I Play Cards In Yu-Gi-Oh

Chapter 299: Dazi's attack

"According to the effect of the Treasures from the Heavens, the hands of both sides are filled with six cards."

After redrawing six cards, Da Zi looked down and smiled slightly, as if she had drawn what she wanted.

"First of all, this card...Continuous Magic - Treasure of Survival! When a monster is resurrected from the graveyard, I draw three cards from the deck."

He said, pulling out another card in his hand.

"Then summon 'Olihagan Kigas'."

Here again, it's this monster again, that Xiaoqiang who can't be killed, can be resurrected infinitely and can increase his attack power.

The giant spirit who had been entangled with You Yu for a long time last time appeared again, still with that burly and ugly body, dragging a heavy chain on his hands. It's just that this time, with the increase of Oliha's power, the green hexagram mark is clearly reflected on his forehead.

[Olihagang Kigas, attack power 400 → attack power 900]

"Then pay 500 LP." Dazi turned over a card in his hand, "Special Summon 'Olihagan Kirada', attacking."

【Da Zi, LP4000→LP3500】

A sphere like a hedgehog emerged, and the strangely huge eyes were opened. Soon, they were also affected by the enchantment, and Olihagang's mark appeared in his eyes.

[Olihagang Kigas, attack power 500 → attack power 1000]

Yu Yu frowned.

Sure enough, this time Da Zi seems to be playing for real.

In just one round, Da Zi's frontcourt and backcourt were almost full, and the lineup was nothing short of luxurious. It seems that this evil **** endorsement really doesn't intend to accompany him to talk nonsense.

"Battle." Da Zi waved his hand gently, "Guardian Atos, attack element hero, Shadowmist Girl!"

The fallen angel, controlled by the power of the evil god, flapped his wings and flew up, charging towards the black lady hero. Although the shadow fog girl tried her best to resist, she was still weakly knocked to the ground under the huge disparity in combat power, and disappeared into pieces.

"The effect of Shadow Mist Girl," You Yu said, "when she enters the graveyard, she adds a 'Hero' monster from the deck to her hand. I add 'Elemental Hero Liquid Man' to my hand.

At the same moment, open the cover! Trap Cards - Hero Marks! "

Gaevka turned over, and the golden light beam shot into the sky from the standing card like a searchlight, and turned into a mark calling for heroes and hung high in the air.

"This card can Special Summon Level 4 or lower 'Elemental Heroes' from the deck when monsters are destroyed in battle. Come on, I Special Summon 'Flame'!"

Responding to the searchlight's call, a beam of flame burst out on the ground, and the hero in the red-hot tights gave a clear drink? He squatted and landed on the ground.

[Elemental Hero · Blaze? Defense 1800]

"Flame's effect is activated!" You Yu continued to operate, "When the special summon is successful? Add the magic card from the deck to the hand."

You Yu found the magic card? Showed it to Da Zi and added it to his hand.

"It doesn't matter." Da Zi's face was expressionless, "The battle continues. Attack the 'Elemental Hero Flameman' with the Magic Sky Fortress Jigrat?!"

All the gun barrels of the huge mechanical fortress fell at the same time, and they all locked onto the solitary hero on You Yu's field.

Heavy artillery blasting? Countless gun barrels lit up at the same time? Missiles dragged a long tail of flames towards the flaming hero. The hero straightened his back, his muscles tensed, and he was engulfed by endless firepower and torn to shreds under the bombardment of hot weapons.

But at least he performed his duties well and withstood all the impact with his body? You Yu did not suffer any damage.

"Did you take the main attack? But it's not over yet." Dazi continued to order, "Olihagang Kigas, attack directly!"

The giant roared and rushed out dragging the heavy shackles. The chain rubbed against the ground and spat out sparks? When waving it, it made a light sound of breaking through the air.

The chain slapped You Yu hard. Although its attack power is not high and the damage is not too high, it still makes You Yu shake and take two steps back? The part of his body that was hit is burning hot.

【Yu Yu, LP4000→LP3100】

"And then there's 'Olihagang Chidara'." Dazi said coldly? "Direct attack."

The eye he summoned from the backcourt closed gently, only to open it again abruptly after a moment. A beam of green light shot out from the eyeball? The front penetrated You Yu's chest. You Yu's body swayed? He couldn't help but kneel on the ground.

【You Yu? LP3100→LP2100】


The black magician girl was so anxious to see this scene, but she was outside killing the enemy when "Olihagang's Barrier" was launched, and now she was isolated from the barrier and couldn't help her master.

Unless You Yu summoned her in a duel, she would not be able to break through the barrier and rush in by her own strength.

On the contrary, the Silent Magician was escorting You Yu by his side, and was included when the barrier was activated.

The white mage stepped forward with concern and reached out to help You Yu up, but he waved his hand and declined. He smiled and stood up on his knees.

"For your own sake, it might be easier to just admit defeat here." Da Zi kept smiling.

"Thanks, but I'm still exempt." You Yu didn't care.

"You may think that your monsters in the cemetery still have special abilities that can be used?" Da Zi said lightly, "Both the Flame Man and the Shadow Mist girl who entered the cemetery this round have their own time when they return to the field. ability to function.

And the 'Elemental Hero Liquid Man' you added to your hand this turn has the power to call your comrades from the graveyard..."

You Yu: "..."

In this way, Da Zi seems to have done enough homework, and has already understood the general effect of the cards used by You Yu.

He kind of wanted to say that I just touched the **** of the eighth-level duelist, how could He De be so missed by the big boss?

"So here, I'm going to activate the special ability of Guardian Atos." Dazi raised his hand, "Atos can destroy the 'Goddess' Holy Sword-Eagle Spirit' on his field and destroy the opponent's graveyard area. Banish all monsters from the game, and gain the ATK of all banished monsters during this turn!" (animation effect)

The sacred sword flew into Atos' hands. She raised the divine sword high and uttered some kind of spell in a low voice.

You Yu felt his arm move uncontrollably, and the duel plate was automatically raised as if attracted by a magnetic force. The Shadow Mist Girl and Blaze both flew out of it, turning into two phantoms and involuntarily flew into the Divine Sword, turning into the power of Atos.

[Guardian Atos, attack power 3000 → attack power 5200]

"Of course, the battle phase of this round is over, and I can't attack anymore. But in this way, the two heroes in your graveyard will no longer exist."

Dazi unhurriedly drew another card from his hand: "Put another card on the field, and the round is over. At this moment, Atos's attack power returns to its original state."

[Guardian Atos~www.wuxiaspot.com~Attack Power 5200→Attack Power 3000]

At the same time, due to the destruction of the equipment magic "Sacred Sword of the Goddess - Eagle Spirit", the attack power of the magic air fortress, which is the object of the equipment, has also dropped by 300.

[Magic Sky Fortress Jigrat, attack power 3300 → attack power 3000]

Magic Sky Fortress Jigrat should still have the effect of summoning a "robot token" as a shield at the end of the turn. This card is not a real card, and there is no detailed effect text in the animation, but now it seems that this effect can be selected.

Da Zi did not choose the ability to activate this summon token, and You Yu speculated that he might have reserved his position in the field.

Even if there is "Olihagang's enchantment", the ten positions in the front court and the backcourt can be used together, and Dazi's field has already been occupied by most of them. He may have reserved space for subsequent operations, so this effect was not activated.

Of course, You Yu has no intention of being led by the nose.

From this round, the counterattack will begin!

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