I Play Cards In Yu-Gi-Oh

Chapter 519: Trials

"...Do you want to, go to him?"

Just a few minutes after the dark game entered the stone slab and embarked on the journey to retrieve his memory, a phantom appeared out of thin air in this airtight hall.

Everyone turned around and found that a dark-skinned Egyptian suddenly appeared out of nowhere in the hall that was supposed to be empty, with a white collar, large golden earrings hanging on his ears, and blue pupils. It seems very empty, but when you look closely, it makes people feel unfathomable.

Joonouchi and Honda shouted "Ghost", and the brothers hugged each other like monkeys climbing a tree.

"Xia Di!" Watch Game recognized the other party's identity at a glance.

Shady and the Ishdar family are also the Pharaoh's gravekeepers in modern times, but the difference is that his father is already dead. Five years ago, the Millennium Wheel of Wisdom lifted the seal, and when the soul of the great evil **** Sok woke up, he had already killed him.

Xia Di, who appeared in front of everyone now, was actually a soul body, and reluctantly extended his life for his responsibility and mission to the Pharaoh.

The players watching the CG paddling immediately became excited.

Come, come, their chance to get on the bus is finally coming!

"Do you want to go to him?" Shady asked the question again.

"Yeah!" Watch Game nodded vigorously.

"The only way to get to him is to find Pharaoh's true 'mind room' in the thousand-year-old building blocks."

Xia Di spoke slowly, and took out a talisman of life and a golden utensil that resembled the shape of "Rebirth of the Dead" from the wide robe.

One of the Millennium Artifacts, the Millennium Key, is an artifact that can connect the inner world of others.

"Using this 'Millennium Key', I can lead you into the Pharaoh's 'Maze of Hearts', but whether you can find the real room in the labyrinth is up to you.

But it should be noted that once you lose your footing in that labyrinth, you will likely fall into the abyss of doom and never come back. Even so, would you like to go? "

Table Games hardly hesitates: "I do!"

"Needless to say? We are partners, of course we must go together!" Cheng Nai also responded.

Thinking about the tools to get in the car, the people also nodded like chickens pecking at the rice: "Yes, yes!"


Xia Di said lightly and raised the Millennium Key in his hand.

The golden talisman of life exudes a dazzling brilliance. A gentle and invisible force seemed to grab their souls, pulling them lightly out of their bodies. The thousand-year-old building blocks on the chest of the game also glowed in response, as if opening the door for them.


The flow of time in the King's Memory World is different from the outside world. You spend many days in this virtual world, and the outside world may only be for a short while.

On the first day he came here, You Yu received a task of "eradicating monsters" in a small town, and received a lot of money from local officials.

Although the NPCs here are equally repelling the "heretic" You Yu, they are still more afraid of the dormant monsters in this area. It is said that many people have become the rations of the monster these days. Although people have been sent to the palace to ask for help, it will take some time to travel and related procedures. During this period, some people may die every day.

You Yu accepted the commission without much thought, and went to challenge the monster described by the locals as vicious and vicious by himself at midnight, only to find that...

...... It turned out to be just an old tree that has matured.

There is also such a card in the game king card, called "Old Tree of Enlightenment", a mortal bone with 600 attack power and 1500 defense power...

So there was no accident at all, Masked Hero Ganghuo smashed it through with a fist, and the trunk to the roots were burnt to ashes.

This commission allowed You Yu to earn a lot of money, at least the tolls don't need to worry about in a short time. He also specifically asked the officials for a map of the whole area, so that he could identify the direction and travel.

This makes You Yu feel like a demon hunter who is running around and picking up garbage. He is usually not seen, and is only remembered when you need to kill monsters.

He roamed the map, occasionally picking up missions in a village to earn extra money. If you encounter any unbalanced troubles, the duel will shine, and ask a question——

——A tense and exciting game of Yu-Gi-Oh?

Don't say it, it feels really similar, even the mode of "you can solve all problems by playing cards" is the same. This time, Yu Yu felt that he was afraid that he might not have entered the card game king version of the "Witcher" series of games.

When I got the map, I first solved the problem of black eyes. You Yu judged his location based on the labels of the town where he was located, and found that his login location was probably at the border of the entire memory sand table, which seemed to be a little far from the palace where the pharaoh was located.

But he was not in a hurry to go to the palace for the time being, but set foot in the exact opposite direction and continued to march in the direction of the border.

On the way, I asked to fight monsters and occasionally picked up garbage. You Yu even enjoyed this super-real card-playing RPG for a while.

He felt more and more that the priests of ancient Egypt were really bullshit, and actually developed such an interesting immersive RPG game three thousand years ago, and even dumped the eight major roads of the video game three thousand years later...

After rushing for two days, he finally arrived at the destination he was aiming for.

This is located at the map boundary of the entire memory sandbox, and there is no way to move on. After all, no matter how realistic it is, the size of the game map is bounded. This memory sand table contains most of the area of ​​Egypt three thousand years ago in the memory of the pharaoh, but there is only a blank space further away.

And at this moment, the place that You Yu came to is not the area under the jurisdiction of the Pharaoh in the strict sense, but one of the hidden branch areas in this RPG game map.

It's called the "Land of Trials".

Legend has it that three thousand years ago, the Pharaoh himself passed the trials of light and darkness and was recognized here, and obtained a high-level power called "Chaos".

Of course, that was three thousand years ago.

However, this world built based on the memory of Pharaoh, even the "trial place" in his memory has also reappeared on the map.

"Young man, are you an outsider?"

The person who spoke was dressed as a mage, but the whole body was tightly wrapped with only one pair of eyes exposed. The voice seemed to be an old man. The hood wrapped around his head and the clothes on his chest were drawn with a magic circle of five-pointed stars.

This is the "Ancient Magister", who is also a monster card in the future duel monster game, a mortal bone with an attack power of 1000.

He is the gatekeeper to this land of trials.

"Well~www.wuxiaspot.com~ You Yu nodded and admitted.

"It turns out that there are indeed occasional outsiders who come to this trial ground, wanting to get treasures from here." The ancient magus nodded clearly and said, "The trial ground allows any warrior with strength to enter to challenge, But the weak are not welcome.

If you want to pass from here, you must first prove your strength. "

You Yu nodded: "How to prove it?"

The ancient magus was serious, and showed the golden armband he was wearing on his forearm. A few grids popped out under the armband, which looked like...

...It's like a duel plate of the local tyrant's gold version.

"Through the sacred battle ritual!" the ancient magus said loudly, "If you can beat me in the ritual, you are qualified to enter!"

You Yu: "..."

So... still playing cards?

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