“Back, but now he’s experimenting on Europa.” Roland nodded in reply.

“What experiments is he doing on drums again?” Lin Ziyun asked a little uneasily, the last time he conducted an experiment, he not only destroyed the jump engine of a Determination-class frigate, but also created a super bomb.

“This time he was a lot more honest, did not go to do any super bomb, I heard that he was doing a simulated wormhole experiment, I don’t know the specific situation, you also know that I am a war management AI, not a scientist, I don’t understand or be interested in that kind of thing.” Roland shrugged.

“AI, you are actually AI? Are your AIs all so smart? Wang Liumei, who had been standing by the side without speaking, was surprised.

She had always thought that Roland was a holographic projection of a person, and she wondered why there were people wearing World War II flight suits, but she didn’t expect it to be AI.

“If it were a fake AI, who would wear such corny clothes if it were a human?” Roland complained to himself.

“You still know that you look very old-fashioned, so why did you choose this look in the first place?” Lin Ziyun said speechlessly.

From the birth of intelligent AIs, they will choose their appearance according to their own preferences, which is beyond the control of humans.

Scientists have said that after choosing an image, they can change it at will, but for some reason, no AI has ever changed it after choosing an image.

“Even if it looks like dirt, it’s a character I like, okay.”

Lin Ziyun shook his head when he heard this, and did not intend to continue withdrawing on this topic, “How is the situation recently, I mean the other side of the wormhole.” ”

Roland shrugged, “It’s still the same old way, tried a lot of methods but can’t know the situation on the other side, all the drones launched in the past have lost their signal, and I don’t know why, this ‘door’ is obviously always open, why is the signal isolated?” ”

“Did Dr. Glassman say anything?”

“No, he can’t figure out why that’s happening.”

“I would rather suggest sending a firepower team to investigate.” At this time, Sarah Palmer came to the bridge at some point.

Lin Ziyun shook his head and vetoed: “I refuse, this is too dangerous, we now know too little about the alien species over there, and we don’t know if they can be assimilated through the shield, if they can, then the Spartan warriors are in danger.” ”

“What are you talking about? What wormholes, alien species? I’m a little confused to listen. The information was too big, and Wang Liumei didn’t react for a while.

Lin Ziyun came to the holographic platform, clicked a few times on it, and he pointed to the wormhole on the holographic platform and said: “This is it, and the alien species we are talking about is on the opposite side of it.” ”

Wang Liumei looked at the wormhole, not knowing what to say for a while, before I thought that aliens were too far away from them, but I didn’t expect that not long after I finished speaking, a group of people popped up here.

This smacks in the face simply not too fast.

“You’re here to study the aliens on the other side?”

Lin Ziyun shook his head and said: “No, no, no, you are mistaken, just now we said that all the probes we launched have lost contact, and we can’t study if we want to, not to mention that we are most interested in this wormhole itself, not the aliens on the opposite side.” ”

Wang Liumei looked at the wormhole on the holographic platform and said uneasily: “When did you find out, why don’t you make the news public, in case the aliens on the opposite side come, it will be too late by then.” ”

For Wang Liumei, no, it should be said that for the human beings in this world, due to a series of movies about aliens and hours of brainwashing, now ‘aliens’ represent high-tech civilizations, invaders of the earth, and the invincible existence of the earthlings in their eyes.

“Why the public news? Now that human beings themselves are so infighting, telling them will only make the situation more tense, and they may even be treated as crazy. ”

“What’s more, there are tall people with tall tops falling down from the sky, aren’t we still here.” Lin Ziyun patted her shoulder and comforted.

When Wang Liumei heard this, although she was still a little uneasy, it was still much better than before, Lin Ziyun saw that she was not worried about these things, and began to take her to stroll around on the Endless Number.

Next, Lin Ziyun stayed on the Endless for one night, and left with Wang Liumei early the next morning to return to Earth.

Lin Ziyun stood at the door, but he did not immediately open the door, but instead had a pained expression, “I said, you don’t go back to Huaxia well, but follow me home, you shouldn’t be relying on me.” ”

“You are too shameful to speak, how can I call you Lai, I followed you not because of your fault, if you hadn’t stolen my private aircraft, I would have been able to go home a long time ago, and now I can only find a place to wait for my family to pick up.”

Well, well, Lin Ziyun remembered, there was indeed a pink flying machine on the Firm-class frigate, and because that flying machine was an atmospheric aircraft, there was no way to fly in the universe, so Lin Ziyun put it there.

“Okay, I’ll ask someone to send it back sometime.” Lin Ziyun opened the gate and walked in, “Two of you, go forward.” ”

“I don’t want that thing, I prefer that you can give me a Pelican.” Wang Liumei stepped out and walked inside.

“Your broken flying machine wants to change the pelican, I’m afraid you haven’t woken up yet.” Lin Ziyun raised his eyebrows and directly vetoed it.

An atmospheric aircraft for a pelican, fools can do this kind of thing, you must know that the pelicans equipped in the Endless are the latest development, can make short-range jumps, just the cost will throw that aircraft hundreds of streets.

“It’s really petty, isn’t it just a pelican, you have so much, give one will die.” Wang Liumei still doesn’t want to give up the Pelicans.

“Lin Ziyun, you’re back.” At this time, Louis, who was sitting in the living room watching TV, noticed the situation at the door.

Louis will be at home, Lin Ziyun has become accustomed to it, after all, she will stay here nine out of ten days.

“Well, I’m back.”

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