I planted a sacred tree in Tokyo

Chapter 176 The Calm Before the Storm

"Mr. Franky,"

"Next is the agility test. Please follow the route and start--"

The mercenary who was warming up by jumping on the spot immediately threw his arms and ran out with big strides after hearing the command. His steps were twice as big as those of a normal person, and the whole person was more like "bouncing" forward.

Because his legs were not normal "human legs", but a pair of mechanical prostheses, especially at the ankles, with recurved elastic components, which looked like the legs of an ostrich: bionic bouncing prosthesis, which is its official name.

The mercenary reached the finish line in only 7 seconds after a 100-meter straight sprint.

The finish line was a three-meter-high building, so:


As he kicked his feet,

there was a sound of air gushing, which made the mercenary jump 1.5 meters high out of thin air.


The whole person easily supported himself on the roof with both hands,

and then pulled hard, swinging his waist and legs, and a mechanical prosthesis was horizontal on the ceiling of the building.

After climbing onto the top of the building, the mercenary got up and started running along the roof again: water tanks, railings, gaps. If it were a normal person, he would not care about these obstacles. But for Franky, a mercenary with two mechanical prosthetic limbs, it was an obstacle that he had to concentrate on to overcome.

However, with the cooperation of the "built-in balance assistance system" in the prosthetic limbs, he still completed the whole process without any danger: climbing up the slope to the house, turning sharply down the ditch


"Cool, Franky!"

"Good job, really good--"

When he ran to the finish line, the mercenaries waiting there applauded and cheered, and the mercenary who lost a pair of legs also smiled.

"Thank you,"

Stretched out his fist and bumped fists with the guys in front of him one by one.

"What are you polite about,"

"We are comrades~~"

The mercenaries also responded with smiles, they are truly "carrying guns together"

On the battlefield, no one can take care of all aspects. You must have teammates to protect your back. Helping teammates is equivalent to helping yourself: everyone will fall down and wait for others to rescue them one day.

"Captain, firepower Franky, request to return to the team!"

Walking to the last person, Franky, who had mechanical prosthetic legs, saluted.

"Request permission."

The tall black mercenary captain Matthew also saluted, and then patted the other's shoulder.

"Welcome back, Franky."

Just as the mercenaries welcomed their teammates back, several white coats came over.

"The data is out,"

"The straight-line running speed is 56 kilometers per hour, the speed in the obstacle area is 31 kilometers per hour, and the maximum kicking force is 2760 pounds. It has reached 70% of the limit data, which is a very good running-in situation."

"Mr. Franky, you can use these prosthetic legs to catch up with slow cars, and you can also kick medium-sized beasts to death. But:"

The leading scientific researcher held a tablet computer and warned the mercenary with a serious face.

"This is a mechanical prosthesis produced for the use of 'superhumans',"

"Only when you become a superhuman can you achieve the limit data on paper. Moreover"

Machines are always just machines,

How can they be compared with the trained superhuman body?

"Please come to us for maintenance once a month; after high-intensity combat, it is best to come to us for inspection and repair."

"Machines are not like the body. When they fail, you will not feel 'pain'. When the problem breaks out."

It is easy to be paralyzed directly!

The more sophisticated the technological creation, the more difficult it is to repair.

In short, the 'maintenance cost' of his legs in the future will make the so-called 'middle class' pale.

Not to mention the repair and replacement after damage.

A typical money-burning product.

The face of the mercenary named 'Franky' froze,

No wonder this kind of thing is not popular, it is simply a robbery.

"Hahaha, don't worry."

The mercenary Kaplan, who is responsible for various electronic instruments, hugged his shoulders affectionately.

"Just leave the ordinary maintenance to me."

"Besides, we are now the 'Extraordinary Mercenary Team', and this amount of expenses is just change."

After saying that, the white mercenary took out a stack of green US dollars from his pocket and slapped it on the tablet held by the white coat.

"No need to change!"

"Thank you all for your patronage--"

The white coats were very happy with Kaplan's attitude, and they just said 'Come back next time'.

US dollars hit the face, please give more of this kind of maintenance tasks!

"Is that the Hive Mercenary Team?"

"Tsk tsk tsk, millions of US dollars worth of mechanical prostheses, fed by dog ​​food!"

When the mercenary team left the 'medical area' and came to the square of the Gojo City Military Base, they immediately attracted the attention of many mercenaries.

"Lucky guys"

These tattooed bald men, wearing bulletproof vests,

with guns and grenades on their waists, and cigarettes in their mouths, cast envious and jealous eyes.

That's right. At the critical moments of both times, they encountered supernatural beings passing by. Not only did they not lose many personnel, but they also picked up a lot of high-level loot for free.

That's not all. After their captain drank the third-level supernatural potion, he actually had a one-in-a-million mutation. He awakened and had his own "supernatural organ", which made the other mercenaries want to beat him to death, but they took his place.

Unfortunately, with the opponent's current strength, they could only be beaten to death if they rushed forward.

After having the extraordinary, the other side can even equip the disabled team members with technological prostheses worth millions of dollars, which is so luxurious that it makes people drool.

"Captain, our merits will soon be enough to exchange for the second bottle of extraordinary potion."

In the walking team, the white mercenary Kaplan rubbed his hands.

"This second bottle."

"Go play with your drone!"

"That's right, you are a tech guy, what potion do you drink?"

Before the mercenary captain Matthew spoke, the other mercenaries started to make a noise, making Kaplan blush.

"What's wrong with the drone?"

"Before the captain's extraordinary ability, didn't you rely on my drone to avoid many crises?"

As their captain grew an eye on his shoulder, he had the unscientific ability of "ultra-long-range vision" and "danger perception": his status as a technological scout plummeted.

Really, he actually discriminated against technology--

At this moment,

there was a commotion from the direction of the base gate.


Everyone turned their heads to look, and then took a breath of cold air.

The members of the Hive Mercenaries saw a bunch of skewers of demons strung together like skewers. At the top, a 'ghost warrior' was pierced through the chest!

This is an extraordinary monster that appeared after the 'Koyasan Counterattack'. It has strong defense and ordinary firearms have almost no effect on it. In addition, the skeleton horse under it moves very quickly. As long as it rushes close to you, it will be a massacre.

It is the second monster that the mercenaries least want to encounter. The first is of course the 'assassin' who can move underground.

On the contrary, the 'elemental magician' is easier to deal with.

"Oh my God, what a terrifying power"

These demons and demon warriors were strung together by a long spear.

The six-meter-long weapon was carried on the shoulders of a girl wearing heavy, sky-blue armor.

The armor was half a palm thick and looked like some tank armor. With the spoils she was carrying, the visual impact was not small.


Mercenary Captain Matthew frowned,

While his eyes were rolling on his shoulders, he noticed that the ground where the girl walked was smooth.

With the opponent's appearance, the armor plus the spoils must weigh at least several tons.

With such a weight on the ground, not even a footprint was left.

Ruling out the possibility of "props":

"Don't provoke the other party, she has unknown extraordinary abilities."

"Don't worry, Captain."

The mercenaries behind him said one after another:

"We don't want to be strung on the gun by that girl."

"It's really exaggerated,"

Takagi Sanhe, who had two swords, one long and one short, hanging on his waist and was a disciple of "Miyamoto Musashi", came over.

He looked up at the string of spoils carried by "Hondo II": many of them were still twitching slightly, proving that they were not dead.

"Have you mastered the "breathing method"?


The girl nodded casually,

making the middle-aged warrior feel a critical hit in his heart.

So fast!

Could it be that he hasn't fully mastered the "breathing method"?

"You also have traces of breathing techniques on you,"

Wearing super heavy armor and carrying a bunch of trophies, Honda II looked at the two swords on Takagi Sanhe's waist.

"Want to spar?"

"No, I don't fight a battle I'm not sure of."

As a disciple of Miyamoto Musashi, Takagi Sanhe is a 'strategist'.

That is, as long as he wins, the means are not important: the founder Miyamoto Musashi once deliberately let Sasaki Kojiro dove to disrupt the opponent's mentality.

"What a pity,"

Since the opponent didn't want to fight, Honda II didn't force it, and walked into the base carrying his trophies.

They are also accumulating merits to exchange extraordinary potions for their families and subordinates.

"I have to work hard too,"

Putting his palm on the hilt, Takagi Sanhe strode out.

Whether it's for comradeship, family honor, master's reputation, or a simple thirst for power, these extraordinary people are working hard to kill monsters and improve themselves in 'Koyasan'.


In the East Izumo Mountains,

In a wooden house of a ‘forest ranger’.


The wooden door was pushed open, and the young monk Zhixiong came out.

Just looking at his appearance, he was just a young man who had just graduated from school; who would have thought that he was the master of the entire island country’s Buddhist sect’s ‘dream’?

But now, this ‘master’ had a bit of confusion on his face, chopping wood, making fire, and cooking.

It was like an online blogger who was shooting videos of outdoor life and enjoying life.

But the Buddha testified that he had no intention of enjoying anything.

On the one hand, Master Zhixiong understood that he had extraordinary power and should take on this ‘responsibility’;

On the other hand, a series of failures made him realize that he was not a ‘demon-slaying Vajra’, but a weak ordinary person.

Hiding in this unmanned hut, chopping dead wood to cook and drinking stream water to quench thirst every day, it was quite a bit like an ‘ascetic monk’, which was both Master Zhixiong’s self-exile and escape.

"Young man, are you cooking?"

A voice from a distance called out, causing Monk Zhixiong to look up.

"Mr. Ishikawa, and Mr. Fujiwara."

"Would you like to eat together?"

Although Monk Zhixiong's mentality was weak, his strength was not.

When the two old hunters were still at the foot of the mountain, he had already seen them, so he specially made three servings of rice.


"We brought some fish and grilled them."

The two old hunters were not polite either: in fact, there was no need to be polite, this was originally a rest house built by them.

Now it is only temporarily lent to a young extraordinary person who has a broken mentality.


"This is the sauce made by my wife."

"The taste is still delicious as always. I really should have pursued my sister-in-law back then——"

"shut up!"

The two old men casually pulled two wooden piles as benches and bickered while eating: Such a warm scene gave Monk Zhixiong a rare peace of mind in his uneasy heart.

However, it was only a short period of peace.

"Two old gentlemen,"

"Do you know the situation in Koyasan?"

Master Zhixiong flew so fast that he even lost his cell phone.

Now I don't have the shame to go out to make up for anything. I have been staying in the deep mountains and forests to 'cultivate my moral character'. My mentality has gradually become more stable, and I can't help but start to care about the situation of my 'hometown'.

"I know,"

Ishikawa wrapped the grilled fish in the sauce made by his 'sister-in-law', threw it into his mouth, chewed and answered.

"The situation is great!"

"Well, we also know the virtues of the island country's government."

Another old man named Fujiwara took over the topic. Among the two, he has a calm personality and is the leader.

Deceiving the superiors and concealing the truth from the inferiors, and all kinds of "walking alone" are the characteristics of the island country; there are even ridiculous things where the army thought that the navy had won the battle until it was defeated.

"Battle reports can lie, but battle lines cannot."

"The front line in Koyasan has indeed advanced more than half, and many young people who are not afraid of death even go to the front line to become 'bloggers'."

Nowadays, in the entire island country, not the entire world, what has the highest traffic?

There is no doubt that it is extraordinary!

Where is the most extraordinary place?

Without a doubt, it’s Mount Koya!

It is difficult to tell whether the extraordinary information in other places is true or false. By the time I rush there, most of it will have been dealt with by the government.

Only Mount Koya is full of extraordinary beings: as long as these extraordinary beings are captured and technological means are used, extraordinary potions can be produced - this is no secret. After all, many countries have their eyes on the island country. If it were not for the American Navy, Powerful, multinational 'peacekeeping forces' are about to land on the island country.

As for ordinary people, they have no chance to go to the island country.

Coupled with the example of the extraordinary blogger ‘KYG’, many online bloggers who are not afraid of death have gone to Mount Koya to start live broadcasts.

The live broadcast of the extraordinary blogger ‘KYG’ is high-end, but it is also too high-end: it is full of top extraordinary beings flying around, ordinary people can only watch the excitement, and even the individual figures cannot be clearly seen.

The live broadcasts of these ordinary bloggers focus on how to capture the monsters, how to jointly ambush the synthetic beasts, and the performance of various modern weapons in the face of extraordinary beings. Although unlucky bloggers are often killed, the rest are also Won a lot of traffic.

Become a millionaire or multi-millionaire in no time!

It also stimulated many people to join in and wander around the battlefield.

Therefore, the islanders are relatively clear about the Koyasan ‘front’. Moreover:

"With General Kafka sitting in charge, what can happen?"

"Brother, you haven't read the recent reports——"

Speaking of Kafka, the old hunter Ishikawa became interested and talked endlessly.

"General Kafkalu can lift a building with just his strength! The so-called 'demon tide' is simply vulnerable to him."

Listening to the old man's narration, Master Zhixiong also smiled.

Even if you don't have yourself, the world can still function; the situation has not become more corrupt, that's good, that's good~~

It's a pity that the 'Supreme Will' that controls all the extraordinary things in this world, how can it be possible to just sit and watch him mess around here?

Disaster is not right, it should be said that the test is about to come.

Sweeping the entire island country!

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