I planted a sacred tree in Tokyo

Chapter 259: The Two Kings Gathering

"Is this your 'companion'?"

Zorro, with two sticks on his waist, was not calm when he came to the beach.

"Not even a human!"

? ?

The giant hairtail fish 'King of the Near Sea' in the sea was not happy.

You don't need to understand, just look at his expression and body movements, and you will know that this green algae-headed human is saying bad things about him.


The tail flicked,

The waves splashed on the other person's head and face.

"Do you think you are a sea king and I am afraid of you?!"

Zorro pulled out the two sticks from his waist and pointed at the 'King of the Near Sea' and cursed; and a vivid provocative expression appeared on the other person's huge fish face.

As if to say: Come down and practice if you have the ability?

"Okay, okay,"

Carrying the two sticks, the young man named Zorro really jumped into the sea.

After he ate the extraordinary pearl and became a 'Sea Country', he passively gained the ability to breathe underwater, and fighting naval battles was his specialty.

Really coming?

Seeing this green algae-headed human jumping into the sea, the giant hairtail fish named 'King of the Near Sea' also got angry and fought with the other party!

"Thank you for saving us, sir."

As the giant hairtail fish rolled and bit, and the young man's double sticks flew, an old man hesitated and stepped forward among the rescued people.

These 'superhumans' are so strong that they are not human. They run as fast as cheetahs, their strength can easily lift cars, and their defense is also very exaggerated. They will get up and continue to fight after hitting a hole. Once evil thoughts arise, ordinary people have no power to resist.

"We have nothing to thank for, these gold."

The old man took out a pocket filled with various gold rings, necklaces, and accessories.

East Asian people are very fond of 'gold' jewelry: as the saying goes, 'collect antiques in prosperous times and buy gold in troubled times'. With the chaos in the non-concierge waters today, only gold can serve as hard currency.

"Old man, and everyone."

"I don't want your money--"

As soon as Luffy's words fell, the faces of the people on the dock changed.

If you don't want money, do you want your life?

"In a moment, I'll ask Xiao Jin, the sea king over there, the 'King of the Near Sea', to take you to the southern city."

Pointing to the giant cutlassfish that was fighting with Zorro in the back, the young Luffy chuckled.

"Whatever you want to do, prepare it during this time."

In the sea,

A giant cutlassfish twisted its body like a snake on the sea surface.

On his back, there were many men, women, and children: this novel way of 'travel' made many children bold and reached out to touch everywhere, but they were immediately stopped by adults.

Being able to let the 'sea king' carry them was already a treatment they dared not even think about; if they accidentally angered this monster... Ahem, sea kings, in this vast ocean, do they still want to survive?

"Hey, why do I have to swim by myself?"

Next to the giant cutlassfish was Zorro who was swimming hard.

"Hehehe, there's nothing I can do."

On the other side, Luffy, who was 'trotting' on the sea, answered.

"Xiao Jin doesn't like you, how about you run on the sea with me?"


After eating the extraordinary pearl and becoming a 'sea country', Zorro had no chance of being 'drowned', and could even drink seawater directly; coupled with his extraordinary physical strength, swimming in the sea at a speed not inferior to that of a warship was not a problem at all.

On the contrary, running on the sea: it takes a lot of spiritual power, and only this guy named Luffy can persist for such a long time.

A few hours later, everyone came to the city in the south that had not yet fallen.

Under the watchful eyes of the nervous coast guard and onlookers, the people on the back of the King of the Sea swam to the shore one after another, and cried with joy on the spot.

"Who are you?"

A coast guard stepped forward and asked the refugees in confusion.

"We escaped from Manbahao,"


The coast guard's face changed. Didn't that place fall?

But seeing the giant hairtail on the sea, he also understood a little.

"Who sent you here?"

If it was just a sea king, it wouldn't know to send people to this city that has not yet fallen. There must be a supernatural person commanding this sea king.

As a group of people pointed in unison, in addition to the giant hairtail, there were two men on the sea.

A one-armed boy and a green-haired young man.

"Zorro, let's go."

"Wait, two of you!"

A police motorboat drove over, and the middle-aged coast guard on it raised his hand to greet.

"Thank you for saving so many people. Do you want to rest and replenish supplies here?"

He risked his life to approach and chat, not just to thank you; if he could win over these two people and a sea king, the defense of their city would be greatly increased.

"No, uncle."

Luffy, who was sitting on the sea, stood up,

"We still have to go to the north."


What's in the north?

There is most of the non-concierge land occupied by the Nine-Tailed Fox.

Going there at this time is the so-called 'knowing there is a tiger in the mountain, but still going to the tiger mountain'.

"You are true warriors."

The middle-aged coast guard saluted the two men,

then raised his hand and pointed to the northwest, revealing the latest information to the two men:

"Siquijor Island is occupied by the French. If you pass through that sea area, be careful."

"It is said that the French Navy hates extraordinary people very much,"

The current non-concierge has become a "public toilet" where the navies of many countries can come and go freely, fight whenever they want, and leave whenever they want.

As for their few broken ships, they accompanied the American fleet to the bottom of the sea to feed the fish as early as the first wave of the Nine-Tailed Forces' invasion: now they are powerless to kill and fight in this sea area, and can only pretend not to see it.

"Further north, Panglao Island, someone has established a "safe zone" there."

"If you need supplies and rest, you can go there."

There is actually a supply base in that place?

"It sounds interesting,"

"Let's go and see, Zorro?"

Luffy was interested,

"Whatever you want."


Northwest, Siquijor Island.

This island is shrouded in a mysterious veil for most foreign tourists.

Witchcraft sacrificial ceremonies used to be popular here, and people from other islands who were caught here could only die on the road of weird sacrifice.

But with the development of the times, the so-called witchcraft has long disappeared, and the former cannibal tribes have either been eliminated physically or changed spiritually. In recent decades, this place has become a famous tourist destination.

The sea is as blue as sapphire, with a gradient color on the surface, always clear and transparent.

When the breeze blows, the sea surface rises and falls like jelly without waves, so it is also called the "Jelly Sea".

On the reefs by the sea, you can watch the fancy performances of diving enthusiasts from all over the world; if you are brave, you can also experience the feeling of high platform diving in person!

There are also slender coconut trees and white sand beaches surrounding it; and the large monastery on the island hundreds of years ago, like an old banyan tree in a small forest, and deeper, there are layers of turquoise waterfalls, slowly flowing into the sea.

Unfortunately, now it has become a mess!

The boats scattered around the seaside pier and the debris floating on the sea silently tell the panic of fleeing.

Several coastal cities are empty, with only vehicles crashing on the roadside and telephone poles, and plastic bags flying in the air, proving that humans once existed.

In the sea not far from the island, two French 'Horizon-class destroyers' were anchored on the sea.

These two destroyers were equipped with two Otto 76mm naval guns, two 20mm machine guns, six 8-unit vertical launch systems, two 4-mounted Exocet anti-ship missiles, and two MU90 light torpedoes, each carrying one NH90 or EH101 helicopter.

They are truly armed to the teeth war weapons. I dare not say they are the world's top, but they are also active first-line destroyers.

"What a beautiful beach,"

On the deck of the destroyer, a blond and blue-eyed officer supported his hands on the fence and looked at the island in the distance with emotion.

"If there is no mission, enjoying sunbathing in such a place is a gentleman's life."

European old whites have no resistance to beaches and sunbathing.

Going to the island to play is almost a 'romantic' engraved in the bones, but unfortunately:

"Colonel Gabriel,"

The old captain in military uniform and holding a pipe came over.

"As our precious extraordinary officer of France, it is your duty to protect this ship."

Instead of vacation.


The blond colonel raised his hand and gestured easily,

"Captain Mael, I have a serious job: you see, 'we' are patrolling seriously."

Around the deck of this destroyer, in addition to a large number of French soldiers, there are actually seven or eight 'Colonel Gabriel' patrolling!

Water clone,

This is the ability obtained by this colonel.

"Always be careful, there are too many extraordinary beings in this sea area."

"But they are scattered throughout the sea area, not worth mentioning in front of the great French Navy."

Before the colonel finished speaking, a 'water clone' patrolling on the edge of the deck had a stern look in his eyes, raised his hand and pointed to the sea next to him:

"There is something under the sea!"

? !

The colonel and the captain kicked their feet and quickly rushed to the edge of the deck and looked down.

With their extraordinary vision, they can see a group of 'people' coming more than 20 meters deep on the seabed.

These people were wearing normal clothes, but their bodies were all strange and had the characteristics of various fish: with their hair flying, they were actually approaching the destroyer step by step from the bottom of the sea!

How could there be so many?

The tall man in the lead raised his head, his eyes passed through the sea water, and looked into the colonel's shocked pupils.

The next second, the man with flying chin "beard" waved his hand.

Splash, splash, splash!

Three figures suddenly jumped out of the sea,

some opened their mouths to spit out surging water, some stepped on the water like surfing, and raised their fingers like aiming guns.

"Water Chaos!"

"Water Cut!"

"Water Cannon!"

Three extraordinary powers surged,

and instantly caught the French soldiers on the deck off guard.

The raging water rushed over the deck, sweeping the soldiers to and fro; the bullet-like ‘water cannon’ was enough to penetrate bulletproof vests, and the two-handed bursts were like submachine guns; and the extraordinary person who rushed into the group of soldiers at high speed on the water flow, slashed through with the long knife in his hand, and cut off the waist and head.

“Hahahaha, guys, go!”

Marshall, who had expanded to more than three meters in height, was carried onto the destroyer by a water column created by a subordinate, and raised his hand and pointed.


“Oh oh oh oh oh~~”

Another five or six extraordinary people who transformed into the ‘Sea Country’ rushed onto the deck.

Although they did not have extraordinary abilities, they had no difficulty in killing these ordinary soldiers with their strong physical fitness.

Especially those extraordinary people with shells on their bodies, they could charge against the bullets of soldiers: with their specialized defensive bodies, they were simply invincible in bullying weak soldiers.

“Assholes, you are provoking France.”

“Hahaha, I’m going to hit you!”

Before the blond colonel finished speaking, the little giant Marshall strode over and raised his fist as big as a casserole.

“You have been chasing after me all the time, let’s settle the accounts today!”

? ? ?

“It’s you.”

The colonel was halfway through his words,

and was blown away by a huge fist!

How dare this guy? How dare? How dare?

In the mind of the colonel who was thrown away, only this thought kept echoing.

Marshall was once a historian; after the advent of the extraordinary era, he sold his property and bought a fishing boat to try to enter the island country.

After the extraordinary disaster broke out in the non-concierge waters, his fishing boat had been hovering nearby; when the Crab Princess scattered the extraordinary pearls, he entered the waters as soon as possible.

He was even more daring to hijack the French light destroyer, and was issued a wanted order by France: not only did he not avoid it, but he also ambushed the great French Navy.

What Colonel Gabriel couldn't understand the most was: how could he command so many extraordinary people?


As the blond and blue-eyed colonel fell heavily,

the French side was defeated and had no chance of turning the tables.

This is the disadvantage of modern weapons: if the distance is pulled, a destroyer can easily kill a large number of dog-class, or even wolf-class with less ability.

But once it is close: whether it is naval guns, machine guns, or various missiles, it can't blow itself up, right?


When the overall situation seemed to be decided, a loud noise came.

The extraordinary person who could walk on the water and move at high speed in surfing mode was thrown out, and the twisted knife in his hand fell on the deck.

"Pirates, don't be too arrogant!"

The old captain biting his pipe had one arm swelled several times, just like the animation of the last century.

Water wrist

Concentrating water on the arm to strengthen the arm strength is the secret technique of the ghost lantern clan.

After all, it is one of the great powers. The French Navy has also harvested several extraordinary pearls during this period.

"Get out of the way!"

Seeing that other extraordinary people were afraid to step forward, Marshall swept the people in front of him away.

"Old man, surrender to me and become my subordinate."

Facing the little giant Marshall, the old captain took a puff of cigarette with disdain.

"Ask my fist, pirate!"


"This old dog, he's still stubborn even when he's about to die?"

"Who do you think you're facing? This is our great Captain Marshall!"

Hearing this answer, the other extraordinary people laughed wildly; it seemed that they were looking at a bug that was overestimating its own strength and waving its claws and teeth.


The old captain frowned,

These extraordinary pirates were so confident,

which proved that their captain's ability was very terrifying.

What ability could it be?

"No need to guess,"

Marshall looked at the alert old captain in front of him and raised one hand.

"In front of my ability, no ability is meaningful, because--"

A drop of water fell from Marshall's palm and expanded rapidly into a huge water mirror.


The pipe fell on the deck,

While the old captain was stunned, a 'self' walked out of the water mirror, moved his swollen arms, and immediately rushed towards him without hesitation!

Woo woo woo,

The fist swung out and whistled, causing the old captain's pupils to suddenly shrink into needles.

It turned out to be his 'water wrist' ability!

Copy? ? ?

"Clean up the battlefield!"

A few minutes later, Marshall shouted orders while looking at the twisted body of the old captain at his feet.

"What a pity, you have good abilities."

But since you will not surrender until you die, then go and die!

Water Mirror Technique

Create a mirror made of water, in which a person who looks exactly like the enemy will appear, and can use the same abilities as the opponent.

This is the ability Marshall has obtained. Although the strength of the replica will be limited by Marshall's own spiritual power, the effect is already amazing! He is confident that with this technique, he can be invincible at the same level!

It is precisely because of this technique that he changed his plan and found other extraordinary people.

Faced with the same abilities as himself, these extraordinary people were all defeated and surrendered to Marshall.

"Captain, where are we going next?"

Faced with the respectful transcendent beside him, Marshall raised his hand and pointed north.

"To Panglao Island!"

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