I planted a sacred tree in Tokyo

Chapter 213 The seeds of unrest

"The deceased's name is Father George."

On the top floor of a skyscraper, the 'Big Three' of the Church of Cthulhu gathered here.

In a room with signs of damage everywhere, lying on the expensive carpet, was a man dressed as a priest. His face was still angry and fierce, but with a huge hole in his chest, he had turned into a cold corpse.

"He is a devout believer. He has drunk the 'Gift Potion Type IV', and his strength is among the best among 'priests'. How could it be possible?"

Speaking of this, old Edgar couldn't help but sigh a little.

This priest was also an old acquaintance of his, and with his considerable strength, he was expected to be promoted to 'bishop' and become his right-hand man.

He was actually killed on his own territory?


"A provocation to the church!"

"Find the murderer, and then—"

Old Edgar vowed to make the other party regret coming into this world!

\u0026quot;He's fought,\u0026quot;

Colonel Anderson made this judgment after inspecting the entire room for traces of battle.

"Flexible limbs, scaly skin, scolding spells, and even 'malicious deformation spells' all have traces of their use."

Picking up a tentacle from the ground, the unfamiliar spiritual power inside it made him understand that it was a part of the flesh and blood left by the enemy.

"But he still lost,"

Dr. Lumley, who was operating the computer next to him, looked disgusted.

"And the reason for being killed is not difficult to guess: Holy Father, abducting girls."

"Old Edgar, can't you bastards use the time in your lives on more meaningful things?"

"Hey, this has nothing to do with me!"

Old Edgar retorted dissatisfiedly. He had been lying in bed waiting to die for the past few years; after being cured by the 'Secret Lady', he actively devoted himself to 'revitalizing the church'. How could he have time to deal with these 'low-level creatures'? mating?

Even if you want to find them, they must at least be the same 'extraordinary being'.

"It's just the female cub of some lower creatures. What's the fuss about?"


For a moment, Professor Lumley was at a loss for words regarding this colleague whose thinking was becoming more and more 'inhuman'.

"You two, interrupt me."

After checking the scene, Anderson clapped his hands.

"I already understand the situation: there is only one enemy."

"It's not a sneak attack, but a frontal kill: Judging from the traces left behind, it seems that the other party also tried to torture the priest, but after being hit by the 'Malicious Transformation Technique', he avoided the priest's final resistance by abandoning his limbs. And took his heart."

As a former battlefield veteran and now a supernatural being, Colonel Anderson quickly reviewed everything that happened here in detail.

What is left now is to confirm his judgment with his extraordinary ability:

"Edgar, come on."

"Why not yourself?"

"Do I need to keep my 'gift' to deal with the crisis, or wait for the doctor's daughter to come over?"

Under the gaze of Colonel Anderson and Dr. Lumley, old Edgar reluctantly walked to the priest's body, knelt down on one knee, folded his hands and prayed.

"A hidden lady deeper than the ocean and farther than dreams,"

"You are the embodiment of water, the projection of dreams, the princess of R'lyeh——"

"My humble family member, I hereby pray for your glance and grant me the ability to 'pursue the truth'."

As he prayed, a strange 'knowledge' flowed into his mind, which was exactly the method and technique of how to use the ability called 'reading memory'.


Stretching out his right hand, the index finger of the wealthy man named Old Edgar squirmed and turned into an octopus tentacle.

The tip of the tentacle pierced the head of the priest's corpse on the ground and began to read the memory inside.

Read corpse memory,

This is not the secret technique of the "Yamaka Clan": in the world of Naruto, there are regulations for the war between the five major countries. If the body of the companion cannot be taken away, the head must be destroyed.

Because reading the remaining memories from the brains of corpses is a ninjutsu possessed by the five major nations.

Of course, how many memories can be read depends on the level of the caster:

"The murderer is a man in black,"

"His abilities are similar to the villain Venom in Spider-Man 3."

"He can transform his arms into whips and pliers. After being attacked by the priest's malicious transformation, his arms regenerated by cutting off his arms, etc.?"

Closing his eyes and carefully sensing the memory fragments in his mind, Old Edgar continued to tell the information about the previous battle.

"This guy was very discreet and didn't reveal any information about himself."

"But judging by his threats against the priest,"

"He has deep hostility to the church!"

As old Edgar opened his eyes, he pulled out the tentacle from the corpse's forehead.


A stream of white brain matter flows out,

In such a scene, the three people present were expressionless.

"As I expected,"

Colonel Anderson nodded.

"The enemy has the ability to transform and regenerate."

"This kind of ability is not difficult to deal with: fire, freezing, acid. What I am more concerned about is: he took away the priest's heart."

Is it to be used to perform some kind of 'ritual', or as a material for 'magic potion', or to cast some kind of 'curse'? As a church under Cthulhu, their 'extraordinary abilities' are basically based on secrecy and weirdness. Lord.

Using oneself to save others, this unknown enemy's move to take away the heart must be of great significance.

"What the hell!"

Old Edgar waved his hand,

"Send out the 'hound troop' to bring back the murderer!"

Father George was his 'man', so he certainly wouldn't just let it go.


Colonel Anderson agreed.

Although the three of them represented the 'power', 'research', and 'force' of the church respectively, and there were often frictions between them, there was no disagreement on maintaining the 'dignity' of the church.

After all -

their lives,

the fate of their families,

are all in the hands of the 'secret lady'.


In Brooklyn,

in the alley on the corner of the 6th Street,

there is an old building called the Broken Axe Bar with a 'temporarily closed' sign.


The doorbell on the door rang softly, and the door of the bar was pushed open.

"Sorry, we are closed today."

The muscular, bald and mustached bartender didn't even raise his head, while wiping the wine glass, he drove people away.

"Give me a glass of 82-year-old whiskey, drink it and leave."

"We only have brandy here"

"Seriously - don't you find it boring to have to respond to such silly codes every time?"

The red-haired woman who came in couldn't help but complain. She was wearing a dark red nun's uniform, which outlined her curvy figure vividly.

The red hood was pulled up, but it was not a passionate red, but a blood red; matched with the red braids hanging down her chest and the metal waist ornaments around her waist, with exquisite makeup, melancholy temperament, and Roman-style strappy sandals.

It seemed like a street artist or a cosplay enthusiast.

But the bald bartender knew very well that this was the famous extraordinary mercenary "priest" in the New York underground world recently.

Because of the huge changes, no one would associate her with the English girl who used to pursue extraordinary power in a daze.

"This is the rule, Madam Priest."

The bartender raised his hand and gestured in the direction of the kitchen,

"Cold storage No. 3, please."

When the slender woman walked into the kitchen, the bartender shouted again.

"Your wine,"

"It's on the bill."

Really, what era is it, and they still play these tricks like "code words".

For the boss here, Fiona, a girl codenamed "Priest", couldn't help but complain in her heart. She had been rolling in the "nightmare space" for so long, and gradually became "sinister"; she was obviously a supernatural who started with close combat, but she dressed up as a "magic profession" just to paralyze the enemy.

Although in reality, there are not many opponents who need her to paralyze.

Walk through the empty kitchen and walk into cold storage No. 3.

The door of the cold storage closed and sank slightly.

After more than ten seconds, the door reopened, and the noisy and lively sound came to her face.

Outside the door is a typical American bar. Under the dim and changing lights, sitting around the round tables are all muscular men and women wearing vests and with large tattoos on their bare arms. They talk loudly, eat and drink, and look rough, but if you look closely:

The drinks on the table are all expensive goods!

The blonde bunny girls who come and go with trays are also good-looking, and their figures are naturally the ones that mercenaries like.

It can be said that the consumption level here can definitely make the average "middle class" dumbfounded.

That's because-

"Wow, this is the famous "priest"?"

Seeing Fiora walking into the bar, a white young man whistled and turned around.

"I heard you are good at divination?"

"Can you tell me if I have a date tonight?"

After saying that, the white young man stretched out his tongue, which was "vibrating" at high speed, and made a very provocative hint.

"Kaplan, shut up."

A steady voice sounded, stopping the white youth from picking up girls, or rather, his suicidal behavior.

Americans like to use the "exhaustive method" to pick up girls in bars: that is, they go up to each one and chat up directly, and if it doesn't work, they will switch to the next one.

Theoretically, this method should not have the possibility of success; but women are emotional creatures, and they will suddenly have a brain twitch. So they will succeed repeatedly, causing this trend to last for hundreds of years and become a "culture".

The one who spoke to stop the white youth was a middle-aged black mercenary.

Unlike ordinary hip-hop black people, he still sat upright even in this lively bar, and he looked like the serious and old-fashioned type.

"Madam Priestess, I apologize to you on behalf of my teammates."

"No, it's just a joke."

Fiora in red robes looked at the shoulder of the black mercenary.

There was an instrument full of technology on his shoulder, which seemed to be a detector or a launch pad: but these were just appearances.

Fiora felt a 'familiar' breath, as if there was something similar to her on the other person's shoulder?


"Hey, Captain, this is not Mount Koya."

After the other person left, the white youth Kaplan turned around and spread his hands.

"This is safe America, just find a girl to relax."

"Shut up, Kaplan."

Franky, whose legs are metal prostheses, raised his chin.

"You are a guy who can only masturbate, aren't you afraid that others will beat you to a pulp?"

"That 'priest' is so famous, he must be a superhuman, and most likely has some superhuman abilities."

"Just a superhuman,"

Kaplan snorted disdainfully,

"Have we not seen each other enough in the island country?"

"I have seen many C-level and even B-level extraordinary beings. This 'priest' is only an E-level at most."

"You're wrong, Kaplan."

Matthew, the black mercenary captain, interrupted the white youth.

"She is C-level. Although she has just stepped into C-level, it is not difficult to kill us."

After all, since the other party uses "Priest" as his codename, he must have all kinds of weird "superpowers": and many of these superpowers can be easily killed by unsuspecting people!

? ! !


"No, America also has this level of transcendence?"

The mercenaries sitting in a circle all had solemn expressions on their faces. They had been rolling on the battlefield in Mount Koya for so long, and through various channels, they had witnessed many battles between extraordinary and strong men. They had no idea how strong the C-class was. It is the 'tiger level' of the island country, and we have a clear understanding of it.

A transcendent of this level can kill an entire army!

This is America, this is New York

"I can't 'see' wrong,"

The 'high-tech creation' on the shoulder of the black mercenary captain is actually a cover to cover his third eye.

This eyeball can not only easily observe ten thousand meters away, but can also see the strength of the opponent's 'spiritual power'.

The girl just now had a C-level spiritual power.

"But the outside world."

“There’s a lot that the outside world doesn’t know.”

After stopping Kaplan's words, the black captain Matthew seriously warned the players.

"Go around each other from now on. I don't want to attend your funeral."


All the mercenaries responded in unison,

The people in the surrounding seats couldn't help but turn their heads.

However, after seeing that it was the famous 'Hive Mercenary Team', they all started to tilt their heads.

The people in this bar are all forces related to the extraordinary; many team captains and vice-captains are extraordinary people, and most of them are people who have retired from the battlefield of Koyasan in the island country: they have made a lot of money, so naturally they want to Come to New York, a bustling city, to rest and enjoy yourself.

What’s more, there are also some ‘missions’ that are light in content but rich in rewards.

Compared with fighting with monsters, facing synthetic beasts that pop up out of nowhere, extraordinary 'knights', extraordinary 'mages', and even the most disgusting extraordinary 'assassins', assassinating a few rich people, or working as an assassin for a period of time. Bodyguard or something

It's as relaxing as a vacation.

Well, to put it simply, it is the real-life version of the ‘mercenary union’!

This kind of organization that originally only existed in fantasy novels has strangely appeared in modern cities due to the expansion of extraordinary power.

"Long time no see, priest."

And the boss here is also an extraordinary person.

In the private room behind the bar, a young man with blond hair and fair skin wearing brown sunglasses leaned on the sofa and raised his glass to signal to Fiora who had just entered. The ring on his finger was shining brightly.

"It's only been two 'missions' since we last met."

The door of the room blocked out all sounds; the girl sat on the sofa opposite the young man and asked.

"What do you want from me?"


Gambler is the owner of this bar, which is also the code name of the person in front of me.

Facing the girl who sounded unhappy, the blond young man dressed in fancy clothes and wearing brand names smiled slightly.

"My employer feels someone is working against him and wants to hire you."


Hearing this, Fiora smiled.

"Sorry, I'm not interested in running errands for rich people, and-"

What kind of rich man can afford her commission?

"Don't worry, let's hear the identity of my employer first."

At the girl's 'continue' gesture, the blond young man put down his wine glass.

"My employer is:"

"The Commander-in-Chief America."

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