I planted a sacred tree in Tokyo

Chapter 48 Natural Energy

Next door to Adachi Ward,

In Katsushika District, which is surrounded by and passes through the three rivers of Edogawa, Arakawa and Shinnakagawa, there is a very eye-catching and very large silver-white building.

This building has a modern shape. If you look from top to bottom, you will find that the building is in an 'X' shape, which is both majestic and strict! Surrounded by lawns and trees, it has the feel of a high-end apartment: it even has a helipad.

Many tourists who don’t know the truth often sigh when passing by on a tram:

‘One day, I will also live in an apartment that pays attention to safety and represents high-quality life! ’

However, in fact, it is not difficult to live in it.

Because this is: Tokyo Detention Center!

Although the name is a detention center, it is a place where many criminals are frightened: because it is also the place where executions are carried out in the island country.

The death penalty in the island country is very complicated and troublesome. In addition, the cabinet constantly rotates and recommends one term after another. As a result, many heavyweight prisoners are waiting to be hanged here, often waiting for more than ten years. .

For example, the man who released poison gas in the subway injured more than 5,000 people.

The famous leader of the XX Truth Cult waited here for more than 20 years before he was hanged six years ago.

As a result, many people on the island nation's Internet complained that the leader had endless magical powers and had been floating for twenty years with the technique of 'human levitation', and finally exhausted his energy and died unwillingly. The irony is unabashed.

In addition, prisons in island countries not only have regular life and clean environment, but are also equipped with advanced medical equipment.

It is often ridiculed by the island media as a "nursing home" attack, although it is of no use.

After all, society still operates under the will of the big shots.

In the night sky, a crow landed on top of the building.

Illusion·Golden Binding


Quietly, an invisible illusion swept across the building, immobilizing everyone instantly!

Next, the crow turned into a mysterious man in white cloth and floated towards the control room of the building.


Click, click, click.

A series of sounds of cell doors opening continued to fade away in the quiet corridor.

After a while, a prisoner in prison uniform poked his head out of the crack in the door suspiciously, looked around, and then looked at each other with the neighbors next door and across from him.

what's the situation?

I fell asleep and it was already the second day.

"Is this planning to trap us?"

"Don't be ridiculous, do those prison guards have the guts!"

A brave prisoner walked out of the cell and looked at the end of the corridor: the isolation door there was also opened, as if he didn't care whether they would escape.

Soon, prisoners with names that were either burly, ferocious, weak, or handsome walked out one after another with question marks on their faces.

"Hey, what are you doing-"

Some prisoners couldn't help but raise their heads and look in the direction of the monitor.

The next second,

He was interrupted by a voice above his head.

".This is how it should be used."

"Very good, judging from your reaction, you have heard my voice, interesting human toy."


"The warden didn't take any medicine?"

"No, I think the guy in the monitoring room is probably high."

A group of felons looked at me, and I looked at you, and they all wondered if they were hallucinating.

It doesn't make sense. Although they are all extremely vicious, they are also clean and self-sufficient. They have never been contaminated by such things as Aipin: those present are all 'elites' who have fought wits and courage with the police. They have no strength and are still in trouble. Can't get in here.


The hoarse voice continued to come from the loudspeaker overhead,

“You who want freedom, come to the Courtyard and I will give you freedom, and more.”

? ?

"I'm pretty sure the warden drank too much."

Some prisoners swore that they would not sleep, so what the hell were they doing?

"Or maybe he just watched a game like 'Saw' and wants to play 'Battle Royale' with me?"

Although they didn't believe it, a small number of the prisoners still walked towards the isolation door: they walked the road to the atrium several times a day and were very familiar with it.

No matter what the prison authorities are doing, there's no harm in going and taking a look.

It can be regarded as fun in boring daily life~~

As for the rest:

What happened tonight was weird, and it was safer to stay in the cell.



"Making a movie?"

"No, I think we may have encountered something supernatural."

When dozens of felons came to the atrium, what they saw was a man floating in mid-air, wearing a simple, wide hunting coat, a tall black crown, and a white cloth with '三' written on it hanging down to cover his face. Mystery man?

There was also the warden with a dull face and dull eyes, and the prison guards lined up in a row.

"Hey, hey, how does this scene look?"

It's very similar to the "prisoner killing" experiment conducted by the government in the comics?

Some prisoners subconsciously stepped back, preparing to return to their cells.


Amidst the neat sound of guns being drawn, the sluggish prison guards drew their pistols one after another and aimed at: the door from the atrium to the cells.

? !

"Now that you're here, there's no possibility of quitting."

The mysterious man floating in mid-air smiled coldly. Even with a white cloth covering his face, the prisoners could still imagine the expression on his face.

"I want to recruit a few subordinates, but there are too many of you——"

As the mysterious man spoke, the dull warden waved his hand and threw the bag in his hand, landing in front of the prisoners.


There were daggers scattered out, emitting an icy cold light.

"You don't need me to teach you what to do next, right?"

Is this really a ‘battle royale’ plot?

"Hey, Warden!"

A frail prisoner shouted to the dull-eyed warden,

"You're just going to let this guy mess around?"

"Don't forget, my father comes to visit every month. If I-"


The mysterious man raised his hand in the air,

The frail prisoner's arm jerked.


Amidst the harsh sound of fractures, the prisoner's arm was twisted three times out of thin air.


Amid the screams, his other hand and legs began to spin out of thin air.

Click, click, click.

The bones were broken and the flesh couldn't bear the twisting force and was torn apart!

The whole body was like a towel, and blood spurted out from the prisoner who was twisted into a "big" character. As his body and head began to rotate, the screams suddenly stopped.

Then the mysterious man took out a stone.

In everyone's horrified eyes,

A shadow similar to the frail prisoner just now flew out of the twisted corpse and was sucked into the stone in the hands of the mysterious man.


As the twisted corpses fell to the ground, the prisoners' outlook on life was shattered all over the ground!

? ? ? ? ?


We're going to apply for a mental prison.


Just when everyone was stunned, a short prisoner had already taken the lead and pounced.

He leaned down and grabbed a dagger, letting the other prisoners react.

Damn it, I got ahead of myself!

The people present were all serious criminals who had lives in their hands, and their reactions were naturally faster than ordinary people. A series of fierce eyes fell on the short prisoner.

But the short prisoner also understands that if he gets the weapon first, he will immediately be the target of public criticism, so:


With his other hand, he grabbed the bag on the ground and threw it towards the others.


The bag hit the chest of a burly prisoner with a 'snap' sound, and then the daggers inside fell out.

Before the burly prisoner could react, several fists from around him hit him hard!

The bloody fight begins!


Qiu Riyu, who controlled the paper clone, nodded. In terms of ferocity and decisiveness, these felons were all chosen. Moreover, they were all in good physical condition. They also had to work while in prison. They worked on a sewing machine for 8 hours a day, and In a sense, it can also be regarded as a kind of exercise.

It is a good batch of materials for ‘experimentation’.

What Qiu Riyu is planning to experiment is whether 'natural energy' exists and whether it can be absorbed.

Natural energy is a kind of energy possessed by the planet itself: it has the special effects of extending life and enhancing the power of ninjutsu.

Different from the 'mana' produced by living bodies, natural energy represents the planet. Even the Datongmu clan is very interested in this energy.

But whether the planets in this world have "natural energy", Qiu Riyu doesn't know, and he is not ready to experiment on his own: if he accidentally turns himself into a stone statue, isn't he going to make people laugh?

As for if this planet had ‘natural energy’, would a group of old monsters appear?

It's a joke, a chosen one like Naruto has to stumble through training.

Those who dare to touch 'natural energy' must be at least movie-level figures. Ordinary people in this world, use their heads to absorb natural energy?

As Qiu Riyou's thoughts spread, the atrium was filled with blood!


"Spare your life——"

"Go to hell, hahahaha!!"

A group of prisoners who had grabbed the daggers laughed wildly and stabbed other prisoners fiercely.

The other prisoners would not sit still and wait for death. They fought back with fists and kicks, kicking the lower body, hitting the temples, and hitting the back of the head, whatever the fatal outcome.

In just a few minutes, he was mostly lying down.


As soon as the mysterious man spoke, the prisoners who were already stunned stopped instantly.

Invisible forces bound them, making them unable to move.

"Come and accept this gift."

A bit of ink dripped from the fingers of the mysterious man, suddenly split into nine parts, and flew towards the prisoners who were still alive.

"You will all get rid of your mortal body and be used by me——"

"Ah ah ah ah ah!!!"


As the ink flew into the eyebrows, the remaining prisoners suddenly held their heads and wailed. First they knelt on one foot, and then they couldn't help but roll to the ground, covered in blood.

This time, Qiu Riyu not only gave them magic power, but also included a curse seal!

Seal of the Earth

Yes, it was the thing developed by Orochimaru to seduce Sasuke!

It is not a high-level 'Heaven's Curse Seal', but a low-level 'Earth's Curse Seal'. Its essence is: a low-quality poor man's version of immortal body fluids.

This kind of curse seal can give the person who is marked a kind of ability to absorb 'natural energy' that is weakened countless times.

Come on, if you succeed, it will prove that there is natural energy in this world.

If it fails, it doesn't matter.

As the prisoners screamed and rolled, the body of one prisoner began to swell.

Countless bulges, large and small, kept running around under the flesh, swelling to two meters in the blink of an eye. Then:


Like a balloon reaching its limit, the prisoner's body suddenly exploded and turned into a flesh-and-blood bomb: flying bones were like bullets, blood and muscles were everywhere, and the three surrounding prisoners were involved.


No, it succeeded!

It was because of the existence of "natural energy" that he exploded.


His eyes fell on the other prisoners who were still struggling. Would any of them be able to withstand the invasion of "natural energy".


Another prisoner turned into a flesh-and-blood bomb and exploded, but Qiu Riyou noticed something unusual.

There were two energies in the air that were injected into the remaining prisoners.

One of them was magnificent and huge. Just a trace of it was enough to make the prisoner explode and die. It was undoubtedly the ubiquitous "natural energy";

And the other one.

It turned out to be a mixed mental power?

As an expert in playing illusions every day, Qiu Riyou was no stranger to mental power.

Everyone would have mental fluctuations, which was a normal phenomenon; without mana, the mental fluctuations of ordinary people were just mirages and impotent rage.

But if there is magic power, these mental powers become magical: the remaining prisoners who are still struggling are obviously absorbing the "ownerless" mental power to balance the thin natural energy in their bodies.

The so-called fairy art is the product of the balance of natural energy, physical energy, and spiritual energy.

Of course, these prisoners are not even as good as the five members of the Sound Ninja Group, let alone fairy arts, but the principle is the same: they are indeed using the unconsciously gathered mental power to stabilize the power of the curse seal in their bodies.

"Interesting, interesting."

As the prisoners exploded one by one, the last two gradually calmed down, and the mysterious man played by Qiu Riyou slowly spoke.

"Tell me your names, lucky ones."

"Saito Jie,"

The short prisoner who first grabbed the dagger and stabilized first spoke calmly;

"Ichihashi Tatsu,"

A man with a handsome and melancholy face wiped the blood off his face;

"Yamagami Toru,"

The last man also slowly stood up and reported his name.

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