Since the place where Kerrigan and Nova were was in front of Sharlock, which was illuminated by sunlight and had a very good view, they saw a group of black-pressed alien insects flying towards them from far away.

“Be careful little girl, don’t die!” Kerrigan reminded.

“You are.” Nova said softly, which was the first sentence she had formally communicated with her.

This operation had to be ordered by Lin Ziyun to cripple this group of alien insects, and all the two of them could not retreat immediately after attracting the alien insects, and they must ensure that at least eighty percent of the alien insects entered the attack range.

But fortunately, they are not alone in this operation, there are dozens of automatic cannons around them, and in the shadow of this planet, there is also a clarify-class battleship that will provide them with fire support from time to time.

Of course, the above help naturally cannot make Kerrigan so comfortable in the face of a huge insect swarm.

She knew that the insect wanted to live herself, so Kerrigan didn’t worry much about her safety at all, and if she was accidentally caught, she could activate the teleportation device and run.

As for Nova, she doesn’t need to worry about it, she came over just to help transport the psionic generator, to put it bluntly, standing here is superfluous, and she can run first when she encounters danger.



When the Xenomorph’s first force approached a certain range, Nova opened fire first, and then the automatic cannon that had just been waiting also began to throw a metal barrage at the Insect army.

“Hmph! This is still for you! ”

Kerrigan lay behind the pre-prepared bunker and began firing one shot at a time, and in just a few seconds she hit 20 heads. No, it should be a record of 20 worm heads.

“This gun is really an artifact, when this battle is over, you must find that surnamed Lin to have one!”

Nova glanced at her faintly, really long hair and short knowledge, this low-grade gun can be called an artifact, that is more bullish than it T27 special purpose sniper rifle is not going to be a holy weapon?


Dozens of shooter missiles fell from the sky, immediately blowing up a wave of alien insects running in the front to smithereens, and a few seconds later, only to hear the sound of ‘crackling’ began to be heard nearby, and a rain of minced flesh of alien insects began to fall overhead.

However, the battle is far from over so quickly, the number of xenomorphs is large, the front dies, and the rear continues to advance.

It can be said that the brain worm Daggs was going to catch Kerrigan this time and went back.


The battle on Sharok continued, and on the Hentai side, less than ten minutes after the brainworm Daggs left with his troops, there was a ‘boom’ sound on the ground, and Al’s ground began to tremble faintly.

Then the ground not far from the fleet began to crack, until a huge round pit with a diameter of 20 kilometers appeared on the ground, the shaking slowly stopped, and then everyone saw that at the bottom of the round pit, a huge golden spire-type warship was docked below.

“It’s really big, and the Endless is simply a small witch compared to her.” Roland couldn’t help but sigh.

Even Lin Ziyun, who has played the game, was not lightly shocked, after all, the game can be compared with reality, in the game you are no bigger than a screen, see the picture in the game is not so shocking at all, at most sigh is very good.

“This is Sarah Palmer, Endless received please answer!” The call of Sarah Palmer sounded inside the bridge.

Hearing her voice, the stone in Lin Ziyun’s heart was finally put down, “Here is the Endless Number, Sarah Palmer reports on your situation!” ”

“It’s Captain!” Sarah Palmer sorted out her excitement, and then said: “The Ark of the Memory of Nesin was activated, because the Ark was too large to fight in Ernai, so Phoenix friends are planning to take her and the other two arks to the universe to rendezvous, this is the rendezvous coordinates!” ”

After speaking, the holographic platform of the bridge received the coordinates, and the coordinates were displayed completely, Lin Ziyun glanced at it, and the location of the coordinates displayed was somewhere on the periphery of the Ayr Star Domain.

Lin Ziyun looked at the coordinates and nodded, “Understand, we’ll arrive later!” ”


As soon as Lin Ziyun finished speaking, the next second the 74-kilometer-long Nesin’s Memory turned into a streamer and disappeared in front of everyone’s eyes.

“Captain, you said that if we also drive such a ship, can we arrest Cortana and hang her?” Roland looked at the deep pit without an ark and sighed.

Lin Ziyun scratched his chin and said, “Eh… I really don’t know this, after all, I haven’t fought, and no one can casually make up their minds, right? Moreover, I don’t know much about the armament configuration of that ship. ”

“Captain!!” Outside the bridge, Glassman’s voice suddenly sounded, and then the sound of hurried footsteps was heard.

“Captain, did you see that ship just now!” Glassman came to Lin Ziyun and said excitedly, his hands still gesturing in the air, as if he was carefully describing him.

“See, see! How could such a large ship not be seen. Lin Ziyun said speechlessly, he was not blind, “You don’t go to the Three Treasures Hall for anything, let’s say, what are you doing?” ”

“Hehe, Captain, you really know me.” Glassman smiled cheaply, and Lin Ziyun got goosebumps when he saw it.

“Get down to business, kick you out without saying it.”

“Hehe, I heard that you have a good relationship with those aliens, so I want you to take me to see that ship.” Glassman rubbed his hands and said with a smile.

“That’s it? OK, wrap it on me! Lin Ziyun patted his chest and said, and he had this plan.

Of course, this visit is not just a casual look, it is definitely to find an opportunity to have a grand technical exchange with Xingling, although their own technology here is not much, but they definitely have what they can see.

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