I planted a sacred tree in Tokyo

Chapter 107: Opportunities for Each


Suburban Woodbury, New York.


With the sound of wooden shafts grinding, Anderson pushed open the door to the courtyard in front of him.

This is a standard house in a "civilian area" in America. It is a single-family house but not very far apart from the houses on the left and right. The flowers in the small courtyard are messy and obviously not well taken care of. The house is basically an all-wooden structure.

Take out the key and open the door. The first floor is the living room, kitchen, dining room, and small bathroom with shower.

On the second floor are three bedrooms: belonging to Colonel Anderson, his son, and grandson.

As for the daughter-in-law, after her son lost all her family property several times, she finally got divorced.

If it weren't for Anderson's sake,

Even the grandson has to be picked up.


Just as Anderson opened the door, a middle-aged man dressed casually in a suit hurried down from the second floor with a briefcase in hand.

After seeing Anderson at the door, joy and pride appeared on his face!

"You came back at the right time,"

"I have good news for you!"

In order not to disturb his son who was sleeping on the second floor, the middle-aged man lowered his voice, but it was difficult to conceal his excitement.

"The stock in my hand has gone up, not by a few percentage points, but by a few percentage points per minute!"

"And my small workshop, company: I just received a big order. Father, do you believe it? I succeeded, and we will make a fortune soon -"

The middle-aged man is like a child, dancing and asking for credit from his father.

“Soon, we’ll be back on the Upper East Side!”

"I want those scornful investors to regret that they missed out on a huge fortune."

"And those who used to laugh at you, I know, I know, they will soon find out: you have a son to be proud of!"

Silly boy,

Do you think this is your own ability?

Looking at the excited middle-aged man in front of him, Anderson rolled his eyes, but the corners of his mouth slowly raised.

"Well, good job."

He patted the shoulder of his son who was overly spoiled because he stayed in the army all year round.

Colonel Anderson knew that his son had no business talent, but:

So what does it matter?

"Young man, don't be proud."

"Take your time, more 'good luck' is waiting for you."

"Yes, father!"

The middle-aged man gave a naughty military salute and pointed to the door.

"Then I go to work."

"Go ahead,"

After watching his son leave in a hurry in excitement, Old Anderson walked up to the second floor.

He gently opened the door of his grandson's room, walked to the bed, and looked at his sleeping grandson: The old colonel stretched out his hand and stopped in mid-air.

"Country, Faith, Glory"


Turn around and close the door softly.

After walking out of the house, the old colonel glanced at the street where the sky was beginning to turn white, and walked straight towards an inconspicuous car on the corner.

"How about it?"

Opening the rear door of the car, Dr. Lumley's voice came from inside.

"Are you satisfied with the 'remuneration' of this job?"

"Can I say no?"

Bend down and get into the car, closing the door.

Colonel Anderson sat upright with his hands on his knees.

"Take me to meet my future 'subordinates' so that I can have a detailed understanding of their combat capabilities."

Times have changed. Although he was parasitized or "blessed" by the "hidden lady", Anderson also gained extraordinary power: So, what will the "army" he will command in the future look like?

Thinking of this, the 'soldier' ​​blood in Anderson's body couldn't help boiling again.


island country,

Yamanashi Prefecture, south of Hayakawa Town, Nanami Mountain.

As a small town adjacent to Shizuoka Prefecture, it is not even a city. A town can only be named after a town.

The reason is still a matter of terrain:


Yamanashi and Shizuoka prefectures have dense mountains, complex waterways, and various wild boars and bears.

Decades ago, children in these areas would go to school with a 'bear whistle' hanging on their chests: they would blow the whistle when they encountered danger. The loud sound could scare the wild animals. At the same time, the local 'Hunters Association' would immediately Will come.

After decades of continuous hunting by hunters, even wild creatures have engraved the message of staying away from Two-legged beasts into their genes.

Anyone who dares to attack a Two-legged cub will be chased by a large number of adult Two-legged beasts.

Those 'two-legged beasts' only need to point the sticks in their hands,

In the thunder, no matter what kind of beast it is, it will fall down in a pool of blood on the spot.

“I’m so tired from today’s physical education class~~”

On the mountain path, a girl with her skirt lifted up, her long hair hanging behind her and a freckle on her face complained.

"There's nothing we can do about it. There's a new course called 'Extraordinary Danger Avoidance'."

Walking in front of her was a boy with short black curly hair, wearing a shirt and suspenders, with his hands behind his head.

"Xun, it's time for you to exercise."

"Although there are no bears or wild boars in the mountains now, we might encounter extraordinary beings."

"No, you're all smelly and sweaty~~"

The girl holding up her skirt refused without even thinking. She had a quiet personality at first glance.

"Hehehe, those guys in the class will definitely say: Xun's sweat smells good."

"Dai, what did you say?"

Two elementary school students who looked to be in their teens walked and talked, and soon came to the middle of the mountain: at the end of the road was a small shrine.

However, the torii had collapsed, and only the small main hall remained: it was about the size of a single room.

But if you look closely, you can see that this shrine can be considered clean.

That's because:

A boy and a girl used this place as their "secret base".

They often cleaned and tidied up this "abandoned" small shrine.


Pushing open the door of the main hall,

The two children were stunned because there was a figure sitting in the main hall.


The other party suddenly opened one eye,


Dark as blood;


Dark as ink!

In an instant, the two children seemed to see a black and red aura filled with distortion, cruelty, destruction and other negative wills in their eyes.

It was like thousands of arrows, densely shooting around, and like a surging blood wave, rushing towards them in waves!

This is not a technique, just pure murderous aura.

The two primary school students were easily shocked, and they trembled all over and could not move.

Fortunately, the next second, the other party lowered his eyes, and the two primary school students relaxed and fell to the ground.

"Huff, huh, huh~~"

As the girl behind him panted, the boy stood in front of her and wiped the cold sweat from his cheeks.

"Mr. Hainin?!"

That's right,

The one sitting in the main hall was Hainin wearing a ninja forehead protector, a simple ninja fishnet suit, and bandages all over his body!

It was the 'big demon' that countless islanders dug deep to find its trace.


The Hainin, who slightly raised his eyelids, with a bandage wrapped around the lower half of his face, only one eye exposed, spoke lightly.

"Do you know me?"

Hearing Hainin's question, the boy answered subconsciously.

".Those who have watched the live broadcast know it,"

"Ah, Master Hainin, do you know a mobile phone?"

Taking out his mobile phone, the curly-haired boy pointed at the technological creation, and after the other party nodded, he explained:

"The battle between you and Master Kujira before, no one in the entire island country should have seen it."

The face of the Hainin leaning against the main hall was obviously stunned.


"Why aren't you afraid of me?"

The curly-haired boy was tangled up about this question.

"Actually, it's just that my legs are weak and I can't stand up."

Being hit by the "murderous aura" head-on, it was considered a big heart not to piss on the spot; but the girl behind him recovered first because she was shielded by the boy.

Not daring to stand up, the two children simply knelt on the wooden board of the main hall and answered respectfully.

"According to the "Supernatural Countermeasures Textbook", when facing supernatural beings, try to escape from 50 meters away and try to communicate within 20 meters."

The curly-haired boy's meaning is very clear. The distance between the two sides is only 2 meters; what's more, they are facing the famous "Sea Ninja", and any escape or resistance is just suicide.

"Stay calm in the face of danger,"

"You are quite courageous."

The sea ninja, who was wrapped in bandages and seemed to be "seriously injured", praised lightly.


"I don't kill unknown people under my sword."

However, the curly-haired boy and the freckled girl did not leave, but looked at each other.

After a few seconds, it was still the brave boy who asked cautiously:

"Mr. Sea Ninja,"

"Don't you know that the whole island is looking for you now?"


The willow eyebrows were raised, and the murderous aura permeated the sea ninja again.

"The humans of this era are very courageous. They actually want to hunt me--"

"No, no, no, you misunderstood."

The little boy quickly denied it. He didn't want this 'sea ninja' to go on a killing spree because of a misunderstanding.

"Sea ninja, you may not know that the 'crab princess' exposed your life experience."

? ?

Under the doubtful eyes of the sea ninja, the boy picked up his mobile phone and operated it, opened a video, and then put it on the floor and pushed it forward:

"Look, this is the live video at that time."

'Sister Sea ninja and uncle Kujira fought a thousand years ago. It is impossible to tell the winner in a short time'

As the video began to play, the 'crab princess' on the screen talked freely, telling the origin, life, and desires of the sea ninja like pouring beans.


A short knife pierced into the mobile phone and sank deeply into the floor, leaving only a knife handle.

"Crab princess, this bastard!!"

The short knife pierced through the mobile phone, and the sea ninja who bowed his head trembled all over.

"It's none of our business~~"

"Don't kill us!"

Looking up at the curly-haired boy with his hands raised high and the freckled girl hiding behind him, Hainin took a deep breath.


"I shouldn't have damaged your phone."

"It's okay, it's okay, it's just a phone, don't worry about it, Hainin-sama."

The curly-haired boy waved his hands repeatedly, but the smile on his face was a bit forced: it would be a lie to say that he didn't feel sorry, but compared to his life, it was nothing. And he had to protect Xun.

"In that case,"

Hainin put away the short sword, revealing only one eye, and glanced at the boy and girl in front of him.

"So, do you want to try to 'recapture' me?"

Shake your head! X2



This made Hainin confused,

"With me as a helper, you can do whatever you want."

"Money, power, beauty. Well, maybe you don't have this desire, but the other——"

"Mr. Hainin,"

The curly-haired boy scratched his head. The other party didn't seem to have any ill intentions, which made him gradually relax.

"We are just elementary school students. Money and power are too far away, right?"

"Yes, we still have to go to school."

The girl hiding behind the curly boy answered softly,

"Are we going to ask Mr. Hainin to help us with homework?"

? ? ?

I can't write a hammer.

"Sorry, I don't know how to do homework."

Hainin decisively refused. What the hell is doing homework? !

"But I can help you chop the teacher or the whole school."

Solve the problem of "doing homework" from the source, and the conditions for the birth of possible.

"No, no, no, no!"

The two children shook their heads frantically again. After all, they are good children with both parents and grandfathers to take care of them. Chopping teachers and schools is just a joke.

They are already in the fifth grade, but they know: the "Hainin" in front of them will not joke, but only chop people!

Even the streets and buildings can be cut in half.

".So, are you going to tell the adults where I am?"

In response to Hai Ren's question, the curly-haired boy and the freckled girl looked at each other again:

"No," X2


This time, Hai Ren was a little surprised.


"Well, because we don't want to 'cause trouble'."

The curly-haired boy thought about it and gave this answer.

"Sister Hai Ren, you don't know that there are bounties about you everywhere on the Internet now."

"As long as you provide the real information about your whereabouts, you can get a huge amount of money of hundreds of millions: and it's US dollars!"

"Then you don't want to-"


The curly-haired boy and the freckled girl shook their heads again,

"Although hundreds of millions of US dollars are beautiful, they are 'paper dumplings'."

The so-called 'paper dumplings' are a proverb in the island country that means 'giving up the flower and seeking the truth'.

"Although our family is not rich, we are not poor either. Besides, if we are given so much money, we can't keep it, right?"

"Yes, yes,"

The freckled girl also joined the chat boldly,

"I heard that someone won the first prize of 100 million yen, and his body appeared in Tokyo Bay not long after."

"How could the gangsters, high-ranking officials, and capitalists be willing to spend such a large sum of money?"

No, no, no, if those gangsters, high-ranking officials, and capitalists knew, they would definitely cry and beg you to accept the money, but:

The two children's worries are not unreasonable. Hundreds of millions of US dollars are enough to make a family disappear countless times!

The monthly salary of mercenaries in war-torn areas is only one or two thousand US dollars.

Ordinary people can't keep such a large sum of money at all.

"The human kids of this era are interesting."

The bandage on his face slightly pulled out a "smile" arc, and Hainin looked at the two children in front of him:

"Tell me your name, kids."

"I'm your sister, Dai Isugaya."

The black curly-haired "boy" introduced himself first.

"I am my younger brother, Igoya Kaoru."

The shy freckled girl also spoke up.

"Sister Kainin, what's wrong with you?"

"Don't make noise, I'm thinking."

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