
“Why did Hua Xiaoyou still come out!”

“Two seniors, please rest assured, Brother Hua is resourceful, and his mind is far beyond me, and he will be fine!”

At this time, because of the previous agreement, under the leadership of the two Terran bosses, everyone had already left the Eastern Fortress and was located on a relatively safe mountain that had been agreed earlier.

However, at this moment, as time passed, everyone present became more and more worried, because Hua Yi was the greatest hope of their Terran race.

It can be said that even if they all die, it doesn’t matter, as long as Hua Yi is still there, this Terran will not die!!

After waiting and waiting, the two Terran bigwigs were already more and more anxious, and the Sun Saint Son didn’t know how many times he went to comfort him.

But at this time, there was a muffled gourd sitting on the side, and the ice-faced sword Wuchen suddenly stood up, and then his sharp eyes flashed.

“He’s coming!”


Upon hearing this, everyone at the scene was very excited, and Bai Lengxue Changsun Wujian also stood up, and then saw a golden light suddenly flying in the sky in front of him.

Falling, it is no one else, it is Hua Yi, who has also changed into the appearance of the Moon Clan.

“Easy !!!”

Bai Lengxue threw herself into Hua Yi’s arms without hesitation, sprinkling dog food on the spot.

And Hua Yi lightly patted the jade back of the beauty, a hint of a smile appeared on her handsome face, and then without hesitation, she changed hands and lost an ink-colored ring to the two Terran bigwigs.

“Brother Hua, what are you doing here? How did it take so long!?”

“Yes, Hua Yi, why do you act alone without saying a word, this is too dangerous!!”

At this time, the Sun Saint Son and Changsun Wujian all came forward to inquire, and upon hearing this, Hua Yi showed a playful smile on his face, and then turned his head to look at the two Terran bigwigs who were checking the ink-colored ring, and said lightly.

“It’s nothing, it’s all coming, you can’t come for nothing, engage in a little side business, and bring a little gift for our Terrans!”

“Little gift!?”

Upon hearing this, everyone on the spot was confused, not knowing what was going on, but in the next second, the two Terran bigwigs suddenly remembered the exclamations of the two Terran bigwigs next to them.

“Oh my God!! O Emperor!! This is the teleportation array! Illustration of the construction of the teleportation array!! ”

“Spirit Stone Cannon! And the Spirit Stone Cannon!! Even the Moon Clan’s war machine has it, and there are countless Moon Clan’s latest scientific research secrets inside!! ”

At this moment, the two Terran bigwigs trembled with excitement, and even burst into tears with excitement! ! !

“Little friend! Little friend, you have done great things for my Terran again!! ”

“Spirit stone cannons, teleportation arrays, as well as war machines, border mechs, with these our Terrans can be more powerful!!!”

The two Terran elders were already incoherent with excitement at this time, while the Sun Saint Son on the side was dumbfounded and their mouths were dumbfounded.

“Brother Hua, did you say you went to engage in a side hustle!?”

“You brought all the valuable secrets of the Moon Clan!?”

Everyone looked at Hua Yi with a confused expression, and Hua Yi also smiled faintly: “That’s exactly the case, the Moon Clan’s existing and still in scientific research are basically taken!” ”

– Hiss!!!!!

Yes, just this sentence, everyone at the scene gasped, you must know that Hua Yi did a big deal this time.

He almost took all the heritage of the Moon One Clan!!

It is no false claim that technology can change destiny.

In the Immortal Ancient Era millions of years ago, in addition to being immortal, the immortals also had immortal mecha that was incomparably powerful, which could copy the Avenue of Heaven and Earth!

“Hua: Brother Hua: You are too risky, fortunately now you have returned safely, if you are found by the Yue Clan, you must be crushed into pieces!! ”

At this moment, the Sun Saint Son opened his tongue, faintly revealing the excitement of speechless people, but Hua Yi, who heard this, smiled lightly.

“That being said, haven’t I come back safely?”

“Yes, yes, Brother Hua, you are a great hero of our Terran race, this time can be said to have made great achievements for our Terran race!!!

The Sun Saint Son nodded like pounding garlic, the sword was dustless, and the eldest grandson was without a trace, and they were all very happy.

“Hahahaha, with these advanced technologies and powerful methods, the overall strength of our Terran will increase for almost half an era, and this time to deal with the arrival of the catastrophe, our Terran will be more confident again!”

“Well, without further ado, this place is extraterritorial after all, it is not very safe, let’s go!”

Now that the Terrans have peerless geniuses such as Hua Yi, and they have the best war technology among the ten races of the Moon Clan, this can make the two Terran bigwigs laugh happily.

And one of the big guys waved his hand, and then led them into a beam of streamers, shooting towards the Terran border.

The surrounding atmosphere emitted explosive sound waves, and you can imagine how fast they were this time.

Three million miles, it may be far away on the earth, but in the fantasy world, it is fleeting, and soon, in less than half an hour, the two Terran bigwigs have already returned to the Terran border with Hua Yi.

In front of him, the vast Great Wall of Stars is monopolized for eternity, towering over the border that stretches for hundreds of millions of miles, guarding the Terrans and protecting them from foreign races and foreign races.

At this moment, above the Great Wall of the Star River, countless Terran guards were patrolling back and forth with blades in hand, paying close attention to all movements in this outer region.

But at this moment, I saw the border outside the region, in the vast red firmament, suddenly burst a shining beam, and then instantly fell on the vast Great Wall of the galaxy.

“What man!”

“What man!!”

Countless soldiers hurriedly gathered over, and one by one they were shocked.

Then at this time, I saw two Terran bigwigs in the golden light, as well as Hua Yi’s figures.

“My lord! It’s two adults!! ”

“Meet the two adults, as well as the Tianjiao who went to participate in the Tianjiao Ten Races Assembly.”

Because this time the leader of the rotation guard happened to be the leader who went to the foreign land in the past, opened the ancient teleportation array, and escorted them forward.

Therefore, when he saw the two Terran bigwigs and the return of the Tianjiao Holy Son, they hurried forward to salute, because these were the future hopes of their Terrans.

However, seeing this scene, the two bigwigs looked anxious and did not talk nonsense with him, and directly opened their mouths and ordered.

“You can summon an order now, notify those old guys to come to Tianjiao Academy, as much notice as you can, it’s too far away to notify, remember, time is urgent, you must do as soon as possible!”

“It’s two adults!!”

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