoto.

The other two were young men who looked to be around 17-8 years old. One had black hair and a serious face, and his facial features were somewhat similar to Yuura's. He was her brother: Hanakaiin Ryuji.

The other young man had brown hair and seemed to have foreign ancestry. He was tall, and even when he knelt on one knee, he was still much taller than Hidemoto and Ryuji: 1.92 meters, this was the exact data obtained by You's eyes.

Hanakaiin Momeiliu

He was the "adopted son" adopted by the Hanakaiin family, and a "death warrior" with full loyalty.

Of course, the Hanakaiin family regarded him as a family member; he was brought to You because——

"These are three extraordinary potions,"

You, who was sitting on the sofa, waved his hand, and the "Shikigami" who turned into a black giant python opened his mouth and spit out a high-tech suitcase.

It is not a ‘secondary extraordinary potion’, nor a ‘third-level extraordinary potion’, but the highest-grade and most precious ‘extraordinary potion’: from ‘original extraordinary’, it is a truly priceless treasure - because it cannot be bought at all!

The number of original extraordinary people is still too small: Moreover, as their power becomes stronger, who would be willing to have their blood drawn every day?

The two dogs of the Tanimura family, who originally had ‘no complaints’, also died on the battlefield.

Let the entire island government beat its chest and stamp its feet!

“You have done a good job during this period, you deserve a reward.”

In addition to his own strength, Yu can go to school with peace of mind, and the contribution of the Hanakaiyuan family.

The houses at several intersections in this area were bought by the Hanakaiyuan family. People are arranged to guard them 24 hours a day, and any strangers who appear will be monitored and questioned.

As for the forces that can kidnap several ‘original extraordinary’ on the way to and from school, it is more realistic to consider attacking the Metropolitan Police Department.

Besides, with the relationship between You and the Inari Shrine, that crazy force would not even risk the Nine Clans.

To provoke the extraordinary who has a close relationship with the "God"?

Although You does not need "protection", the Hanakaiin family has helped him to block a lot of trouble: otherwise, the flattery of neighbors and distant relatives alone is enough to make people upset.

"Thank you, sir!"

The three of them bowed their heads in unison, just like the samurai facing the master's family in the period drama.

In fact, the entire Hanakaiin family is now You's subordinate.

Others want to surrender, but they are not qualified!

Are you qualified to be You's dog?

"With your qualifications, becoming an "extraordinary" is not a problem."

"After drinking the potion, hurry up and exercise. - You should also know that the situation in Koyasan is far less optimistic than the government says."

"I will obey the orders of the head of the family!" X3

The three of them accepted the order in unison. Their Hanakaiin family, like You, was inherited by Ashiya Doman.

And Ashiya Doman is Ampere Seimei's mortal enemy!

If Ampere Seimei is really the mastermind behind all this, then their Hanakaiin family will have no choice but to fight to the death!

Besides, even if we put aside the thousand-year grudge; with the current situation in the island country, which extraordinary dares to slack off?

"After mastering the spiritual power, you will learn the art of cultivating "Shikigami" from Yuura: my Ashiya lineage is based on Shikigami, and personally going into battle is just the next best choice."

"Yes!" X3

The three of them kept this in mind. As for what the Ashiya lineage is good at?

The head of the family said that they are good at Shikigami, so that's Shikigami!

"I made a divination. There may be some movement in the underworld recently. Don't take it lightly. Go."

After the three Hanakaiin left, Hanakaiin Yuura next to him brought tea over and couldn't help asking curiously:

"Master, will there really be any unusual movement in the underworld?"



Nagoya, Kanie Town.

As the name suggests, there used to be many crabs in the river that runs through the city.

Unfortunately, with the development of technology, even the repeatedly filtered industrial wastewater has made the fish and shrimp in the river disappear; crabs are naturally out of the question: dense factories have brought a large number of industrial products, but also brought new pollution.

And rats in the sewers, and abandoned and killed pet cats.


In an alley behind a factory,

a black cat rubbed Gaoqiao Ai Ling's ankle affectionately.

Although the newly "resurrected" black cat didn't understand what happened, it instinctively felt close to and feared this bipedal "cub".

"You also go to the "photon"."

After touching the little black cat's head, Takahashi Ailing raised her hand and pointed to the black and white milk cat 'Photon' behind her.


The black cat, understanding what the little girl meant, leaped towards the 'Photon'. The whole cat quickly shrank in mid-way, and finally turned into a black dot and fell on the 'Photon', blending into it and turning into a hair.


It has no weight and no quality.

Naturally, there is no concept of size: although the soul will subconsciously maintain the appearance of the body, it does not mean that it cannot change.

In front of Takahashi Ai Ling's "Illusion Reality", the souls of these kittens are merged into the "photons": if you look at it from the soul level, there are countless needle-like cats playing on the "huge" black and white plain. , slapstick.


Zhiwu floating next to her nodded happily,

Using the loose 'soul' rules of this world, coupled with the talent of illusion of the 'Kurama Clan', all wishes can come true.

Takahashi Ailing constantly 'resurrected' cats, and then used 'photons' as the core to create a place to accommodate many 'cats': Although this method is crude and has poor stability, it is absolutely useless. doubt:

This is a breakthrough!

A technique that is not available in the Naruto world: because the old man of Six Paths has locked up the Pure Land.

If you want to affect the soul in the world of Naruto, you must have an S-level forbidden technique to break through the blockade.

Very good technique,

The next second it will be mine.

"Master Zhiwu, what should we do next?"

Facing the little girl who raised her head to ask, the paper dance "Dragon Face Joy" floated in the air.

"Little Ailing, what do you want to do?"

Seeing 'Master Zhiwu' throwing the question back to herself, Takahashi Ailing thought for a while and answered uncertainly:

“Watching the latest season of the ‘Hatchimal’ anime?”

What the hell is this?



For this little girl who can improve her proficiency in 'soul', Yuu is wrong, it is 'Zhiwu' who has shown rare patience.

"Let's go, I can give you whatever you want!"


Shimane Prefecture,

South of Songjiang City.

There is a stretching mountain range here called "Higashi Izumo". You can tell by the name because this mountain range is located to the east of "Izumo".

When it comes to the Izumo region, the only one that is famous is ‘Izumo no A Country’.

A famous female performer in ancient times in the island country, she is also considered by the people as the founder of 'Kabuki': Although the name Kabuki is easy to misunderstand, both the 'Child Dance' and the 'Qing Dance' she created are actually quite formal. : At most, it’s just a little ambiguous.

During the Edo period, “the terms ‘kabuki’ and ‘kabuki’ were commonly used, and their nature was clear at a glance.

As for modern Kabuki, the actors are all male. Well, saying this seems to excite some people in power?

Having said so much, all I can say about this place is:


On the Wild Bear Peak of the Higashi Izumo Mountains,

Two old men wearing wicker hats and carrying shotguns were walking along the winding mountain road.

“To build a ‘Central Park’ in this damn place is not a waste of our taxpayers’ money!”

About 75% of the island country is mountainous and hilly, covered by large tracts of dense forest. In addition, the island country has frequent disasters, so it pays great attention to environmental protection: the forest coverage rate has reached an astonishing 67%, which means that more than two-thirds of the land , are all forests.

Next door to this mountain range is ‘Higashi Izumo Central Park’: although the name sounds lofty, tourists just

Coupled with the endless forests of the mountains, there are always wild animals coming to the park to steal food, and there are also various ornamental creatures in the park that go wild in the mountains.

Therefore, these two old hunters are responsible for patrolling this area to prevent any dangerous beasts from appearing: in front of the terrifying two-legged firearms, wild boars and brown bears are just props to show off their strength; let alone wild wolves. It would be embarrassing to have your head hanging on the wall.

"Okay, Ishikawa."

The old hunter in front spoke impatiently, interrupting his companion's complaints.

"That's because the economic downturn in the past two years has caused a sharp drop in the number of tourists. This place used to be beautiful before, don't you remember?"

"Of course I remember,"

The old man walking behind continued to mutter,

"Back then I took over the shotgun from my father and vowed to protect this mountain range. What happened?"

"People are running to big cities, and there are only two Shinkansen lines around, so they are a little angry. What are young people doing nowadays? They don't even want to have children."

"Young people have young people's considerations. Not everyone is like our generation and can live a lifetime guarding a mountain."

Most of the jobs in the island country used to be based on the ‘lifetime employment system’.

The so-called 'lifetime employment system' means that when an individual starts working after completing school education, once he joins an organization, he will work until retirement.

A system whereby the organization cannot fire employees without justifiable reasons. It is a management method that has been highly advocated by the island country. Its corresponding company obligations include comprehensive career management and education and training for young employees: it has a positive effect on retaining employees and maintaining employees' loyalty and commitment to the organization. .

To sum it up: loyalty, unity, the company is home!

Under normal circumstances, as long as you don't make principled mistakes, you will have an iron job for life.

Unfortunately, the financial crisis later brought heavy labor costs to the lifetime employment system, causing many companies to abandon this method: they switched to a more flexible "temporary employment system", and the free thinking of the younger generation exacerbated the decline of the "lifetime employment system".

However, to this day, there are still a large number of "lifetime employment system" employees in the island country. They are loyal to their own companies and study one job for their entire lives. Although it sounds a bit decadent, at least they don't have to worry about being "optimized" inexplicably.

After all, geniuses who are qualified to say "If you don't stay here, you will stay somewhere else" are always a minority.

And the two old hunters in their sixties are "lifetime employment system" employees.

They are responsible for patrolling the mountains and measuring the land step by step. They have been doing this for forty years and are about to reach retirement age. So:

"Don't complain a few words. After retirement, you will not be qualified to come in if you want to take this road again."

"Humph, what's so rare about it"

Walking behind, the old hunter called "Ishikawa" snorted coldly.

"Let's go, let's all go!"

"When we leave, this place will become a barren mountain."

"If you think like this, what's the point of all these years?"

Ishikawa didn't really have any opinions about the job, but because he valued this job very much, he didn't want to see his persistence come to nothing: as their generation left, the next generation would definitely not take a second look at such a place, and the career they once worked hard for would soon be covered by weeds.

"Times have changed, Ishikawa."

The old hunter walking in front sighed,

"When we were there, everything was booming everywhere, everything was so beautiful, everyone thought there would be a brighter future, but in the end..."

The financial bubble burst, and the island country entered the lost 'thirty years'. The younger generation only wants to enjoy themselves in time, and they don't care about traditions or lifelong careers.

"Now we have entered the 'supernormal era', and we old guys."


"Speaking of supernormal, you said here"

"We have nothing here!"

As he walked, the leading old hunter scolded his companions.

"Shut up: I'm going to retire in two years, and I don't want to show any bravery at this time."

"Besides, this remote place didn't even have people before, so where did the legends of ghosts and gods come from?"

If it's Matsue City, there is a famous legend:

Yozen Hirasaka!

The border that separates the living from the underworld (the dead) in the mythology of the island country.

In the legend, Izanagi went to the underworld to try to find his wife 'Izanami'.

As a result, he was frightened by the other party's maggot-covered rotting appearance, so he escaped from the underworld and blocked the underworld with a thousand stones. His name is Michiban Okami, also known as Saizu Yozen To Okami. The so-called Yozen Hirasaka is Ifuyasaka in Izumo Province.

Of course, those are myths from who knows how many years ago.

"I heard that there are many Self-Defense Forces stationed in Songjiang City"

"Take care of yourself: you are just a hunter, are you going to change your job to exorcist-?"


The old hunter walking in front shouted angrily, quickly took off the hunting rifle on his back and aimed forward!

Although 'Ishikawa' behind him did not find anything unusual, he also took off the hunting rifle with his backhand and aimed: all in one go, just two seconds.

With their reaction speed and experienced experience, unless they are pounced on by a tiger, they are the 'king' of this mountain range, and any beast can only bow down to them.


"Hey, what did you see?"

Ishikawa raised his gun and aimed forward, but found nothing.

"Could it be supernormal."

He did not doubt that his old friend was startled, but thought of a possibility:

No way, he appeared just after complaining? !

"Be on guard,"

The first old hunter asked Ishikawa to be on guard, and he raised his gun and moved forward cautiously step by step until he saw what aroused his vigilance.

Discarded on the ground:

"Monk's robe?"

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