I planted a sacred tree in Tokyo

Chapter 97 Crossing the Ocean

New York,

The largest city in America,

Located at the mouth of the Hudson River on the northeastern coast of America.

It is close to the Atlantic Ocean and has a total population of about 8 million. It was originally an Indian residential area. The Dutch bought Manhattan Island from the Indians at a low price and opened it as a trading post, calling it 'New Amsterdam'. It was later seized by the British and renamed New York, and its scope expanded to neighboring land and Long Island.

As for what happened later, it turned out to be Tiangang, the son became the father, and now it is the financial center of America.

The familiar Times Square, Statue of Liberty, Central Park, Metropolitan Museum, and the famous ‘Wall Street’!

Of course, these prosperity have nothing to do with ordinary people: after all, most people's daily life is to support their families. Ninety-nine percent of the wealth is concentrated in the hands of 10% of the people, and this is the city.

Big capitalists, professional politicians, bankers, lawyers. They are the masters of this city.

This city offers a thousand different interesting things for you to do every day.

The premise is that you have money.

"Hi ma'am, how can I help you?"

As soon as she walked out of the airport, a taxi stopped next to the blond beauty.

The driver grinned, showing his white teeth. Seeing the blond beauty's move, he immediately got out of the car and opened the door for her attentively.

"No matter where you want to go, I can deliver you as soon as possible."

"Guests called me 'Scud' - 'Scud' Lewis was me."

This driver spoke with a New York accent and the unique rhythm of hip-hop music, as if he would snap his fingers and sing to the beat in the next second. In a sense, he could be regarded as a 'native specialty' of the Bronx.

"Send me to. Upper East Side XXX,"

An address was given, which was the home of a friend of Dr. Stephen's.

That's right, the blond beauty with a shawl is none other than the octopus girl 'Kshira' who escaped from the Yokosuka base.

Although she didn't become extraordinary for a long time, it or she came into contact with extremely smart people. Coupled with the dilemma of being imprisoned and experimented, she repeatedly observed, imitated, and memorized the doctor's every move, word, and behavior every day. The patterns are getting closer and closer to each other.

After escaping the chaos of the Yokosuka base, she did not return to the sea:

At that time, 'Hai Ming' and a large number of 'Haiguo Extraordinary' were ravaging the port; in her eyes, these extraordinary beings could also be enemies, and they were also deadly enemies!

So this octopus girl who had mastered the transformation of her body went all the way north to Tokyo Haneda Airport and blended into a group of Americans who were taking refuge.

Of course, she neither has a passport nor can she afford a plane ticket: but this is not a problem for Tangtang's extraordinary existence, especially after having the ability to transform.

I easily got on the plane, hid in my luggage, slept, and arrived on the other side of the planet.

"Yes, dear lady."

The black driver started the taxi and took the blonde beauty out of the airport.

".Texas militiamen gathered in large numbers at the border, and the local governor once again issued a statement that he would never allow any illegal immigrants to enter the state."

The mobile phone inserted in the cab is broadcasting the daily "border conflicts" in America.

"Wow~~This is not wise at all."

While driving, the black driver kept chattering.

"This is a time of diversity, look at this city: white, black, Latino, Asian."

“More than 10% of people of each skin color make up this beautiful palette-like New York, but some people are still obsessed with ‘white supremacy’, which is so ignorant that it makes people cry~~”

The driver said, observing his passenger in the rearview mirror.

"What do you say, ma'am?"


However, the beauty just chewed on this word and did not give any reply.

"Feel sorry,"

The black driver raised his hand and the serious news was cut away and turned into the Super Bowl.

"Wow, cool~~"

Amid the driver's verbal bombardment, the blonde beauty held her chin and looked out the window, feeling a little confused about the future.

She was originally just a 'carefree' octopus, and her destiny was to be made into sashimi or tempura one day.

However, when a big hand that covered the sky gently brushed by, she instantly got rid of her confusion and ignorance. While her IQ improved by leaps and bounds, she also gained powerful extraordinary strength.

Swimming along the river into the sea, she followed her instinct and began to eat continuously; after discovering that food was constantly being refreshed in some 'iron boxes', she prepared to use them as her nest.

Then - she was targeted by America's fleet, and after a battle, she was captured in the laboratory.

There she met Dr. Stephen.

In a sense, ‘Kshila’ is grateful to Dr. Stephen.

It was the other party who taught her all kinds of knowledge. Even the name 'Kshila' was given by the doctor.

If she was really given her freedom, she would be a loyal soldier of America by now.


"It's all lies,"


"Ma'am, what did you say?"

The black driver asked doubtfully, but his attention was immediately attracted by the changes ahead.

Several pickup trucks were parked on the side of the road. A black man took off his coat, jumped up in a few steps, and buttoned the coat in his hand on the store monitor in a "three-point layup" gesture.

Another black man holding a baseball bat smashed the glass of the store; then, other black men and women rushed out, began to stuff things into the shopping cart and then pushed the shopping cart out, with a happy smile on their faces, and moved them into the pickup truck.

"What are they doing?"

Faced with the question of the blonde beauty in the back seat, the driver scratched his head and finally uttered a word.


Beep, beep, beep,

After honking the horn several times, the black driver lowered the window and stuck his head out.

"Hey, man!"

"Can you move the car? It's blocking the road!"

"Can't you take a detour?"

The man in the vest guarding the car retorted,

but still got into the driver's seat and started the pickup truck to clear the road.

"Thanks, Famu Lei!"

"Yeah, it's all Famu Lei~~"

After experiencing the daily life of America, the taxi left Queens and came to:


As various graffiti marks appeared on both sides of the street and more and more black people appeared, 'Kshira' sitting in the back frowned slightly.

"Not Manhattan?"

Although she had never been here, she learned from the doctor that most people should be white-skinned.

"Wow, lady, have you finally noticed?"

The taxi suddenly turned the steering wheel and drove into an underground parking lot.


"Come to pick up the goods so early?"

Several black men who were flying leaves gathered around and were stunned to see the white beauty in the taxi.

"Hey, we don't have this kind of business in the Gospel Gang!"

"Calm down, calm down."

The black driver who pushed the door open explained with a smile,

"This lady is not from New York. She just came out of the airport, but she didn't carry any luggage, didn't have any companions, and didn't even have a mobile phone. She can only be--"

Illegal immigrant!

Several black men's eyes lit up.

This kind of stuff is their favorite!

"Come on, lady, let's have some fun."

After blowing a whistle, the driver smiled and opened the car door.

Although black men talk about "skin discrimination" every day, if there is a chance: no matter what the chance is, it is a very "honorable" thing for them to be able to sleep with a white girl.

After getting out of the taxi, the blonde beauty raised her eyelids in front of several tattooed burly black men.

"Are you going to mate with me?"



"Hahaha, when was the last time I heard this word?"

Several black men looked at each other, and then burst into laughter.

I vaguely remember that it was a public school.


A tentacle suddenly sprang out from under the skirt and rolled up the black man who laughed the loudest.

The suction cup instantly made him physically "shut up", and the blonde beauty's eyes swept over the black men who seemed to be strangled by an invisible hand.

"If you want to mate with me, you must be stronger than me."

"And you——"

Swish, swish, swish, swish,

Tentacles emerged from under the skirt and wrapped up all the black men who turned around and wanted to escape.

"Obviously not qualified."

? !

What did I pull?

The driver, who fell to the ground, watched a tentacle curl up towards him, just like a child curling his fingers to play marbles, and raised his hands in fear.

"I surrender!"

Swish --

The whistling tentacle suddenly stopped, and the cold and sharp tip pressed against the black driver's brow, making him go limp.

His trouser legs were wet!

"Do you want to live?"

As the black driver nodded frantically, a pistol was pulled out by the tentacle and thrown in front of him.

"Kill these people and you can live."



There is a chakra source that ran far away?

When I woke up, I found that there was a chakra source tens of thousands of kilometers away. You felt it slightly and could tell that it was the chakra of the octopus 'Shiju'.

This little guy was originally going to let her join the 'Sea Country', but I didn't expect that she would run thousands of miles away in the chaos.


"Let me see what you can accomplish over there."


PS: The weather is so hot, my mind seems to be blank~~ Sorry, I am not in good shape, I need to take a rest first.

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