I planted a sacred tree in Tokyo

Chapter 100 There are three grammatical errors in your prayer.

Who is this?

With a thought, Yuu's mental power traveled across thousands of mountains and rivers and landed in a manor on the Upper East Side of New York, America.

Who is it that is calling me? !

It is just a thought that falls into the conscious world of the person involved, but it seems as if the sky is falling apart, the world is trembling, and the soul will be extinguished in the next second!


Amidst the screams,

Rich old Edgar felt weak all over,

The original posture of praying could not be maintained, and his head was buried deeply in the carpet.


Dr. Ramli next to him looked puzzled, but when he saw the serious-faced 'Kshila', he immediately realized what had happened.


Sure enough, as 'Kshila' whispered in a low voice,

Dr. Lumley found it more comfortable to kneel down as well.


How can I become a father at such a young age? !

Yuu, who was far away on the other side of the planet and still had a bit of a "bed spirit", was shocked by this title. He thought about it for a while and then reacted.

That's right, logically speaking, the one who gives this octopus girl strength and wisdom is not her 'father'.

Meanwhile, Octopus Girl continued to pray:

".I want people to praise your name, and all living things will follow your way; only in this way can we reshape everything in the world."


What is this all about?

Shaking his head slightly, Yuu, whose sleepiness dissipated, simply used the secret technique of 'Yanaka' to explore the memories of the other two offline people.

Well, one is a little girl who doesn't understand anything; the other is, oh, a billionaire who is on the verge of death and is parasitized by an octopus?


After glancing at the memories of the two of them, Yuu almost understood the situation.

"Very good, daughter~~"

The majestic voice echoed in 'Xila's' mind, making the octopus girl with her hands clasped even more pious.

"All glory to you, Father."

He turned over on the bed in embarrassment, causing Qiongmei in his arms to arch. You continued to focus on the connection between consciousness.

"Tell me your plan,"

"Yes, father."

After reporting the results of the discussion between the two 'subordinates' to his 'father', Keshira quietly waited for the response from the 'great, almighty, father of creation'.

Hiss, are you so mobile?

Yudu on the other side of the planet was shocked. How long had it passed before the little octopus had formed a team and was ready to fight?

In contrast, the 'offline' people here in the island country are either hiding in Tibet or engaging in intrigues.

Look at everyone, they are already planning to form an extraordinary army!

But thinking about the little octopus being so active, Yuu had a plan.

"Very good, daughter~~"

"But ordinary extraordinary transformation is too weak~~"

"My family members should have stronger bodies and wilder power~~"

After saying that, Yuu passed the knowledge related to the 'curse seal' into the mind of the little octopus, and at the same time encouraged:

"Only the power that is above all else is the secret for us to travel across the starry sky; with this secret technique, we can select the right dependents. When the stars return to their positions, I will personally come and bless you!"


Turn over and go back to sleep.



Panting heavily, the rich man Edgar got up from the carpet. The rich man Edgar was in shock.

The moment the 'grand consciousness' arrived, his soul seemed to be torn apart on the spot. No, it was annihilated!

This is not an illusion. With Yuu's extraordinary control, the life and death of any existence that obtains power from him is only a matter of his thoughts.

"Just now, our 'father' seemed unhappy?"

In agitated mood, old Edgar stumbled and expressed his true thoughts.

"Well, because we disturbed father's sleep."


It seems, it seems right.

The two old white men looked at each other. The 'Father in the Sea' was sleeping in the deep sea before the stars returned to their positions.

He and others prayed hastily, which indeed disturbed 'His' sleep.

Fortunately, I was able to hold it together.

No, it is the kindness of the great ‘Father’.

Thinking of this, the fear on Old Ed's face disappeared and he became proud.

Being able to listen to the teachings of ‘Father’, even if it is just a reprimand, is an honor that billions of people cannot dream of!

"My father gave me a secret skill,"

"Used to transform the dependents who are stronger and wilder than ordinary extraordinary ones."

? ?

"Okay, I'll ask my bodyguard Tony -"


Dr. Lumley raised his hand to stop the excited old Edgar.

"I am also a biologist after all. Transcendent transformation may not be that simple or easy."

"Perhaps what should be so in the eyes of 'Father' is extremely difficult for us mortals. So:"

Let’s do an experiment first.

"Here, old Edgar, let me draw some blood."

? ? ?


A dark, damp room,

There are green light bulbs on the surrounding walls, and a huge disk hangs on the far opposite side.

The engraving on it is wrong. Judging from the material, it should be a 3D printed relief: the upper half is a bald head with high forehead bones, and the lower half is a 'beard' like an octopus' tentacles.

A group of figures in blue-grey robes were half-kneeling on the ground, muttering to this 'relief'.

"We are Cthulhu in the sea, may your name be glorified, may your kingdom come, may your will be done in R'lyeh as in Iha Ens."

Bang! !

The door was kicked open suddenly,

and the sun suddenly shone into the room, dispelling the gloomy atmosphere.

"Don't move!"

"Raise your hands--"

A group of people in black suits, wearing sunglasses and holding guns rushed into the room;

The black muzzles in their hands made these "cultists" who had just turned around raise their hands reflexively.

Some of them were even "skilled" and had already fallen to the ground.

Behind these black suits who rushed into the room, another group of black suits came out; they took out handcuffs and handcuffed the hands of these "cultists" behind their backs one by one, then took out black hoods and put them on them, and then escorted them out of the house one by one.

Outside, the rear doors of two extended "Chevrolet Express" had been opened.

After all these guys were escorted into the car, the black suits followed.


The same model as the police car, even the color matching is somewhat similar, but without the "POLICE" and red and blue police lights, the multi-person commercial vehicle quietly drove into the traffic.

Without giving those guys any chance to speak, a quick and efficient "arrest" operation has ended.



The hood was taken off, and the white young man squinted his eyes, but did not see the familiar police.

"Hi, what is this?"

"I want to call a lawyer, I want to sue you-"

"There are three grammatical errors in your prayer."

? ?

Opposite the white young man who was handcuffed and sitting on a chair, there was a well-mannered old white man.

As soon as he opened his mouth, the arrested young man could not help but refute.

"What did you say?"

"This is the prayer we excerpted from "Call of Cthulhu", are you questioning our professionalism?"

It's not faith, but professionalism.

That's right, these so-called "cultists" are just a group of "Cthulhu" enthusiasts.

The Far East supernatural events are getting more and more serious. In America, various churches of "doomsday theory" and "salvation theory" are also in full swing. In terms of cults, America is second, who dares to claim to be the first?

Island country? Western countries?

Laugh to death!

Their cults are all passed from America!

There are thousands of cults that have been deeply rooted in the records alone; those cults that frequently change their vests and catch and release them tomorrow are like the sand in California, countless and inexhaustible.

For example, the "Unification Church" that was sacrificed by the supernatural some time ago in the island country once developed in America.

However, here: the Holy Father "Messiah" was thrown into prison by the IRS for tax evasion!

His eldest son, the 'Son of God', was taken by a group of hooligans to eat, drink, gamble, and smoke, and he was so drunk that he became insane. The Unification Church had to announce that the 'Son of God' was seduced and corrupted by the filth of the world, and his mother, the 'Virgin Mary', took power again, and left this 'free land' obediently and returned to West 8 to develop.

In front of America, it's just a 'cult', come and take a look!

"So, you are just following the trend?"

Dr. Lumley sneered and shook his head,

"Now, we give you a chance to truly become a 'family of the stars'."


"Old man, are you sick?"

The white young man lying on the chair glanced at the other party,

"Let me go, I warn you, this is illegal imprisonment, wait for the court summons!"

The white young man said threatening words, but his eyes were darting around: their groups, which are more 'playful' in nature, are everywhere in America. Especially now that the 'supernatural existence' has arrived, they are simply springing up like mushrooms after rain.

"I've been to the police station countless times, and you're not even policemen!"

"So what?"

The gentle Dr. Lumley looked at the 'smart man' in front of him with a half-smile.

"Do you think you still have a chance to get out?"

? !

As the white young man's face changed drastically, the wall next to him slid open automatically, revealing a one-way glass curtain.

"Welcome to my laboratory,"

"Let's get straight to the point: see if ordinary humans can withstand the gift of the 'Father'."

In the room opposite, a professional restraint device tied a white man to an 'X'-shaped frame; under his feet were circles of incomprehensible text, forming a strange magic circle. And next to him, a middle-aged man who looked like a doctor picked up the injection in his hand and walked towards him.

As the injection was inserted, the doctor quickly stepped back: the bound man immediately struggled violently!

There were many incomprehensible high-tech instruments around, connected to the man.

The only thing the white young man sitting on the chair recognized was the dozen or so bottles of infusion hanging next to him.


As he struggled and cried out in pain, black lines gradually appeared on the man's body; the instruments attached to his body were constantly shaking due to his struggle, and even the huge metal 'X' shape behind him showed signs of shaking.

"No no! I don't want to be swallowed up"

In a strange and desperate roar, the black lines on his body expanded rapidly, turning into black spots, and then spreading all over his skin!

At the same time, his limbs began to twist.


In the struggle,

The man's arm was pulled out of the restraint:

Because his arm had turned into a soft, boneless tentacle!

This was not over yet. In his open mouth, fangs began to grow; the human rationality in his pupils gradually disappeared, replaced by the frenzy of a beast.

"Well, it failed as expected."

Dr. Lumley, who had been prepared for this, turned his head and said,

"Get ready, you can do it too."

The white young man collapsed on the chair, his eyes were white, and his crotch was dripping wet.


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