I Play Cards In Yu-Gi-Oh

Chapter 710: Professor Pot of Lust

The automatic door of the principal's room was moved along the sliding rails, and before You Yu even entered the door, he heard the strange screams of "Mamma Mia".

With such a unique voice and a highly recognizable voice, looking at the entire dueling academy... No, it may be the entire dimension, and there may be only such a person.

The user of the famous dark medieval card group and the legendary series "Ancient Machinery" in "Yu-Gi-Oh!

The reason why I say this is because the teacher's appearance is really unique, and the **** card "Pot of Desire" that is worshipped by the poker players is simply carved out of a mold.

Especially when he grinned, his vividly wretched expression, his yellow teeth, his squinted eyes...

If you add a handle to the back of his forehead, it would be like a pot of lust. Walking on the street, people may point to their heads and scream, saying that when the pot of Nima **** has a spirit...

"Mr. Yu Yu." Principal Shashima quickly got up to greet him, "Long time no see."

Principal Shashima's head is as bright as ever, bright and shining.

"This is Teacher Chronos, the elite of teachers in our academy."

Chronos was only recruited into the academy last year, and this year, apart from the large-scale events that required You Yu to appear in the town, he usually hasn't been to the school much, so it is only now that he is with this elite teacher. first meet.

The lustful professor was obviously quite excited. To the students, Yu Yu, the honorary president, is a legend of the college. Everyone has only heard of it but never seen it with his own eyes. The same is true for the teachers.

Kuronos de Medici is undisputedly the outstanding teacher who left the audience with the most impressive impression in the GX series, but he has a deep-rooted elite consciousness, and in the early plots, he is very interested in the ten who are the tail of the crane. Dai and others are very harsh, and they once seemed like a villain.

But it is precisely because of this that he respects and yearns for those real elites and legendary powerhouses.

As soon as You Yu entered the door, he noticed that the teacher was nervously biting his handkerchief. It was a very delicate little handkerchief with a Q-version big head embroidered on it, with blue eyes and a flame-like helmet, which looked like "Masquerade Hero Gang Huo".

"Mamma Mia, Mr. Yu Yu!" Teacher Chronos bowed 90 degrees, "You may not have noticed, but I'm actually your fan, None!"

The word "None" after every sentence is Chronos' fetish. For Mr. Chronos' dubbing, without this fetish, there is no soul.

You Yu's eyes swept across the fire embroidered on his handkerchief that was about to be bitten, and it was quite obvious that he said no.

"Don't be surprised when you see this."

The professor carefully rolled up his sleeves, revealing the tattoos on his arms, with an expression like a child showing off his most precious toy.

It looks like the tattoo is a face.

You Yu glanced at it and nodded: "I also like Mr. Bean quite a bit."

Chronos: "..."

The atmosphere was awkward for a while.

"Wait." You Yu raised his eyebrows, "You don't mean to say it's me, do you?"

Chronos: "......"

You Yu felt sick, and even had the urge to drag the tattoo artist out to fight him for 300 rounds. (referring to playing cards)

What is this tattoo?

It didn't even show 1% of my handsomeness!

"Cough cough." You Yu coughed and said, "This time I'm looking for your reason, the principal of Shashima should have told you?"


Chronos stared blankly at Headmaster Shashima.

"No? It doesn't matter." You Yu said, "I have something to do with you this time. But before we get down to business..."

He smiled and raised the dueling plate in his hand.

"Want to come and try?"

Master Chronos began to bite his handkerchief again.

"Mamma Mia! Isn't that true? Can I duel with the first duel king!?"

Fighting against legendary characters is the wish of almost any duelist, and almost no poker player can resist such a temptation.

However, Chronos was excited for a while, and soon came back to his senses as if he had thought of something.

"Wait a minute, Principal Shashima said that I can select outstanding teachers this month. Shouldn't the selection project be..."

Chronos sucked in a breath of cold air and subconsciously pulled the handkerchief he was biting in his mouth. The poor handkerchief gave a "thorn" sound, and was finally overwhelmed and torn in two.

"Mamma Mia! Could it be that the content of my assessment is to duel with the duel king!?" Chronos was in a bad mood.

Principal, if you don't want to rate me as an excellent teacher, just say it directly!

If I can beat this great god, wouldn't it be fragrant to go directly to the duel king? Also comment on the excellent teacher of the hammer?

"Cough, calm down, Mr. Chronos." The principal coughed, "It won't affect the selection."

You Yu smiled: "Or, if you did well in this duel, it's not impossible for me to write you a letter of recommendation."

Chronos' eyes lit up.

Recommended by the duel king himself!

With this, who would dare not let him be rated?

Isn't this the equivalent of a direct ticket to excellent teachers?

"Okay." Chronos was full of energy, "Then please ask Mr. You Yu to give None more advice!"

Three minutes later, the academy duel field.

"Duel!" x2

【You Yu, LP4000】

【Cronos, LP4000】

"Then I'll take the first attack, and I'll draw None!"

The style of Chronos' duel plate is quite unique. Different from the regular model worn on the hand, the duel plate of Chronos is a special edition for teachers~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It is worn on the chest like a backpack.

Duel Pan Youyu of this design also has it in his hands. When the first batch of Haima Company released it, he took a few of them. It's just that he's used to the traditional model, and it's still uncomfortable to wear it on his chest anyway, so he still put it in the warehouse and it's useless.

After all, he is still left-handed.

"First of all, this card," Chronos took a deep breath and drew out a card in his hand, "The field magic 'Tooth Street'!"

The magic card was absorbed from the most flank of the duel plate, and the entire field immediately began to deform. Countless mechanical gears meshed, and the ancient mechanical device broke out of the ground. The high-temperature white steam sprayed into the air like spring water, and the duel venue was like stepping back in time, instantly returning to the dark Middle Ages filled with steam.

"And then there's the magic card 'Ancient Machine Shooter'!" Chronos shouted, "If you don't have any monsters on your field, destroy a face-up card on your field, and remove the 'Ancient Machine' from your deck. 'Special Summoning Ignoring Summoning Conditions!"

Chronos quickly drew a card from the deck and revealed it.

"Mr. Yu Yu, please watch, my ace, the strongest medieval giant sleeping in my deck—

——Ancient mechanical giant, summon! ! ! "


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