I planted a sacred tree in Tokyo

Chapter 178 Physically Immune Evil Spirit

Matsue City, Shimane Prefecture.

This place is located on the outskirts of the Higashi Izumo Mountains, with the beautiful Lake Shinji on the left and Nakakai on the right.

It is the seat of Shimane Prefecture and the county government, with a population of only about 200,000. It is also the county seat with the smallest population in the island country.

It is such an inconspicuous small county town, but a self-defense force of 500 people is stationed: However, they are not stationed in Matsue City, but are located near the "Higashi Izumo Central Park" in the easternmost part of the city, because there is a 'Famous' tourist attractions:

Yomi Hirazan!

If this place was just a tourist attraction before, then after the arrival of the extraordinary, it was put under martial law.

According to legend, this is the place where Izanagi and Izanami broke up, so nothing is unexpected.

And just today, the 'accident' happened:


"God, what is that?"

In the eyes of the Self-Defense Forces soldiers who raised their heads, the sky - cracked!

After the crack, you can see the gray sky, the earth full of rubble, the outlines of buildings from various eras, and countless humanoid, animal-shaped, and indescribable monsters that are squirming and struggling!

These monsters pour in from this crack, like dirty black rain falling, dense and endless.

? ?

"It's an extraordinary disaster for everyone,"

"Ready to fight!"

After all, it’s been a while since Chaofan appeared.

The first sergeant who commanded the team was the first to react, shouting and using his fists and kicks to get the stunned soldiers to move.

"Quick, quick, quick, cloud bombs are ready to be launched!"

"Target: Crack in the Sky!"

"Covering attack——"

As orders were issued, armored vehicles were driven out of the military camp one after another, and the honeycomb-shaped launcher was lifted. It was filled with cloud explosive bombs that sought to cover an area. The gunner took aim and pressed the switch:

boom! boom! boom! boom!

The shells roared towards the cracks in the sky, and exploded into huge fireballs.


"The attack is ineffective?"

"Artillery fire attacks are ineffective! Repeat, artillery fire attacks are ineffective!!"

The cloud bomb that could exterminate life within a hundred meters radius exploded, but it had no effect on the cracks in the sky.

Such a horrifying scene left the Self-Defense Forces officers and soldiers who witnessed it stunned, gritting their teeth, and unable to stop trembling all over.

"Lu Zuo, it's not just the cracks in the sky, there are also those evil spirits."

Even more desperate news came. In the sudden explosion, an 'evil spirit' that was either a dead humanoid or a mixture of limbs floated out of the flames, as if the temperature of thousands of degrees did not exist at all. Floating in all directions, it flew towards this camp.

? ? ?

"Ba Ge, this is neither scientific nor extraordinary!"

The assistant officer in charge of the command saw his vision go dark and almost fainted on the spot.

The artillery fire was actually unscathed? Is there any heavenly law, is there any royal law? !

Even among extraordinary beings, few are immune to artillery fire: there seemed to be one at one time, but it is said that he was quickly suppressed by the government.

This is also - of course.

Because no matter it’s a ‘crack’ in the sky,

It’s still the case that the countless ‘evil spirits’ pouring out do not have physical bodies, so they are naturally not afraid of artillery fire.

Huangquan crack,

It's just a channel created by Yu using illusion: no matter how realistic it is, it is still an illusion in essence, and any attack except chakra is ineffective against it.

The reverberation of the soul,

After being poured out of the 'Sea of ​​Souls' by Yu, these evil spirits also possess a trace of chakra properties: because they are composed of souls, they are also not afraid of real physical attacks.


"They're coming!"

"Fire, fire!"

Da da da da da,

Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang,

As these falling 'evil spirits' rushed towards the military camp, the frightened soldiers pulled the triggers one after another, but:

Bullets whizzed but passed through the body; a line of metal storms could tear apart light armored vehicles, unable to even stop these 'evil spirits'!

? ? ? ?


Hearing the horrified shouts from outside, the assistant officer's blood rushed into his brain, he grabbed the Type 89 rifle next to him and rushed out of the command room.

"Shoot, shoot—"

"Ahhh~~Asshole! Asshole!!"

"We are dead, and I don't want to die~~~"

The military camp was in chaos, and many soldiers were still raising their guns and shouting, shooting at the "evil spirits" flying over. However, the cold reality told them that in the face of the evil spirits, the firearms in their hands were nothing more than fire sticks. .

Faced with this situation, many mentally broken soldiers dropped their firearms, turned around and ran away crying.

As they fled, it seemed that some 'switch' had been touched, and the slowly flying 'evil spirits' suddenly began to accelerate and pounced on the fleeing soldiers.



As the 'evil spirit' passed through the body of a fleeing soldier, the soldier's face turned pale and his steps became staggering.

Immediately afterwards, like a shark smelling fish, more 'evil spirits' surged down, and connections continued to pass through the soldiers' bodies: these evil spirits became visibly more agile in their movements, and the unlucky ones The Self-Defense Forces soldiers fell to the ground stiffly.

chakra absorption technique

This is the only ability that Yu has given to these 'Yellow Springs Evil Spirits', allowing them to absorb the chakra of living creatures to strengthen themselves.

Coupled with their own characteristics of 'soul reverberation', they look like a catastrophe!

"Stop, stop, stop!!!"

Bang, bang, bang, bang,

The Type 89 rifle in his hand continued to spit out flames until the trigger made a "click, click, click" sound. The assistant officer standing in the military camp looked around blankly.

The scene around us can only be described as 'defeated like a mountain'!

When the firearms in their hands lose their effect, what is the difference between soldiers and ordinary people?


"Don't come over, don't come over~~"

A scream beside him brought the pale-faced officer back to his senses.

A young soldier was thrown to the ground. He was waving his arms to drive away those 'evil spirits', but he was about to be attacked by these evil spirits.

"From my soldiers—"

Desperation turned into anger, and the officer rushed forward without thinking. At the same time, he took out his bayonet and put it on the front end of the Type 89 rifle.

"Get away!"


With a wave of his arms, the bayonet passed through, tearing an 'evil spirit' apart from the waist!



The remaining evil spirits dispersed in a hurry, but the officer was stunned.

what happened?

The previous guns had no effect, why did the bayonet...

Is it because he is an ‘extraordinary person’?



"Commander, thank you, thank you~~"

A young cry came from beside him, making Lu Zuo raise his eyebrows.

"stand up!"

"Fix your bayonet and fight them!"


The young Self-Defense Force soldier gritted his teeth and took out his bayonet and put it on the front of his rifle.

Although in this era, the behavior of "fighting with a bayonet" has long ceased; but the Type 89 rifle of the island country is equipped with a tripod and a bayonet: whether to use it or not is a matter for the soldier.


With his sergeant beside him, the young soldier roared angrily, and with tears and snot on his face, he stabbed out the rifle in his hand.


There was a soft sound, and a hole was poked out of the 'evil spirit' he had targeted.

? ? ?

it is as expected.

"Everyone, bayonets!!"

He raised his voice, and the sergeant's roar echoed in the military camp.

"Cold weapons can hurt 'evil spirits', don't be afraid, don't run, it's our turn to launch a counterattack!"

After saying that, he rushed towards the place where the evil spirits were gathered. With a stroke of the rifle in his hand, he killed several evil spirits on the spot, and other evil spirits flew away one after another.

"Fire the bayonet!"

"These evil spirits are afraid of cold weapons"


After discovering the 'weakness' of the evil spirits, the remaining soldiers in the military camp took out their bayonets, put them under the muzzles of their guns, and stabbed at these evil spirits.

Not to mention, the evil spirits who were originally unharmed by guns and bullets and seemed to be 'invincible' were immediately poked holes one after another, and they began to avoid the attacks of the Self-Defense Forces, which greatly boosted their morale!


After all, it is still an army, but it is not that unbearable.

In the chaos, a crow calmly combed its feathers on the big tree next to the military camp.

These 'evil spirits' are essentially soul reverberations, and all they can cause is damage to the soul: conversely, as long as the soul is strong enough, it can also hurt them.

Just like Kishida Jun, Tanimura Wataru, Tanimura Hoshino, and two dogs in the underworld - their souls, nourished by chakra, have become many levels stronger than these evil spirits who are not even as good as ordinary people. , killing evil spirits is just a matter of waving a hand.

Even ordinary people can make the evil spirits give in if they can muster the courage to kill them.

Of course, this courage

The streets not far from the military camp were also in chaos.

"Run quickly, it's an extraordinary disaster——"

The sound of gunfire from the military camp had long since attracted the attention of the residents. When they saw those 'evil spirits' flying towards this side, they immediately started shouting in fear.

"Xingzi, we are best friends for life."

"Well, Yingji, run~~ah!"

One of the two female students who were running hand in hand across the street suddenly fell to the ground.

"Yingji, pull me up."

"Let go, Bachi!!"

He suddenly kicked his 'best friend' in the face, and when the other party subconsciously covered her face in severe pain, the female student who had been sworn in before had already fled alone.

"Get out of the way, get out of the way, get out of the way -"

The strong man sprinted past, and at the same time, he violently pulled those who stood in front of him to the ground.

As the saying goes: It doesn't matter if you can't outrun the enemy, as long as you outrun your teammates, you win.

"Get out of the way!"

"You are the one who should get out of here"

When an extraordinary disaster strikes, humans will do anything to survive.

The inner ‘evil’ is fully exposed.

There is evil,

Nature is good.

boom! boom! boom!

Several gunshots gave the chaotic crowd a sudden pause.

"No, no, don't make a mess,"

"According to the "Supernatural Countermeasures Manual", please. Please go to the elementary school to evacuate in an orderly manner!"

Several young policemen came trotting over. Although their stiff steps and trembling words showed that they were obviously extremely frightened, they at least gave the panicked crowd a backbone.

If firearms can't deal with evil spirits, why can't they deal with thugs?

Under the threat of bullets, the crowd regained some degree of order - some young people took the initiative to help the elderly people who had difficulty moving. There were more and more people like this, and the chaotic flow of people soon gathered into a 'river'.

"Don't hide at home!"

"Come out quickly, those evil spirits will pass through the wall!!"

The policeman who directed the crowd to evacuate glanced around and saw several 'evil spirits' floating into a house. After screaming in horror from inside, he instantly felt his scalp numb.

Amaterasu, is this the end of the world?

"Don't hide in the building, everyone gather together and take refuge over there at the elementary school!"

This situation made the middle-aged policeman with a loudspeaker shout at the top of his lungs. He was born and raised here, and it took him decades to become a member of this small police department, where he was in charge of seven or eight police officers handling trivial matters.

Are you going to die in the line of duty today?

Fortunately, my wife and son all went to seek refuge first.

boom! boom!

At this moment, gunshots were heard from behind the team.

"You command the people to retreat, let's stop these evil spirits!"

In the old voice, two figures strode upstream and came to the middle-aged police officer at the back of the team.

"Uncle Fujiwara, Uncle Ishikawa?!"

The moment he heard the gunfire, the middle-aged police officer had already guessed: apart from them, the only people with guns on this street were the two rangers patrolling the mountain.


"You should go and take refuge quickly, you are all young."

"little bastard!"

Before he finished speaking, the middle-aged police officer was grabbed by Ishikawa's collar and pulled over.

"Who are you looking down on?"

"I'll beat you ten times for sitting in an office!"

A sudden push caused the middle-aged police officer to stumble backwards. The old hunter waved impatiently to the young policemen who were supporting his boss.

"Why don't you get out of here -"

".Take care of yourself,"

After bowing deeply to the two elderly people, several police officers directed the residents to evacuate.

Commanding an evacuation is familiar to any police officer in the island country.

But today's 'disaster' is the first time in my life.

It might also be the last time.

"Brother, the bullets seem useless."

On the street, Ishikawa, who had arrived at the 'Duan Hou', put down his shotgun.

He was very confident in his marksmanship, not to mention that there were so many evil spirits floating in front of him that he should be able to hit even with his eyes closed. However, the actual situation...

"I'm not blind yet,"

Another old hunter ‘Fujiwara’ spoke angrily,

As expected, these evil spirits are not afraid of bullets like those in movies and TV. It seems that their job as "the Queen" will not last long.


Facing the surging evil spirits, Ishikawa, who was standing side by side, coughed.

"Brother, should we recite a 'death poem'?"

Farewell poems, also known as farewell poems. It is a literary form in the island country. It generally refers to short poems such as Chinese poems, verses, Japanese songs, and poems that are recited when one is about to die.

"You come--"

Faced with old hunter Fujiwara's neat answer, Ishikawa held back for a long time:

"Fifty Years of Life"

"Let you dawdle while you go to school,"

After cursing, the old hunter Fujiwara threw the shotgun upwards and held the hot barrel with both hands.

"The spring cherry blossoms and autumn maples cannot be retained, and even if people leave Guanshan, they will become nothing. In the end:"

Suddenly rushing towards the evil spirit, the old hunter's eyes widened with anger, like a diamond slaying a demon.

"Destroy resentment and hatred!"


The rounded butt of the gun hit the head of the evil spirit at the front, causing the head to dent suddenly, and the body became much lighter.

? !

"Ha, these evil spirits are afraid of cold weapons?"

Ishikawa, who also swung his rifle and knocked over an evil spirit, looked overjoyed.

"Brother, we don't need our death poems. Uh."

When he looked up, he saw an unknown number of evil spirits densely packed in front of him, which made old hunter Ishikawa twitch his lips.

This quantity,

It seems that death poems are still needed~~

Forget it, what the hell, let’s have a good fight first.


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