I planted a sacred tree in Tokyo

Chapter 192 Spirit Possession

"Emergency news!"

"Please pay attention, please pay attention!"

"A large number of new 'evil spirits' have appeared in the island country. This time, the evil spirits have the following characteristics"

On a hill next to a town, several junior high school students walked on a forest path; in front walked two boys and two girls, who looked intimate and seemed to be a couple, and burst into laughter in the middle of playing.

Following behind were two girls. From the distance between them, it is not difficult to see that they are marginal figures in this small group.

"Hey, you two!"

"Don't play with your phone while walking, keep up~~"

A girl in front turned around and spoke impatiently. She had dyed brown curly hair. Her appearance was not bad at first glance, but if you look closely, it is a 'standard' makeup face: foundation that completely covers the skin, carefully trimmed eyebrows, and tattooed lip lines

Gives people a 'stereotyped' feeling.

But as long as it is a young body, it is attractive enough: the boy who was hugged by her arm is obviously under her control.

"Here we are,"

One of the two people at the back, who was wearing glasses and looked like a girl who only studied, stepped forward quickly.

Not everyone with glasses can study well. As an ordinary person whose grades, appearance, and eloquence are all average no matter how hard she tries, the girl with glasses is at the 'end' of the group, but she still 'cherishes' this position.

How should I put it? She is also a 'friend', right?

Especially in this era, if you are alone, you don't know when you will die!

"The news said that a new type of evil spirit has appeared recently."

The other short-haired girl walking behind hesitated and spoke after looking at the news on her phone.

"Oh, it's just a 'test of courage', can you not be so disappointing?"

Another girl in front who was holding her boyfriend's hand turned her head,

"If you don't want to participate, go back."


Putting away her phone, the short-haired girl lowered her head.

She is also not an outstanding person. She has neither much courage nor a smart mind. Perhaps her beautiful appearance can be regarded as her only advantage. However, his personality is too "boring". In this small team, he is just the "number two" at the bottom.

As long as people gather together, there will naturally be high and low; there will definitely be a "king of children". This is the nature of living things.

And the "king of children" in this group is naturally:

"Okay, okay."

Another boy in front turned his head, with a classic yellow hair, a lip ring, and shaved eyebrows, all indicating his identity as a "gangster".

"The abandoned church is in front, we are just here to exercise our "courage", don't be nervous."

Although the government has repeatedly emphasized that we should not go to uninhabited areas.

But "rebellion" is also human nature, especially for these junior high school students: strange clothes, relationships between men and women, adventures and courage tests. They are at the age of fearlessness.

A mere evil spirit?

"There are so many of us, and we are still afraid of-"


Before he finished speaking, a scream suddenly sounded behind him, which made the yellow-haired lip ring man startled and almost threw his girlfriend next to him away.

"What the hell are you yelling about?!"

The angry yellow-haired man with a lip ring turned around and scolded the girl with glasses.

"Behind the window"

The girl with glasses raised her hand tremblingly and pointed to the church in front of her.

At the end of the road, there is a Western-style church that looks like it has a history of hundreds of years: it is obvious that this is the trace left by the white missionaries.

And now-

The four girls and two boys looked together, looking at the window of the church:

A black and white figure stood here, just staring at them blankly.

The evil spirits that have appeared in the island country recently are not as dodgy as in movies and novels. They often float there openly: even in broad daylight, they are not afraid.

However, these evil spirits do not have the "invincible" characteristics in literary works. Although they are also immune to guns, cannons, water and fire, they can be hurt by "bravery".

"What are you panicking about!"

The yellow-haired man with a lip ring, whose voice rose involuntarily, first roared, and then from his waist:

pulled out a dagger with a cold glow!

"It's just an evil spirit,"

"Watch me kill it!"

It has to be said that the yellow-haired man with the lip ring is indeed a gangster.

But compared to ordinary students, he is still more "brave": even if this bravery is full of malice.

If you dare to show your weapon in the face of evil spirits, you have already won half the battle.


"Wait, those are..."

The girlfriend beside him trembled and let go of his arm.

Because in this girl's subconscious, she thinks that her boyfriend is no longer enough to protect her.

One, two, three.

Behind the window of the abandoned church, figures of different heights floated out.

So many? !

The yellow-haired man's face changed.

If there are one or two evil spirits, they can naturally repel the other party with their numbers and "courage": not only a topic of conversation, but also can strengthen their courage again.

Escape is not a solution. Many schools in the island country encourage students to show courage to face evil spirits: Of course, this kind of running to the mountains to die.

It is definitely not what the school wants to see.

At a glance,

Five or six evil spirits have appeared, and the number is comparable to their group.

"Let's go!"

Seeing the large number of evil spirits,

Huangmao made a prompt decision, holding the dagger in his hand and taking a few steps back quickly.

Protect everyone in front of you, then turn around and prepare to leave——? !

"Ah!!! This way too"

"Shut up!"

The dagger in his hand was raised, and the cold light made the screaming girlfriend cover her mouth with her hands.

"The road is blocked, go this way!"

With the weapon in his hand, the man with the yellow hair and lip ring calmed down and subconsciously chose a road next to him that was free of evil spirits to go down the mountain.

The short-haired girl on the edge of the team felt her heart beating violently, but she still felt a little out of place.

"Go quickly——"

Before she had time to think about it, everyone else left, and she could only take steps forward.

As she trotted away, she glanced back:

Whether it was the evil spirit in the church or the evil spirit blocking the way down the mountain, it seemed that it had just 'reacted' and slowly floated towards everyone.

Take your time.


"Follow up!"

"Be careful not to fall behind and don't run around!"

Huang Mao at the front was trotting along the forest road while constantly giving instructions.

It's not that he has good intentions, but once he disperses: countless cases have proven that he will only be defeated by evil spirits one by one.

Damn it!

Isn't there only one abandoned church on this mountain?

Why did so many evil spirits suddenly appear?


"I'm so tired. I can't run anymore. Wait for me."

If the physical strength is allocated well, human endurance is enough to chase most animals to death; but if they run in a panic for a short distance, the physical strength will soon be exhausted: not long after, the bespectacled woman was left behind the team, screaming to the others Ask for help.

But how could the two lovers care about her?

"Don't be discouraged,"

Hesitation flashed in the short-haired girl's eyes, but she slowed down and supported the girl with glasses.

"This mountain is not big, we can definitely run out!"

This is a fact, although with the development of the times, the population has gathered in big cities, and the small towns where they live have become a lot more desolate. But it is still a small town after all. If you meet people who come to the mountains for a walk or exercise, everyone will gather together.

Just as the short-haired girl supported the girl with glasses and trotted to keep up, the eyes of the two couples at the front of the team lit up.


An old man holds his hands behind his back,

Walking leisurely on the forest path.

"Old man!"

"Old man——"

Seeing other people, these junior high school students immediately beamed with joy, waved their arms and shouted.


The old man turned his head and his expression changed.

"Come here quickly, there are evil spirits behind you!"

In the old man's beckoning hand, the 'test of courage' team hurried towards him.

"Why are you young people here?"

As the two sides approached, the old man complained and stretched out his hand.


"Old man, you-?!"

The 'old man' grabbed his wrist, and the face of the man with yellow hair and lip ring who was running at the front changed drastically!

Because a chill continued to spread up his wrist.

I can no longer hold the dagger in my hand,


As the dagger fell to the ground, the 'old man' in front of him smiled.

The cracked corners of the mouth extended to the base of the ears, revealing two rows of black and yellow teeth and a long tongue full of saliva.

"young people,"

"Teach you to be good and don't approach strangers casually."

While talking, the 'old man' who showed his true face bit Huang Mao in one bite!


With this bite, the 'old man's' teeth sank into Huang Mao's shoulder.

Along with the severe pain that penetrated into his 'soul', blood also seeped out of Huang Mao's shoulder.

? ? ?

"Evil spirit----"

Screaming, Huang Mao's girlfriend was so frightened that she sat down on the ground.

"Help me get him away, quickly!!"

Faced with Huang Mao's shouting of "Save me", the girl rolled and crawled towards the bush next to her.


The remaining couple looked at each other and said, well, your girlfriend won’t save you.

Then we also——


The two men turned their heads and rushed towards the woods nearby.

These woods are the product of 'artificial planting', and the ground is completely passable except for some shrubs.

What's more, it's not a question of whether to leave or not. Escape is the most important thing!

"We too"

Now that the team has dispersed, they will have to fly away in the face of the disaster.

The short-haired girl gritted her teeth, supported the girl with glasses and ran towards the woods on the other side.

You shouldn't have come to this damn courage test.

But do you dare to refuse?

If you refuse, you will definitely be excluded.

Then there is only one person left, and it will eventually lead to death sooner or later, right?

The short-haired girl ran down the mountain. Thoughts flashed through her mind, but she didn't notice the evil spirit speeding up behind her, as well as:

The bespectacled woman next to her looked back and her expression changed.

The next second, a sudden push came from beside her, causing the short-haired girl to lose her balance and lose her feet.


He fell hard to the ground, rolled several times on the ground, and got up in a daze. The short-haired girl only saw a retreating figure.

This is

Brush, brush, brush, brush——

There was no time to think about the 'betrayal' she had suffered. What the short-haired girl had to face was:

A group of evil spirits in ragged clothes surrounded him.

It's over,


I don’t know if I will turn into an evil spirit after I die, or if I can go to heaven.

No, heaven is a Western concept.

"Ordinary people like me"

Grabbing a branch from the ground and holding it up tremblingly, the girl smiled bitterly.

"Should we go to hell?"

It is impossible to become a Buddha——

"Not bad,"

Just when those evil spirits were about to tear the girl's soul apart, a loud voice sounded.


A rope dropped down and appeared in front of the short-haired girl.

As she looked up, she saw long golden hair, inverted facial features, and a high school uniform: a small suit, a tie, and an "anti-gravity" short skirt.

It is an evil spirit!

The other party's pair of legs that appeared and disappeared proved her identity as an "evil spirit".

But unlike those "dull" traditional evil spirits, this high school girl has a lively face, like a living person. Just like:

The "old man" before!

The government said.

A new type of evil spirit?

"Hey, you are staring at me like this, am I good-looking?"


? ?

After answering subconsciously, the short-haired girl tilted her head and a blush appeared on her face.

What happened to me, at this time

"Hahaha, interesting!"

The 'high school girl evil spirit' hanging upside down in the air turned around and fell lightly.

"I'll protect this little guy, understand?"

With the 'high school girl evil spirit' domineeringly waved his hand, those tattered evil spirits all took a step back.

There is also a gap between evil spirits.

It is obvious that this 'high school girl evil spirit' is stronger than ordinary evil spirits.

? ?

I was saved by a 'new evil spirit' instead of an evil spirit?

Just when the short-haired girl was stunned, the 'high school girl evil spirit' in front of her turned around.

"My name is Yi Yue, what's your name?"

"My name is Xiao Mei."

Although it doesn't seem like the time to introduce herself, facing this 'lively' evil spirit, the short-haired girl still answered subconsciously.

"Very good, Xiaomei."

"I want to make a deal with you,"

"I can save you, but you have to help me investigate the cause of my death."

Hearing the words of the 'high school girl evil spirit', the short-haired girl Xiaomei's eyes fell on the other's neck.

A circle of rope was wrapped around the neck of the 'high school girl evil spirit', dragging on the ground for a long time, which was the source of the rope Xiaomei saw before.

On the white neck, a circle of purple marks caused by strangulation were all telling the cause of her death:


"What's that look in your eyes?"

"Do I look like someone who would commit suicide?"

The high school girl evil spirit who called herself 'Yueyue' snorted unhappily,

"I forgot a lot of things, but I can be sure that I didn't commit suicide!"

As for how she died, it was exactly what she wanted to find out most after becoming an 'evil spirit', so:

"How about it, do you agree or not?"

"Give me a straight answer!"


The high school girl evil spirit 'Yueyue' in front of her looked like a straightforward person.

And I'm surrounded by evil spirits. If I don't agree——? !

"Okay, I agree!"

The short-haired girl Xiaomei nodded vigorously. The reason why she was so straightforward:

On the other side of the woods, the 'old man' was picking his teeth with his little finger nail and walking slowly. In his cracked black and yellow teeth:

You can also see a frightened eyeball and a familiar voice:

"Save me"


Chewing, chewing~~

? ? ? ?

The mind was blank.

If she wasn't scared on the spot, it would be considered that the girl didn't eat.

"Old thing,"

A hand in a women's suit was placed in front of her, bringing Xiaomei back to her senses.

"This little guy is mine, give me some face——"

"That won't do,"

It was obviously an evil spirit, and the 'old man' who swallowed the yellow-haired soul spoke human words.

"This girl is delicious. Eating her will greatly increase my strength!"

As the 'old man' took a step forward, the shabby evil spirits around him also became restless.

Am I a 'Tang Monk' setting?

Just when the short-haired girl Xiaomei was thinking about it, the 'high school girl evil spirit' blocking her had already revealed the mystery.


"The body I chose can't be bad."

After saying that, the high school girl evil spirit turned her head.


"Lend me your body."

? ?

"I'll take it as your consent--"

Before the short-haired girl could refuse, the other party suddenly rushed towards her and directly entered her body!

The next second,

"Hahahaha, this body is so suitable!"

'Wait, this is mine'

In a weak rebuttal in her mind, the 'girl' with a changed temperament raised her right hand, and a rope appeared in her palm, and she swung it suddenly:


The rope swept like a python, wrapping and twisting a shabby evil spirit.


It was torn into ashes all over the sky.

"Old thing, if you don't know how to be shameless, don't blame me for being rude!"

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