(Sorry, I confused the weapons of the Hentai before, I used the entire column of Type 2551 magnetic acceleration guns as fixed-point defense turrets, M85 sickles as fixed-point defense turrets, and Type 2551 is a powerful ship-to-ship turret that can severely damage CCS-class cruisers with one hit.) )

Three months have passed since the end of the war, during which time countries are rebuilding after the war, especially in countries like Aube that have been at war on their own soil.

The A1 special zone far outside the solar system is also in full swing, and the speed of construction surprised Lin Ziyun, and now it is almost at the end, and I believe it will be put into use in a few months.

In the A2 zone (Aubu), it is relatively slow, because the amount of work in the A2 special zone is too large, at least ten times larger than A1, and it has just begun to be built, even with the large resources and equipment provided by PLANT and Aubu, it will take at least two years to complete!

Lin Ziyun did not have the patience to wait so long, so Lin Ziyun ordered all the construction teams to build a dock that could accommodate the Endless first, and then its port building was built after the dock was completed.

The construction team that received the order began to work 24 hours a day in three shifts, and finally completed the prototype of the dock within three months.

On this day, Lin Ziyun came to the bridge of the Endless as usual to check the situation and process some documents by the way.

At this time, Deputy Captain Mirey came to him, “Report to the captain, there is news from the Osiris squad, claiming to have found the target. ”

“Very good, tell them to stand by first, wait for support, and at the same time order a destroyer and a Hell paratrooper special force to support them.” Lin Ziyun nodded.

Since the genetic modification technology has not yet completed reverse engineering, some time ago, Lin Ziyun ordered the Osiris team to set out to find the Earth Army’s secret breeding base for strengthening people, and after several weeks, they finally found the secret base.

“But will that break the peace agreement?” After all, sending warships and troops to launch military operations in the territory of other countries is tantamount to declaring war on other countries.

Lin Ziyun chuckled disdainfully, “Breaking the peace agreement? Such an inhumane experiment, when we find it, they naturally dare not admit that it is theirs, and they will definitely push it on the heads of terrorists, and then thank us for taking up a terrorist base. ”

Sure enough, in the news the next day, a certain country thanked UNSC troops for destroying a secret terrorist base in his country, and there were a large number of children who had disappeared and been kidnapped some time ago.

Lin Ziyun sneered at the attitude of that such and such country, so a certain sentence of the Celestial Empire is true, ‘the biggest rogue in a country is the government of that country’, but the government of this country is not a rogue, but a terrorist.

On the third day, the Osiris team returned to A2 on the destroyer, returning with a group of teenage children.

“Captain, these children have been fortified with drugs, and they do not have identification in that country, they are not accepted, I can only bring them back.” James Rock introduced Lin Ziyun.

Lin Ziyun’s gaze glanced at the group of children, and suddenly found a familiar figure, short golden hair, seemingly petite and weak body, squatting in the crowd with his hands and legs, with a helpless expression on his face like the other children.

Stella Russier! The character who appeared in the second season of Gundam SEED, a supporting actress with tragic colors, although she appeared as a villain, Lin Ziyun liked this female character who sometimes felt dumb when watching anime.

Lin Ziyun came to her, squatted down gently, and asked softly, “What’s your name?” “Although I know what her name is, the devil knows if the name ‘Stella’ is her real name, in case it is the name given to her by the later organization.

“Stella Rusière~” Stella looked up at the man in front of her, and then whispered her name, if it weren’t for Lin Ziyun’s good ear power, it is estimated that she would not be able to hear what she was saying.

“Stella? It’s a nice name, then, Stella, from now on you will follow me. ”

“Order at this time?”

“At this time, I don’t know if you want to follow me.” Lin Ziyun shook his head and stretched out his right hand in front of her, waiting for her answer.

Stella looked at the broad palm in front of her, hesitated for a while, and finally put her lower hand on it, Lin Ziyun gently pulled her up and pulled her to board the Pelican transport plane together.

When the transport plane was about to start, Lin Ziyun said to James: “Give these other children to Ob, they should be willing to accept these people, and then give the information in your hands to the group of scientists.” ”

“Yes! Captain! ”

Lin Ziyun, who left the ground and came to the Endless Ship, took Stella to the medical department, and said to the doctor in the medical department: “Help her do the repair operation.” ”

Although the strengthened Stella is several times stronger than ordinary people, after being strengthened, she also carries a great physical burden, and if she is not treated in time, I am afraid that she will not live for a few years.

Suddenly brought into the room full of medical equipment, Stella inevitably felt a little uneasy, because she had been to the same place before, where she suffered so much that she could not forget.

Lin Ziyun saw the uneasiness on her face, and comforted softly: “Don’t be afraid, it’s just to make you change back to an ordinary girl, and it won’t take too long, it won’t hurt, you just need to sleep.” ”

“Can you stay with me?” Stella grabbed his hand.

“Of course.” Lin Ziyun gently carried her to the bed and gave her a look at the doctor next to her, who nodded and began to operate on the computer.

A mechanical arm above the bed was activated, a needle was gently inserted into Stella’s neck, and the drug in the needle quickly worked, causing Stella to faint, and the robotic arm began to move on Stella.

At this moment, the door of the medical room was opened, and Lax walked towards Lin Ziyun, looking at Stella on the bed, “I heard that you brought back a girl?” Is it her? ”

“That’s right, a very poor little girl. How, are you jealous? Lin Ziyun teased.

“No, I’m just curious which girl wants our Captain Lin to receive it personally, so I came to take a look, you know, people didn’t have this treatment in the first place.”

Hey, aren’t you jealous? Lin Ziyun slandered.

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