I planted a sacred tree in Tokyo

Chapter 57: Making a feint to the east and attacking in the west

Homi High School,

"Next, I will talk about the experiment of measuring the acceleration of gravity with a simple pendulum."

The teacher on the podium was talking nonstop, but most of the students below were already drowsy.

"During the experiment, a 20-degree vernier caliper was used to measure the diameter of the pendulum ball. The reading is shown in Figure A. The diameter of the pendulum ball"

"The length from the suspension point to the bottom of the ball is l0, and the reading is shown in Figure B."

While controlling the 'clone', Qiu Riyou flipped through the textbook in his hand. The high school mathematics in the island country is not much different from that in the previous life. It's just that some non-compulsory content in the previous life has become compulsory in the island country; and many compulsory content is not tested in the island country. In general, the mathematics in the previous life is a little more difficult, and more knowledge points are required to be mastered.

However, the difficulty of the college entrance examination has never been the content of the exam, but depends on how many people you have to compete with for the quota.

Of course, it doesn't matter if Qiu Riyou hands in a blank paper, because he is already extraordinary.



The sound of the chair falling to the ground suddenly sounded, and the boy who had shared the video with others stood up suddenly, holding his phone with a look of shock on his face.

".My class is not interesting,"

The teacher on the podium stopped explaining and looked at the boy.

"But this is not a reason for you to play with your phone in class and affect other students."

"No, not Teacher Yuanzhu."

His face trembled, he glanced at his phone, and immediately looked away in horror.

The boy raised his phone, and his trembling words were intermittent.

"On Niconico, there is."

"Yes, there is. Superb live broadcast of killing people."

? ? ?

The teacher on the podium was stunned, and the other drowsy students turned their heads to look at the phone in the boy's hand, or looked down at the desk after being stunned. Then:



"What is being broadcasted?"

One by one, the students either dropped their phones in fear or stood up in horror.

It's not just this class. The constant exclamations from outside and the increasing noise all prove that many students in other classes also play with their phones during class.

"What happened?"

"Look at Niconico's live broadcast! Quick! Quick!!"

The voices of doubt and exclamation came one after another, causing the entire teaching building to fall into chaos: most students took out their phones, and others tilted their heads to look at the people next to them, and then they were frightened and shocked by the pictures on the screen.

Not to mention the students, even the teachers, after being stunned, subconsciously took out their phones.

Even if it's not N Station, opening any live broadcast software will pop up a big red eye-catching "sudden" event, from N Station's live broadcast:

"The Bell of the Extraordinary Coming"

The name of the live broadcast room is very second-rate, but the picture is very bloody!

Dozens of corpses were scattered under a building, with twisted limbs lying in a pool of blood. Many were motionless, and a few were still wriggling and struggling.

There was no coding, no blur, and the bloody human body was released openly!

This is absolutely impossible. Any APP that dares to do this will only be banned. However, this live broadcast room not only did it, but it was also the N station that topped the list of views in the island country!

The senior executives of this website. Don’t they want to live?


On the live broadcast screen,

As Shan Shang let go,

another corpse fell down dancing.


The fist hit the console heavily, and Director Takeya’s face was as black as the bottom of a pot.

The Cyber ​​Security Countermeasures Department is also a subordinate agency of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department. Now there is a ‘super live broadcast’ on the Internet. How can he, the director, feel embarrassed?

“Waste! A bunch of waste!”

“Cut ​​off the live broadcast! Cut off the live broadcast! Don’t let me say it for the third time!”

Facing the angry director, the Internet police in the office, who were sweating, shrank their necks.

Buried their heads and tapped the keyboard in front of them, but they didn’t even know what they were busy with.

Cut off?

How to cut off!

This is the live broadcast room of ‘N Station’, and Mitsubishi Group is behind it.

They are just a few small cyber police, how can they have the authority to cut off the other party's live broadcast? !

Pulling his collar roughly, Director Takeya also understood that it was unrealistic to ask his cyber police to shut down the APP with the highest traffic under a large chaebol. The simplest way was:

"Haven't you contacted yet?"

Faced with the director's questioning, the civilian staff who were constantly making calls on the other side had to bite the bullet and answer.


"Mitsubishi Group has agreed to cooperate, but--"

"No one from the N station headquarters has responded."

Is that so?

It seems that something has happened to the N station headquarters. Then:

"Notify the power company to..."

"Dear viewers, don't rush to swipe away, turn off the live broadcast, and... cut off the power and the Internet."

? !

The voice from the 'live broadcast room' of the computer in front of him interrupted Director Takeya's actions.

As the screen turned,

A handsome young man appeared in the live broadcast.

"I know you are watching: incompetent government, how long do you want to keep it secret?"

"Wake up, the age of transcendence has arrived. Nothing can be changed if you bury your head in the sand!"

The handsome young man's clothes fluttered, and circles of wind surrounded him, holding him in the air: yes, the young man holding the device was broadcasting live to the entire island country in a 'cool' way.

"And, aren't you curious about what we are going to do?"

The screen was pointed at the bottom of the building where corpses were strewn, making Director Zhuya's face twitch.

Unification Church,

If he could, he would throw these scum into jail.

Unfortunately, these guys have a large number of believers in their hands: and these believers can influence elections and are the guests of many politicians.

The former prime minister is dead, but his party, the Liberal Democratic Party, is still unclear about a large number of politicians and the Unification Church. After two years of turmoil, the so-called "expulsion" of the Unification Church has still made little noise.

But Director Zhuya never wants the Unification Church to die in this way!

During the live broadcast and under the witness of countless citizens,

Killed by a supernatural being!

And, as the ex-criminal named "Ichihashi Tatsu" said, there must be a special reason why they did this.

It can’t be to eliminate harm for the people, right?

Well, considering that the action is on the mountain, it is not impossible.

"Yihua, how long does it take for you to arrive?"

After pressing the headset, Director Zhuya pinned his hopes on his right-hand man.

"Come on, boss! We just got on the plane, do you want us to run over?!"

On the other side, Iori Kazuka, who hurriedly boarded the armed helicopter with Fuji Seiko, Tanimura Watari, a Shiba Inu, and a military dog, pressed the headset helplessly to answer.

Although they run fast, they are not inferior to cars in the city. But if you have that skill, it would be faster to fly in a helicopter: Besides, there will be a supernatural battle soon. At this time, they don't dare to waste the 'demon power' in their bodies.

"Rush to the scene as soon as possible, and I will ask the Self-Defense Forces to cooperate with you!"

No matter what those three 'extraordinary fugitives' are going to do, the Metropolitan Police must stop them.

"Continue to contact the N station headquarters,"


Under the order of the director, the clerks continued to make calls to all personnel at the N station headquarters.

"Moses Moses?"



port area.

This is the most international place in Tokyo, representing the openness and arrogance of the island country.

The mantra of the people living here is ‘Our Minato City.’ In their eyes, except for Chiyoda and Chuo Ward next door, the rest of the island country is all countryside!

In addition to the world's top business streets, bars, residential streets, and entertainment areas, there are also a large number of media companies gathered here.

Island Country TV, TV Tokyo, Nikkei Radio, BS Fuji

The symbol of Tokyo Tower is located here.

"Dingling bell~~"

In a modern office, the phone on the desk keeps ringing.

However, the only active 'person' ignored the call. Instead, he wiped the blood stains on the suit of the corpse lying in front of the computer with the long knife in his hand, and slowly sheathed it.

The ancient armored warrior looked around and silently walked out of the building.

The giant "Niconico Animation" sign at the door of the building watched all this quietly: watching the armored man walk out of the door and leap, like a samurai in a super-powered period drama, leaping onto the roof of a truck.

Then with a kick, the armored warrior drew a parabola and landed far across the street.


? !

In the surprised eyes of passers-by, the samurai landed on the sidewalk and made a dent; then he kicked off and sped away to the north at high speed.

This speed is actually faster than the vehicles on the street!

"What was that just now?"

"Street performance. Or making a movie?"

After the pedestrians were stunned, they subconsciously picked up their mobile phones and pointed them at the "armored warrior" who was going away. Although they didn't know what happened, they just took a picture first.

The armored warrior paid no attention to the passers-by who were either exclaiming or stunned, and kept his head buried in speeding towards the north!

From now on, Chaofan will stand on the stage.

Until then... hum,


In just a few minutes, the speeding armored warrior passed through five streets and came to a building full of Western style.

Bang, bang, bang, bang,

Amidst the sound of armor scraping, he took steps and approached the building in front of him step by step.


"Sir, this is the American Embassy."

When the two guards saw the 'armor' coming towards them, they couldn't help but frown as they stepped forward to stop it.

What to do.

This isn’t Akihabara. Are cosplayers here?

Moreover, cosplay in Akihabara is dominated by cute girls. There is no market for this kind of ‘hardcore’ armor.

"Please stop!"

"If you are an American citizen and need help, please show your ID and take off your helmet."

two guards asked in English with an island accent. Although the words were polite, his demeanor and tone were serious and cold.

"Oh, I am an island countryman, but I am willing to be America's dog."

Under the ghostly face of the armored warrior, an old Xiao Sha voice could be heard, and then he put his hand on the hilt of the sword at his waist, and a cold light suddenly flashed in the air.

Then the armored warrior continued to walk towards the American Embassy on the island, but the two guards did not intercept him. They stood there as if they had been hit by a life-preserving spell, their expressions becoming more and more sluggish.

A few seconds later, a red line appeared on their necks: it became thicker, longer, and circled around!

Puff puff,

As the head slowly fell to the ground, blood spurted out from the neck, the bodies of the two guards slowly fell to the ground.

The armored warrior who walked up to the embassy looked at the nameplate of the building in front of him, held the long sword in both hands, and assumed a charging posture!


The long sword suddenly slashed out diagonally, and a 'cassock chop' move passed across it.

In an instant, he tore apart the row of letters of 'American Embassy in the Island', and even the wall was cut open by him: the smooth half of the masonry slid down slowly.


Perhaps because the two guards were beheaded, or perhaps because the outer wall of the embassy was damaged, a shrill siren sounded.

"Shet, what happened?"

"Asakura, Shimo. Fire! Kill the intruders!"

More than a dozen guards were alerted by the alarm. As soon as they ran out of the embassy, ​​they saw two bodies on the ground and the 'murderer' holding a samurai sword. They immediately took out their pistols from the gun pockets under their arms in their suits and aimed at them.

As for the destroyed wall, no one connected it with the 'armored warrior' in front of them.

Bang bang bang!

There was a loud sound of gunfire, and the armored warriors leaned forward at the same time, crossing the courtyard at a speed that would frighten a cheetah, and the bright light of the sword caught the eye of a guard.


It was as if the hard bones of human beings had turned into crispy biscuits, and the silver light streaked from forehead to crotch without any obstruction.


The next second, the armored warrior drew his sword and ran away, killing another guard!

Behind him were two bodies slowly falling to the ground.


"Fire, fire, keep fire—"

The guards' roars and gunshots mingled together, and then they faced the armored warrior who once again drew a long knife from his waist and swung his two swords to kill him.

A simple word appeared in the head of the leading guard, and then his head flew into the air.

The mantis is acting like a chariot!

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