"No, it's none of my business!"

"I'm just a money collector, please let me go, let me go - ah!"

The screams stopped abruptly, and the member of the 'Taoka Group' opened his eyes wide and fell straight down in his rental house. His distorted facial features seemed to have seen some unspeakable horror.

He died in the secret room in a strange manner.

"Still no progress?"

As the Yakuza members lost their vital signs, Iori Kazuka spoke.

Dozens of cameras recorded the entire process of the other party's death from various angles.

The 'experts' in front of the monitor were all covered in cold sweat, fearing that they would follow in the footsteps of this 'volunteer'.



The ‘experts’ present were all experienced criminal police officers.

But they have never been exposed to such a strange case: this is clearly an evil spirit at work, how can anyone handle the case!

Holding the "Criminal Code" and reading it to Mrs. Inoue, telling her that her behavior violated the law?

Or hanging garlic, holding crosses and prayer beads, and trying to exorcise demons?

"Section Chief, with all due respect"

"Such an experiment is pointless."

Some detectives couldn’t help but speak, even though those ‘volunteers’ were all criminals;

But it is one thing to judge them according to the law, and it is another thing to use them to tempt "evil spirits".

Moreover, if Mrs. Inoue is repeatedly tested in this way, if she is offended or caused to 'mute' or 'evolve', then the first unlucky ones will be the police officers who participated in the whole process.

The evil spirit crawling out of the monitor is a characteristic of the island country.

"Yes, indeed."

"Holy Son, write a report for me, saying that the experiment has made no progress, and apply for the "Inoue Family" to be sealed off."

Seiko Teng, who was behind Yiori Ichika, was stunned for a moment before answering.



"Holy Son, what's on your mind?"

Facing the chief's inquiry, the mature policewoman shook her head.


"It's just that I heard that Kawai Mayi is awake, and I want to go see her."

Mayi Kawai was her former partner, but she was unlucky enough to encounter an 'earthquake catfish' on the road. She was hit in the head by the earth and rocks thrown up by the enemy, and she lay in the hospital for several days before she woke up.

And Seiko Fuji, who was supposed to visit her a long time ago, was sent to work under Iori Ichika because he was involved in an 'extraordinary incident'.

Running around here and there these days, I am so busy that I don’t even have time to sleep, let alone visit my juniors.

"That's it"

After taking a look at the corpse on the screen, even Iori Kazuka felt a little uncomfortable.

"I'll drive you there."


"Let's go——"

Patting his subordinate's shoulder, Yiori Ichika turned around and walked out.

This 'Mrs. Inoue' appears erratically, but once she gets 'tangled' with the volunteers, they are doomed.

Moreover, he will go through the stages of 'talking to himself', 'panic', 'crazy destruction', etc. before dying, and then he will finally be scared to death!

Just like the members of the 'Remnant Tooth Group'.

It’s just that this process is slower and more terrifying!

As a police officer, Ichika Iori can barely have a "clear conscience"; but if he really has to face an evil spirit, he will be helpless.

You can't wait until you die and turn into an evil spirit to seek revenge on the other person, right?


Tokyo Women's Medical University, Adachi Medical Center.

It is not difficult to tell from the name of the hospital that this is also a hospital under the university.

Of course, the school behind the hospital is completely incomparable with Tokyo University; and although the medical conditions of this hospital in Adachi Ward are not bad, they have absolutely nothing to do with 'high-end'.

Even so, it is the best hospital in Adachi City.

After all, it is backed by a university and has various resources that private clinics cannot match.

The black and white police car drove into the hospital parking lot. Wearing an open spiked leather jacket and her shirt tied into her belt, Iori Kazuka looked exactly like a speedster gangster. She opened the door and walked out.

With just a glance, the surrounding pedestrians immediately took a detour.

"Sir, you."

Teng Seiko no longer knew how to describe the 'deterrence' of her boss.

"do not mind the details,"

He walked to the back of the car, opened the trunk, took out the fruit basket for visiting patients, and waved carelessly to Ichika Iori.

"Let's go see our lovely juniors."

However, when the two of them arrived at the ward, they realized that something was wrong with the atmosphere——

"Are you Mayi's colleagues?"

"Sit down, please sit down."

A middle-aged woman with a haggard face forced a smile and stood up to greet the two of them.

"Auntie, don't bother."

"I should have come to see Mayi earlier, but I have been too busy recently."

Noticing Mayi Kawai who was awake in the hospital bed, Seiko Fuji showed a sincere smile. Although this junior was a little confused and timid, he was still a competent person who worked hard to do a good job as a police officer.

He is also her important friend.

"Mai, it's great that you're okay!"


"This officer,"

"You still don't know Mayi."

Just when the middle-aged woman's face darkened, Mayi Kawai, who was lying motionless on the hospital bed, interrupted her.


"Can I have a chat with the seniors alone?"



The body shook suddenly,

Fuji Seiko, who almost fell down, was held up by Iori Ichika next to him.

"Mayi, you."

The mature policewoman looked at her junior on the hospital bed, her eyes full of shock, heartache, and guilt.

"General paralysis caused by spinal nerve damage,"

The young policewoman, who couldn't even turn her head, smiled while lying on the hospital bed.


"No need to submit a glossary."

"How could that happen? How could this happen?"

Losing all strength, she fell into the chair that Iori Ichika had used her feet to pull over. Mature policewoman Fuji Seiko held her forehead, still unable to accept this fact.

"Gee, you're lucky to be alive."

Compared to Seiko Fuji who didn't want to believe it, Mayi Kawai who was in the hospital bed was more open-minded.

"Actually, I'm not a police officer."

The young policewoman with short hair, who was paralyzed in the hospital bed, recalled her feelings when she graduated from high school and faced the ‘investigation of career prospects’ (decision for further studies).

".My grades are average and I don't have any ambitions."

"As long as you have a stable income, it doesn't matter what kind of job you have."

Then, she took various civil service exams, and it happened that only the police officer passed the exam, so:

“After I became a police officer, I realized that it was not as easy as I imagined, and there were no ‘cases’ at all.”

People like her who join the police force after graduating from high school must first start from the lowest level of 'inspection', that is, 'patrol police': patrolling the streets, directing traffic, issuing tickets, etc. In short, doing chores of running errands.

You tax thief,

Damn it, you’re the one issuing a fine!

Hey, if you call the police if something happens, aren't you the ones talking about?

These words are what almost every new police officer will face.

at the same time:

Reports that have not yet been submitted should be submitted as soon as possible.

As a newcomer at the bottom of the police station, he has a lot of troubles.

"If I had known that work was so tiring and thankless, I would never have become a police officer, hehehe~~"

A somewhat embarrassed smile appeared on Kawai Mayi's young face.

"I've even written the lexicon,"

It just hasn’t been paid yet.


Everything changed after meeting the newly transferred senior Teng Seiko.

Under the leadership of the other party, despite stumbling, they still survived the initial difficulties.

I just didn't expect it,

"I can't go on missions with my seniors in the future, I'm sorry."

Showing a heartless smile, if it was normal, Kawai Mayi would have been innocent, scratching the hair beside her ears with her fingers. However now:

She could only spend the rest of her life lying in a hospital bed.



"Why is this happening?"

His fist hit the wall of the hospital corridor hard,

The mature policewoman lowered her head to prevent the tears in her eyes from being seen.

"Mayi obviously works so hard and is so serious about being a police officer. Why does this happen to her?!"

"Calm down, Son."

Iori Ichika next to her patted her shoulder,

"Anyone in our line of work will have an accident sooner or later."

This doesn't sound like a police officer, but rather like a battlefield mercenary.


"Not all police officers are exposed to violence."

Regarding the safety of her boss, Fuji Seiko didn't know how to answer. Most police officers would never shoot in the workplace.

Only the boss, who used to be a 'violent opponent' but is now part of the 'Supernatural Countermeasures Section', would express such a sentiment of 'being indifferent to life and death'.

"it's all my fault,"

"If I had reminded Mayi earlier, or pushed Mayi away"

"Okay, okay, what's the use of talking about this now?"

Yi Zhi Yihua spread his hands,

"Can you reverse time and space and save that junior?"

"Since it's not possible, we have to look forward - the current 'brain-computer interface' technology has made breakthroughs, and paralyzed patients can play computer games. Maybe at some point, she will stand up again mechanically."


"Has anyone ever said you can't comfort people?"

In response to Fuji Seiko's helpless words, Iori Kazuka just shrugged.

"Too much,"

"It's better to wait now anyway."

Suddenly thinking of something, Yiori Ichika's face became serious. He raised his hand and asked Fuji Seiko to follow him. He returned to the parked police car and closed the door:

"Holy Son, if there is a chance to cure Kawai Mayi, how far will you go for her?"

Before the confused Seiko Fuji could answer, Ichika Iori continued speaking on his own.

"For example: risk your life."

? !

"Sir, I don't understand what you mean."

Teng Seiko couldn't understand the boss's confused inquiry, but:

"If I can help Mayi recover, I will do it as long as it does not violate the law."

Mayi is not only her junior, but also her best friend!


"Then I will tell you some information:"

"In the hands of the government, there is a transcendent person codenamed 'Misenko'. She can deal with various injuries that are difficult to cure scientifically."

Medical ninjutsu is completely unscientific.

Genin ‘Nohara Lin’ can easily perform eye replacement surgery on the battlefield.

With today's scientific medical technology, facing the severed optic nerve, all one can do is shake his head and wave his hands.


"That's great-"

The surprise just appeared on her face, then it dimmed.

Fuji Seiko had worked as a patrolman for many years, and was promoted to the patrol chief with her ability. Now she has become a police chief, so she doesn't even know the ways of the world.

Let that 'Goddess' treat a small patrolman?

What is your identity!

"You thought about it, right?"

"The big shots who asked the 'Goddess' to treat them are now scheduled for a week later."

"In the future, that person's 'schedule' will become more and more tight."

There are still many big shots who are skeptical, or have not yet reached the point where they need to go to the operating table.

But as time goes by, the price and status of asking the 'Goddess' to take action will become more and more unattainable!

"What should I do?"

Fuji Seiko knew very well that she and Kawai Mai's family were ordinary people.

There was no ability to ask the 'Goddess' to come. It can even be said that if she hadn't joined the 'Supernatural Countermeasures Department' and her boss was kind, she wouldn't even know the existence of the 'Goddess'.

Since the boss took the initiative to propose it, there must be a solution.

"The government has launched a 'super soldier' ​​plan,"

"The experiment is very risky, and all the animal test subjects died suddenly!"

"Human clinical trials. I heard that they are not optimistic. But if successful, it will become the trump card of the Metropolitan Police Department."

Compared with recruiting 'wild' extraordinary people, the government naturally prefers to create its own extraordinary people: unfortunately, the progress of the experiment is very slow, and a lot of 'volunteers' have been wasted.

Researchers believe that the physical fitness and mental will of the 'volunteers' recruited from the prison are not enough to support the experiment, so:

"So, you want me to participate in the experiment?"

In response to Fuji Seiko's question, Iori Ichika nodded.

"That's right,"

"If it succeeds, you will be qualified to invite the 'Goddess'."

"If it fails, it is likely to leave a body of injuries, or even die on the spot-"

"I promise!"


PS: The first round of recommendations has been launched, please read it, recommend votes, invest, etc.~~

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