I Play DC Hero In Marvel

Chapter 334 Give up the struggling Kart!

"it is my turn?"

Carter's face was fierce.

It is conceivable that he has long been unhappy with Superman.

Crucially, he wasn't the Super Skulls that Superman had killed before.

Kart is not only the leader of the Skrulls, but also recognized as the strongest warrior among the Skrulls.

Even putting aside the power he possesses, surpassing Captain Marvel's Carol Danvers, he's also the strongest Skrull warrior.

Of course, at this time, the power Superman showed was beyond everyone's expectations, including Carter.

He was horrified, but he didn't say that in the face of Superman, he was willing to bow his head and admit defeat.

If you can't beat it, do you have a chance to escape?


"Don't think killing them makes me feel scared."

Carter clenched his fists, his fierce aura broke his body, and the terrifying energy emanating from his body created a fierce air current, accompanied by golden light waves, spreading out overwhelmingly.

"Indeed, Superman, I admit that you are very powerful, and I can't stop you, kill them one by one!"

"But if you think that you want to win me, it is a matter of 100 percent, then you are wrong!"

"Big mistake!"

His voice was low, reaching Superman's ears.

Boom boom boom!

Immediately afterwards, a thunderous vibration resounded.

In the azure blue sky, the fierce airflow rolled backwards, clawing its teeth and claws like a hurricane.

The wind and waves burst out with a piercing sound of breaking the air, just like in a thunderstorm, countless thunders roared in the clouds, and the whole city fell into a stage of precariousness.


This sudden storm was like a slap, slapped on the faces of many members of the Justice League.

They saw the brief confrontation between Carter and Superman, and the expressions on their faces changed slightly, revealing a trace of solemnity.

Obviously, the ability that Carter showed at this time was also somewhat beyond their expectations.

This powerful Super Skrull leader seems to have the ability to fight Superman.

Not just them.

Even the citizens of this city, as well as others who saw this scene across the screen, felt that this Super Skrull leader seemed to be hiding some powerful means for him to fight against Superman. bit.


They quickly learned that their thinking was wrong.

As Carter said.

Big mistake.


Carter ended his roar, and just as he was about to act, his eyes blurred for a moment.


A shock wave instantly swayed behind Superman, and the speed instantly surpassed the speed of sound, like a flash of lightning, killing Carter in front of him, and a casserole-like fist landed on the latter's left cheek.

He started.

However, Superman did not use any special means, but used pure physicality to forcibly suppress Carter, so as to let Carter know how big the gap between the two is.


Carter's thoughts reacted.

As before.

He saw that Superman's figure became blurred, and he knew that Superman was killing him, but he couldn't control the actions of his body, react quickly, and his mind and body couldn't achieve unity.

To put it bluntly, he was too slow.

boom! !

Unprecedented strength fell on Carter's cheek.

The next second, with his head down, an upside down, like a meteorite, fell from the sky and was smashed into the ground.

Ka Ka Ka Ka Ka Ka Ka!

The ground shook for a moment, as if a natural disaster was coming, and the huge meteorite-like potholes made people feel cold.

The strong impact caused dense cracks in the ground.

The deep gap covered the pothole and spread to the entire street, and even the corners of the building were replaced by cracks, giving people a shaky feeling, which was quite terrifying.

But at this moment, everyone's eyes will not be on the aftermath of the battle at all.

They have their eyes on Superman.


I saw Superman descend from the sky and come to the center of the pothole, which is also the deepest place, where Carter is located.

At this time, Carter was standing up swayingly, blood stained his blond hair.

Under the heavy punch of Superman, he was covered in blood and was extremely miserable.

Looking at the face that was supposed to belong to Carol Danvers, Superman was expressionless.

"You have a lot of confidence in Carol Danvers."

"Because you think Carol Danvers is a rare powerhouse in this universe. With her power, you can help you dominate the earth..."

"But you were wrong."

"I'm stronger than her."

Superman spoke slowly.

After speaking, he acted again.

Carter had no way of capturing his movements, let alone reacting.


Superman kick, bottom up.

Carter was kicked by this kick and flew to the other side of the sky.


Immediately after, Superman rose into the air, rising like a rocket.

He came to Carter, who was forced to rise under his own attack, kept relatively still, and punched again.


Carter was hit hard and returned to the hole he had just smashed a few seconds ago.

After a short fight, he completely recognized the truth.

Not only is he not the opponent of Superman, but in the face of Superman, it is difficult for him to even escape.

"Cough, cough, cough!"

Carter coughed violently.

He could feel that his internal organs had been shattered into slag under the continuous blows of Superman.

Physical strength and life are passing quickly.

The energy that he can use is also getting weaker and weaker with the passage of spirit.

"I lost?"

Carter looked up at the sky and looked at Superman suspended in mid-air, looking down at him.

A wry smile suddenly appeared.

He had been lurking on Earth for so many years and had made so many preparations. He thought that his actions were guaranteed, but he fell on a guy who had never appeared before, and had never been in his heart.


Thinking of the two key figures who put him in a desperate situation, Carter opened his arms and lay on his back in the pothole, his eyes were absent, and his pupils gradually lost focus.

There is no hatred.

Everything seems to be taken for granted.

He gave up struggling.

Just like before, those of his Super Skrulls gave up their resistance and chose to escape.

Only after he really faced Superman could he understand the despair of those previous companions.

A mountain that can never be climbed.


Such a man would actually appear on Earth, a remote planet of life.

Who would have thought of such a thing?

Just as Carter never thought at the beginning, the earth would give birth to Captain Marvel, Carol Danvers, a strong man who could push back the Kree army.


Superman catches Carter's heart stop and transforms back into the green-skinned Skrull, knowing that the creature has lost his life.

At this moment, the whole city cheered violently.


"God of the world!"

In this incident, apart from the two streets that were destroyed due to the battle, and the two cracks that spread at the bottom of the high-rise buildings, there was no loss.

I have to say, this is a miracle.


The much-anticipated Superman ignored Carter's corpse, vacated to a certain rooftop, and greeted all the members of the Alliance who were stunned after watching the entire process.


Superman smiled and said, "I think that bat has already introduced me to you."

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