I planted a sacred tree in Tokyo

Chapter 224: Each Chess Piece

"Yamata no Orochi?"

Even a fearless kid like Jiukong Yaoai was stunned on the spot.

This person has gone beyond the ordinary legends and legends, and is a real "big demon" who can be on par with "gods"!

It can make "Susanoo", who is famous for his fighting power among the "three noble sons", need to use tricks to kill him; the status of Yamata no Orochi in the mythology of the island country is self-evident. Even in various games and animations, it is the ultimate big boss.

"The King of Fighters", "Musou Orochi", etc.

Even in the world of "Naruto", the ultimate move of Snake Uncle is "Yamata no Jutsu", and then he also fell in the hands of "Ten Punch Sword".

The folding fan was lightly tapped, and the great onmyoji slowly spoke.

"In ancient times, Yamata no Orochi died under the sword of 'Susanoo' and fell into the underworld."

"As a great demon, the great snake was naturally unwilling to perish. It has been wandering in the underworld Hirasaka, waiting for an opportunity to return to the world: the underworld cracks are the way for it to escape."

So that's it!

The little girl's expression gradually became lively, but when she learned the 'truth', she was deeply powerless.

She was an ordinary person who was not even extraordinary. Facing a great demon that even 'Sanguizi' needed to use tricks, she was more desperate than an ant trying to shake a tree!


It was dust shaking a mountain!

"Why didn't Sister Mai tell me?"

"Jiukong, the more you know, the more trouble you will have."

Abe Haruaki shook his head slightly, and then added as if nothing had happened.

"Besides, the snake is not a beast; a thousand years ago, it secretly seduced the people of the 'Genji' and secretly held blood sacrifices in exchange for evil magic."

"With gold and iron armor as the body and human souls as the source, it has formed a large number of 'ghost soldiers';"

"And with its secret technique, it has made monsters and even priestesses into swords. Therefore."

Speaking of this, the great Yin Yang master smiled but said nothing.

Is that so?

The government is coveting the power of the Yamata no Orochi.

Jiukong Yaoai was originally trained in the mode of 'chaebol elites', and she will definitely be a cold-blooded and ruthless person when she grows up; although it is not so serious now, if she is in that position, she will also cooperate with the 'Snake'.

The more elite, the more unscrupulous; the more powerful, the more indifferent.

In this way, Sister Mai's evasive attitude can be understood.

"The dead are gone, and the living are gone."

"Well, we met each other once, and it's fate."

After talking about the 'mastermind' behind the Yellow Springs Crack, the great Yin-Yang master patted his folding fan to comfort the little girl.

"I have nothing, but I have some attainments in Yin-Yang magic."

"Do you want to learn a few techniques to protect yourself?"

It can also be regarded as the rent for his 'stay' here.

? !

In the corner of the living room,

The scarred bodyguard trembled all over, almost wanting to fall on the spot, and agreed on behalf of the young lady.

This is 'Abe Haruaki', the legendary great Yin-Yang master who never lost a fight, dominated the Heian period, and even ghosts and gods feared him!

As long as he learns a trick or two, why worry about not being able to make the Jiukong family prosperous?

At worst, he can protect himself


Jiukong Yaoai is not a fool,

The bodyguard can think of it, so she naturally reacted immediately, knelt on the spot, and bowed her head.


After bowing,

he immediately climbed up the pole familiarly.

"Master, what kind of technique do you want to teach me?"

"Well, how about I teach you the techniques of Yin-Yang and Five Elements, and exorcism and avoiding evil?"

After Abe Haruaki finished speaking, the little girl raised her head hesitantly and asked.


"Can I defeat the Yamata no Orochi by learning these?"


The great Onmyoji shook his head slightly,

"The power of the Five Elements also has its limits; exorcism and avoiding evil can only protect oneself."

"My parents died at the hands of evil spirits, and the culprit was the snake. If I don't avenge this, I'm unworthy of being a son."

"Then, I'll teach you the techniques of cutting paper into soldiers and driving Shikigami, okay?"

For the second method proposed by Abe Haruaki, the girl gritted her teeth.

"Can you defeat the big snake?"

"Shikigami are nothing more than monsters, ghosts, spirits, and souls. How can they be compared with Yaqi?"

The shikigami driven by the Yin Yang Master, whether they are cultivated by themselves or captured in the wild, can never escape the category of demons and monsters; it is okay to use them to deal with other people, but to use them to deal with big monsters is not just showing off one's skills before an expert, but adding fuel to the fire.

It's a dead end!

"Disciple, please change another one, Master."

"Then, how about I teach you the gods to descend, and the purification and blessing spells?"

Strictly speaking, these techniques belong to the means of "Shintoism": inviting gods to descend, rewarding and punishing on behalf of gods, if you can get the favor of gods, you will naturally be successful.

"Can you defeat the snake?"

"If you can summon Sanguizi, maybe you can give it a try."

"But as far as I know, Sanguizi has never stepped out of Takama-ga-hara for a mortal."

"I wonder if the master is still..."

"How dare you..."

With a cold snort, even the good-tempered Onmyoji stood up suddenly.

"You don't want to learn this, and you don't want to learn that."

"What do you think my Abe Haruaki's technique is?"

After saying that, the folding fan hit the kneeling girl's head with a snap, and then the Onmyoji walked away and went straight back to the house.

"Miss, you...you...ah."

Witnessing all this, the scarred bodyguard who served as the background couldn't help but step forward quickly; while helping his own lady up, he didn't know what to say.

Whether it's Yin Yang and Five Elements, controlling shikigami, or inviting gods to come, they are all top-notch extraordinary skills!

My young lady is usually so smart, why is she so confused?

Bah, bah, bah,

I almost got carried away talking about old sayings.

"Hmph, you don't have to worry about it."

The little girl shook off the bodyguard's hand, but she already had a clear understanding in her heart.


"This is TV Asahi,"

"We are fortunate to have Section Chief Kawai from the Extraordinary Countermeasures Division to explain the content of the swordsmanship competition to everyone."

The female host who appeared on TV had a classic onion hair style and exquisite makeup. She looked like she was only in her forties, as if the years had solidified on her face. However, he is actually a 91-year-old host who is a ‘national treasure’ of the island country:

Kuroyanagi Tetsuko.

The author, top host, and UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador;

Can I participate in the program hosted by her?

It has almost become the ‘standard’ for judging the popularity of island artists.

Of course, as one of the chiefs of the Extraordinary Countermeasures Section, Mayi Kawai is no match for a 'star'; but the attention gathered on her is not inferior to that of any other island country. No, she is a world-class star!


"Hello everyone, my name is Mayi Kawai."

The young policewoman faced the camera and said hello stiffly.

The younger sister has short hair and a nervous look on her face; if she were on another show, she would definitely be the type to be 'made to cry' on the spot.

Variety shows in the island country have been developing for decades and have run out of content. If you want to break out, you have to play some marginal content, sow discord with words, or just use simple and crude tricks.

Many artists and idols appear on programs and are considered good if they are made to laugh or cry. It is also common for all kinds of embarrassments to happen on the spot.

After all, the idols of the island country are famous for their large numbers, they become famous quickly, and they become famous quickly. They eat real "youth rice" and belong to the lower end of the contempt chain.

For the sake of ratings, the program will use any means!

But facing Mayi Kawai, the TV station not only sent the top host, but also guided her to talk about life in her hometown, what animals she likes, what foods she likes, and the people she admires.

It is full of the style of the last century and falls into a very 'safe' category. Under normal circumstances, the audience would not buy it.

But who makes people extraordinary?

Except for a few extraordinary people who like to be in the limelight,

Most extraordinary beings 'keep their own identity', so they are expected to appear on a show to 'please' ordinary people?

In the eyes of many extraordinary people, that is an 'insult' to them!

Only the Extraordinary Countermeasures Division under the government can send a master like "Mayi Kawai" to participate in TV programs.

"I heard that Section Chief Kawai joined the kendo club when he was in high school?"

"Hey Yi, I have participated in club activities."

Although it was only a short-term attempt, I quit because I needed to clean up the tedious armor: I then went to the flower arrangement club next door to fish until I graduated.

The young policewoman wearing a special police uniform had her eyes wandering, obviously looking at the teleprompter.

"Regarding this kendo competition, who do you think will win?"

"Hey Yi, this is it."

He pointed his finger at the profile picture flashing on the screen and stopped at a female high school student with waist-length hair who looked quite classically beautiful.

"I think she has the potential to win."

Although it was random, it happened to land on the avatar of ‘Poison Island’.

In addition to the kendo program that Kawai Mayi participated in, various other programs also invited extraordinary people in the corresponding 'fields' to be guests: since it is an event that honors extraordinary people, it is natural that ordinary people cannot be invited as guests.

Besides, how can it be so easy to invite these extraordinary beings who have eyes higher than their heads?

It is because of the huge momentum of this event and the fact that there are several "big guys" in the extraordinary world sitting at the scene that these extraordinary people are willing to appear on the show.

All TV stations are broadcasting, commenting, and contributing to the holding of this event; and the island country has a population of nearly 100 million. Except for those elderly and infant patients who are really not suitable for watching, almost everyone gathers together to watch the event through mobile phones, computers, and TVs. , cast the screen to follow the progress of the game.

Just as the island government expected, such a grand event can not only divert public attention, but also demonstrate the government's strength and financial resources to control the overall situation!

It's not in vain that they took out so many precious extraordinary potions.



The newly built behemoth housed more than two hundred thousand people;

Just one sentence from one person is enough to gather into a torrent of sounds.

In the rest areas of each county inside the building, the players are also doing warm-up exercises nervously; and with the cooperation of professionals, they wear protective props.

Except for the least dangerous karate, which only requires a white suit, protective headgear and a waist tie, other swordsmanship, bow and arrow, and horse racing are all very dangerous confrontation sports: in order to simulate actual combat, these games are all duels. Hit according to the rules to get points.

In other words, players who participate in archery need to move and dodge while shooting their opponents!

In the horse racing competition, you need to control the horse while using the spear in your hand to fly away the opponent: different points will be obtained if you hit different parts. Although it cannot completely simulate actual combat, it can at least be as fair as possible.

As for how these rules will be changed in the future, we will have to wait until the end of this first "Martial Arts Tournament" before discussing it.

"Troublesome protective gear,"

Not knowing that she has become the "favorite to win" in the eyes of others, the high school girl named Dudao tied her hair into a ponytail and picked up the helmet.

If possible, she prefers to go into battle lightly, with blood and flesh flying everywhere!

Unfortunately, this is a formal competition after all——



The voice behind her made Dudao turn her head suddenly, but it was:


"It's really boring to tie your hands and feet."

? !

She turned around sharply again, but her eyes were still empty; but the words just now were so clear, so clear that Dudao wondered if she had been attacked by a supernatural being!


"My bloodline should kill the people for the king and kill the king for the people. Why should I suppress my heart?"

What crazy and crazy supernatural——?

Just when Dudao was on full alert and tried to touch the bamboo sword next to her, her eyes went black.

No, it was not completely pitch dark, but suddenly appeared in a dim alley.

A little girl was walking towards the alley.

? !

With the dim street lights, Dudao's pupils shrank.

That was 'her' herself. Or rather, she was herself who had just entered junior high school.

The girl, who had not yet started to develop, held her schoolbag and seemed a little nervous: but Dudao knew very well that this was not nervousness, but excitement. In the schoolbag, there was a wooden sword!

When the girl walked into the alley, a man followed her lightly. Looking at his lewd smile, it was clear that he was not a good person.

As the man chased into the alley, Dudao lowered his eyes.


The lewd smile suddenly turned into a scream,

"What are you doing. No! Help, help."

The scream was mixed with begging for mercy, and was soon drowned out by the sound of hitting flesh and blood, as well as the excited panting!

"Look, this is your nature."

The voice behind him sounded, causing the female high school student Dudao to raise her head.

What she saw was a girl wielding a short knife and slamming the man on the ground!

The splattered blood fell on the girl's hideous smile, and her facial features, which were very different from her usual gentleness and quietness, seemed to be telling two words:


"Release your nature and let the world crawl at your feet"

The words behind her were getting closer and closer, as if they were right next to her ears.


"Dokushima-senpai, Dokushima-senpai?"

"The game is about to start, are you not ready yet?"

The sudden knock on the door and Xiao's voice outside the door brought the female high school student back to her senses.

Just now, was she in a hallucination?

"Wait, I'll be there soon."


"Senior, you don't look good?"

"How could that be? I just encountered some confusion just now."

Walking in the corridor of the venue, facing Xiao's concerns, Dokushima shook his head slightly.

Just now, she should have encountered an extraordinary existence: she just didn't know what the other party was and what his purpose was.


The exit of the corridor appeared in front of them.

As soon as they walked out, they looked at the dense crowd on the stands, which was bursting with overwhelming noises, some raised their arms and shouted until their faces turned red, some clapped their hands desperately, and some shouted the names of schools and contestants.

There were not many idle people among the 200,000 people. The sounds they made mixed into a deafening torrent, echoing endlessly in the open space above Koshien, and even reaching high-rise buildings and cities far away, bringing about a long-lasting rolling echo.

"It's really spectacular,"

Although no sound could be distinguished at all, this enthusiastic atmosphere was enough to make the contestants blush!

How could one not be excited by the encouragement and shouting of more than 200,000 people?


Let's compete first.

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