I planted a sacred tree in Tokyo

Chapter 215 Guarding the Commander

Los Angeles,


An agent in a pink suit and purple tie who was enjoying afternoon tea suddenly ejected from his seat.

Amidst the whispers of the polite 'gentlemen' around him, the man's expression was gloomy and uncertain, as if he suddenly heard that his wife had cheated on her boyfriend, and his face was filled with disbelief.

"Sir, please pay attention to your manners in public."

"What the hell!"

However, the agent had no time to listen to the waiter's nonsense. The cold voice of 'space' echoed in his mind.

‘This real-life mission is mandatory and all veterans must participate: please appear within 100 meters of the mission target within 12 hours, otherwise the mission will be deemed a failure. ’

‘Every day the commander survives, all senior members participating in the mission will receive 20 points. ’

‘If the commander dies, 1,000 points will be deducted from all senior members! ’

'Insufficient points will erase the space enhancement.'

? !


"1000 points!"

"Isn't this going to kill me?!"

The agent in the pink suit couldn't help but cursed angrily. Most of the 'seniors' in the space usually only have two digits of points left for emergencies. Who has nothing to do but keep 1,000 points? Isn't it nice to strengthen yourself?

Once the points are insufficient, space will not 'obliterate' them.

But to take back all the power: but this is worse than killing them!

Having enjoyed the convenience brought by extraordinary power, are they expected to become ‘ordinary people’ again?

Absolutely impossible!

This man used to be just a low-level agent, traveling around major companies and platforms with his few young actors, trying to find every opportunity and grovel. Now, with just one word, he can find a position in a Hollywood blockbuster. He is already a big shot in the eyes of many celebrities, with his hands and eyes reaching the sky.

Let him go back to living in a soup kitchen or sleeping in a park like before?

He would rather die!



Just as the waiter was wondering if this person had just had sex in the bathroom, the sound of his clothes tearing was heard.

The agent's pink suit suddenly bulged on the back, and then burst cleanly.


A pair of two-meter wings spread out, with bat wings emitting red light, skin covering them, and sharp ends. Standard devil wings!

Kicking off the ground with all his strength, his spread wings suddenly flapped, and the agent soared into the sky.



The smashed roof dropped fluttering fragments, hitting the sluggish waiter's head and face.

who I am?

Where am I?

What am I doing?

In an instant, not only the waiters, but also the other guests whose coffee and black tea were blown away by the strong wind, all looked blankly at the hole in the roof: the guests who were enjoying afternoon tea with them a second ago suddenly grew 'devil wings' Crash through the roof and fly out.

Isn't this America?


A heavy goods vehicle repair shop,

The big hand that was tightening the screws paused, and the dark-skinned worker emerged from under the car.

"What's wrong, silencer?"

The white boss who was checking the documents next to him was stunned.

Although many old black men in America are, at best, free and loose, and at worst, they are social scum; but there are also some people who are down-to-earth and willing to work hard: this big black man nicknamed "The Silencer" is an example. A hard-working car mechanic.

"Sorry, boss."

Lao Hei, who spoke very little, spoke. Because of his appearance, many Lao Hei looked the same between the ages of 15 and 45, but the one in front of him was obviously a middle-aged man.

His voice is calm and gentle, and he sounds like a good family man.

"I have something urgent."

"Ah, is he your son?"

The boss knew that the worker had a frail son, and all the money he earned was invested in his son's medical treatment: this is simply unimaginable among the black community!

After all, most black men don't know who their father is.


The tall worker came over and apologized to the boss.

"I need your plane boss."

As he spoke, the old black worker nicknamed "Muffler" broke the wrench in his hand.

Cluck, cluck,

Amidst the sound of metal bending, the large alloy wrench crumpled into a ball.

? ?

"This way please,"

Without the other party saying anything, the white boss led him rationally to the side: his private jet was parked behind the garage.

America has 15,095 airports, far more than Brazil, which ranks second, with 4,093 airports. This number may sound horrifying at first, but most of them are actually not large airports full of passenger planes and people coming and going as people think. Instead, they are mainly used for private flights, agricultural flights, law enforcement flights, etc. Small airport.

The conditions of these airports. To put it bluntly, it is enough to harden the road surface.

Anyway, it's just a pesticide spraying plane or a small private plane.

For America, a sparsely populated country, driving short distances and flying long distances are commonplace.

So they did not vigorously build "high-speed rail": it is still the same reason, cost-effectiveness.

"Can I ask,"

He was suddenly 'hijacked' by his always honest subordinates and got on the plane. As he was preparing to take off, the white boss asked doubtfully.

"What are you going to do?"

Facing the boss's question, Lao Hei, codenamed "Muffler", thought for a while.

"Save the country."

? ? ?

Chicago, Texas, Arkansas, Florida.

All kinds of people suddenly put down their work and rushed towards the east coast of America at full speed.

The power given by space has long been integrated with their lives; now that they suddenly received a 'realistic task', they naturally carried it out without hesitation.

Not to mention:

Protect the great commander,

This order still has little resistance to most Americans.


"I'm so stupid, really."

"I only knew that space missions were strange and lurking, but I didn't know that missions could also be triggered by extraordinary people in reality."

A woman in red robe who triggered the "Total Reality Mission" because of her "cheeky" skills in reading other people's memories was sitting in the cabin and just choked up: she could already imagine how the senior people who came over knew what was going on. Anger that would tear her alive.

1000 points!

How could anyone possibly get it?

Once the mission fails, everyone will be beaten back to their original form: this hatred

"Ahem, Madam Priest."

The 'Gambler', who could barely hold back his lips, spoke, his tone full of pleasure.

"Please don't worry,"

"I have spoken to Mr. Agent and he will keep this secret."

"As long as we don't tell, no one will know that you triggered this 'reality mission', so..."

"I see,"

Fiona raised her dull eyes,

"I will go all out for the next task: I really suffered a big loss this time!"

It's not normal for her to be a Scotsman and to fight for the commander-in-chief of America. But who caused her to trigger this 'mandatory' real-life mission? Although there are confrontation missions in the nightmare space, everyone is relatively "harmony", and you can save your life by giving up decisively if you can't defeat them.

But this time.

If we lose, we really have to go to jail collectively.

"Very good. With everyone's help, we can definitely get through this."

The blond young man codenamed 'Gambler' smiled and clapped his hands; originally he had spent a lot of points and could only hire a 'priest'.

Now that the space has issued mandatory tasks, all veterans will participate: this combat power is enough to subvert other regimes except for a few big countries.


After the joy, another question came.

How powerful should the enemy be to allow space to issue such a mission?


"What, failed?"

"You actually have the nerve to come back -"

In the church on Governor's Island, after hearing the reports of the people in front of him, Edgar Sr. almost violently committed murder on the spot.

In response to Old Edgar's anger, several members of the 'Hound Force' who were kneeling on one knee were speechless: Four of them 'Beloved' and eight 'Deep Divers' went to catch a guy who offended the church, but not only did they not To catch the people back, but inflict more than half of them dead and injured.

It was magnanimous not to feed them directly.

"It's not entirely their fault,"

Professor Lumley, who was holding the tablet, spoke slowly while running his fingers across the tablet.

Above is video captured by the equipment carried by these individuals, as well as by surveillance equipment at the highway restaurant.

Although due to the high-speed movement of extraordinary beings, there are only blurry afterimages left in many scenes, but the abilities used, the effects caused, and the traces left behind are all precious information.

"The first enemy,"

"Has a body composed of 'black lines'."

"He can use these threads to form various weapons, and his fighting methods are very flexible."

With that said, Dr. Lumley paused the screen and handed it to Old Edgar.


"Father George?!"

Old Edgar was surprised to see the 'familiar person' emerging from the enemy's body.

"The mystery is solved."

After receiving Old Edgar's confirmation, Dr. Lumley nodded.

"The other party can obtain other people's abilities by seizing the 'heart': is it imitation? Or devouring? Or some other type."

"The second enemy who came has bat transformation, forced hypnosis, and blood explosion. They are all very typical 'vampire' abilities."

"Their strength is between D+ and C, and they need a 'bishop' level to deal with them."

"Both of you,"

While Edgar Sr. and Dr. Lumley were analyzing the situation, Colonel Anderson strode over.

"Your Majesty has heard about this mistake and is very dissatisfied with us."

"The sunrise plan will be launched immediately!"

? !

"Yes," X2

The two of them bowed their heads and accepted the order. Although no one would have thought that the other party's "reinforcements" would come so quickly, they must bear the blame for what happened this time.

Is it possible that "Your Majesty" can't carry it?

Your Majesty the ‘Secret Lady’ can’t be wrong, they can only be wrong!

But starting the plan now would be too hasty.



Full name: Washington, District of Columbia.

The capital of the United States of America is located in the Mid-Atlantic region on the east coast of America. The Potomac River flows through the city from northwest to southeast. It is the seat of most of the federal government agencies in America, as well as the headquarters of international organizations such as the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund, and the Organization of American States.

If New York is the economic center of the planet, then Washington is the political heart of the planet. Although it is a bit exaggerated, it is not without some truth.

For hundreds of years, any instruction sent out here affects the movement of the entire planet.

However, recently, the ‘authority’ of the city’s decrees has been continuously weakened.

In the center of the city is the famous one:

"White House,"

As she drove onto Pennsylvania Avenue and looked at the white classical-style sandstone building in the distance, Fiona couldn't help but sigh.

"I never thought that one day I would set foot here."

"If you like, you can stay here forever in the future——"

The red-haired girl shook her head slightly at the words or solicitation of the 'gambler'.


"Just a marble temple of power."

This sentence refers to the American proverb "Money is just a sculpture of gravel, power is a marble palace": However, now, this marble palace has become endangered in the face of the power of extraordinary beings.

"Mr. Gambler, can you reveal your identity?"

The 'agent' in the carriage spoke calmly. He was so actively working for Commander America and brought them here unimpeded. His identity must not be simple.

"no problem,"

"My name is Awinche, a businessman from Las Vegas."

"Also the Deputy Director of the Secret Service."


Fiona and Mike were not surprised at all.

The American Secret Service was originally an agency that combated counterfeit currency. Later, it added the investigation of fraud cases against the government: that is, illegal alcohol production, smuggling, mail truck robbery, and land fraud. The reason why the famous 'Ku Klux Klan' party was killed , not just because of discrimination, but because they have affected America's 'financial path'.

Later, because of a certain commander with an "open mind", the Secret Service added another task:

"Protect the safety of Commander America."

"That's my job."

Parking the car outside the White House, the fancy-dressed blond young man opened the door and got out of the car.

"Entering 'space' was just an accident."

"Both of you, please—"

As the three of them walked through the large grassland in front of them and approached the white building, they were greeted by several people in black suits.


"Please show your visit pass."


"Feel sorry,"

Taking off his brown sunglasses, the smile on the blond young man's face disappeared.

"I didn't hear what you just said clearly. Say it again."

"Please show me——"

Bang! !

The violent fist hit the man in the black suit's chin, causing his entire jaw to tilt to a terrifying angle, his bones to shatter instantly, and he would have to eat liquid food for the rest of his life!

If he has another life:


Boom, boom, boom, boom!

Before the other frightened men in black suits could take action, lightning-fast fists landed on their chins.

Hitting the chin shocks the brain and can cause an instant 'swoon' effect.

But the punch that this ‘gambler’ struck,

It crushes their jaws instantly!

Whether these unlucky guys who flew upside down can still wake up is a big question.

"Both, I'm sorry."

"No need to explain, just go in~~"

Fiona sighed, and her body turned into a large number of bats, rushing into the white building in front of her like a strong wind.

Almost all bats are just 'phantoms', except for one, which is Fiona's true body.

This method is used to explore paths, which can both confuse the enemy and enable rapid maneuvering.

The 'Gambler' and the 'Agent' didn't talk nonsense. With a kick, they surpassed the running figure of the cheetah and rushed into the White House.

While the clerks were stunned, three afterimages whizzed past, rolled up countless skirts and documents, and headed straight to the 'President's Office' on the second floor of the main building——


The door was kicked off with a bang, spinning and falling onto the blue carpet, covering the eagle surrounded by 50 stars.


This violent break in the door made everyone in the office turn their heads.

"It's you, Director."

The 'gambler' glanced around and found a circle of old acquaintances.

as well as:

The old blond man was pinned down on the president's desk by these acquaintances.

Seeing the 'gambler' break in, the other party's eyes burst out with surprise, and he struggled and shouted:


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