I planted a sacred tree in Tokyo

Chapter 171: Conquering the Sea of ​​Souls

"This is Hirazaka?"

Tanimura Watari, Tanimura Hoshino, and Kishida Jun looked around.

With the abilities of this 'Kijishiro', the so-called 'Yomi Hirazan' in his mouth definitely cannot be the 'tourist attraction' in Matsue City, Shimane Prefecture in the real world.

It can only be the Huangquan Hirazaka where the dead will pass through in myths and legends!

"We won't meet 'Izanami'-sama, right?"

Tanimura Hoshino held Tanimura Watari's arm. The two of them had just met, but they didn't want to meet the 'Master Huang Quanjin'.

After all, after breaking up with Izanagi, Izanami vowed to kill all humans: she is not a friendly 'righteous god' no matter how you think about it.

"no need to worry,"

'Ghost White' with blood-red patterns on the white sleeves and trouser legs floated over this strange place, explaining to the three of them.

"This is indeed Yomiharazaka,"

"But it's the 'ownerless' Hirazan Homizu."


"The ghost makes Master Bai,"

"Is it because the spiritual energy is exhausted?"

Kishida Jun, a junior high school student, was the first to react.

In order to resurrect Liangzi, he had read all the myths and legends he could find, and his knowledge reserve was no less than that of a folklore expert.


"Thousands of years ago, the spiritual energy was exhausted, and Gao Tianyuan was cut off from contact with the human world."

"The same is true for Huang Quan——"

As he said that, Gui Jibai looked around:

There are only deserted buildings, dead trees and rocks around; it seems to be dead silence, but it is not completely silent.

In the silence, there are sometimes sounds that sound like crying but not crying, like smiling but not smiling, whimpering, faint resentment, and vague and erratic sounds, which make people feel infinite sadness and horror when they hear them; there is a misty darkness everywhere. , but it is not all dark: behind the eerie darkness, strange and mysterious things seem to be breeding everywhere among the ordinary.

This is not the environment he created, but the original appearance of this 'Sea of ​​Souls'!

Yes, this is not just a lie created by 'Yu'.

He didn't have the time to spare, so he went out of his way to create a land of 'underworld', which was a space that 'originally' existed.

"Thousands of years ago, the Huangquan ruled by the 'Great God Huangquanjin' was also disconnected from the human world."

"This is the final proof of existence for the souls who have had no place to live in these millennia."

Of course, it's still the same sentence.

Without chakra, people in this world would never come into contact with the ‘Sea of ​​Souls’ in their lifetime, and naturally it would be impossible to see the scene in front of them: then it would be equivalent to non-existence!

"That's it,"

Tanimura Watanabe was thoughtful, he had existed in the form of 'soul' for quite some time.

Although he could only vaguely perceive Hoshino's situation, he also had a certain understanding of his 'soul': if he hadn't been unable to let go of Hoshino, his soul would have been integrated into the 'Yomi Hirazan' long ago.


After hearing Tanimura Watari's story, Kishida Jun panicked.

"Master Bai, that Liangzi"

"Don't panic,"

Ghost Bai raised his hand to signal Kishida Jun to calm down.

"I will not deceive you with falsehoods - our 'underworld' has been cut off from the human world for thousands of years, and this 'yellow spring' is also a place that we have not yet controlled."

"My mission is to re-establish order here: this is just the entrance to Hiraizaka. When we advance to the Forgotten River, we will find a way to fish out the soul of Miyashita Ryoko."

Wangchuan River, Santu River, and Styx River.

This is a river mentioned in the myths of various countries: it is obvious that the spiritual energy has been exhausted for thousands of years, and there is neither Naihe Bridge Mengpo Tang nor the boatman who collected seven copper coins. Billions of living beings will sink into it, and legend has it that even the gods dare not touch it.

How difficult is it to fish out the soul of 'Miyashita Ryoko' from this river?

But for Kishida Jun, enough is enough!

At least he has now proven that "soul resurrection" is real: Tanimura Watari, who died in his own hands in front of him, is an example.

What people fear most is not seeing hope. As long as there is hope, they can fight regardless of everything:

Even the Forgotten River feared by the gods,

I want to take a walk too!

No one can stop him!

His eyes moved away from Kishida Jun's face and fell on the Tanimura family:

"As for you—"

"For you, you can regard this moment as your 'second life'."

"This is your future 'home': after everything is done, it is only natural that the 'underworld' will leave two 'establishments' for you."

ed. compiled? !

Tanimura Watari and Tanimura Hoshino were both surprised when they suddenly heard such a "modern" word.


"Please don't worry, sir,"

"We will do our best."

They are a college student and a high school student. They were originally people who entered the society and prepared to take the exam. Now that Gui Jibai has personally promised them, there is nothing to refuse.

Besides, if it weren't for the 'Gui Jibai' in front of them, their fate would probably be to drift with the current in the 'Forgotten River'.

"Good, then let's get to work!"


"Sir, our job is"

"Clean away the 'abnormal' existence here!"

"Kijibai" led the team, followed closely by three people and two dogs, and walked towards the gray "Yomi Hirazaka".

The outlines of the surrounding buildings, either simple or modern, were either clear or hazy, flying backward as they moved forward.

As the saying goes, a master of arts is bold, Kishida Jun and the other two people looked around and could see, overtly or covertly, various strange scenes in those houses:

For example, a woman in white clothes, grinning and giggling, crawled all over the house, and even climbed up the walls and roofs. The classic recursive crawling movement like a spider made Tanimura Hoshino Tsk-tsk.

Isn’t this ‘Sadako’?

He also used ropes to hang himself in the rental house. His whole body swayed like a pendulum, causing the chandelier above his head to make a dry and dry friction sound of "squeaking, squeaking". His long hair hung down and covered his face. , you can only vaguely see the long, blood-red tongue wriggling on your chest.

Jingle bell, jingle bell, jingle jingle bell~~

The crisp sound of a music box came from a Western-style building nearby.

Accompanied by cheerful and light music, you can see silhouettes of men and women holding hands and spinning in circles behind the window, dancing Western-style ballroom dancing.

The next second, the sound of the music box became as cold as a knife cutting flesh: arms wrapped in dead skin like mummies suddenly slapped on the window! Making messy and scary noises, leaving bloody fingerprints in vain

There is even a tall castle tower where you can see an ancient beauty wearing twelve singles, combing her long hair in the mirror.

Just take off the head and put it on the table, and the headless body is combed behind.

The dead trees next to it were covered with human heads, which looked like fruits from the trees. The heads had different expressions, including pain, sadness, laughter, and crying.

"Sadako, Hanged Ghost, Haunted Mansion, Headless Princess, Tree with Human Face"

Kishida Jun first asked the 'Kiji Shiro' in front for instructions.

"Sir, may I do it?"



The next moment, water dragons roared from under the umbrella and suddenly rushed out in all directions, with the determination to fight against the gods and ghosts and kill anyone who stood in my way!

Boom, boom, boom, boom,

The water dragon instantly submerged the "hanged ghost" in the rental house, blasted the Western-style "haunted house" to pieces, and strangled the human-faced tree into pieces. But the "Sadako" jumped away with weird agility, using both hands and feet, and The gates of the castle tower were closed, barely blocking the water dragon amidst the loud noise.

"False appearance,"

After a test move, Kishida Jun commented like this.

No, no, no, that's because your 'soul' is much stronger than these 'monsters'.

Whether these scenes or various monsters, they are essentially creations made from the residual soul energy of countless dead people: although the quantity is huge, the quality is worrying.

In front of Kishida Jun, who is already an elite chuunin, he naturally showed himself vulnerable: if the soul of a normal person came in, he would be in a dilemma of life and death at any place, and in the end he would be completely stunned.

After all, this is a place where countless people’s souls gather.

For ordinary people, what is the difference between it and the real "Yomi Hirazan"?

Of course, without Yu Otsutsuki, ordinary people would not have access to the so-called "Yomi Hirazan".


“Woof woof woof~~~”

Tanimura Watari and Tanimura Hoshino also took action, commanding the two enlarged dogs to start 'demolition of the house'. No, it was 'demolition': no ​​matter what Sadako or Kayako you are, you will all die again!

very good,

Being so positive made Gui Jibai secretly nod.

This is the ‘Sea of ​​Souls’, to put it bluntly, it is the place where consciousness ‘knows’.

Everything you see is filled with monsters and monsters, which are nothing more than the gathering of the remaining souls of the island nation for thousands of years: no matter how strange and terrifying they are, they still won't break away from people's perception.

Under the attack of Kishida Jun, Tanimura Wataru, Tanimura Hoshino, and two ninja dogs, these monsters were quickly defeated:

Because they are overlaid with more vivid and powerful perceptions.

As long as you continue, you will soon carve out a foothold in this ‘yellow spring’:

And the place to stand here will be the place where You, no, Gui Jibai established the 'underworld'.


‘Ghost Bai’ lowered his eyes, even death would be controlled by him.

In heaven and on earth, I am the only one who is supreme!


East Izumo Mountains,

A safe house in the woods.

"I didn't want to run away, I also fought hard."

"Okay, okay, we get it."

The old hunter named 'Ishikawa' raised his hand and interrupted the young man's repeated murmurs.

"How normal,"

"I remember the first time I went up the mountain with my father,"

"Facing the oncoming wild boar, I was so frightened that my legs cramped on the spot. I couldn't even escape, let alone fight."

Then the wild boar with a broken leg was stabbed in the mouth by his father with a spear; then he pushed it forward, suppressed it with his feet, pulled out the spear and stabbed it in the heart. The battle ended in ten seconds.

Ever since the Terror Twolegs invented the ‘spear’,

There is no longer any creature on the land that dares to challenge its dominance.

The Colosseum in Rome only dared to give gladiators daggers: if they were equipped with spears, all lions and tigers would be slaughtered!

Of course, that was the 'nature' of the past; now in the era of extraordinary arrival, if you encounter an extraordinary wild boar, it is not certain who will kill whom.


"Relax, young man."

Passing a cup of hot tea to the pale young man in front of him, the other old hunter also sat down.

"There are not so many brave and fearless people in the world. Facing danger, running away and avoiding are the true portrayal of most people."

"Maybe you have far more power than us, but you are still a human being."

As a human being,

there will be joy, anger, sorrow and happiness.

There will be times of weakness and escape:

"We two old men have lived for most of our lives."

"We have seen many people and many things. Don't give up easily--"

The old hunter raised his hand and pointed at the young man's chest, then his waist and abdomen, and finally his limbs:

"Your heart is still beating hard, your lungs are still breathing, your kidneys are silently filtering blood, and your immune system is fighting the virus at the risk of its life. Every cell in your body is trying to keep you alive!"

"I don't know what you have experienced. It is not shameful to escape for a while."

"But remember, never give up your life."

"Old man, I."

The young man, that is, Master Zhixiong, smiled bitterly.

He did not mean to die. On the contrary, he was too "cherishing" his life and actually left his friends and fled from the battlefield!

The two uncles in front of him were very nice and kept trying to comfort him, but they completely misunderstood him.

"I'm a coward"

"A coward is a coward."

Ishikawa said casually while drinking tea.

"I hated physical education classes in school the most: I was not good at football, but the teacher still wanted to divide us into groups for competition."

"If the school curriculum is boring, then he is wrong--"

As he said this, the old hunter patted the hunting rifle beside him.

"Even if I can't play football, I can still be a good 'forest ranger'."

"It sounds like you are the kind of person who suddenly gained extraordinary power and was forced to go to the battlefield?"

"If you don't want to fight, then use your power in another way: production, logistics, or something else"


Master Zhixiong wanted to say something else, but he just opened his mouth when the words came to his lips.

"Thank you."

"Don't worry, I won't commit suicide, and there won't be any danger."

"Go and do your own things, don't worry about me."

"Okay, then you stay for the time being."

Another old hunter stood up and patted the refrigerator next to him.

"There is a lot of food stored here, don't be polite, it will be reimbursed by the government anyway~~"

"Let's go, Ishikawa."


"Brother, that young man is..."

"Master Zhixiong?"

After leaving the forest hut, Ishikawa lowered his voice and spoke.

Although they are just two "old forest rangers" in a remote area, they can use smartphones and watch videos online.

Naturally, they also know the extraordinary people in the island country now: among them is the "Buddhist monk" Master Zhixiong.

"It's him,"

"Then we-"

"Just pretend you don't know anything."

The old hunter interrupted Ishikawa's words. After the conversation just now, he had already seen it.

"The so-called Zhixiong Master is just an ordinary child."

"If he wants to rest, we old guys should respect his wishes."


The government's war report said "big wins, big wins".

It shouldn't have any effect to let Zhixiong Master calm down here.


PS: Ahem, something delayed me.

By the way, the books I recommend are all written by acquaintances in the author group, not double-opening. ——If I have the energy, why don't I just do it? (I can't do it)

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