I planted a sacred tree in Tokyo

Chapter 127 Shikigami Fusion

"Master, I did it!"

After school, as soon as he walked to his home, You saw Yuura jogging from the side.

The Hanakaiin family had moved to this area. Except when going to school, Yuura basically followed You and became familiar with Qiongmei and the class monitor. So:

"Yuura, what did you do?"

Qiongmei looked up and down at the girls, and her eyes fell on the fish tank in her hand.

"Lionhead goldfish?"

"Hehe, this is not an ordinary goldfish~~"

As Yuura raised the fish tank in her hand like offering a treasure, You had already spoken the answer.

"It's a shikigami,"

That's right, the golden-red 'lionhead goldfish' swimming in the fish tank held by the girl is the summoned beast she cultivated. Ahem, shikigami.

The 'ninjas' in the island culture are all typical melee assassins. If you insist on saying what 'abilities' they have, then there are only three tricks: invisibility, earth escape, and smoke bombs. Summoning shikigami to help in battle is the representative ability of the Onmyoji: including the Yin-Yang Five Elements escape technique, all of which are in the category of Yin-Yang Taoism.

However, in the world of "Naruto", Onmyoji, magic monks, sorcerers, and samurai are all integrated into the profession of "Ninja".

There is no Naruto in this world, so cultivating and summoning shikigami is naturally the specialty of Onmyoji.


"Why goldfish?"

You was speechless. You, a young and beautiful girl, would you also say "Sister will take you to see goldfish, hehehe~~".

"Master, it is to make up for the defect of not being good at water battles."

You didn't expect your master to think of other places, and You answered seriously.

"My treading water practice is not enough to cope with the battle, so the first 'Shikigami' I cultivated was a goldfish."

Well, it makes sense.

You just taught Youluo how to cultivate 'Shikigami'.

As for what animal she chooses as a shikigami, that is her freedom; if she chooses a goldfish, it doesn't matter.

"Now that we have a Shikigami, we should experiment with 'Shikigami Fusion'."

"Let's go to Wakayama."

"Okay, Master~~"

Seeing the two of them excitedly preparing to go to the battlefield,

Qiongmei and the squad leader, who had no feelings for 'battle', looked at each other and suddenly felt a little 'sympathetic'.


Wakayama Prefecture,

In a few days, a long military fortification was built outside the forest, forming a defense line that could not be seen at the end, surrounding most of Waka Prefecture.

The island country was responsible for the defense line on land, while America was responsible for the defense line on the sea: the armies of the two countries surrounded this place, not only to prevent the monsters from rushing out, but also to prevent the armies of other countries from breaking in.

You must know that these monsters are the raw materials of the 'Level 3 Supernatural Potion', which is very precious!

So, the island country now has no shortage of soldiers.

"The ID card matches,"

"The fingerprint comparison is confirmed,"

"The iris recognition has passed the test."

After a complicated identity confirmation procedure, a group of half-black and half-white mercenaries passed through the defense line of the island country's self-defense force and stepped into the rumored "supernormal battlefield".

Foreign Legion!

Yes, this is the foreign mercenary that many countries like to use.

No need for pensions when they die, no need to bear the pressure of public opinion, and no psychological burden of "selling teammates" at critical moments

Of course, the "foreign legion" that can appear on this battlefield are the elite of the "regular army" of England, France, and Canada: they come here for only one purpose, that is, to capture "bey monsters".

A living bey monster can be exchanged for 100,000 US dollars,

and the corpse is exchanged according to the freshness. If the death time exceeds 12 hours, it will completely lose its value.

Once this price is announced,

it can be said that "mercenaries" all over the world are flocking to it.

Those "slave monsters" are supernormal creatures, but as the name suggests, they are just weak supernormal creatures at the bottom of the "food chain".

For fully armed mercenaries, it is not an invincible opponent: as long as they catch a few, it is equivalent to their usual work for half a year; as long as they work hard on this battlefield for a month without dying, they can live freely for the rest of their lives.

As for danger?

What a joke, where is not dangerous?

This is a huge attraction for mercenaries and even regular troops.

If it weren't for the limited "quotas" issued by the island country and America, the armies of the world would be able to trample Waka Prefecture into the ground!

In short, even if you want to sell your life, you must be a country or force with good relations with the island country and America to be qualified to sell your life.

After walking for half a day, the team came to an abandoned town.

"Is this the extraordinary battlefield?"

"He looks much gentler than Bachmut,"

The old black mercenary chewing gum looked around nonchalantly:

The ruined buildings, the craters on the ground, the traces of bullets everywhere, the dried blood, and the amber solidified liquid: the only thing missing was the corpse, which was also a matter of course, those "servant demons" would collect everything rich in protein and send it back to the nest.

If they died, it would be the same fate.

"Shut up, JD."

The captain of the mercenary was also a black strong man. As a member of the "French orthodox" legion, he did not have the stereotype of "compatriots" laughing and joking, but was serious.

"Kaplan, release the reconnaissance drone."

"Yes, boss."

A white mercenary took out a drone from his backpack and started it up. Then he pulled down the VR glasses on his head and began to control the machine to take off, constantly scanning the abandoned town, looking for targets.

They are the "hunting team", responsible for hunting in the sparse periphery of the monster monsters.

The regular army will constantly launch group charges and fight with the large army of monster monsters: while capturing a large number of injured monster monsters, they will also leave a lot of bodies.

Of course, this is not absolute: if the monster monsters on the front battlefield are dispersed, it will be a carnival feast for the army; and if these "hunting teams" are unlucky and encounter a large number of monster monsters, they will also die.

"Wow, we are lucky."

Soon, Kaplan, a white mercenary wearing VR glasses and covering half of his face, whistled.

"Look what I found?"

"Three lone servant demons, worth three hundred thousand dollars~~Cool."

"Mark the target location, maintain the formation, and move towards the target!"

As the white mercenary Kaplan tapped his finger on the controller, the 12 mercenaries raised their hands to look at the wrist computer, and then moved to the target area: maintaining the tactical formation, bypassing the vehicles in the abandoned town.

Not long after, they stopped behind a street. As the captain waved his hand, the old black man who was chewing gum immediately walked out alone.

He bent down with a gun, walked forward along the street "carefully", and suddenly stopped:

Not far away, three huge eyeballs turned their heads.


Being stared at by three "eyeballs" as big as a human head, the old black man was shocked at first, and then immediately raised the gun in his hand.

Da da da da,

The FAMAS automatic rifle spewed out flames, and 5.56mm bullets whizzed out, but:

The three demons suddenly scattered, avoiding Lao Hei's muzzle, and rushed from above and left and right!

At the same time, their surroundings suddenly shook, and more than a dozen "demons" appeared out of thin air, forming a "torrent" and flying towards the lone human soldier.


The screaming Lao Hei mercenary pulled the trigger and fired 25 bullets in a blink of an eye.

Without time to change the magazine, the "terrified" Lao Hei threw the gun in his hand in a panic and turned to flee: running towards the street corner where he came from.

"Hiss, hiss, hiss,"

However, how could these demons let him go?

Running on two legs cannot be compared with flying. In just a few seconds, more than a dozen... no, three "demons" were about to catch up with the fleeing Lao Hei.


At this moment, several figures moved sideways at the corner of the street.

The instruments with four tubes on their heads were the classic 'four-eye thermal imaging night vision device': on the thermal imaging screen, only three heat sources were flying over.


Bang, bang, bang, bang!

As several mercenaries pulled the trigger, no bullets were fired.

Instead, metal nets suddenly expanded and opened as they flew out, covering the three monsters.

These specially made metal nets immediately contracted, tightly wrapping the three monsters and dropping them on the spot; while these extraordinary creatures struggled and bit the metal nets, several other mercenaries rushed forward, took out small 'fire extinguishers' one by one, and pressed the switch on the struggling monsters.

Puff, puff,

White smoke sprayed on the monsters, and the movements of these violently struggling monsters slowed down visibly, and in just a few seconds they could only twitch.

Muscle relaxant spray,

is something specially made to control monsters, because the 'buyer's' requirement is to capture them alive as much as possible.


After all, he was only an E-level extraordinary.

According to the official classification, these mercenaries were also considered E-level.

Using bait to lure him into an ambush, if they still couldn't take him down, they wouldn't dare to come to this battlefield to make money.

"Ryan, inject nerve anesthetics."

"Matt, Xiu, be alert."

Under the command of the black captain, the mercenaries cleaned the battlefield in an orderly manner.

And the old black mercenary JD, who was the "bait", walked towards the FAMAS automatic rifle he had discarded.

"Three hundred thousand dollars in hand, this money is easy to make--"

Boom! ! !

Just as he turned around and grinned, the building next to him suddenly "exploded".

A tall figure rushed out from the flying wood chips and debris, and before the old black mercenary could react, an "arm" swept towards him!


"Get out of the way, JD——"

The mercenaries in the back shouted to warn, but it was too late:

The burly black mercenary was hit by the 'arm', and the whole person suddenly bent into a 'C' shape, and then blasted into the 'single-family building' next to him like a cannonball, smashing the wall on the spot, and the whole person fell into the room and disappeared.

"Damn, it's a synthetic beast!"

The captain of the mercenary roared, he had recognized the monster that rushed out of the house.

It is formed by the fusion of a large number of 'servant monsters', and is called a synthetic beast monster: a large number of eyeballs make up the body, covered with bone armor, twisted organs make up the limbs, and the end is a claw made of real fangs.

These servant monsters are not only relying on numbers to charge, facing the armored vehicles that they can't chew, they will merge into the powerful 'synthetic beasts' in front of them!


Damn, how could there be synthetic beasts left on this battlefield?

Da da da da,

"Fire, fire!"

"Cross-fire cover, Addison, armor-piercing rounds!"

These mercenaries were all elites. After reacting, they all fired wildly at the synthetic beast with their guns.

But the bone armor formed by the former ear-shaped "wings" on the opponent's body was enough to block rifle bullets; the huge elephant-like body had this extraordinary agility. With a kick of the foot, it rushed towards the many mercenaries who were shooting in the cracking concrete ground.

While others were attracting attention, a mercenary stepped forward, knelt on one knee, and carried a rocket launcher to aim at the synthetic beast that was rushing towards it.

? !

However, the large number of eyeballs on the synthetic beast turned and locked onto the mercenary.

As a monster formed by the fusion of more than a dozen demons, the synthetic beast that was rushing towards it had a certain "intelligence". After it noticed this source of danger, it immediately swung its arm in the air.



A sharp fang flew over,

and deeply penetrated the mercenary's eye socket, causing him to fall backwards with his head tilted back.

But he also pulled the trigger of the rocket launcher at the same time, and an armor-piercing bullet also hit the synthetic beast.

Boom! !



As the mercenary who fired the armor-piercing bullet fell,

the synthetic beast also exploded in the explosion, and half of its body exploded, and it roared.

Because of the "Monroe effect", the metal of the armor-piercing bullet can be ejected straight forward at a speed of 8000 meters per second! It is enough to penetrate the armor of the main battle tank: but this effect can only last for a short moment. After the half of the body of the synthetic beast was impacted into a ball of paste, the power disappeared rapidly.

This is the weakness of modern weapons. The instantaneous explosive power is very terrifying, but after those few milliseconds, it will decay rapidly.

Fortunately, these synthetic beasts have not evolved a hollow "shell", otherwise they will be like the Russian battlefield, a layer of simple iron shell, blocking countless high-tech armor-piercing bullets.

After taking an armor-piercing bullet, the synthetic beast did not die.

It is essentially a ninja insect that can only exist for a few months by squeezing everything out. All its body structures exist for fighting.



With a few steps, the huge body rushed to the front of the mercenary team, and with a wave of his arm, another mercenary flew out without a groan.

Looking at the twisted appearance of his body, he is probably not going to survive.


Throwing away the automatic rifle with an empty magazine,

he suddenly pulled out a grenade, and faced the synthetic beast in close proximity, the black mercenary captain was ready to pull the grenade to self-destruct.

Woo woo woo,

But the opponent's fang-filled arm had already taken the next step to slap him.

He couldn't even fight for his life——

"Yellow Spring Funeral Water Cannon Gun!"

Just when the black captain was unwilling to open his eyes wide, a crisp voice came.

Faster than the sound was a stream of water!

Under the terrifying high pressure, the straight stream of water passed through the synthetic beast, causing the monster to suddenly stop.

The next second, the synthetic beast, which was neatly cut into two halves from the side, fell in front of the black mercenary captain.

"This is..."

"Is it a superhuman?"

The other mercenaries looked up and saw a giant black bird whizzing by, with a boy and a younger girl standing on it: one of her arms was replaced by a goldfish, and the open mouth of the goldfish, which was as big as a human head, was the muzzle of the gun.

The "water column" that saved them came from this strange "weapon".

The other party did not look at these mercenaries for a second, but flew forward on his own and soon disappeared from everyone's sight.


"Should we?"

Pushing the VR glasses to his forehead, the white mercenary Kaplan in charge of reconnaissance stepped forward and made a tracking gesture.

Don't get me wrong, they don't want to be enemies with those superhumans; instead, they are ready to follow behind them. With the magical abilities of the superhumans, it is easy to kill the monsters and even synthetic beasts. They could just follow behind and pick up the bodies.


The black mercenary captain shook his head slightly,

"The opponents of the extraordinary are stronger synthetic beasts."

"If we rashly enter such a battlefield, we will easily be affected and die."

After that, he made two gestures, asking others to check the injuries of the two team members who were attacked by synthetic beasts.

When the team doctor walked out of the hole in the house and shook his head, the black captain had already called the "Vulture" team responsible for transportation to come and prepare to retreat.

On the one hand, three team members died; on the other hand, they had captured three leprechauns alive and obtained the body of a synthetic beast: these can be exchanged for more than one million US dollars, which is a very generous income even for mercenaries like them.

You can live longer if you stop when you are ahead.

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