I planted a sacred tree in Tokyo

Chapter 104 Second Transformation


Hearing that the ‘sea ninja’ had such a past, the most excited person was the Metropolitan Police Department!

If they can recruit sea ninjas, their current embarrassing situation can be greatly alleviated; besides, can they still cooperate with 'Kujira'?

boom! boom! boom!

On the flying armed helicopter,

The extraordinary SWAT officers pulled the triggers one after another, spitting out deadly armor-piercing bullets from the large-caliber anti-material sniper rifles in their hands.

Only their extraordinary vision could barely keep up with the two figures moving at high speed in the battle.

Only this kind of weapon can pose any threat to the astonishingly fast speed.

But it's just a little bit

Ding ding ding,

During the fierce battle, the long bone knife in Kujira's hand drew an arc and flew away these 20mm armor-piercing bullets!

"Continue the attack,"

Director Zhu Ya, who was on the front line in person, ordered,

So what if it's blocked? As long as they can interfere with "Kujira" in a fierce battle, they can tilt the balance of victory to the side of "Hainin".

The armed helicopter belonging to the Metropolitan Police Department hovered hundreds of meters away from the battlefield and fired continuously. This distance was nothing to Chaofan, but Kujira clearly had no time to care about these 'flies' in the fierce battle.

In response, the two people (?) in the battle just frowned slightly but didn't say anything.

They are all great monsters who have experienced battles for a long time. Or rather, they are extraordinary beings. Naturally, they cannot ask for such a scene as a 'one-on-one fight without interruption'.

What's more -

It wasn't just the Metropolitan Police Department that rushed to the battlefield.


The waves in the sea below surged, and a dragon-shaped water flow suddenly surged out and rushed towards the helicopter with its teeth and claws.


"There is a supernatural attack below"

The helicopters on alert took off one after another to escape. Only one that was unable to escape in time was hit by the water dragon, spinning and falling to the side.

Whoosh, whoosh,

Two extraordinary SWAT policemen wearing exoskeleton armor kicked open the door and jumped out, taking the driver with them.


In the sea, a figure holding an umbrella emerged from the water.

At the same time, white mist surrounded him, blocking his figure.

"It's 'Rain Girl' again."

The Metropolitan Police Department has already prepared for other extraordinary situations that may occur.

"Teng Shengzi, take two extraordinary special police officers, plus the kappa, to area C to set up defenses and stop the rain girl."


Although the exoskeleton armor equipped with a flight backpack cannot perform too sophisticated maneuvers, it is enough for escape.

Three extraordinary special police officers landed on the edge of Hai'an, together with the 'kappa' carrying a turtle shell, and stood ready to face the fog on the sea: the next second, the water-shaped dragon pounced with its teeth and claws.


Not to be outdone, the 'Kappa' opened his mouth and spat out, and the raging water immediately hit him.

The seaside environment is their home field!

The two turbulent streams of water collided violently, stirring up white droplets. They looked almost the same?

"very good,"

"Although Rain Girl can also control water, she is obviously not as professional as 'Kappa'."


Director Zhu Ya, who was overlooking the overall situation, swept his eyes across the battlefield. As an extraordinary person who appeared a long time ago, Yu Nu is not just someone who can control water.

Boo hoo hoo hoo hoo,

Sure enough, there was a roaring sound in the thick fog, and countless steel needles shot out like rain.

? !

Seeing the bullet-like steel needles densely packed together, the kappa couldn't bear to spit out water and turned around:

His hands, feet and head shrank, leaving only a huge turtle shell.

Clang, clang, clang! ! !

Although it is only rated as 'wolf level', the kappa's turtle shell, strengthened by 'demon power', is also a solid defense that can withstand armor-piercing bullets.

"Defensive stance!"

But Teng Shengzi and the other three were already prepared.

While retreating, he took off the large shield behind him and used the shield made of composite armor to block in front of him.

When fighting extraordinary beings, many times they have no time to dodge, so they can only resist with equipment: with the material support of the entire island nation, the high-tech shields in their hands are made of materials that are absolutely tough enough.

jingle, jingle,

"fight back!"

Crouching on the ground, using their shields to block the steel needles, the three extraordinary SWAT policemen held anti-equipment sniper rifles in one hand, directly above the shields, and fired continuously to fight back.

boom! boom! boom! boom!

With the support of high-tech night vision devices, even in dense fog, the approximate location of the opponent can still be locked.

A tactical team of three extraordinary special police officers, together with the 'Kappa' who was rolling and crawling back and forth, temporarily dragged the 'Rain Girl' to the coast.

Other armed helicopters were also rappelling from the surrounding high-rise buildings. The newly added extraordinary special police officers found their respective positions and set up sniper rifles to prepare for sniping.


"Discovering Tetsu Yamayama,"

"Coordinates XXX, XXX, do you want to snipe?"


Director Zhuya glanced around and saw a figure appearing on top of the building in the seaside town.

"Don't attack him until the other party shows no hostility."

Director Zhu Ya naturally knows who Shan Tetsu is.

He came here mostly to prevent the situation from expanding; in a sense, he can be regarded as an 'ally' of the government.

Unfortunately, since the island government has made up its mind to help the "sea ninja", it will definitely intensify the situation.


between conversations,

Several missiles with tail flames drew arcs from the distance and fell towards the center of the battlefield!


In the fierce battle,

Kujira and Hainin looked up at the same time, and both chose to deal with these things first.

With a wave of the bone knife, the water flow rushed up like a long whip; three left hands were raised, and kunai and shuriken shot into the sky.

Only extraordinary beings can use "hidden weapons" to intercept missiles-as the water whips and kunai hit the missiles, these man-made weapons immediately exploded in the air.

Boom, boom, boom,

The explosion was not violent, and there was not even much shock wave. Instead, large puffs of white "fog" poured down like sand and dust.

? !

"Mr. Hainin, please retreat to the shore!"

Director Takeya's words came from the loudspeaker of the helicopter.

Facing the "white fog" covering his head, Hainin pulled back, and Kujira chased him closely.

As these white mists fell, the sea immediately made a crisp sound of crackling; although the sun was still shining above his head, the intense cold air had spread.

"Is it liquid nitrogen?"

No, there are still tiny crystals falling from the white 'fog', dissolving rapidly as they fall. The solid nitrogen obtained by further cooling!

The blogger 'KYG' who was hiding and live-streaming nearby was stunned. He didn't expect the government to even use this kind of 'freezing missile'.

As the solid nitrogen fell into the sea, the coast was immediately frozen into pieces of ice.

"Without the fluctuation of the spell, human creations are really amazing now."

The crab princess on the roof next to her was a little curious.

"Sir Crab Princess."

The blogger 'KYG' raised his hand and spoke cautiously.

"Aren't you going to stop this?"


The little girl tilted her head and asked innocently.

"The battle just now was just a test. Uncle Kujira and Sister Hainin didn't use their full strength."

? !

As the sea water on the coast was frozen, the battlefield moved to the shore.

Even after landing, the bone knife in Kujira's hand was still as fierce as ever. His feet seemed to be on solid rocks, and his steps were heavy. He rushed and ran like a storm. On the other hand, the wild sword in the hands of the sea ninja came and went, fierce and vicious. The whole person was as light as a feather, without any effort, and his figure left a trail of afterimages, moving in the air.

Even without using other abilities, the two fought with only two swords, and the sky was still dark.

In the fierce battle, the wild sword in the hands of the sea ninja slashed forward, bringing out a whistling wind blade, and immediately cut the building behind Kujira in half, and then slashed it diagonally upward.


Half of the building slid down, and the two had already fought in the city!

At this time, a boy rushed over.


"Get out of the way,"

Among the three left hands of the sea ninja, one hand raised his hand and threw a kunai, accurately hitting the opponent's thigh.

However, this "boy" dragged his injured leg and rushed into the battlefield.


The short knife pierced into the opponent's chest, but the sea ninja frowned slightly.

Because the body of the 'boy' dissolved like mud and then appeared on the shoulder of the sea ninja.

"Stop, both of you!"

Saitosuke, whose upper body appeared on the shoulder of the sea ninja, pointed the knife at Kujira on the opposite side.

"You have stepped into the city of humans, please leave now."

"Otherwise, I can only join this battle."


Three left hands suddenly grabbed, two hands grabbed Saitosuke's hands, and the other hand strangled his mouth, blocking the rest of the words in his throat.

"Human little devil,"

"Do you think that you can intervene in our battle with the ability of 'Kawamonkey'?"

The so-called 'Kawamonkey' is a kind of island monster, sometimes a boy, sometimes an old woman. Although it can possess and take over the body, it will remember the people who have done it a favor.

"No, I just want to stop you."

"You are not qualified!!"

Black lines spread on the skin of the 'sea ninja', and the 'demon power' visible to the naked eye burned through the skin like a flame.


Boom! ! !

The violent air wave erupted with the sea ninja as the center, surging and spreading in all directions!

This shock wave alone uprooted the surrounding trees and street lights, and the billowing smoke and dust formed a ring, flooding several streets: among them was Saitosuke who flew backwards.

? !

"This power."

Like skipping stones, after rolling on the ground for dozens of times in a mess, Saitosuke barely lay on the ground and stopped his body.

Not only was he shocked that the other party directly bounced him away, but also because this power was surprisingly familiar.

This was the feeling they had when they first gained power in prison.


Without taking a second look at Saitosuke who was flying backwards, he raised his wild sword high, changed his previous light and graceful posture, and chopped forward violently!

The bone long sword was not to be outdone, and with a calmness as immovable as a mountain, it met the chopped wild sword.

As the two weapons collided, the air rippled like water.

The next moment, there was a collision sound that went straight into the sky!


The strong wind rushed out in all directions with the collision point between the two as the center.

Flying sand and rocks, mud and dust flew, and even the sunlight was dimmed by three points; wherever the shock wave reached, the walls of the roadside buildings began to crack in large numbers, and then collapsed in pieces; the load-bearing columns were directly broken in two from the middle, and the high-strength construction steel buried inside was deformed and twisted, like soft butter.

The impact spread and expanded, and the cracks swam out ten meters, fifty, and hundreds of meters! !

The power of the sword caused the aftermath to cover the entire street, causing the face of the senior officials of the island country who witnessed all this through the monitoring equipment on the helicopter to twitch.

What kind of power is this? It's almost as powerful as a thermobaric bomb!

A strong wind blew from nowhere, and the smoke and dust quickly dissipated. The earth, with Kujira and Kainin as the center, radiated outward and opened dozens of twisted cracks, which were bottomless.

But behind Kujira, there was a triangular flat land, which was as flat as if it was cut by scissors.

What? !

Facing the sudden outbreak of Kainin,

almost everyone subconsciously flashed the thought that 'Kujira' was defeated.

But in fact -

"My friend, please lend me your power!"

In the solemn voice, countless 'skeletons' emerged from Kujira's body.

These bones emerged directly from his body, and quickly formed a skeleton breastplate, shoulder armor, wrist guards, and leg guards. In the blink of an eye, a warrior wearing skeleton armor appeared in the center of the battlefield.

If the previous Kujira only wore a breastplate, a black hat, and a white skirt with water patterns on the lower body, similar to the casual outfit of a samurai going out hunting;

Then the current Kujira is a general who is fully armed and ready to go into battle!

"Hahahaha, that's right."

The originally taciturn 'sea ninja' also changed his image, with black hair floating behind him like a flying flag; the two sharp 'ghost horns' on his forehead pierced the sky. Although his figure was still slim and fit, his height had reached two meters.

The originally super long 'nodachi' became a weapon suitable for her body shape.

This is the true posture of her shadow ninja clan!

"Thousands of years of grudges--"

"One sword falls!"

While singing softly, the sea ninja with a changed image swung his sword again and slashed forward vertically!

A huge crescent shot out, and the overwhelming force tore everything in front of it: streets, buildings, beaches, until it sank into the sea.

It was like a submarine fully loaded with ammunition exploded underwater. A huge explosion rose into the air at the seaside, radiating outward from the center of the explosion to form a circular vacuum zone: the soil, sea water, and ice within this range were instantly shattered.

Several armed helicopters that were too close were also swept by the shock wave, rolling like duckweed and falling to the ground and the sea.

"Wire Flower Dance!"

The next second, as Kujira's voice sounded, a ray of light swept across the coast.

Boom boom boom boom boom~~~

Buildings that were cut off in the middle began to collapse,

Looking around, it actually spread to the entire coastal block: in the smoke and dust, a "long whip" of hundreds of meters was the culprit that caused such destruction.

No, that's not a whip!

Everyone present, and those watching the battlefield through the high-resolution camera, took a closer look: it was actually a giant spine of 100 meters.

The end was connected to the hand of 'Kujira', the general with skeleton armor, wielding this giant bone knife.

"What is this."

Director Takeya on the helicopter muttered to himself,

"Is the boss in the second stage of transformation?"

"You are not mistaken, director."

Iori Ichika next to him took over the topic and complained,

"The good news is that the two bosses are evenly matched; the bad news is that we are ready to insert into it."

How can this destructive power be 'Tiger-level'? It's already 'Ghost-level', okay~~

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