In the conference room of the Endless Fleet’s flagship Endless, Lin Ziyun, Lax, Kira and others were sitting here, and unlike the four Kira who were full of nervousness, Lin Ziyun and Lax were on the side.

Aslan next to him is uncomfortable, although he has nothing to do with her, and he also has a girl he likes, but he was still his fiancée before.

Half an hour later, during this time, a group of people wearing UNSC naval captains’ uniforms came into the conference room one after another, a total of about two dozen men and women, these were the captains of all ships except those who were assisting in the construction of the A1 zone.

Seeing that everyone had arrived, Lin Ziyun looked square, “Everyone, I summoned you here this time to discuss an important matter, which is related to our next direction, so I asked everyone to discuss together.” ”

“Please tell the commander what is important?” Kate Vitra, the captain of the New Age aircraft carrier, took the lead and said that he was the highest-ranking officer here besides Lin Ziyun.

A group of people looked seriously at Lin Ziyun, who was sitting in the front position, waiting for him to follow.

“That’s right, as you know, we got some help from our friends from the Klein faction, and using the materials we got from them, we began to build a port in the A1 zone, but due to various factors, after this port is completed, it can only dock ships below the kilometer level at most, which means that when we want to upgrade our warships in the future, we can only upgrade frigates and destroyers, and the capital ships will be gone.”

After speaking, Lin Ziyun pointed to Kajiali next to him, “But this Miss Carni promised to help us solve this problem.” ”

“May I ask Miss Carni, who are you, and why are you helping us, and what are the conditions?” As Kate Vitra’s words fell, the eyes of the other two dozen captains were focused on Kajiari.

Being watched by so many high-ranking officers, Kajiali was a little nervous, “I am the daughter and only heir of the Lord of the Earth Aube Country, as long as you are willing to help me stop this war, I will inherit the throne of the Lord of the Kingdom and allow you to build large ports in my country, and I will also provide you with some supplies.” ”

Kate Vitra nodded, “The conditions are indeed tempting, but there are also certain risks, if we help you, it is equivalent to exposing us to the eyes of other forces on the earth, with human greed, seeing that we have such a high level of science and technology, we will definitely try our best to get it, which is equivalent to us facing the threat of force from other forces on the earth except Obu.” ”

Kate Vitra is not at the expense of being the tallest officer here, and immediately thought of the pros and cons.

Lin Ziyun nodded, “This is also the reason why I summoned everyone here, help or not, I want to hear your opinions.” ”

As soon as the words fell, everyone began to exchange ears, whispering to discuss this with the colleagues next to them, and ten minutes later, the first to speak was the captain of the Late Autumn Class No. 1 ship, Ruth Ogra.

“I think we should make a move, and it is undeniable that it is a bit of a problem for us to face the forces of the whole earth, but it is only a little trouble, and we do need such a large port to work for us now.”

The other captains nodded silently when they heard this.

“Captain Kate Vitra, what do you think?” Lin Ziyun asked Kate Vitra, who had been in the army for the longest time.

“I agree with Captain Ruth, we do need such a large port, but in the end it is up to you, we will always follow in your footsteps, even if you want us to point our guns at UEG (Earth Coalition Government) we will not hesitate, so it is up to you to decide.”

Hearing this, Lin Ziyun was moved, and for the first time showed gratitude to this group of people, “Thank you for your support, and thank you for your support for me, actually everyone wants me to decide, then my answer is to choose to help her.” ”

Before, he had a more or less ‘oh, they were just helping their NPCs’ for the people of UNSC, but now it was different, after this incident, Lin Ziyun had treated them as his own family.

“Now my order is that the A1 zone and the ships carrying out the construction work in the special zone remain unchanged, the Endless Fleet Endless continues to collect supplies with the Marathon, and the late autumn Nos. 1, 2, and 3, as well as ten Paris-class, five Firm-class, five Double-edged Sword-class, and seven Halberd-class remain in the Endless Fleet.”

“The New Age aircraft carrier led two Paris-class, five Steadfast-class, and six Halberd-class ships to form the New Age fleet to the abandoned L4 colonial satellite, rendezvous with the Archangel over there, and assist them in their operations.” After Lin Ziyun finished speaking, he looked at Kate Vitra seriously, “You are all responsible for fleet operations, please this time, Captain Kate.” ”

“Yes! Commander. ”

In the port of the abandoned L4 colonial satellite, many busy figures can be seen at this time, and orange Gundam is flying towards the two ships docked in the airport with huge boxes.

These two ships are the Archangel and the Grass Pheasant, and these orange Gundam were also brought by the Grass Pheasant from the Dawning Society, and these mechs are all their possessions.

In the meteorite belt outside the L4 colony satellite, a patrol of three Gundam aircraft is patrolling.

The pilot of one of the Gundam turned on the communication and said, “Princess Kajiali has been gone for several days, and I don’t know how it is now, I am so worried.” “

“Julie, don’t worry, I believe Princess Carrie will be fine, let’s go back to the handover after touring here.” Another pilot spoke.

(PS: These three are MS pilots from the Dawning Society, and many people must remember the three girls who are quite beautiful, they are them).

A few minutes later, when they left the meteorite belt and were about to enter the port of L4, dozens of lights suddenly lit up not far away.

“Look, what is that!?”

As soon as Julie’s words were finished, more than a dozen huge warships flew out of the bright light, and all the warships flew towards L4 in unison.

PS: I have something to go out for a while today, so I sent two chapters in advance, and today it is gone.

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