I planted a sacred tree in Tokyo

Chapter 186 Wild Skeleton

"Dang Dang Dang."

The crisp sound of shamisen being plucked echoed in the gray world.


The tin stick touched the ground and the drum beat lightly.

In the Yomizumi Hirazaka, where there are only rocks on the ground, a team is walking slowly.

The leader is a man with a Tsukiyo haircut, holding a black umbrella to clear the way: this is the 'umbrella man', originally a down-and-out samurai, who looks after the home and courtyard of 'Yukuo', and is also responsible for collecting accounts and debts.

Behind the 'umbrella holder' are two little girls of about ten years old, named 'Bald'.

Not that they are bald, but that they have thick bangs.

Behind the little girl, there is the 'Oiran' who is dressed up, with hairpins on her head as dense as a fan, thick white powder on her cheeks, two round eyebrows, and an expressionless face.

The oiran steps on twenty centimeter-high wooden clogs, taking one step forward, one step forward, and one step back. This is the famous "Butterfly Step". In a sense, an oiran who can complete the "parade" alone in this outfit, She is definitely not some delicate girl.

And behind the 'Oiran',

They were two girls under the age of twenty, named ‘Xin Zao’.

They need to carefully observe every move of the 'Oran', because they are the 'Oran interns'.

"Boom, boom."


To the left and right of the procession, there were male servants holding tin sticks to point to the ground and beating drums with their palms, adding a bit of solemnity to the 'Oran Parade'. But:

"This road is blocked,"

The dark muzzle is aimed at this team,

"Where did you come from, where are you going?"

"Dong dong dong dong,"

Facing the dark muzzle of the blocker, he responded with the sound of the tin stick hitting the ground more and more quickly, and the sound of his palms slapping the waist drum continuously.

The atmosphere suddenly became tense until:


One shot killed the male servant holding the tin stick in the head.

As the opponent's head turned into ashes, the old hunter Fujiwara who came from behind spoke without curiosity.

"Don't waste time, get to work quickly."

"Tsk, this is the 'Oiran Parade', anyway -"


Letting go of the umbrella in his hand, the 'umbrella holder' suddenly rushed forward and struck head-on with his sword!

"Wait until I finish speaking."

The old hunter Ishikawa crossed the shotgun in his hand and blocked the samurai sword. He glanced at the face of the evil spirit close at hand and couldn't help but muttered.

"Why do you look so human?"

As he spoke, he turned his hand in a circle and put away the opponent's katana. The butt of the gun hit the 'umbrella holder' on the cheek, immediately smashing it like pottery!

They are responsible for cleaning up the 'evil spirits' in this area and reducing the pressure on the real world from within the underworld.

Boo hoo hoo hoo,

The next second, countless sharp ribbons shot out, but the two old hunters quickly dodged them.

"Be careful, this 'Oiran' has some strength."

"Ha, what are you afraid of!"

Ishikawa raised his gun carelessly,

"We are now civil servants of the underworld with an 'establishment'. If these evil spirits are not willing to obey -"


Bullets carrying 'spiritual power' roared out.

Then send them to become Buddhas.

Forced salvation!


Over Tokyo,


Using 'Onmyoji: Binding' - actually 'Vajra Blockade' to tie up the Oni warrior general, Yuu frowned slightly as he prepared to step forward to conclude the 'Psychic Contract'.

"What's the matter, Master?"

Hanakain Yura tilted her head in confusion, and then thought of something.

"Looking at it up close, this skeleton is ugly. I don't want him to be a 'Shikigami' anymore."

"Your master, I don't need you to comfort me,"

Yuu rolled his eyes and interrupted the 'steps' Yura had prepared for him.

"I caught this evil spirit, so it will only surrender to me - if it were you, he would not obey."

Hearing what Yuu said, the skeleton general who was tied up with golden chains clicked his jaw, and at the same time glanced at Hanakain Yura, seeming to be quite disdainful of her.

This is normal. Even though the opponent is just a 'soul reverberation', after absorbing a large amount of life force, he also has chuunin strength - the normal level of 'Kafka's Illusion', so he must be a fierce general in front of him.

Even if he wanted to submit to Yuu, who could trap him with just a raise of his hand, if he wanted to submit to the little girl Yura Hanakain, his samurai soul wouldn't agree.

The worst possible outcome is to ‘die’ again!

"Then let him go and I'll have a fight with him?"

In response to Yura's suggestion, Yuu shook his head slightly and raised a finger.

"There's an easier way,"

With Yuluo's strength, it is not impossible to defeat this ghost general, but he doesn't know how long it will take. It is a waste of time.

"You entered his 'soul' and surrendered it. Do you want to try it?"

In response to Yu's suggestion, the girl nodded without hesitation.


As soon as she finished speaking, Yuu put his finger on the girl's forehead, and at the same time connected her mind with the 'Oni Warrior'.


"General, is Kyoto really as big as the legend says?"

"Hahaha, of course!"

There was a blur in front of her eyes, and when Yuluo came back to her senses, she was already standing in a military camp.

There is a bonfire in the center of the military camp. He is wearing a large armor and an exaggerated helmet rolled up to both sides. The general named "Blowback" is sitting on a low table and is describing the "beautiful scenery" of the future to the surrounding ashigaru. .

"Three years ago, I went to Kyoto with my master's family."

"It is really a magnificent city, with endless houses, straight and wide streets, and can accommodate 500,000 people."

Beside the general, there is a five-meter-long spear.

From the armor and weapons, it is not difficult to tell that he is the 'ghost general'.

"My God, how big is this?"

"If the master successfully 'goes to Luoyang', then we..."

"Of course everyone will be rewarded, and we can also be 'local leaders'!"

The young foot soldiers all had excitement on their faces. For the big men of the master, going to Luoyang and becoming 'people of the world' is a lifelong dream; and for these foot soldiers, being able to obtain a fertile land is enough to satisfy them.


The neatly-armored general lowered his eyes.

He followed the master to fight at the age of 12, and deeply understood the dangers of the battlefield and the hardships they had along the way.

No one knows how many of these fellow countrymen can return alive in the end.

All he could do was:

"Cheer up,"

"Let those bastards see our bravery!"

"Ahem, water, water~~"

The scene changed, and in the rainy military camp, there were coughs and groans everywhere.


This army was defeated and lost contact with the master.

Since ancient times, the ultimate goal of any military family is to "go to Kyoto", but how can this road be so easy to pass?

Countless people fell on the road, and this army was just one of them: if nothing unexpected happens, this is where they will be buried.

"Get out! Get out!"

"Don't stop, don't stop without my order!"

Several foot soldiers were blasted out of the central army camp, and they walked and muttered dejectedly.

"Many people fell ill"

"If they don't rest, they will die."

"The general doesn't care about our lives at all, why not find an opportunity. We..."

Of course it's not a rebellion, but sneaking home!

The island country is so big anyway, even if you walk, you can go back to where you used to live.

The dream of "going to Kyoto" was shattered, and the next thing was to survive. However, scattering in a hurry would not be safe. They had been rewarded by the victor, and everyone they met on the way home would not mind exchanging their heads for a bag of coarse grains: the so-called "fallen samurai hunting", which was equally deadly!

Snap, snap, snap,

The whip hit the young man tied to the tree fiercely,

The general who looked like an evil ghost turned his head and swept his cold eyes over all the foot soldiers.


"Do you think you can return to your hometown by sneaking away?"

"Enemy pursuers, villagers who exchanged your heads for food, and even..."

Throwing down the whip in his hand angrily, the general waved to the other foot soldiers kneeling on the ground.

"You, take him with you!"

"If he dies, you will die too! This is your punishment!"

The escape continued,

After repelling the pursuers again,

"General, our food is almost gone."

Facing the report from his men, the man in the tent stood up, the firelight flickered on his face, and finally turned into determination.

"You, call a few people, follow me."

When it was time to eat, the foot soldiers were surprised to find that.

In addition to coarse grains, there was hot broth with a piece of meat floating in it!


"At this time, you still dare to go out and catch rabbits?"

The general's roar came from the central army tent. Several foot soldiers escaped from the tent and explained to the tent with a smile:

"General, look, everyone is happy to drink rabbit soup"

"Everyone is tired, let's take a day off."

"Get lost!"

Since it's 'get lost', it means it's agreed.

The remaining foot soldiers laughed for the first time in a long time. A day's rest and broth were the greatest satisfaction for them now.

It was delicious!

But the rabbit bones were really big


"Don't leave any alive--"

"Shoot, shoot! Kill without mercy!"

Under the night, the sudden shouts of killing resounded through the earth; in the moonlight, the enemy army that had already touched the nearby suddenly attacked, and arrows fell like raindrops, covering the entire camp.

? ? ?

The foot soldiers who rushed out of the tents were confused, and many of them seemed to have not woken up from their dreams.


"What are you still standing there for?!"

"Gather, gather, don't run around--"

The familiar roar brought the foot soldiers back to their senses, and they subconsciously moved closer to this voice: no matter how cruel and unkind the general was, at the critical moment, he was their backbone.

"Light up the tents to stop the pursuers."

Ordering several trusted men to light up the tents to form a 'defense line', the general shouted angrily:

"I told you that stopping would mean death. You bunch of rubbish, now you know to run, right? If you want to live, run!"

After that, the general with a spear in hand took the lead and broke out:

"Follow me!"

The enemy obviously expected them to break out, so they also prepared an ambush on the other side.


When fighting hand to hand, words were meaningless.

The two streams of people collided with each other, and there was only crazy roaring in their ears, and everyone roared and stabbed their weapons at each other!

There are no skills or moves, just an all-out fight to survive; the terrifying sound of a sharp blade piercing flesh and blood, the last feeble scream of life, and the murmur of falling in a pool of blood.

As soon as his eyes lit up, the general, covered with arrows, broken knives, and spear points, broke through the enemy's ambush!

"Come out?"

"General, we did it."


He roared as usual, making the Ashigaru who followed the general to fight out was stunned.

"You idiots, I've had enough of you!"

"Go away, go away—"

Swinging a spear full of blood and hung with minced meat.

While the ashigaru under his command subconsciously ran into the distance, the general turned around and faced the ambush troops who were furious and regrouping.

"Hey, come on."

He is not a good general, nor is he a smart man.

The only thing he can do is to keep more soldiers under his command alive, that's all.


The next second,

Arrows as dense as raindrops are coming towards you



A hoarse voice sounded in the skull's mouth,

The skeleton general, whose body was covered with arrows and broken knives, lowered his head.

"who is it?"

Where is this?

"Feel sorry,"

There was a crisp sound next to him, causing the Skeleton General to turn his head and look.

She was a 'weird' little girl, at least judging from her remaining 'aesthetics', she could only be described as weird.

The upper body is wearing a white dress that fits tightly to the body, and the lower body seems to be a pleated skirt: but it is too short, just reaching the knees; wearing long socks and weird shoes.

His short hair was even shorter than that of a monk's 'Quni': in his era, women's hair was not cut, and only monks had it cut to shoulder length. But this does not affect the little girl's appearance and temperament, but the other person's face is depressed, which seems to be mixed with compassion.

"I'm too willful and want you to be my 'Shikigami'."

After witnessing the other party's 'memory', Hanakain Yura stopped playing around and apologized to the other party seriously.


The Skeleton General shook his head and gradually came to his senses.

"I remember you. Are you the disciple of that young Onmyoji? You want to make me surrender."


Putting his hands together, Yuluo was speechless.

Before, she just had the mentality of a child, wanting to capture the other person as a 'Shikigami', just like playing with 'Pokémon'.

But the scene just now made Yuluo understand that he was facing a brave and competent general.

She shouldn't be treated so frivolously——

"no need to say sorry,"

"If it weren't for you, I wouldn't have woken up."

The influence of the spiritual link is mutual: when Youluo saw the other person's memory, this "soul reverberation" was also infected by Youluo's soul, regained his sanity, and was no longer an evil spirit that only knew how to kill.


He only remembered his last experience of leading troops.

"I can be your shikigami,"


In Yuluo's surprise,

The skeleton general spoke slowly.

"But I hope you can help my 'subordinates' become Buddhas,"

The so-called "becoming a Buddha" is a traditional concept in the island country. The spirit of the dead can "become a Buddha" by letting go of everything and gaining peace.

"Yes, I promise you."

Facing Yuro who nodded heavily, the Skeleton General took a step forward and knelt down on one knee.

"Master and follower for three generations, loyal and unswerving."

"Please give me a name from the head of the family."

Except for the last battle, he forgot. No, it should be said that he was just a certain general, an evil spirit condensed by the last soul obsession: he was not a real general, after all, the general had died long ago. , thousands of years.

"Since you are a general of the Wu family, you will be named after the Big Dipper 'Wu Qu'."

Facing the skeleton general who was kneeling on one knee, Yuro stretched out his right hand.

"Please give me more advice."



The time in the soul world is only a blink in reality.

As Yuu's golden chains spread out, the skeleton general's figure continued to disappear, just like other evil spirits collapsed.


Monitor Nao subconsciously said,

"No, it worked."

Just as Yuu denied it, a ray of light lit up behind Yura.

Wearing a large armor covered with arrows and broken knives; under the helmet is a skull face, and an oni warrior holding a five-meter spear appears behind Yuro: he looks like some kind of 'substitute messenger', and also like What is 'holding the spirit'.

"Wu Qu, let us let those soldiers rest in peace!"

With a kick of his feet, Huakaiyuan Youluo leaped up from the giant ink-colored bird.

"Yes, Master."

The newly subdued psychic beast behind her. No, the shikigami responded loudly, waving the spear in his hand.

"You idiots, wake up right now—"

The spear was swiped at a group of Ashigaru evil spirits.

"Then get on your way!"

Go and become a Buddha.

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