I planted a sacred tree in Tokyo

Chapter 132 Becoming Stronger

"It turns out that eating can replenish spiritual power. I'm sorry."

In her rental house, after showing off 20 boxes of pizza, the red-haired girl Fiona rubbed her stomach, feeling upset about drinking a pool of blood before.

"The ability to exchange in the nightmare space eliminates some of the shortcomings."

"It seems that only being able to suck blood to eat is also a disadvantage?"

Thinking so,

the girl picked up a silver cross.

Sure enough, there was no discomfort. Well, if you have to say it, it's probably a little uncomfortable in your heart?

After all, 'Yahweh' is the 'Lord' that the entire Western civilization has believed in for thousands of years. Now the girl has suddenly become a 'vampire', and it is inevitable that she is a little uneasy in her heart.

"I was also forced to do so. The Lord will definitely forgive me. By the way."

She also gave herself a code name 'Priest', just because she subconsciously used the identity of the cult leader after she had just 'beaten to death'.

But in the extraordinary world, maybe she should also try to 'play' this role?

Since she has become a vampire, I guess the 'Lord' doesn't want her anymore.

Then the priest who calls himself the ‘nightmare space’?

Okay, let’s do it.


Fiona looked around the room, packed all her personal belongings, and left with a big suitcase.

She definitely couldn’t live here anymore. If the police came to her, she would end up in the lab.

As for where to go next? It didn’t matter to Fiona.

No matter how big America is, where can’t she go?

Having extraordinary power is confidence!



The water rushed down and slid over the sturdy body.

When Agent Mike walked out of the bathroom and pointed his back at the mirror, he could clearly see the wound from the gunshot and the black ‘virus’ crawling inside.

“It will take some time for the wound to heal.”

It was just the LV1 ‘black light virus enhancement’, and it was good enough to save his life.

In that ‘nightmare space’, Agent Mike directed others to create traps, and finally relied on dust and natural gas explosions to injure the ‘werewolf’ in one fell swoop, earning a lot of points.

But his real body was dying, and he could only save his life by exchanging this expensive ability.

His combat power was hardly improved. The post-installed "virus outbreak", "virus tentacles", "virus mimicry", and even the terrifying abilities of "virus parasitism" that can deprive others of their superpowers and use their lifespans for themselves. The string of zeros behind it made him look away helplessly, and he couldn't afford it at all.


Pick up the classic Glock 19 on the table. With this weapon, he can at least deal with most ordinary people.

As for superpowers, wait for the next game in a week; you must go all out to get more points!

And now:

Pick up the tools on the table and Mike starts to "do it" on his face.

The special solvent was injected into both cheeks, making his square face "bulge" visibly, turning into soft lines;

Two gray-brown contact lenses were attached to the cornea, covering his emerald green pupils;

Then there was the beard, and a pair of plain glasses with plastic rims.

Finally, he ruffled his hair and a bearded IT man with dull eyes, fat cheeks and unkempt appearance appeared in the mirror.

"Not enough,"

He stretched his head forward, shrugged his shoulders and bowed slightly.

With the plaid shirt on his body, if he held a mug, it would be perfect.

Even if the burned-to-ashes 'Compton' returned to the world, he would not recognize his partner.

"It can only be like this for now,"

After all, it is just a disguise, and there is still a difference between it and the real thing.

Only after exchanging for the 'virus disguise' can it be truly flawless: at that time, it will be the beginning of his infiltration investigation.


Of course he is hiding!

It is not right that two FBIs are missing. One FBI died and the other disappeared.

It is definitely a very serious matter, especially since his 'boss' and 'director' are both the other party's people. If he dares to launch an investigation now, he will be caught in a trap!

As a senior agent, he knows very well that the existence of the FBI is definitely not a behemoth that can be pried open by one or two people.

Fortunately, he now has extraordinary power.

He touched his chest. In his chest, a large number of black silk-like ‘blacklight viruses’ replaced the broken heart and lungs, bringing him endless power.


Open the door,

Put everything away,

Already look like an AI man who neglects exercise.

Agent Mike walked out of the hotel and disappeared into the night.


"It's almost dawn,"

Sitting on the spire of the Empire State Building, Yu's shadow clone stretched.

A red rosy cloud appeared in the distant sky. No matter what kind of sorrow or joy people are experiencing, the sun still rises as usual every day. And Yu's shadow clone is waiting here, of course not for the beauty to shoot a plane, but waiting for another shadow clone.


A crow flew over and fell down to become another Yu.

"Is there anything you want to explain?"

"Well, I played two games of 'nightmare games' last night and gave two offline abilities."


Just a slight perception, the shadow clone who just arrived knew the situation.

"A weak Blood Dragon Eye Kekkei Genkai, and a small amount of Earth Grudge transformation."

They are all ‘ourselves’. After the two shadow clones completed the handover work, the previous shadow clone raised its index and middle fingers.



He disappeared in a puff of smoke,

All the previous memories and spiritual insights were instantly returned to Yu's body on the other side of the planet.


After suddenly accepting a whole day's memories and cultivation insights, Yuu couldn't help but frown while lying on the bed.

"What's wrong?"

The girl sleeping next to her got up and looked at her brother who had her eyes closed.

"I'm a little tired from practicing."


If it were anyone else, they would definitely not believe it when they heard about ‘cultivation while sleeping’.

Danqiong’s words:

"I'll rub it for you,"

A slender hand rubbed between Yu's eyebrows, smoothing out the fluctuations.

Then he went all the way down and started to knead his shoulders: the force was neither light nor heavy, so that Yuu, who was enjoying it with his eyes closed, gradually calmed down his breathing.

He didn't even notice the rippling scenery in the collar of his pajamas so close at hand.


"Master, I'm done again!"

The next day, Yuu, who had just woken up, walked down to the second floor.

He saw Yuluo, who was cooking, turning his head and raising his left hand excitedly.



Whether it's cultivating psychic beasts or merging with shikigami using the technique of 'Kiyaro'.

Yuluodu has considerable talent, and has successfully cultivated a second psychic beast and fused with it.

"Yuluo, are you cooking with toy gloves on?"

Qiongmei, who was rubbing her eyes, also walked out of the room, glanced at her brother's apprentice, and was attracted by her left hand.

The girl in the second grade of junior high school has a huge furry claw on her left hand.

It’s like the ‘big cat claw’ used to show cuteness.

"Sister Qiong, this is not a toy, but my second shikigami 'Greed Wolf'."

The girl shook her hand proudly. The next second, it seemed that she had not mastered it well. Her left hand began to swell, and other limbs continued to pour out from one of the 'claws'.

The well-proportioned body is two meters long, with slender and powerful limbs; a pointed head and palate, a long face, a protruding nose, pointed and upright ears, and a majestic gray giant wolf with two rows of sharp teeth exposed at the corners of its split mouth.

But - a creature of this size suddenly appeared in the kitchen of Yu's family, and it immediately became crowded.


"Be careful, greedy wolf!"

After a meal of clattering pots and pans,

The door to the living room opened, and the huge gray wolf was kicked out.

"Ahem, I'll do it again."

The girl clapped her hands in embarrassment, ruining her breakfast in order to 'show off' to her master.

"It doesn't matter, it's just a few wolf hairs."

Yuu waved his hand casually. With his current strength, even steel can be digested!

"Let me help."

Giving Yu a blank look, Qiong also walked into the kitchen.

Although she eats snacks every day, she is still in the realm of "out of sight, out of mind" when it comes to food hygiene.

But Yuu is particularly particular about what he eats. As a girl, you must have cooking skills~~

"After school, are you going to Wakayama Dungeon Battlefield?"


Hanakaiyuan Youluo raised her arms to answer,

"I'm going to test the strength of Greedy Wolf: unlike Lian Zhen, Greedy Wolf has the ability to fight independently."

Yuluo's first psychic beast was a goldfish, which only had the ability of 'water breaking waves'. Although it will not suffocate to death when summoned at ordinary times, it can only flop on the ground and has no ability to fight independently: unless the battlefield is in the water.

The giant gray wolf she calls the 'greedy wolf' is obviously different. He is an expert in land combat at first glance, and naturally there will be no acclimatization.

"Then I'll go too."

Qiongmei also replied, of course she would go on an outing.

"Practice also requires a balance between work and rest. Go to school first."

The three of them opened the door and saw the pitiful giant gray wolf.

"Let's go, Greedy Wolf."

Not far away, monitor Nao was smiling and waving.


While the four of them were going to school every day, the other Chaofan were not so leisurely.

"Mire Jutsu!"

Following the younger brother with fluttering hair and freckles on his face, Kaoru Igotani pointed forward with his index and middle fingers together.

The ground ahead suddenly became soft and wet, like a swamp.


The synthetic beast that stepped into this 'swamp' immediately fell uncontrollably downwards: it was not just as simple as turning into a swamp, but there was also a suction force pulling this huge beast downwards.

"Hiss, hiss~~"

In the sky, another one was made up of more than a dozen "Bi Yao" connected end to end and merged into a "centipede"-shaped synthetic beast. It roared, waved more than a dozen pairs of wings, and swooped towards Kaoru Igaya at a terrifying high speed.

"The body-holding technique!"

However, his sister, Kaoru Itotani, who had her hands clasped together in the seal, had quickly stood in front of her younger brother.

Her eyes were fixed on the flying synthetic beast. As she activated the 'Yin Yang Technique', the monster was immediately stunned and fell into a daze.


The next second,

The out-of-control slender body of the flying synthetic beast passed over the two people's heads and hit the ground next to them.

Before the flying synthetic beast could stand up, a group of members of the "Isotani Family" wearing exoskeleton armor rushed up, spitting out a large number of bullets from the guns in their hands, and beat this synthetic beast, which was not specialized in defense but specialized in flying. The juices splashed out and the body was riddled with wounds, losing its fighting power.

"Thank you for your hard work, two heads of the family."

There were government officials nearby who immediately brought hot towels.

"If it weren't for your family, we would have taken down these synthetic beasts without any harm."

It's hard.

There are also many extraordinary beings in the Metropolitan Police Department, but the government needs to be responsible for the entire land defense line. A dozen extraordinary beings sprinkled among this defense line are completely insufficient.

As for the 'artificial extraordinary', although there is no pressure to fight against monsters, when facing synthetic beasts, the army must cooperate.

There are a lot of 'third-level extraordinary potions' produced with these 'Bi Yao' as raw materials, and the effect is...

But weaker.

It can only break the limits of human beings,

Although he can be regarded as a 'King of Soldiers', that alone is not enough to gallop on this battlefield.

for example:

In a certain valley.


The alloy katana slashed forward, tearing off half of a demon's wings.


Amidst the roar, the young samurai strode forward and stabbed fiercely with the katana in his hand, piercing the huge eyeball that lost his balance.


Pulling out the samurai sword made of special alloy, the young man covered in liquid held the sword with both hands.

There were amber body fluids from the monsters on his body, as well as bright red traces: just the 'third-level extraordinary potion' was not enough to turn him into a being who could kill monsters at will.

"The damn thing,"

I don’t know who I’m scolding.

This young man wearing a traditional samurai uniform raised his katana horizontally, which is exactly the starting position of Yagyu Shinin-ryu's Tengu Shooku.


With a roar, he strode towards the monsters.

The battlefield is the place that best trains people. After crawling and rolling in iron and fire, the former playboy of the Yagyu family has lost his weakness and confusion, leaving only ferocity and murderous intent.

If you don’t kill, you will be killed!

Now is not the time to talk about the concept of "living sword".

All he has to do is to kill the enemy with his sword until there is no movement in front of him.

Or - torn to pieces.


Amidst the roar, a synthetic beast rushed over from behind the hillside, causing the young warrior's pupils to shrink violently.

How come there is


Facing a synthetic beast that was two levels higher than him, the young warrior had no time to dodge and was knocked away.

After rolling awkwardly on the ground for more than a dozen times, the young man who supported his body with his arms lowered his head.

Where is my knife?

Scanning his eyes, he discovered that the alloy katana had fallen in front of him.

Pick it up, the samurai can't drop the sword!

Not in his ears, but in his mind, the cold voice of 'Father' rang. The young man jumped forward subconsciously, but:


A thick foot made of twisted organs fell,

The heavy step on the katana made the young man who rushed forward freeze and freeze in place.


The synthetic beast that stepped on the samurai sword made a 'taunting' sound, and had a certain IQ, which allowed him to know how to 'play' with his prey, and at the same time, he lost the opportunity to kill his opponent in the first place.


A soft cry came, and even faster came the golden phantom fist.


A huge phantom fist struck from the side, sending the synthetic beast flying away.

It was like a stone thrown by a catapult: only in mid-air, the stone began to collapse and disintegrate.


Amidst the sound of the Buddha's chant, a monk walked slowly towards him.

Behind him is a fleeting golden fist: It is not that he is not strong, but it is because he is proficient in the 'Fudo Myooh Statue' that he can only express one arm.

Although this method is not as majestic and domineering as the fully unfolded 'Fudo Myooh Statue', it can greatly save mana.

"The donor is fine, so the poor monk took his leave."

"Thank you, monk."

Picking up his sword, the young samurai thanked him casually, but the other man stopped in his tracks.

"you do not know me?"

Facing the monk's question, the young warrior scratched his head.

"Why should I know you?"

Ever since his father's 'great change', he had been allowed to practice sword practice every day until he fainted from exhaustion.

When they arrived at this battlefield, they were even asked to fight with the 'Bi Yao' with a knife.

Not to mention caring about other people and things, even doing your best to survive.

"Poor monk Zhixiong,"

The monk who was about to leave put his hands together.

“Don’t you know the donor’s surname?”

"Isamu Yagyu,"

The young warrior stretched out his right hand, then put it down awkwardly.

"Ahem, thank you Master for saving me."

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