Docked inside the Marathon-class cruiser docked at Klein’s secret base, Lin Ziyun looked at the current time, “It’s been almost two hours, why haven’t they come back yet.” ”

This time he was really a little worried about the safety of the four Spartans, although they could easily beat hundreds of people in land battle, but this time the situation was different, after stealing the Gundam, they had to start a war Gundam into the universe, and then they had to shake off the tracking and then meet here when they came back, in case they were blocked in the universe, judging from their experience of not driving the Gundam at all, it was very likely that they were not Zaft’s opponents.

After another ten minutes, Lin Ziyun finally saw a black-gray Gundam enter the base and fly towards the marathon level, and the stone in his heart was finally put down.

When the Gundam landed, the members of the Osiris squad, caught in the huge mechanical palm, jumped down, and the height of more than ten meters was about a few centimeters to them.

“Captain, mission accomplished.” Captain James came to Lin Ziyun and saluted and said.

“You guys have worked hard, go down and rest.” Lin Ziyun said with concern to the members of the Osiris team, and then looked at Harak, who had already been transferred from the Endless on the side, “This mech will be handed over to you next.” ”

“Wha~~” Harak let out their standard whimpering sound and floated towards the room Lin Ziyun had specially prepared for it, and behind it, Edward, who was still in the cab, controlled Gundam and followed.

Edward in the cab sighed slightly, “Hey ~ It’s a pity, this handsome big robot is in its hands, it can be sure that there is absolutely no good ending, if you have money in the future, I really want to buy one as a collectible.” ”

Although he has only been driving for less than an hour, he still likes these tall and handsome robots, although they are a little behind.

“It’s not early, let’s not go back, let’s just rest here.” Lin Ziyun said towards Lax, who nodded.


On the other side, in a luxurious office at Zaft’s headquarters, Patrick Sarah held the PDA that his subordinates had just handed in his hand, looking at the information displayed in it and some surveillance video.

Bang! Just after reading it, Patrick angrily slammed the PDA in his hand, and the PDA instantly fell apart, “Check! Find it out for me! Especially those people in the Ministry of Scientific Research, don’t let any of them go, I want to see who leaked the secret, and those four damn thieves, I want to know who they really are! “

The subordinate standing in front of the desk spoke: “They are members of the Earth Army, and the surveillance video shows that they have the Earth Army badge on their shoulders.” ”

Bang! Patrick’s anger soared again, and his right hand slammed the table, of course, this time his anger was not because the Earth Army had stolen his treasure, but because he was angry by his stupid subordinates.

“Are you blind to me, do you think I didn’t notice it when I just watched the surveillance video? Do you think the Earth Army has such a great ability to run under our noses and do things, huh?! The other party obviously wants to blame the Earth Army. ”

“Yes, subordinates understand.”

“Understood, don’t hurry up and convey my orders! Why are you standing here stupidly, asking me to stay and invite you to tea?!” The officer, who was frightened by Patrick, snorted his feet and ran quickly towards the door.

Patrick slumps limply in his seat, his eyes bloodshot, his son is missing, his newly developed Gundam has been stolen, and the recent bad news has come one after another, preventing him from resting.

Early the next morning, the Marathon-class cruiser in the secret base of the Klein faction set sail again, this time with one more passenger, in addition to the ship’s full supplies, that is, Harak, who had worked all night yesterday.

At this time, Lin Ziyun and Lax had already gone home, and because of the theft of Gundam yesterday, Shigel left early in the morning and went to the headquarters to participate in the council, so there were only Lin Ziyun and Lax in the living room.

The table in front of the two was full of rich breakfast, but the two did not start eating now, but sat on their seats and waited quietly, and after a while, the door in the hall was opened, and four people wearing Mjolnir power armor walked in.

“Has the Divine Will Gundam returned?” Seeing the four people who came in, Lin Ziyun asked.

“I went back, but because Zaft’s research institute is now heavily guarded, we can’t transport it in, so we can only find a roadside close to their headquarters and throw it there.”

“Very good, hard work everyone, sit down and eat breakfast.” Lin Ziyun nodded and ordered them to sit down. He can say before that if he borrows it, he will definitely pay it back, so naturally he can’t break his word.

Listening to the conversation between the two of them, Lax next to her felt a burst of amusement, she clearly knew what the Divine Will Gundam experienced last night, if Patrick found the Divine Will Gundam lying on the side of the road, he would definitely be angry, maybe he would cry angrily.

In fact, Lax only guessed half right, Patrick was indeed angry, but did not cry, but directly fainted by anger after listening to the news from his subordinates, and is now lying in the hospital.


On a street near Zaft’s headquarters, a police cordon was pulled up, and a group of civilians gathered outside the cordon, pointing inside, only to see a pile of randomly placed metal and several trucks full of metal ready to leave in the cordon, and a huge robot head could be seen in the center of the metal pile.

Yes, this pile of metal objects is the stolen Divine Will Gundam yesterday, but at this time, it is a bit miserable, except for the head, the rest of the body has been disassembled into parts of different sizes.

(Divine Will Gundam: MMP, the devil knows what I went through last night.) )

If you look closely, you can also find that on the driver’s seat in the metal pile, the words ‘Edward Barker is here’ are impressively engraved.

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