I planted a sacred tree in Tokyo

Chapter 237: Bottom-level Extraordinary

"Mr. Shura, this way please."

With his head wrapped in bandages, Xiao walked through the long corridor, and a wave of heat rushed towards him.

"You fought well!"

"What a sweet smell of blood"

"Just hold him down and beat him to death in one breath!!"

Mixed with the heat wave, there were waves of bloodthirsty shouts. The eyes lit up, and in front of Xiao was a square "arena".

On the periphery of the arena, there was a group of well-dressed middle-aged people sitting on the stands from low to high: from their high-end suits, the famous watches revealed in their fists, and their faces mixed with a bit of ferocity, they were all "successful people" in society.

They were either the backbone of a large trading company or the president of a small trading company, belonging to the "elite class", but not up to the level of the rich and powerful.

They waved their fists and roared at the top of their lungs; their faces were distorted, as if they wanted to eat people.

And in the center of these thousands of spectators, there was a large octagonal cage.

The area is twice as large as the UFC closed ring. Two players are fighting fiercely. No, it's not a fierce fight anymore. Because one of them has already pinned the other down and hit the other's back of the head with his elbow, looking like he is ready to kill him!

Above the octagonal cage, the fight between the two is broadcast on a huge screen, ensuring that any audience can "witness" the fight process.

Sweat slides down the well-defined muscles, and the raised elbow brings blood to the ring.

Muscles, sweat, and blood are all stimulating the audience's nerves!

? ? ?

"This is a 'betting match'."

The maid-dressed woman who led the way patiently explained to Xiao.

"Guests buy the special cards we provide and bet on the two players."

"These 'cards' can be exchanged for money in the 'antique shop' opposite the hotel."

In this way, it does not constitute 'gambling' in theory.

Of course, this method, like Tobita Shinchi's "cooking", belongs to the gray area of ​​the law: with the size of the "Kengankai", it is easy for the Metropolitan Police Department to turn a blind eye. In fact, there is no need to rely on gambling to make money, but if there is no gambling, how to mobilize the audience's emotions?

Even if it is a "formal" UFC, those wealthy businessmen with a piece of white cloth on their heads, are they really just watching the fight?

If they don't spend a lot of money to gamble, how can they show their status as "superiors".

"Winner, Chacha!"

The referee in the octagonal cage began to intervene, pulling away the crazy knife-finishing people, and announced loudly.

As the winner with blood on his hands raised his arms, a mixed sound of cheers and curses broke out in the audience. Many people who lost money threw their "cards" into the octagonal cage, as if they were "petals" sprinkled for the winner.

As for the loser?

Several medical staff quickly entered the field, lifted the person lying in a pool of blood onto a stretcher, and then sent him down for treatment.

While the winner raised his arms and enjoyed the cheers, several cleaners came in and began to mop the blood on the ground.

Cruel, efficient, full of violence and money, Xiao, a "countryside" boy, had mixed feelings and constantly subverted his cognition.

"Mr. Shura,"

"This is the E-level competition area,"

"Your "debut" will be arranged in the next game, okay?"


Xiao answered subconsciously and thought about it again.

"Are there any fouls."


The maid-dressed woman answered as a matter of course,

"You just have to defeat your opponent, no matter where you attack or what ability you use."

This is a real "unlimited fighting" arena, gouge eyes, kick crotch, hit the back of the head. If both parties agree, even cold weapons can be carried!

"Of course, different competitions have different restrictions on weapons: otherwise, just wear a set of D-level "exoskeleton power armor" and sweep the E-level competition area without any pressure."

At this point, the maid looked at the sword bag on Xiao's back.

"If it's an ordinary bamboo sword,"

There will definitely be no problem.

The so-called E-level competition area corresponds to the 'dog' level.

But most of the time, these 'martial artists' who step onto the ring are only close to the weak dog level.

"Ladies and gentlemen!"

Half an hour later, the host came on stage again to stir up the atmosphere.

"Mr. Chachai has won three games in a row. Those who bet on him to win have made a lot of money tonight; his strength is obvious to all. He is definitely the top one among the 'non-supernormal'!"

After raising his hand to introduce the winner just now, the host raised his hand again to signal the other side:

"Next, he will face the mysterious challenger: Shu-Luo!"

It was so embarrassing.

Xiao walked into the octagonal cage and was a little confused.

What on earth was he doing? He was investigating the problem of the poison island at the beginning, but after a lot of twists and turns, he stood on the underground ring.

The octagonal cage on the fifth floor underground is a real 'underground' ring in the physical sense of gambling.

This Tokyo, a pill.

He looked up and glanced at the rich people in the audience.

Thinking of his previous experience, the boy couldn't help but sigh.

"Mr. Shura is very mysterious,"

"We don't know his name, age, or school - but one thing is certain, Mr. Shura is a superhuman!"


The rich people in the audience became excited.

Even in the arena under the "Kenwonkai", superhumans don't fight every day.

The 'martial artists' under the big chaebol will not show up easily: because those top martial artists are also top killers.

Being able to see extraordinary beings fighting is worth the price of admission~~

On the one hand, the battles of extraordinary beings are more ‘spectacular’;

On the other hand, these rich people may have the idea that "even extraordinary people must dance under our money."

This young man codenamed 'Shura' has a bandage on his head and looks dull; but since he is a transcendent, even if he is only at the lowest level of 'Weak Dog', it is still worthy of their investment——

"I pressure 10 million, Shura wins!"

"I press five million"

"Shura wins!"

Numbers rang out in the audience one by one,

"I'll give you three million, guess what."

"After all, he is also a Muay Thai boxing champion. I can beat him by two million."

Waiters dressed as bunny girls shuttled back and forth, constantly giving these people exquisite 'hand cards', leaving Xiao speechless.

He used to be the only son of an ordinary police family. He had only heard about millions or even tens of millions on TV. How had he ever seen such a huge amount of money in real life?

"Mr. Shura, are you ready?"

The referee's voice made Xiao come back to his senses, clenched the bamboo sword in his hand, and pointed it at the Muay Thai fighter on the opposite side who had a fierce look on his face.


"The game begins!"

Following the referee’s order,

The opponent immediately launched an attack, sending a fierce and fast straight punch straight to Xiao's face.

At the same time, the left foot paused imperceptibly, and the knee strike under the foot was ready to go. This is a more common attack routine in Muay Thai. Use straight punches as a feint, and use knee strikes to open up the situation. Once you take advantage, it will be a storm of elbow strikes and knee strikes!

"Mr. Chachai has been practicing Muay Thai for twenty years since he was a child, and he broke countless lime trees with one kick."

While the host was introducing, Xiao stabbed the opponent's neck with the bamboo sword in his hand, forcing him to tilt his head and duck.

"Ordinary bamboo swords have no advantage in front of him."


Since he couldn't get close, the Muay Thai boxer named Chachai immediately changed his tactics and raised his leg to sweep low: with his leg strength that he had trained repeatedly, he had no problem breaking the leg bones of ordinary people.

He is also confident that he can break the bamboo sword in the opponent's hand with one blow!

But just as he raised his leg to sweep across, Xiao had already stabbed down with his sword, aiming at the opponent's knee joint.


A soft sound,

Chacai, who had won three games in a row before, felt weak.

The whole person almost fell to his knees on the spot, and a large amount of sweat fell from his forehead.

"Pay it forward!"

"The gap is too big."

"Guess, you are also a Muay Thai boxing champion after all, is that your level?!"

The sighs, disappointments, and insults in the audience made the Muay Thai fighter's face even more ugly. The opponent was an extraordinary person and had already surpassed the limits of human beings. and--

This stupid bandaged man is actually a master of swordsmanship?

Damn it!

Could it be that I have been practicing hard for twenty years?

While Chachai was gnashing his teeth, Xiao Xiao, who had calmed down, had already taken the initiative to charge forward with a sword.

Although he was dressed in a bandage and had his hair wrapped around his head, he looked like some garbage fish. But the island nation’s third best swordsman is real.

"Congratulations, Mr. Shura, for winning this game."

"This is your bonus——"

Looking at the thick wad of banknotes handed to him, the cash-strapped young man still reached out and took it.

This Tokyo seemed like two different worlds from the life in his memory.

“This is the way to bet”

After hesitating for a moment, the young man asked the question.

After all, he is also the son of a policeman, and he comes here to do black boxing and so on.

"Mr. Shura, our 'Boxing Wish Club' is a formal organization: whether it is a boxing match or a bet, it is a legal business: didn't you know? The island country's gambling law will soon be overhauled, and the draft has been submitted to the cabinet."

Ah this——

Will places like this be 'legal' from now on?

However, compared to those extraordinary beings who sell organs and kill people at will, is it no longer important?

After witnessing the "darkness" in Tokyo, Takashi's bottom line is also declining rapidly. This kind of consensual competition does not seem to be unacceptable.

"The warm-up is over!"

"The highlight of today is next -"

“The ‘Fist Wish’ battle that truly puts the company’s assets on the line, one side is the martial artist representing ‘Watanabe Heavy Industries’: ‘Stinger’ Black Wolf!”

The host came on stage again to introduce, and immediately there was a tremor like a mountain roar and a tsunami.


"The person who is going to play next is famous?"

The cheers were so violent that the well-dressed rich people stood up one after another, pulled off their ties, and roared with red necks.

In such a scene, even Xiao, a ‘newcomer’, can see:

The next heavyweight appears.

A man wearing a vest, white martial arts pants, barefoot and with a buzz cut stepped into the Octagon, raised his hand and waved slightly to the audience, looking like a general.


Looking at the man on the stage, the maid looked yearning and envious.

"This is Lord Black Wolf, codenamed 'Stinger'."

"But he's a 'Strong Dog' level master!"

For ordinary people, Qiang Dog is already a master who needs to look up to him.

The "weak dog" and "dog" level extraordinary beings are the most embarrassing: although they are superior to ordinary people, they cannot ignore modern hot weapons. Faced with the siege of firearms, they are still prone to hatred on the spot.

However, their flesh and blood are very precious and are coveted by many forces.

Instead of spending a lot of money to win over someone, it's better to make a one-time deal.

‘Hunting’ against low-level extraordinary beings,

The underground world in Tokyo is no secret.

There is also a gap between the extraordinary. For example, no one dares to provoke those people under the protection of the Huakaiyuan family. Everyone is polite to them, as if the whole world is like a fairy tale: facing the strongest onmyoji of the times who can seal the cracks in the underworld. 'Youjun, who dares to seek death?

If it falls into that person's hands, his soul may be tortured for decades!

Not even a chance to be a ghost.

And the low-level extraordinary ones?

"Today's challenger is a newcomer codenamed 'Miss' under the command of 'Chiba Shipping'!"

Tap tap tap,

On the other side, a tall lady in a formal dress stepped into the Octagon.

This look made everyone stunned.

Is she really the ‘eldest lady’? !

"Don't get me wrong,"

As soon as the 'eldest lady' with long black hair appeared on the stage, she raised her hand and pointed at the man opposite.

"You are the challenger."


"This is the eldest lady."

The man named 'Black Wolf' has darker skin, and he obviously likes to bask in the sun. With his cropped vest, he looks like a muscular and reckless man, but he has an unexpectedly good temper.

"This is not a dinner party. It would be too disgraceful to stain your expensive dress."

"So, can you please admit defeat?"

Fighting against such an opponent?

The man named 'Black Wolf' couldn't help but shake his head.

"That won't do,"

"You have to fight me, otherwise I will bankrupt the company behind you immediately!"

? ? ?

However, as soon as the eldest lady opposite opened her mouth, even the audience fell silent.

"Where did the boss of Chiba Shipping find such a person?"

Arrogant guy?

The opening is just to make 'Watanabe Heavy Industries' go bankrupt!

But the temperament and tone of this girl's every move are not something ordinary people can imitate.

There is no doubt that it was a well-known young lady who ended up in person.

What the hell is going on?

What they want to see is a fierce battle with fists and blood flying everywhere. Forget about the bandage-headed swordsman before, now even the eldest lady in the dress has come out.

Although high-level extraordinary people are dressed in very unique styles, this is Area E for ordinary wealthy people.

There shouldn’t be truly strong people, right?

"Referee, let's start!"

Someone in the audience began to urge, and after signaling that both sides were ready, the referee raised his hand and suddenly waved it down.


Before the referee's voice could even be heard, the straight-haired 'eldest lady' took the lead in rushing towards the 'Black Wolf', clenching her hands into a fist and punching him unceremoniously.

This was a 'standard' straight punch, as standard as a beginner's: but the roar caused by the fist made the 'Black Wolf' put aside his contempt.

He carefully protected his face with his arms and blocked the punch firmly.

The strength is pretty good, starting at the dog level.


The next moment, 'Miss' right leg kicked, and her calf kicked towards 'Black Wolf''s crotch.


Isn’t this the standard routine of ‘wolf protection’?

The dumbfounded 'Black Wolf' took a step back, raised his hand and pressed down to block the opponent's long legs.

"Is this an extraordinary battle?"

Even Xiao, who was watching the battle in the audience passage, couldn't help but speak.

Let’s not talk about the ‘Black Wolf’ for now, but the person codenamed ‘Miss’ is really the eldest lady, right? The steps of attack and defense are all precise. Although with the blessing of extraordinary power, the fight is vigorous and bluffing, but facing a martial artist of the same level, is this a joke?

"Mr. Shura, this is dog-level super."

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