I planted a sacred tree in Tokyo

Chapter 116 The Millennium Villain

"plz follow me,"

Led by Metropolitan Police Director Zhu Yachun,

Yiori Kazuka and two other extraordinary natives affiliated with the Metropolitan Police followed closely behind.

Immediately afterwards, there are the 'folk extraordinary' with different expressions: Yuu who habitually touches his chin when he thinks, the Isotani siblings with expressionless faces, and those who are either still frightened, or looking down in thought, or... Guan Ji.


Those technological weapons just now are indeed somewhat interesting.

But after reading it, Yuu has discovered many shortcomings.

The power of the magnetic cannon is certainly impressive, but its energy supply is a big problem: with Yuu's ability to sense 'thunder and lightning', he can clearly sense that one shot is almost the energy limit of the 'Falcon' drone. Just listen to the so-called power of "decomposing all matter": talking about power without measuring it is just a hooligan.

What's more, it's still the same question: If you can't dodge the shells, can't you dodge the muzzle?

As long as it is not targeted, no matter how powerful the weapon is, it is nonsense: this large drone is relatively flexible, but it is only compared to ordinary people.

As for that kind of 'sentinel' robot, despite all the high-tech features, it is very cool and expensive; but if encountered in the plains, it may not be able to beat a light tank!

To put it bluntly, these weapons are specially designed to deal with extraordinary beings.

To destroy them, ordinary human weapons are more than enough!

That's why the Metropolitan Police Department goes to great lengths, conducting experiments and killing people, to win over these extraordinary beings.

Next, it’s time to be ‘friendly’: promising various benefits, giving respected status, and then:

Let’s all ‘work together’ to eliminate the BOSS who is secretly moving around!



"Everyone, please take a seat,"

After arriving at a conference room made of white metal, Director Zhuya greeted everyone to sit down with a cheerful face.

"You must also be curious, on behalf of the government, what is the purpose of calling everyone together?"

Without waiting for anyone to ask questions, he asked and answered the questions himself to reveal the answer:

"The whereabouts of the sea ninja have been confirmed."

? !

Most of the people present were shocked. As 'extraordinary beings', they were naturally very concerned about the extraordinary circle.

The recent major event in the Extraordinary Circle is that there was a conflict between the three people in the Sea Kingdom, and the Sea Ninja left alone, which caused the entire island nation, no, and other countries to dig deep in order to recruit the 'ownerless' ninja.

The young master of the Sea Kingdom, Otakemaru, was asleep. After the old man Kai Ming took over Yokosuka and established his authority, he disappeared. Most likely, he went to protect the sleeping "young master".

In this case, the "Umi-nin" who had a conflict with "Kujira" and was exposed by "Krab Princess" was a good opportunity for everyone to take advantage of the situation, take a look at the thatched cottage, and bring him under his command!

Now the Metropolitan Police says they have the whereabouts of Kai Ninja, is it possible?

It shouldn't be,

The rich second generation frowned and quickly reacted.

If the Metropolitan Police recruits sea ninjas, the news will be broadcast 24 hours a day!

This is a real 'trump card'. Which country's leadership dares to ignore the threat posed by sea ninjas?

With this card in hand, the island country can definitely flex its muscles on the world stage! Of course, it may also be jointly targeted by other countries, depending on the politicians' skill.

But he didn't hear any rumors, and coupled with the Metropolitan Police Department's "establishing authority" behavior just now, this shows that:

"The sea ninja fell into the hands of other forces."

Director Zhuya didn't hide anything and said it decisively.


His eyes swept across the faces of those people who were suddenly enlightened, labeling them as 'smart people'.

Behind this conference room, a large number of psychology experts and micro-expression experts are monitoring and analyzing the extraordinary mentality present, and establishing new five-factor model data.

"The one who controls the sea ninja now is--"

Following Director Zhuya's words, a figure appeared on the big screen behind him.

Wearing a simple, wide hunting coat, a towering black crown, a magatama pendant around his waist, and wooden clogs on his feet. Except for the hat, he looks only about 1.4 meters tall. The white cloth hanging in front of the hat covers his face. Only the black "three" characters on the white cloth are extremely eye-catching.

"Some of you may already know him, and some of you may not know: In a sense, this person is the source of your extraordinary power."

"We used to call him 'Mr. Three', but recently we have learned his real name:"

"Blood hakama!"

Hakama is a male bottom garment that is a traditional costume of the island country: the legs are worn separately to form a ‘hakama’.

And blood hakama means half the body stained red with blood.

Upon hearing this person's real name, most of the people around the conference table had expressionless faces. After all, no matter what the name of this mysterious existence was, what did it have to do with them?

"It does matter, everyone."

Who is Director Zhuya? He can see the thoughts of these extraordinary people at a glance.

"Don't forget one thing. Most of your strength comes from this 'blood hakama'."

"The killing stone, the true spirit of hundreds of ghosts."

The source of the island country’s ‘native supernatural’ is nothing more than these two, of course, there are not exceptions: for example, after the death of Iori Ichika, the young man who was obviously still a college student, his power came from the gift of Crab Princess.

As well as the three 'onmyoji', or 'spell masters', who were stared at by countless people.


The Ikariya siblings.

One of their powers is inherited from their family, and the other is taught by the sea ninja.

"Everyone, I guess you have all heard of the legend of the Killing Stone?"

Some people nodded subconsciously.

The story of the Nine-tailed Tamamonomae is not well-known in the island country, but at least it is well-known;

Even if you haven't heard of it before, after becoming a superhuman, it is impossible not to understand such things, and you know more or less.

"A year ago, the Killing Stone exploded."

"At first, no one cared. It was just a natural phenomenon, a proof of the passage of time, and the damage of an unknown "cultural relic". Until the arrival of the superhuman, this disaster was closely related to everyone."

As everyone listened attentively, Director Takeya crossed his fingers and spoke seriously.

"The information we investigated and collected shows that this "blood hakama" is one of the "tails" of that person."

"And his purpose is to revive the legendary-"

"White-faced golden-haired nine-tailed fox: Tamamonomae!"


Although this speculation has been circulating in the "superhuman circle", everyone is a "new" superhuman, and it is just a guess.

Now that the official "hammer" has suddenly been revealed, it is inevitable that he is confused.

"And... there is an even more shocking news."

Director Takeya never stops talking,

"Behind all this, there is another mastermind."

? ?

Seeing that Yu, who always looks like he has a "smart mind", also has a stunned expression, Director Takeya's mouth curls up slightly.

Sure enough, seeing a "smart person" being defeated is always so:


"The mastermind behind this is——"

"Ampere Haruaki."

? ? ?

At this moment, even Yu, the "Otsutsuki", can't hold it back.

Ampere Haruaki?

What the hell!

"It's hard to believe, right?"

Director Takeya, with a smile on his face, glanced at everyone.

"But this is not nonsense. We have collected a large number of records handed down by the Onmyoji family and found an amazing fact: Ampere Haruaki left a prophecy that he would be resurrected a thousand years later."

"Wait, Director Takeya, this is not because he was drunk."

"Well, I just wrote it casually."

A joke?

You looked hesitant. Who in the world knows better than him what the essence of the extraordinary advent is?

The god damn mastermind is Ampere Haruaki! If this person knew, he would definitely open the coffin and shout injustice: I am not, I didn't, you listen to my explanation!

"We also have evidence from other families: Speaking of which, he has a lot of connections with Youjun."

? ? ? ?

You and I have a fart connection!

Are you going to tell me that you are from the Space-Time Administration?

Rubbing his temple, You stopped asking questions and prepared to listen to the other party's nonsense.

"Because it involves certain families, the investigation process should not be disclosed too much."

"In short, we found clues in the records of many Onmyoji families that Ampere Haruaki was preparing to revive a thousand years later. Combined with a series of recent supernatural events and the testimony provided by a certain "witness", we can almost lock the target, which is Ampere Haruaki."

Thinking of the middle-aged man who was talking nonsense, secretly studying Onmyoji, and threatening to let the "Tsuchimikado" clan rule the island country, Director Takeya's eyes were cold.

So what if it was a great Onmyoji from a thousand years ago?

Fortunately, the Metropolitan Police Department acted in time. If they really waited for that guy to "contact" the ancestors, I'm afraid the consequences would be disastrous.

It can only be said that when Yu, the "Otsutsuki", didn't know, someone couldn't wait to jump out to help him "take the blame" and put the chaos of the arrival of the supernatural on his own ancestors.

Who could have thought of this situation~~

"So, what does the great Onmyoji want to do?"

Director Takeya seriously answered the question raised by You, who looked helpless.

"According to our expert analysis, the great Onmyoji Ampei Haruaki's goal is to become the 'Lord of the Hundred Demons'."

"He was a great Onmyoji who dominated an era during his lifetime, and he is naturally a powerful ghost after his death: commanding all the demons and monsters, leading the demons and monsters, this is the Night Parade of Hundred Demons. Isn't it the ultimate pursuit of any Onmyoji?"

After saying that, the other party's eyes fell on You with a 'meaningful' look.

You make a lot of sense, and I am speechless.

During the Meiji Restoration, the 'Onmyoji' that had been passed down for a thousand years was abolished, and the clan members were almost wiped out later. If the 'Lord of the Hundred Demons' returns to the world, I believe he will not mind bloodbathing the entire island country's high-level officials!

"Shouldn't we ask the Inari God for instructions on this kind of thing first?"

"Gods are gods, people are people."

Director Takeya raised his hand and interrupted the rich second generation's proposal.

"If we ask the gods to help us with everything, what else do we need to do?!"

Wait, you public servants, bah, bah, bah, the rich second generation who was almost led astray by the other party couldn't complain in his heart.

Your government wants to deal with 'Tamamonomae', or even 'Ampere Haruaki', what does it have to do with us 'ordinary' people?

"Don't forget the source of your power."

Director Takeya went around in circles and brought the topic back.

"If Tamamonomae and Ampere Haruaki are resurrected; will your power be taken back by others? Hehe."

Now, it was Director Takeya's turn to 'laugh without saying anything'.


Everyone present had different expressions,

their extraordinary powers all came from the 'Killing Stone' and the 'Hundred Demons', and the source was directly pointed to Tamamonomae.

If Tamamonomae is resurrected. In various mythological stories, the master can easily take back this kind of power.

Then their wealth and even life will be lost.

"Everyone, we have a common enemy."

"No matter what it is, we should work together to overcome difficulties in this unknown era and open up an era that belongs to us and our descendants!"


After the meeting,

"There is such a hidden secret?"

Walking out of the Metropolitan Police Department, the younger brother Igoya Kaoru asked his sister in a low voice.

"If it is the strongest Onmyoji a thousand years ago, we can't win, right?"

"We will win,"

The elder sister Igoya Dai answered decisively,

"He is only the strongest a thousand years ago. As long as we keep getting stronger, we can always catch up with him."

"Hey, little friend, are you optimistic too?"

The rich second generation rubbed his eyebrows, with a look of despair on his face.

"I just want to enjoy life, but I don't want to be involved in a thousand-year war."

"Give up, unless you leave this country."

The yellow-haired man on the other side came in and glanced at the rich second generation.

"But for someone like you, it's easy to go abroad, right? Just change your identity and be cool in other countries."

"What are you talking about?"

"I'm not the kind of person who runs away!"

While these people were arguing, Youya rubbed his temple and walked out of the Metropolitan Police Department.

I didn't expect that the Metropolitan Police Department actually found a 'black hand behind the scenes'. Should we say that they have a huge imagination, or that they hit it by mistake?

However, their analysis does have a bit of rationality: after all, it's hard to say what the ancients would write down a thousand years ago. Maybe Ampere Haruaki sighed one day, 'It would be great if I could still be alive a thousand years later', and then it was interpreted like this.

So, do you want to take this opportunity -? !

"Ha, interesting."

Touching his chin, You sneered.

Almost got 'tricked'.

Maybe the island nation really speculated that there was a 'mysterious black hand' behind the extraordinary events, maybe they really believed that 'Ampere Haruaki' would be resurrected and return.

But they reported the situation so easily, which was meant to test:

If the forces of 'Ampere Seimei' caused chaos in a short period of time,

it would prove that there was something wrong with someone who attended the meeting!

Oh, I almost fell into the rhythm of 'others' by accident.

You shook his head slightly. Extraordinary things really have to be done at your own 'rhythm': As for what others think? That's their business! If they can't figure it out, then there must be something wrong with them!

Raising his hand and swiping, the black ink turned into a giant bird.

Go home and have a good sleep!

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