I planted a sacred tree in Tokyo

Chapter 174 Onmyoji and Ninja

In Koyasan, an abandoned town.

A chase is going on.

The mercenaries who are fleeing in panic are a group of fully armed mercenaries, and the pursuers:

A ninja in black clothes and black pants, holding a dark short sword?



A black mercenary captain carrying a launcher cursed, and an armor-piercing bullet whizzed out backwards.

But the "mummy ninja" he targeted jumped forward and immediately sank into the street in a "diving" posture.

Boom! !

The armor-piercing bullet hit the position where the ninja was just now, and exploded with a bang. The metal jet was enough to penetrate the tank armor.

However, the energy of this jet is most concentrated only within a distance of tens of centimeters. Once this distance is exceeded, the power will decay rapidly: so on the battlefield of the Russians, as long as a circle of simple "turtle shell" is welded on the outside, it can resist these advanced high-tech weapons.

The armor-piercing bullet blasted a dent as big as a bathtub on the street: unfortunately, there is no trace of the "mummy ninja" anymore.

"Watch your step--"

Before the mercenary captain finished speaking,

a figure suddenly appeared on the ground not far away.

The 'corpse ninja', dressed in black and with only a pair of cloudy eyes exposed by a black mask, rushed out of his upper body and swung his sword.


The long sword swept past, and the mercenary who was targeted screamed and fell to the side, with a pair of feet in military boots 'standing' in place.

"Ah~~Save me, save me!!"


Da da da da da,

Not caring about accidentally hurting their teammates, the other mercenaries immediately aimed at the assassin who emerged from the ground.

But when they pulled the trigger, the opponent had sunk into the ground again; only the belated bullets were left, making fist-sized pits on the ground.

Soil and rocks flew!

But nothing was gained.

"Retreat, retreat, retreat!"

"Move to the building, don't stay in the street!"

The black mercenary captain shouted helplessly. They were unlucky to encounter this kind of "assassin" with the "stone walking technique". If they continued to stay on the ground, they would only die.

Damn, there was not even a tall building nearby!

The remaining mercenaries kept their formation and flew back. As for the companion whose legs were cut off and was struggling to crawl, dragging two bloody trails,

they did not dare and could not save him!

Since the last "Koyasan Counterattack", this battlefield has been wandering with some extraordinary beings like "assassins", "mages", and "knights": these extraordinary beings are also D-level (wolf level) in the official evaluation.

But they are different from the huge, straight-moving synthetic beasts.

They have some extraordinary abilities, and they are small and fast, which makes them more lethal to the mercenaries.

Especially the one they are facing now: with the "stone walking technique" that can move underground, the mercenaries are helpless and can only retreat again and again.

"Fuck, why is it a super assassin."

The mercenary carrying a computer couldn't help but curse. His drone could monitor the battlefield from the sky, but it couldn't see through the earth and lock on this unknown killer. Hmm?

"Wait, what just happened from--"

Just when the white mercenary named 'Kaplan' glanced at the wrist computer, the ground behind him was already rippling like water silently.

The black-hooded 'Mummy Ninja' jumped out of the ground, and the dull long knife in his hand drew an arc. In the pupils of the black mercenary captain who noticed this, he chopped at the neck of the white mercenary.

With the skills of this 'super assassin', it would only take 0.1 seconds for his head to fall to the ground--crackling,

a flash of lightning passed by,

the long knife stopped beside 'Kaplan's' neck, and he was so scared that he broke out in a cold sweat.

Not falling down on the spot, it was considered a strong psychological quality.

"Lightning Thunder God Strike!"



'Kaplan' didn't know what happened, but there was a flash of lightning on the retinas of other mercenaries, and the muzzles of their guns subconsciously followed the lightning.

Tap, tap,

The lightning stopped not far away, and it turned out to be a supernatural being with a deer lower body and a girl upper body?

That's right, it's like the 'Tree Spirit' in "World of Warcraft", except that the other party's upper body is wearing the classic sailor suit of the island country, and one hand is a furry giant claw: holding a head covered with a black scarf.

Obviously, it was she who twisted off the head of the 'Super Assassin' and saved 'Kaplan's' life.

"Put down your gun, put down your gun!!"

The black mercenary captain shouted immediately. On the one hand, the strength shown by the other party was not something they could contend with; on the other hand:

"Lord Hanakaiin,"

Although the lower body had turned into a 'deer', the black mercenary captain still recognized the upper body:

It was the exorcist of the 'Hanakaiin' family who had accidentally 'saved' them once!

"Ah, don't blame me for stealing your prey, right?"

"NO, NO, NO~~"

Faced with the girl. Deer who turned around and raised her head, a group of mercenaries quickly put down their guns and waved their hands.

With the lightning speed of the other party just now, it was easy to take off the heads of the 'super assassins': if they were killed by the other party, then they would be killed. These 'foreign mercenaries' usually have no human rights in wars, let alone facing superhumans.

"Well, then I'm leaving."

After saying that, the girl disappeared on the spot with lightning as her four hooves moved.

At her speed, ordinary people's lenses can't catch her figure at all: it's no different from teleportation.

"Save people!"

"Hey, brother, hold on!"

A mercenary rushed over immediately and took out a tourniquet to bandage the mercenary with two broken legs.

Then the injection was given, and the rest was left to God.

"Thank God,"

After a long breath, 'Kaplan', who was in charge of reconnaissance, took a few steps forward and turned around, looking at the corpse behind him, and touched his neck.

"If this lady was one second later. No, one millimeter, my head would have fallen to the ground."

"It seems that we are really lucky,"

The black captain stepped forward and patted 'Kaplan' on the shoulder,

"I encountered the exorcist of the Hanakaiyuan family twice. If it was someone else."

It is almost impossible to expect the extraordinary to save people! They didn't chop them off casually, and they were all considered "law-abiding" extraordinary beings.

After all, it is normal to shoot from behind on the battlefield, and even the same people will fight on the spot: the supervisors kill the line soldiers, and the line soldiers kill the supervisors. This has happened everywhere on the battlefields of the Russians in the past two years.

As for being "accidentally injured", that is the basic battlefield operation.

"Let's go back,"

He asked people to pick up the head of the "super assassin". The corpse of this hostile super is three times the price of a synthetic beast!

The noble supers look down on it, but for them, it is a few years of life money.

"We've made a fortune~~"

The other mercenaries also smiled happily.

They entered this battlefield just for money.


On the nameless mountain.

"Master, I'm back."

With a flash of lightning, Hanakaiin Yuura appeared beside You.

"Ordinary synthetic beasts, as well as those "ghost warriors", "mummy ninjas", and "skeletal onmyojis" are not my opponents."

As she spoke, the girl released the "Shikigami Fusion" and separated from the deer beside her.

At the same time, the wolf claw on the left hand expanded rapidly and turned into a gray wolf and jumped down.

"Of course,"

"With the combination of two, you can already be considered a mid-level tiger."

The 'three-headed dog' form of the Inuzuka family is a standard Chunin. After Hanakaiin Yuura merged 'Tanlang' and 'Lucun' at the same time, it was also a Chunin level.

And it has the high speed of the lightning deer, as well as the claws and wind ninjutsu of the gray wolf, and can really fight and run.

"It's a pity that it can't be three-in-one yet,"

Hanakaiin Yuura was a little disappointed. If the goldfish 'Lianzhen' could be integrated, not only could it use long-range attacks, but it could also take the spiritual power to a higher level.

Unfortunately, no matter how she experimented, it ended in failure. It seemed that the difficulty was too high.

"It's already very powerful,"

Rubbing the girl's hair, You praised.

"Don't worry, the fusion of Shikigami will become more difficult as time goes on, but the power will also increase."

Himiko's 'Kimetsu no Jutsu' is not a simple addition, but a 'multiplication' based on blood stains: if you gather all five blood limits, the five elements will be mutually generated, and you can even get a glimpse of the realm of blood stains: of course, this is just a possibility.

The five elements alone are not enough, there is also the support of yin and yang blood stains, but that will be a matter of unknown time.

"Now adapt to the dual-Shikigami fusion state, and then launch an attack on the three-Shikigami fusion."

"Yes, Master!"

After having the ability to move at high speed,

Yuura actively joined the battlefield and honed his combat skills.


Hayakawa Town, Shizuo County

The small mountain village below the Seven-sided Mountain has long been changed. The magnificent walls made of countless reinforced concrete protect a large area: this is a defense line truly built according to military standards. If ordinary missiles bombard it, it is considered powerful if they can lose a layer of skin.

According to the construction company, it can even withstand small-yield tactical nuclear weapons.


The coach, shouting slogans, led the trot,

followed by two lines of boys and girls, running through the village under the scorching sun: such teams are not one or two, but more than a dozen!

Almost all elementary schools in Hayakawa Town are doing running exercises, while junior high and high school students have begun to do various sword fighting and archery training, as well as familiarizing themselves with the use of firearms and vehicles.

If you don't know, you might think you have strayed into a region where everyone is a soldier.

In fact, under the leadership of the Isogai siblings, this 'Sea Ninja Village' is indeed a place where everyone is a soldier!

The former mountain village is full of signs of expansion, with a large number of construction vehicles busy and buildings rising from the ground.

These buildings are all reinforced concrete structures, which are completely military fortress standards: patrol personnel, openly carrying M4 carbines, wearing bulletproof vests, and wearing infrared helmets, the equipment is luxurious enough to make people cry.

In the middle of these construction sites, there is an ancient building:

Red maple trees, winding paths, and white houses are bright. It is a good place to cultivate one's character.


This institution, which was abolished during the Meiji Restoration, reappeared in the island country.

"Grandpa, this is the potion this time."

In the main house, Dai Isugaya took out a scroll and spread it out.

With a bang, a high-tech box appeared on the scroll, which was densely packed with fifty "Level 3 Extraordinary Potions".

"You are responsible for the management and distribution of the potion: let everyone know that those who work for our Isugaya family will not be treated unfairly by the family."

The silver-haired old man nodded to the overly 'mature' granddaughter in front of him.

"Leave it to grandpa."

"By the way, grandpa, where are father and mother?"

The silver-haired old man answered his younger brother Isogai Kaoru's question.

"Your father is negotiating with several powerful families in Jinggang County. They want to obtain some extraordinary potions."

"We have potions."

"But they must also show their attitude: the next governor of Jinggang County must be dad!"

The so-called 'governor' is the name of the head of the administrative district of the island country's capital, prefecture, prefecture, and county: the governor of Jinggang County is equivalent to a senior official in Jinggang County.

The Isogai family does not just want this village, but the entire Jinggang County!

Others can sit in the position of governor, why can't their family sit?

It must be said that the two siblings are not only fearless, but also have full mobility. With the support of the entire armed 'Sea Ninja Village' and the two of them who have inherited extraordinary backing, which family in the entire Jinggang County dares to compete with them?

In addition, in this increasingly chaotic era, the island government also turned a blind eye to them.

To put it bluntly, when extraordinary disasters break out, this place can also allow ordinary people to resist for a while.

"I will arrange it,"

the silver-haired old man nodded again.

Although he did not care about power, since his son, grandson, and granddaughter were all going on this path, he would definitely support them with all his strength.

"Whatever you want to do, just do it with confidence. Grandpa will always be your backer."

"Well, thank you grandpa~~" X2

"Go, your mother's side is almost done."


"The two heads of the family are here!"

? !

Hearing the words of the young man who appeared hurriedly at the door,

in the antique side hall, the two rows of boys and girls sitting cross-legged on the floor were stunned, and then they all turned into kneeling postures.

"Welcome to the head of the family!"

As everyone bowed their heads, Dai Igu and Xun Igu walked into the hall side by side and walked up the hall.

"Dai, Xun."

On the steps of the hall, a middle-aged woman was kneeling.

"Mother," X2

After the two nodded to each other, they sat on two empty side-by-side chairs.

The middle-aged woman could only kneel on the right.

"How is the course going?"

The elder sister Dai Igoya, who had short hair and looked like a sporty boy, spoke first.

"Go home, three people have completed the water treading training, and five people have completed the tree climbing training."

The middle-aged woman answered seriously. Although she was the mother of the two siblings, in public: she was only responsible for training the "Onmyoji assistants" of the trainee Onmyojis, and the two Igoya siblings were not only the heads of the Igoya family, but also the "Onmyoji heads" of this Onmyoji.

There was an order of respect and distinction between the upper and the lower.

"Very good,"

"Completed the water treading and tree climbing training."

"Starting tomorrow, follow us to learn to draw talisman paper."


Among the two rows of boys and girls kneeling respectfully below, three of them subconsciously showed joy on their faces.

Not everyone is like the two siblings, who are in the blood and fire every day, accustomed to all kinds of extraordinary battles, fighting, and death, and have a big heart, but still can't hide their joy.

However, if they can 'hide their joy', the Isugaya siblings should be wary of each other.

"My Isugaya family is taught by Lord Hainin and established in Yin and Yang arts."

"Remember, if you meet Lord Hainin in the future, who dares to be disrespectful, we brothers and sisters will kill him with our own hands!"

Before teaching Yin and Yang arts, some rules must be established first.


The people below responded in unison.

The existence of the 'ancestor' Hainin, these boys and girls who have passed layers of screening and entered the 'Yin and Yang Bureau' are very clear.

They are also very clear about the weight of the 'ancestor' in the hearts of the two family heads, so they naturally dare not slack off.

"And, if anyone dares to reveal the family secrets--"

Sister Isugaya Dai's eyes were cold,

"Kill without mercy!"

"Even his family members will be killed."

"The family does not want to raise a group of ungrateful people, do you understand?"


"If anyone dares to betray, I will be the first to bring his head back without the head of the family taking action!"

A boy took the lead and prostrated himself, vowing loudly.


"Don't call us the head of the family in the future."

Isugaya Dai nodded. Most of the time, she was responsible for communication in front of outsiders.

"Call me Master."

"Yes, Master!"

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