I planted a sacred tree in Tokyo

Chapter 208 Chaos (Thanks to the book friend ‘狐负梨’ for being the second leader)


Chiyoda, Ministry of Defense.


The door of the island nation's naval headquarters was suddenly pushed open,

a middle-aged man with the rank of 'commissioned officer' on his shoulder entered the door angrily, still whispering.

"Too much bullying, too much bullying!!"

"What's wrong?"

The nearly seventy-year-old admiral raised his head and slowly put on his reading glasses.

"It's still those horses in the army."

"Be careful with your words!"

The old admiral's eyes suddenly became sharp, and after a glance, the middle-aged commissioned officer was stuck on the spot.

"I'm very sorry, I made a mistake."

The middle-aged commissioned officer first bowed his head to admit his mistake, and then continued indignantly.

"But this time, the army went too far!"

"They have increased their military expenditure requirements again."

The army is just a idiot!

Since the island nation was 'destroyed by the 'black ships', it has been obsessed with 'big ships and cannons'.

Then again, if the island wants to develop, the only way out is to develop the navy: just like England.

So the navy has always been the "noble" among the three armed forces of the island.

The conditions for joining the navy of the island were that those who were 1.55 meters tall and "strong and healthy" had reached the first-class standard, which was truly "superior".

When the army was chewing beans and eating pickles, the navy was eating steak and drinking red wine - whether it was the source of soldiers, treatment, or resources in all aspects, the navy could beat the army by ten streets.

But now -

"Those guys in the army actually said that our navy is outdated!"

The middle-aged general became more and more angry. The career he had fought for half his life was despised by others?

How could he be indifferent!

"Although the forces of the Nine-Tailed Fox have left, there are still evil spirits in the underworld that are wreaking havoc on the island nation."

The admiral wearing reading glasses spoke slowly,

"In order to clear out these endless evil spirits, the army should take most of the military expenditure, which is also reasonable."

Of course, there is another more important reason:

"General Kafka has made an indelible contribution to maintaining the current relatively stable situation."

Although Kafka has no intention of fighting for power and profit, his existence itself is a flag, a signal, and a signpost.

As long as he is there, the Self-Defense Force Navy and Air Force dare not compete with the Army for resources in a big way!

This has led to all kinds of research and development funds and extraordinary potions.

All tilted towards the Army.

"General Kafka, hey--"

When it comes to this man, the middle-aged general has nothing to say.

This general charged ahead and retreated behind, always putting the people and soldiers first; he never asked for any enjoyment or privileges. It can be said that he is a perfect "hero", and even the people of the Maritime Self-Defense Force and the Air Self-Defense Force are very admired.

Even if everyone has different positions, it is still the same.


"If our navy also has someone like Kafka, Admiral, I don't mean that."

Halfway through, the middle-aged general reacted.

"No problem,"

The seventy-year-old admiral waved his hand slightly,

"If there is a capable person willing to take up the banner of the navy, I will naturally step down and let him take over."

But the problem is, there is no one!

"It's a pity for Hainin."

The middle-aged general said the name unwillingly,

Listen, Hainin, Hainin-this sound is related to our "navy"!

However, that big demon was "cheated" by the two little brats of the Isugaya family and became the shadow of the "Hainin Village". It's simply unreasonable.

"Speaking of Hainin, I heard that many chaebols in Aichi Prefecture have already bought land and built houses outside the "Hainin Village" and secretly communicated with each other?"

"It's just human nature,"

The old admiral looked calm at the words of the middle-aged general.

Aichi Prefecture is the Nagoya metropolitan area.

Osaka has General Kafka in charge, and Tokyo is protected by the "Glory of the Inari God". Nagoya, located between the two, heard that the Isogai family in neighboring Shizuoka Prefecture welcomed back their "mentor", and a large number of chaebols and dignitaries came to congratulate them. At the same time, they bought land and built houses outside the "Sea Ninja Village" as a place to settle down.

There is no way, the island country is in chaos now!

The Nine-Tailed Fox's forces are gone, but there are still countless evil spirits in the underworld.

What's more, those extraordinary people are people who don't agree with each other and draw their swords against each other!

Rich people like them are lambs to be slaughtered in front of those extraordinary people with great power.

In particular, many extraordinary people are of ordinary origin. They are hostile to rich people and always stir up trouble. There are also many chaebols who were inexplicably wiped out.

The two sides are full of contradictions!

"So these rich people also need a force to protect them."

Anyway, for most bosses, it is difficult to visit their own companies in a year, so remote control is no problem at all: on the territory of the Isogai family, at least there will be no extraordinary people and evil spirits running around.

Moreover, if their own children are sent to the village, they may also learn one or two Yin-Yang techniques and become extraordinary!

"This is really... Alas."

The middle-aged general sighed helplessly again,

If it continues like this, the Isogai family will be a "country within a country"!

But what can we do about it? Who let those two little brats have the support of the big demon "Sea Ninja"?

A few days ago, the three parties of Daimao, America, and the island country held talks on Kushimoto Island, but they were all wiped out by the Sea Ninja; afterwards, the three governments reported in unison that they all blamed the "blood hakama" for this, and did not even mention the name of the Sea Ninja.

Not to mention that she is only an 'executor', just because she is now living in the Isugaya family, she can barely be considered as a fighting force of the 'human' camp, which makes the island nation ecstatic.

As for the people who died in the three-way talks? Alas, some sacrifices are always inevitable~~

For the behavior of the Isugaya family, they also turned a blind eye.

"What about the genius of the Hanakaiin family?"

"Don't think about it,"

The old general extinguished the middle-aged general's wild imagination.

"I have said it before, I just want to study quietly."

"Wait until she finishes junior high school and high school."

It's all many years later!


Study for nothing——

The middle-aged general couldn't help but hold his forehead, and he didn't have to study after graduation

Wait, with the strength of that genius, there is no need to consider the problem of work at all, right?

The top fighting force of the island nation now, General Kafka is in Osaka, the sea ninja is in seclusion in the Isugaya family, Master Shixiong is busy teaching in Shimane Prefecture, and the genius of the Hanakaiin family is still in school. Can't everyone cooperate sincerely?

Oh, and there's the one in the Imperial Palace.

"Don't think about it. Our navy is down-to-earth and we should do our best."

The old admiral picked up a document on the table and handed it to him. The middle-aged admiral immediately stepped forward and took it.

A closer look:

"Ground effect flying warship?"


The old admiral pointed to the electronic map next to him, which had a flashing red dot on it.

Its name: Extraordinary disaster 'Sea Viper'!

Danger level: Dragon!

It's not that it has dragon-level strength, but for modern fleets, it is an unsolvable existence.

"With the existence of Sea Viper, ordinary warships are indeed outdated."

"I have talked to the chiefs of staff of the three armed forces, and our navy will develop in the direction of 'ground effect vehicles' in the future."

Ground effect vehicles are essentially still 'aircrafts': as long as there is a need, they can fly to a height of tens or even thousands of meters.

But most of the time, they do fly close to the sea and the ground, so they can still be considered as navy.

"As for the wear and tear and material problems, we can find a way to solve them."

If the island nation's navy doesn't want to go out and feed the fish, the development of a 'ground effect flying warship' is the only way out: America once even studied a 'nuclear-powered ground effect flying aircraft carrier', similar to the SHIELD's sky carrier in the movie "Avengers".

Later, it was abandoned because of the cost-effectiveness issue.

But the current situation of the island nation is obviously not the time to consider cost-effectiveness.

"Think positively, it will not only be us who face this headache in the future, but all countries."

Several big demons of Blood Hakama went to the non-concierge, first turned several military bases in America upside down, and then began to release the monsters-

The Philippines does not have so many extraordinary people in the island nation, and suffered heavy casualties on the spot, and the casualties are difficult to estimate; other countries are also sad, after all, in the eyes of those 'big demons', most of them do not distinguish between countries and races: ships that accidentally hit the sea viper are all sent to the bottom of the sea to feed the fish.

Even the soul is devoured by it!

In this way, it is not a problem for the island nation, but most countries have to make changes.

In the future, the 'ground effect vehicle' that can fly fast and take off at any time may become a new means of marine transportation like the current ships.

"Alas, it can only be like this."

The middle general was helpless. It's not that they didn't work hard, but the world is changing too fast.


Just at this moment, the phone on the table rang.

"Hello, it's me. What. I know."

Hanging down the phone, the old admiral looked serious.

"Just now,"

"Several military bases in America were assassinated by extraordinary people."



PS: Thanks to the second leader of the book friend 'Fox Li doesn't Eat Pears', and apologize by the way. The author's level is only this level. I can't write a plot that everyone is satisfied with. I am really ashamed (scratching my head)

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