After Sarah Palmer cleared the surrounding insects, Zeratu had already pulled out the blade in his hand, and it was obvious that he had successfully connected with the master.

Seeing this, Sarah Palmer frowned, now that her mission had failed, she sighed and put a hand to her ear to open the communication and said: “Sorry Captain, the mission failed, that guy has successfully assassinated the brainworm.” ”


Lin Ziyun, Renault, and Tasada were suddenly shocked in their hearts, that is, everything they had done now was in vain.

In fact, Tasada had just guessed that just a few seconds ago, all the alien insects rushing towards the position suddenly became stagnant, and then he had a sense of foreboding in his heart.

“Hey…” Tasada sighed deeply, according to the prophecy, now that the Lord knew Al’s coordinates, it seemed that this disaster was inevitable after all.

“Phoenix, help me arrange a transport plane over, I’m going to see the friend for myself… Nairazim. He wanted to say something about his friend, but when he thought of the stupid thing Zeratu had done, he immediately changed his mind.

At this time, Tasada’s heart is extremely complicated, although he knows that Zeratu’s intentions for assassinating the brain worm are good, but it is a fact that he exposed Al’s coordinates, and it is impossible to say that he does not hate him.

Now Tasada wanted to find a place to vent his hatred, but he knew he couldn’t waste any more time here.

It won’t be long before the Lord arrives in Al, and now his only hope is to settle things here as soon as possible and return to Al before, perhaps before the Domination, so that his compatriots can prepare for war.

More than ten minutes later, a golden transport plane appeared near the corpse of the brain worm.

Tasada walked down with heavy steps, and the first thing that came into view was the confrontation between a dozen Spartan warriors and a dozen Naira’s mothers.

Tasada came to the front of the Spartan warrior and looked straight at the figure in the center of the opposite side, Zeratu.

Looking at his old face, Tasada’s originally complicated heart became even more unpleasant, and finally he sighed and said: “Hello friend Zeratu, I am Tasada, the executive officer of Dalam, and we want to talk to you.” ”

Seeing that the other party did not hate himself, Zeratu became a little curious about him, and with this trace of curiosity, he asked: “Hello Executive Officer Dalam, I wonder what you want to talk to me about?” ”

“Talk about how to save our home, Al!”

“Save Al? Forgive me, I don’t understand what you’re saying, but I remember that Al doesn’t seem to have anything to save right now, right? Hearing this, Zeratu frowned and said.

Although Nerazim was driven out of Al, he was extremely concerned about Al, and in every Nairazim’s heart, El would always be their home, and Sagulas was just their resting place.

It is precisely because of this that in the Void Relic, the young female chief does not blink her eyes when she says that she wants to blow up Sagulas.

“Yes, Al is fine now, but maybe it will be after that…” Tasada patiently explained for him.

Ten minutes later.


“I… How could I do such a stupid thing! Yes, if I can peek into the heart of the Lord, why can’t it spy on me? Why didn’t I think of that? ”

Zeratu knelt weakly on the ground, he looked at his hands that changed Al’s fate, and felt deep self-blame in his heart.

“Just kneeling here can’t change the facts, if you also want to save our home, then you should stand up and go to El with us to stop the invasion of the master, maybe we still have time now!” Looking at Zeratu who had become very decadent, Tasada said sharply.

His every word struck Zeratu his heart.

Zeratu’s eyes appeared in a clear future, and he slowly stood up: “That’s right, I must atone for my sins, I made all this, then I will personally stop the master!” Even if it is to sacrifice my old life! ”

“Dark Sect Master, we are willing to go with you!”

Looking at several compatriots behind him, Zeratu shook his head: “No, you must return to Sagulas, inform the female chief Rashagar, let her prepare, and if you can, let her send troops to reinforce Al!” ”


Just as the young Dark Templar wanted to say something more, another fellow soldier behind him tapped him on the shoulder and shook his head at him.

“Follow your will, Dark Sect Elder, and we will set off for Sagulas!”

Two hours later.

Whether it was a star spirit or a human being, all the troops returned to their respective motherships, and at this time, Lin Ziyun finally met the interstellar popular character Zeratu, Uncle Ze.

“Lord Prophet, thank you for your help to our Star Spirit.” Zeratu covered his chest with one hand and bowed slightly to Lin Ziyun.

On the way here, Tasada had already told Zeratu all the statements that Lin Ziyun fooled people, and coupled with Tasada’s serious expression, it was simply more convincing than what Lin Ziyun said, and now Zeratu has determined that Lin Ziyun is a powerful person.

In the social system of Nairazim, the able will be respected, even if you are only a human, which is why Zeratu will put down his body and bow to Lin Ziyun.

Looking at Zeratu, a 600-year-old grandfather bowing to himself, Lin Ziyun was really a little embarrassed, he touched the back of his head and quickly said: “Hehehe… Actually, I’m helping myself too. ”

But no, help Xingling now, and when Xingling owes himself a large amount of favors, he will have more confidence when he asks Xingling for technology and technology in the future.

Zeratu didn’t know what Lin Ziyun was thinking at this time, and he continued: “You are really humble, in order to thank you for your help and express my apologies, I am willing to tell you all about the cultivation and control methods of the Void Power. (Note: Void Power = Void Energy.) )


Lin Ziyun’s heart was suddenly extremely excited when he heard this, this feeling is so wow, although I don’t know if I and others can cultivate phantom energy, but it is always good to get it, besides, it can’t mean that it won’t mean that in the future, after all, the road he has to go is still long.

“Then I will accept it unceremoniously.” Lin Ziyun said with a grin, the excitement on his face was not concealed in the slightest.

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