I planted a sacred tree in Tokyo

Chapter 189 The Era of the Extraordinary

"I'm back,"

Pushing open the door of his house, You looked around.

"Where are the people?"

"Am I not a human?"

Qiongmei raised her head on the sofa,

"Or do you feel uncomfortable without seeing the lively and well-behaved apprentice and the big-breasted charming sister next door?"

"Let's not talk about Yuluo for now, what the hell is 'big-breasted charming sister next door'——"

You has long been accustomed to Qiongmei's personality;

Walked over and sat next to her.

"Where are they going?"

"Yuluo is teaching her father and two brothers to practice Yin-Yang magic."

"Nao and Ichiha went to Kyoto to take over the industry donated by the government."

When it comes to business, Qiongmei also gets serious.

This time, You has made a 'great effort', not only setting up a barrier to block the 'Yellow Spring Crack', but also pointing out a 'bright way' for the cursed island country's extraordinary countermeasures department. The government 'gifted' a large piece of Kyoto land, along with all the industries on it, to You, as a return gift for this move.

"Including three electronics factories, two traditional industries, and four office buildings."

"The government is so generous~~"

In response, You just sighed casually.

He is not short of money, or rather, he has no interest in money.

This is not "false modesty", but a real thought: after all, how much can it cost to go to school and go home honestly every day?

Besides, as long as You wants, a magic will be enough to empty the Federal Reserve Bank of America.

Again, it's unnecessary.

"Give these industries to Nao to kill time."

After entrusting the class monitor to manage it, You is of course a hands-off boss. Anyway, Qiongmei doesn't like financial management either: don't forget, she is actually an electronics geek.

"Is there any major news recently?"

In response to You's casual question, Qiongmei nodded.

"There are quite a few,"

"The struggle between the two parties in America is becoming increasingly fierce. After being shot, the president issued a 'war' declaration. He will hold another rally in the area where he was shot, and is ready to fight to the end with the forces that made 'America corrupt'"

? !

No way, so strong?

But think about it, if he hadn't drunk the extraordinary potion and was shot eight times in the head, he would have had no chance of escaping unless God blessed him.

If he could still act as if nothing had happened afterwards, it would make people suspect that it was self-directed and self-acted: although no one dared to use their own head to act.

As for the person who fired the gun, it shouldn't be someone from the little octopus 'Ksira', right?

"Don't care about him,"

Even if it was someone from the little octopus, what about it?

Far away on the other side of the earth, if there was a civil war between the North and the South, You could only 'respect and bless', and let the 'shadow clones' go to show some presence.

"What else?"

"Also, France is making trouble again."

Qiong sister moved the tablet in her hand towards You and pointed at the picture on it.

"Some time ago, the holy sword 'Durandal' disappeared mysteriously, and there has been no news since then."

"These two days, at the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games held in France, a group of 'politically correct' people imitated the 'Last Supper', shocking the world"

Ah, this——

Seeing the 'eye-catching' picture on the tablet, You almost suspected that it was a spoof photo.

"Not really?"

This is the 'Last Supper' that describes the sacredness of Yahweh, and a group of tanks and blacks are used. Okay, even if these are justified, what is the 'big blue guy with no fabric' on the table? The boss of Lion Camel Ridge?

"It is said that this is Dionysus, the 'god of wine' in Greek mythology"

Speaking of this, Sister Qiong couldn't say anything more. Because:

"I don't read much, don't lie to me."

You was speechless,

"I know Dionysus, the son of Zeus, and his image is a beautiful boy. This——"

Big blue-skinned and yellow-haired guy, you told me it's the 'god of wine'? !

"Well, I think"

"This is a test."

The sister who was responsible for collecting intelligence coughed lightly,

"Whether it is letting a group of 'transgender' and 'cross-dressers' imitate the 'Last Supper', or this blue .Dionysus, it is a test of Yahweh and Greek gods."

Supernatural disasters frequently broke out on the island country, but other countries were calm. Even if there were a few 'supernatural disasters', they were finally proved to be man-made.

This situation can certainly be explained as 'the blessing of the gods', or it can be explained as -

"The gods are silent."

Thinking of this, You couldn't help shaking his head.

"France is really a 'rebellious son of God'. They have the nerve to bring out such things."

What about the billions of Yahweh believers? Don't rush?

"It's already rushed,"

The sister swiped her finger, and the latest information about the Olympics was below.

"The designer said that he had no intention of offending anyone, and the video has been deleted by the Olympic Committee, but that's all."

This can be tolerated

Yahweh believers are not strong.

"Well, it seems that it's already chaotic enough without other countries."

As for the so-called "political correctness", You didn't know what to say: or, as Sister Qiong said, this is a carefully prepared "test".

Testing the so-called billions of Yahweh believers, and whether there are real extraordinary people standing there?

Those performers are mostly just abandoned.


This is the only comment that You can make.



"Ladies, please come this way."

Government officials, local celebrities, and senior managers in smart suits were warmly welcoming Nao and Kazuha.

"To welcome you two, we have prepared a dinner party. Look -"

"Let's go visit Yujun's properties first."

As Nagisa Kazuyo spoke, the team immediately headed towards the factory without hesitation.


The guest is wrong,

The host is not present, so what kind of dinner is there?

In the factory, the senior manager introduced to the two girls:

"Please see, this is the latest drone assembly line, which can produce 12 large drones in one day."

These drones are not the kind of 'civilian toys', but are active in Koyasan. They can be commanded remotely, can last for a long time, and can carry personnel and trophies. Even if they are equipped with weapon systems, they are no different from the 'Falcons' of the island country government. Performance like a human fighter jet.

There was no way this latest high-tech production line would fall into 'private' hands.

But Yuu can be said to have ‘turned the tide’ in this extraordinary disaster, and he can’t do anything else: Besides, after these things are produced, aren’t they purchased by the government?

By the way, why not let Yu-kun's power help look after the Kyoto area?

"If we need to increase production, there is still a lot of room for improvement."

"Submit the plan,"


"It's so troublesome,"

After sitting in the Nagisa family's private car, squad leader Nao couldn't help but sigh.

"There are more than 500 people in one factory, and they need to deal with more than 70 companies in production, sales, and..."

There are so many threads, which one can she, a high school student, be able to sort out?

"At this time, senior managers are needed."

Sitting opposite her, Nagisa Kazuo elegantly taught the squad leader the art of management.

"We can't do it ourselves."

"Leave it to professional management talents - but be careful, if you are not strong enough, these managers will drain your assets in a 'legal' way."

"But it doesn't matter. Now in the entire island country, no one should dare to violate you."

"You still have time to master them slowly."

"I hope so,"

After listening to Nagisa Kazuyo's analysis, monitor Nao pushed up her round glasses.

"No wonder Yuu left these things to me. It turns out he knew it would be very troublesome."

"But it's also because I trust you,"

"I will leave it to you to manage, right?"

Regarding Nagisa Kazuha's words, Nao couldn't help but slightly raise the corners of her mouth.

"Next, I will continue to trouble you, Kazuye."

"You are welcome."


Just when the squad leader and Yiye were receiving the assets,

In fact, there is another person who belongs to the force under 'Yu', who is also in Kyoto.

"Mr. Long Er, what do you think?"

He looked up at the factory in front of him. The young man with long black robes and long sleeves narrowed his eyes and showed a somewhat sinister smile.

“It’s hard to handle~~”

"That's, that's it."

Behind the young man is a middle-aged man who is bending over.

Despite the way he nodded and hunched over, he looked like some poor social animal; but in fact, he was the boss of this factory!

It's a pity that this factory is occupied by a group of evil spirits: and what it produces is hot-selling goods. Every extra day of downtime will cost a huge amount of money.

Besides, extraordinary disasters are not natural disasters. You can wait for them to disappear on their own: the evil spirits entrenched in the factory will only become more numerous and stronger, eventually turning into a desert!

The sooner we ‘remove the spirit’, the sooner we can resume production.

Although this boss is not a 'big shot', he is lucky and has some friendship with the former Huakaiyuan family.

"Although our family has moved to Tokyo, since we are old friends, we can reluctantly take action."

"Yes, yes, thank you Mr. Long Er!"

Under the watch of the middle-aged boss, his driver, and bodyguards, the broken-haired young man Huakaiyuan Long Er stepped into the factory.

"Come out, Guanhu."

After arriving at the parking lot in the middle of the factory,

He took out three bamboo tubes from his cuffs and tapped them lightly.

The next second, white 'pipe foxes' emerged from inside and flew up and down around him.

These 'tube foxes' look like white weasels or elongated miniature foxes, with slender bodies and fluffy tails that can glide in the air.


As Huakaiyuan Long Er raised his hand and pointed, three tube foxes leaped out.

Guan Hu is Onmyoji’s favorite ‘shikigami’ to contract with: at least that’s how it is in the legend.

Although their individual strength is weak, their large numbers, coupled with their pleasing appearance and agility, make them perfect as 'scouts' and 'pets'.

There is another advantage:

"Well, with my strength, I can only cultivate 'Guan Hu' for the time being."

Thinking of this, Huakaiyuan Ryuji couldn't help but sigh.

Compared with his younger sister who has already trained three powerful shikigami and captured a new shikigami, his brother's talent in 'onmyojitsu' seems a bit mediocre.

Even Hanakain Mamei style has begun to cultivate their own fighting shikigami.

On the other hand, my father, Huakaiyuan Xiuyuan, couldn't even train a fox.

That made Huakaiyuan Long Er feel better.


Just when the young man standing in the parking lot was lamenting his lack of talent, a siren sounded from the pipe fox.

Three pipe foxes flew back, and after a few leaps, they landed on the shoulders of the young man.

And behind them——

are a dozen evil spirits with fangs and claws bared!

It is obvious that these evil spirits were disturbed by the ‘pipe fox’ and chased them with the advantage of numbers.

“Well done,”

Touching the pipe fox squatting on his shoulder, the young man looked at the evil spirits rushing over.

“Although I can destroy you with my fists and feet, that is not in line with the style of our ‘Onmyoji’.”

Took out two palm-sized paper figures from his sleeves, with the word ‘explosion’ clearly visible on them: this is the method of drawing the detonating talisman that You taught Yu Luo, and she taught it to everyone in the family.

After all, it is a family of Onmyojis with a ‘millennium heritage’, and swinging fists to play ‘beating skills’ is not You’s setting.

The forces under his command are naturally of the same lineage.


Raising his hand, the two paper figures flew out.

And then:


Raising his finger, the young man let out a low chuckle.

Boom! Boom!

Two balls of fire rose up, and the evil spirits that were originally "immune" to the explosion attack were ignited by the flames on the spot, and turned into ashes in the wailing and struggling.

"Sure enough, you still have to shout to be powerful"

No one was alone, and a certain older youth also became a middle school student.

Without power, it is naturally a middle school student; but if you really have extraordinary power, it is called-

Feng Ya!

With a wave of his long sleeves, he fanned away the flying ashes in front of him.


As Hanakaiyuan Ryuji gave the order, the three pipe foxes leaped out again.

They led out the evil spirits in the factory, and then Ryuji took action to exorcise them: these evil spirits that could leave thousands of workers helpless were soon strangled by him.



A roar came,


In the rapid cry, the three pipe foxes flew back, stood up, and gestured.

"A fusion evil spirit far beyond your strength has appeared?"

Looking up at the factory not far away: a 'meat mountain' formed by the fusion of more than a dozen evil spirits is crawling out from it, waving its arms full of 'arms' and crawling towards this side.

Although it is crawling, it is just the other party's instinct to imitate the actions of his life: any material in the real world will not hinder him.

"Tsk, it's a bit tricky."

It's not long since he drank the extraordinary potion and became an 'Onmyoji' not long ago.

Such a fusion evil spirit is still a bit difficult for Hanakaiin Ryuji. So--

"Hold it,"

Let the three foxes come forward to harass and slow down the speed of the fusion evil spirit.

Ryuji reached into his sleeve again and took out:

A mobile phone.

"Hello, is this Yuura?"

"Yes, I'll borrow your shikigami for a while."

After hanging up the phone, the young man made a seal with both hands:

"Spiritual Summoning Technique·Ganlang!"


A palm slapped the ground, and a huge gray wolf appeared out of thin air.

If you can't beat it, call for help!

The combination of Yin-Yang magic and modern technology is worth having.

"Please help, Lord Tanlang,"

Hakaiin Ryuji bowed his head, there was nothing he could do, because his sister's Shikigami was much stronger than his own.


The gray wolf, which was as big as a small tiger, raised its head and whistled softly, and the three foxes immediately dispersed.

Next, it was between the big guys-


Rushing up like a gust of wind, the huge wolf claw fell fiercely, with the sharp blade transformed by the gust of wind, tearing the fused evil spirit into "several pieces" on the spot.

Kill instantly!

After finishing it with one claw, the gray wolf shook his fur proudly, and then he released the spirit.

With a bang,

disappeared in the smoke.

"Oh my, I was disliked by Lord Tanlang."

The young man, whose strength was not as good as his sister's Shikigami, shrugged and walked out of the factory.

"Mr. Long Er, can you please have a meal with me?"

"No, I have to go back to practice."

"Then, please walk slowly--"

Looking at the middle-aged man who was still bowing in the rearview mirror, the young man with messy hair smiled.

"This is the best era."

It is an era for the extraordinary to call the shots!

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